First out of class essay


English 28: Essay #1: 1st Out of Class Essay

“A Descriptive Narrative”

Description and narration are at the heart of all writing. If we cannot describe things and tell stories (it is hard to do one without the other), then we would have nothing to write. These are the tools that allow us to approach other structures—the tools which allow us to put our own thoughts and personalities into writing. In other words, description is where we have fun! There is nothing more interesting and creative than our ability to describe things clearly. We should play with it and really get good at it. Then when we need it, we will have the ability.

Essay Objective:

Write a well-developed descriptive or narrative essay that clearly supports a thesis with details and examples.

Use effective pre-writing, composing, and revising of the essay.

Essay Topics (choose one):


What has been the most challenging and life-changing event in your life? Remember and brainstorm this event as clearly as you can by noting special details on scratch paper. Write an essay that describes what led up to this event, what happened, and how you reacted to the event. Explain why this experience was so challenging and/or life-changing.


Write an essay that identifies the most important qualities in a friend. Explain how each quality is important to a meaningful and fulfilling friendship.


Rhetorical Approach: Using descriptive details to tell a story or explain an idea.

Primary voice is 1 st or 3 rd person—no 2 nd person (you).

Use vivid language, utilizing metaphors, similes, and even dialogue when needed.

 Review the questions on “Rewriting” on pages 56 and 111.


2-3 pages, Times New Roman or Arial, 12 pt. font

Use MLA format

4 copies of the rough draft—due Thursday, September 12 for peer review . Do not email if absent, in class activity.

Final draft—due Tuesday, September 17.

Any form of plagiarism will result in an “F” grade for the paper.
