Volume 42 – Issue 5 May 2015 WEEKEND GOLDMINER Newsletter Prospecting sites in the Heart of Georgia’s Gold Belt Club Address: P.O. Box 910, Dahlonega, GA 30533 Phone: (770) 531-WEGM Calendar of Events “Miners Swap Meet” at every meeting. Bring camping & prospecting articles only. Meeting: June 6, 2015 Auraria Community Center Board Meeting 5:00 P.M. General Meeting 7:00 P.M. Commons for 2015: June 20th & 21st October 17th & 18th Election August 1, 2015 *If you have any questions about any of these events call Membership Director Benny Chester 770-531-9346 or email at weekendgoldminers@yahoo.com WEEKEND GOLD MINERS PROSPECTING CLUB GENERAL MEETING MINUTES May 2nd, 2015 President Roger Moore called the May 2, 2015 general meeting to order. He welcomed new member Kellie Calhoun and guests Jason Reed, Kelly Quinn, Jim Deuel, Danny Weathers and Patricia Weathers. Roger Moore told the membership that we have had several deaths in the club family this month. Please hold these families in your thoughts and prayers, Freda Joan Tracy, mother of member #2197 Ronald Tracy, Denise Johnson’s father, Mother-in-law of #2716 Tony Addison and the father of #1775 Tracy Cox. Birthdays for May are #1483 Robert Johnson, 60 years on the 2nd, #3151 Robert Russell on the 9th, #1407 Kenneth Limle on the 27th and #2539 Andrew Whelchel on the 6th. HAPPY!! HAPPY!! HAPPY!! #2854 Mark Nesbitt made a motion to accept the April 4, 2015 general meeting minutes as posted in the newsletter. #2533 William Quick seconded. Motion carried and passed. Bookkeeper Judy Hall Johnson gave the April 2015 treasurer report as follows: Beg. Checking Bal. $34,502.03 Income 7,566.00 Disbursements 3,025.97 End Checking Bal $39,042.06 Money Market #1 $48,049.55 Money Market #2 $20,404.60 #2890 Barbara Lawson made a motion to accept the April 2015 Treasurer report. #2867 James Wheeler seconded. Motion carried and passed. Membership Director’s report was given by Roger Moore as follows: 12- new members for April 38 – new member YTD #3244 – last members number issued $1090.00 – collected for new members 120.00 – Logo Items Sold 15.00 – keys sold 10.00 – Camper permits $1135.00 – Total Robert Johnson gave the Hunt Master report as follows: He stated that today’s hunt was the last hunt of the season and that the hunts would start back up in October. He had around 30 people at the hunt. He buried 280 clad half dollars, 20 Susan B. Anthony dollars and 20 silver half dollars. There was two (2) tokens buried but neither were found. The two gold nugget prizes will be held until the October hunt. The big prize of a White’s Coin Master metal detector was won by #3151 Robert Russell. He thanked #1006 www.weekendgoldminers.com Page 1 of 7 Volume 42 – Issue 5 May 2015 Officers and Committees OFFICERS President Roger Moore 423-364-3703 cybersldr@msn.com Vice President Benny Chester 770-531-9346 weekendgoldminers@yahoo.com Secretary Judy Hall Johnson 423-458-4088 jnanaju@aol.com Bookkeeper Judy Hall Johnson 423-458-4088 jnanaju@aol.com Steve Finnemore, #0482 Brent Deuel and #3228 Lynn Johnson for helping him bury the coins. He also thanked everybody for their support by buying the raffle tickets. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman Barbara Lawson 706-864-1044 barbaralawson452@yahoo.com Member Member Member OTHERS WEGM Aux Membership Ray Sparks 678-773-2364 spark4s@windstream.net Bill Johnson 706-867-7943 nayjesusbear@yahoo.com Don Vincent 770-869-3546 vindlv@yahoo.com Denise Johnson 706-867-7943 Benny Chester 770-531-9346 weekendgoldminers@yahoo.com Newsletter Editor 770-531-9346 weekendgoldminers@yahoo.com Huntmaster Robert Johnson 423-458-4088 fatboyrj@aol.com MAIL DUES TO: WEGM P.O. Box 910 Dahlonega, GA 30533 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR MEMBER # ON YOUR CHECK New Properties Finders Fee It is the policy of the WEGM to reward its members with a finders fee for locating new properties for the club to lease. The member will be paid $240 or receive credit for $240 in membership dues upon the club approving the lease for club use. The member must act as an agent between the landowner and the WEGM. To receive the finders fee, you must register in writing with the club secretary your intent to begin discussing a proposed lease with the landowner. You cannot receive the finders fee unless registration is complete and the lease is approved by the WEGM. