Sustainable Energy Industry Association of Pacific Islands (SEIAPI) PEAG 2015 Bruce Clay SEIAPI Treasurer Background • Formation and Development of SEIAPI has followed the experience in the development of the Australian Industry Associations. (Solar Energy Industry Association early 1990’s through to the now very successful Clean Energy Council). • While conducting training courses for the World Bank/GEF Sustainable Energy Finance Program (2008 and 2009) Global Sustainable Energy Solutions(GSES) was asked could they help introduce a solar technician accreditation program similar to that in Australia. That scheme was operated by the CEC (industry association) REEEP and SPREP Funding In 2010 GSES was successful in obtaining funding support for a 2 year project to : Form an Association Introduce a industry based technician certification program Activities Undertaken in 2010 Visit to countries discussing the association with potential members.(May June July) Developed a survey regarding whether industry wanted an association and if so, how much should membership be? what should it do etc? (July) Conducted workshops in Fiji (August) and Pohnpei (September). Executive Committee formed and first meeting conducted in Guam (November) Executive Committee-First Meeting Nov 2010 in Guam Nominated after initial meetings held in Suva and in Pohnpei President: Peter Konings (Pohnpei-FSM) Vice-President North Pacific: Faustino Yangmog- (Yap-FSM) Vice President South Pacific: David Iro Fulaga (Solomons) Treasurer: Bruce Clay – (Fiji) Secretary: Fred N. Skilling (Kosrae- FSM) Ordinary Members: Nick Ritsinias – (Vanuatu) Vaughn Columbus- (Fiji) Eric Kerres- (Vanuatu) First Executive Committee Meeting Finalised Rules of Association Mission Objectives Memberships Executive Committee Prepared outline of business plan Discussed the certification of industry certification of technician program and decided that it should be Certification of Technicians Accreditation of Companies Proposed where association should be registered Developed Code of Conduct of Membership Mission To create an enabling environment for the future growth of sustainable energy technologies and their applications in the Pacific Islands Objectives and Purpose a. To raise the profile of the sustainable energy industry within the Pacific Islands. b. To provide for and facilitate the easy exchange of sustainable energy information for members and the Pacific Island people. c. To promote the widespread use and understanding of renewable energy and energy efficiency. d. To adopt and promote standards and environmentally sound practices for sustainable energy products and services including the installations and implementation of products and services. Objectives and Purpose e. To promote the development of quality training for the industry. f. To provide a code of ethics for members to abide by. g. To foster relationships with relevant government ministries and departments to promote the use of sustainable energy. h. To foster relationships with multi-lateral and bilateral donors involved in projects in the Pacific Islands Objectives and Purpose g. To foster relationships with other regional organisations operating in the Pacific Islands h. To act as a lobby group on sustainable energy issues. i. To foster relationships with regional and international organisations with similar interests. j. Such other functions as are considered appropriate in relation to the promotion and development of sustainable energy in the Pacific Islands Membership Industry Member: Business entities and utilities providing sustainable energy goods and services and which are registered in a Pacific Island Country or Territory–Fee US$200 per year Associate Member: Education institutions (e.g. Universities and technical colleges) , Business entities involved with providing sustainable energy goods and services but registered outside of the region (e.g. equipment suppliers, consultancy firms) and Individual persons interested in sustainable energy Fee: US$200 per year Honorary Member: Pacific Island energy related government department; pacific regional agencies, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors and NGO’s Fee: Free Membership of Executive Committee 9 Members comprising 8 Members of the executive committee shall be from Industry Members 1 Member of the executive committee shall be from Associate Members Membership of Executive Committee A minimum of 3 executive committee members shall be from the north Pacific region and a minimum of 3 executive committee members shall be from the south Pacific region. Executive Committee Structure President Vice President (North Pacific) Vice President (South Pacific) Secretary Treasurer 4 ordinary members Ideal Office Structure Two Offices—one North One South Executive Director (located in one office N or S –travels regularly to other office) Manager/Training Officer- one located in each office— their role liaise with development and implementation of training and also technical information. Represents exec director in local regional meeting when Exec Dir unable to attend. Also seen as promotional person for association. Certification Administrator- administer the certification/accreditation scheme scheme ( office N or S)also does admin for that office Admin for association membership –(other office)(also admin for that office. Reality About to appoint part time person. Next year- planning to have full time person located within PPA office Achievements MOU with PPA Developed and released 4 PPA/SEIAPI Guidelines Worked with USP in developing 5 training competency standards (task analysis) Conducted workshops on Guidelines with support from IRENA and also SPREP Worked with PPA and IRENA and through GSES organised online training courses and conducted practical training courses for 54 people in 5 countries Certification/accreditation • 10 People have been provisionally certified • 2 Companies accredited SEIAPI Update Current Executive committee is;(meet monthly by GO TO Meeting) President Peter Konings (FSM/Guam) Vice-President North Pacific: Gilbert J Charfiros (Guam) Vice President South Pacific: David Iro Fulaga (Solomon Islands) Treasurer: Bruce Clay (Fiji) Secretary: Geoff Stapleton (Australia) Ordinary Members: Nick Ritsinias (Vanuatu); Nikolsai Fonua (Tonga) Gavin Peiera (Solomon Islands) Current Membership 71 Members comprising: Industry Members 34 Associate Members Honorary Members18 19 Further Information: Mahalo nui loa! Maigo! Kwölukkuun emmol! Ei! Meitaki ma'ata! Thank You! Tanggio! Namasmasuk! Vinaka vakalevu! Kulo maluhlap! Fa'afetai tele! Obrigadu! Kommol tata! Fafetai! Kalahngan! Ko rabwa! Maururu! Kili so chapur! Fakaaue lahi mahaki! MerciMsuulaang! Beaucoup! Hihuri! Malo 'aupito! Kam magar! Tanikiu! Mauruuru roa! Noa'ia! Tsuba kor! Kmal Mesulang! Auw'e !