Shay's Rebellion

Warm Up
Cause and Effect Chart
(Tape in on next left page)
Fill in the 3 (three) blanks as you
listen to the purple cow media.
What you could see on STAAR
or your next test…
Use the information in the box and your knowledge of social studies to
answer the following question.
• No executive branch
• No levying of taxes
• No regulation of
• No national court
Q. The list above summarizes
some limitations of the
national government under
the —
A Articles of Confederation
B U.S. Constitution
C Mayflower Compact
D Declaration of Independence
Today, we will analyze the effects
the weaknesses of the Articles of
Confederation had on the new
United States using cloze sheets, a
discussion of Shay's Rebellion, and
writing a letter.
Shay’s Rebellion
What Happened When – Tape
in on next Right Page
Writing: Daniel Shays Speaks!
On back of
• Imagine you are Daniel Shays.
Write a letter to your old
commanding officer General
George Washington to express
your view of why you think your
disruptive behavior (not paying
taxes, shutting down courts) is
justified. Be prepared to share
your letter with the class.
There was no federal plan or program to
repay _____. Each state handled its own
part of the debt, sometimes by heavily
taxing citizens.
Daniel Shays had been a _______ in the
Revolutionary War. He was angry that
farms were being ________ when
landowners could not afford taxes.
Shays organized a militia group to shut
down the courts. It was months before
the ________ government stopped him,
because different states couldn’t agree
how to handle it.
The poor response by the government
showed the need for more federal
decision making power.
Shay’s Rebellion
“I predict the worst consequences
from a half-starved, limping
government, always moving upon
crutches and tottering at every step…I
do not conceive we can exist long as a
nation without having lodged
somewhere a power which will
pervade the whole Union in as
energetic a manner as the authority of
the state governments extends over
the several states.”
George Washington
“…if the present paroxysm of our
affairs be totally neglected, our case
may become desperate.”
James Madison
Shay’s Rebellion
Feelings of Founding
“I am mortified beyond expression
when I view the clouds that have
spread over the brightest morn that
ever dawned in any country…What a
triumph for the advocates of
despotism, to find that we are
incapable of governing ourselves and
that systems founded on the basis of
equal liberty are merely ideal and
fallacious.” George Washington
“Rebellion against a kin may be
pardoned, or lightly punished, but the
man who date to rebel against the
laws of a republic ought to suffer
death.” Sam Adams
“A little rebellion now and then is a
good thing. It is a medicine necessary
for the sound health of government.
God forbid that we should ever be
twenty years without such a rebellion.”
Thomas Jefferson
Read your letter to George Washington to
the person next to you.
Find 1 thing your partner mentioned that
you did not.
Share with the class.