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. STANDING RULES No use of alcohol on Association outings. Smoking will not be permitted at Association meetings or activities unless held in the open air. Members are expected to ahere to the Association’s Code of Ethics while prospecting or mining Members are expected to conduct themselves at all times in accordance with the laws of the land and reasonable moral behavior Violation of Standing Rules will result in disciplinary action as determined by the Executive Board of Directors The President, Vice-President or their appointed spokesperson(s) are the only people authorized to speak on behalf of the WEGM Regular monthly meetings will be held on the first Saturday of each month at a scheduled time as stated in the club newsletter and website Fun must be had by all Joyce Conner gave the WEGM Auxiliary report. She stated that Denise Johnson’s father passed away and was not able to be at the meeting. She said that Denise had planned to serve Ham, potatoes, green beans etc. for Mother’s Day and she was not sure what will be served next month. She stated that they had $143.87 in expenses last month and made $280.00 in food and raffles. The next common will be June 20th and 21st, 2015. Details will be announced at the June meeting. Benny Chester gave a report on Bear on the Square. He said that Saturday was an almost perfect day and were extremely busy but on Sunday, because of the www.weekendgoldminers.com Page 2 of 7 Volume 42 – Issue 5 May 2015 stormy weather they mostly sat around and talked. He said that we did gain one new member that visited the booth on Saturday. He wanted to thank those who helped set up on Friday, Ray & Drew Sparks, Scott Wilson, Drema Foster, Celeste Wilkerson and Gary Smith. On Saturday he had Ray Sparks, Gary Smith, Leona Welch, James Boyd, Serena Blackwell, Barbara Lawson, Brent Deuel, Ken Limle, Robert Johnson, Judy Johnson, James Hendley IV and Don Vincent to help and on Sunday he had James Boyd, Serena Blackwell, Leona Welch, Ken Limle, James Hendley IV, Ray and Anna Sparks, Steve Finnemore, Henry Wilkerson and Celeste Wilkerson. Thanks to Gary Smith who donated some vials for Sunday. Benny said that he hoped that he didn’t forget anybody. Benny Chester said that instead of having workdays that we would be having a work week. Starting on Saturday May 16, 2015 on the roads on the Turner property, cleaning up the winter storm damage. And later that week on the Allison property to dig new holes for two outhouses and road work. Bring rakes, trimmers, chainsaw, shovels, etc. This will be May 16, 2015 to May 22nd starting at 10:00 A.M. each day. Call Benny 77-531-9346 to see which property they will be on. Benny Chester and Ray Sparks will be demonstrating the art of prospecting at the Blackburn Elementary School on Friday May 8, 2015 at their Bear Jamboree. There will around 754 kids attending. She stated that the trip to Callaway Plantation was canceled due to the city of Washington, Ga. did not want a group on the plantation grounds detecting all at one time. Another trip to Kettle Creek Battleground in Washington, Ga. is being planned but after talking to them, they wanted us to metal detect a overgrown field and a pine thicket to try and help them locate more historic sites. Due to it being in that area that is known for rattle snakes and copperheads and would be in the summer, the members thought it would be better to wait until fall or winter for that trip. We are still looking for a place to take a trip to metal detect. The August 1, 2015 Election Ballot was approved by the board of directors as follows: Office of President: #1290 Benny Chester #1719 Gary Smith #2188 Henry Wilkerson Office of Board: #2539 Andrew Welechel #2686 Don Vincent #2610 Ray Sparks Each of these will be for a two (2) year term. This is to assure that you keep experienced officers on the board. Absentee ballots will be mailed out by June 5, 2015. Raffles were held. The door prize of a Prospectors silver round was won by #2855 James Grancio. Blue Ticket winners were: Bag of ore - #2505 Harry Sands Bag of ore - Kim Burton, wife of #2744 John Burton Bag of ore - #2836 Andre Kross Bag of ore - #2188 Henry Wilkerson Bag of ore - Kelly Quinn - guest Gold Nugget - #2993 Mark Beckwith Green Ticket Raffle winners were: Bag of ore - #0482 Brent Deuel Bag of ore - Helen Boston wife of #2650 Dana Boston Bag of ore - #3151 Robert Russell Bag of ore - #2890 Barbara Lawson Gold Nugget - Andrew Zimmerman, son of #2608 David Zimmerman Ray Sparks at Blackburn Elementary WEGM Auxiliary raffle winners were: Lifetime members for May, 2015 are #2342 Celeste Wilkerson and #2405 Benjamin Worthington. In the Absence of Board member Don Vincent, Judy Johnson gave a report on the metal detecting trips. Lighter & Cooler ice pack - #2855 James Grancio Lighter & Cooler ice pack - #2890 Barbara Lawson Big bag of ore - Kim Burton, wife of #2744 John Buton Big bag of ore - #2855 James Grancio www.weekendgoldminers.com Page 3 of 7 Volume 42 – Issue 5 May 2015 FOR SALE SUBMISSION POLICY Big bag of ore - #2867 James Wheeler Pot of flowers - #2757 Dean Williard Pot of flowers - #3213 Brian Crowe Large pizza - #2533 Bill Quick Large pizza - #3161 William Reid Next meeting will be June 6, 2015 at the Auraria Community Center Board meeting..........5:00 P.M. General meeting ..... 7:00 P.M. The FOR SALE section is free for members only. Membership number, name and phone number must accompany the ad. Ads will be run the month of submission only. You may resubmit your add each month. Business ads must be approved by the board, the fee for a small block ad is $120.00 per year. Would like to buy Life Membership. Contact Bob 706-973-7157 #2854 Mark Nesbitt made a motion to adjourn the May 2, 2015 general meeting. #0546 Johnny Crumley seconded. Meeting adjourned. ON THE FUNNY SIDE OF LIFE: Know how to prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill out. You don’t stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old because you stop laughing. Friends are like the wall of a house. Sometimes they hold you up, Sometimes you lean on them, But sometime, it’s just enough to know They’re just standing by. RULE OF THE MONTH: STANDING RULES FOR ALL LEASES: 1. It is mandatory you fill out the visit log sheet for lease, each visit. Forms are provided at each gate. 2. It is mandatory that gates are kept locked at all times, except during club functions. 3. Speed limit is 5 MPH on all leases. 4. Quiet time – All member camping on the properties shall observe a quiet time beginning at 11:00 P.M. and ending at 6:00 A.M. During that quiet time there shall be no running of generators, mining equipment and internal combustion engines, playing of radios or stereos, or loud talking, so as to not disturb other campers that may be trying to sleep. www.weekendgoldminers.com Page 4 of 7 Volume 42 – Issue 5 May 2015 These are the new WEGM T-shirts for the men and ladies. All shirts are $10.00 ea. There will be a $6.50 shipping and handling charge for each shirt. If you want to place an order please state the color and size of shirt and how many. Send your order to: T-Shirt Order. P.O. Box 910, Dahlonega, Ga. 30533. Make check or money order to Weekend Gold Miners Club. Ladies Shirt Colors: Pink, Green, Purple and Pink Camo. Sizes: Small, Med., Large, X-Large and 2X. Ladies shirts do not have a pocket. Mens Shirt Colors: Black, Tan, Grey, Hunter Green, Camo Sizes: Small, Med., Large, X-Large, 2X. Camo shirts do not have a pocket. www.weekendgoldminers.com Page 5 of 7 Volume 42 – Issue 5 May 2015 2736 Morrison Moore Pkwy. East Dahlonega, GA 30533 Phone: (706) 864-6363 www.crissongoldmine.com Dredges, Mining Supplies, Gold Ore Keene and Proline Dealer Sluice Boxes, Gold Pans We now have Dredge Hog Matting in Stock! We are now the only authorized dealer for Gold Hog high bankers! www.weekendgoldminers.com Page 6 of 7 Volume 42 – Issue 5 May 2015 RELEASE OF LIABILITY OF GUEST NAME: PHONE NUMBER: ADDRESS: CITY: SPOUSE’S NAME: STATE: ZIP: Children Under 21: MEMBER NAME: I recognize that mining and prospecting are inherently dangerous, and that the club's properties have unmarked and unidentified hazards, to include abandoned mine shafts, caves, sink holes, steep slopes and other people, both invitees, licensees and trespassers and that any one or combination of the above can cause injury or death. I waive any claim against the Week End Gold Miners, Inc. or the land owners and covenent not to sue for any damage, injury or death caused to me, or for the loss of equipment or personal items while on the properties. I further recognize that there are special dangers to minors and I shall assume all responsibility for each minor accompanying me. I further agree to carry such insurance as I feel necessary to protect my interest and to indemnify and hold harmless owners from any liability arising out of my actions while on the properties. ________________________________________________ Guest Signature www.weekendgoldminers.com _________________ Date Page 7 of 7