BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet

2011-2012 BCA Pool League Sanction Application
(Fill out application completely. For multi-divisional leagues, please complete a separate application for each division.)
Check All That Apply
New league (this is the first time your league has sanctioned with the BCAPL-- $200 Non-Refundable
New League Application Fee and use of LeagueSys required. This $200 will be applied to league
memberships if your sanction is approved)
Previously sanctioned league
The name of the league has changed
X The officer(s) of the league has changed
X The address of the person who receives mail has changed
Would like to use LeagueSys
X Already uses LeagueSys
League Name
Crossroads BCA Pool League
League Operator
Current League # 0264
David Adame
Officer-to-whom-mail-is-sent-(if-different-from-above) Daniel-Adame
City Port Lavaca
State/Prov. TX
Home Phone (361)-220-8827
Work Phone (361)-779-5990 Cell
Website www.crossroadsbcapoolleague.com
Other Officer N/A
Home Phone N/A
Title N/A
Work Phone N/A
Cell N/A
Email Address N/A
League Session
Type of League
X Mixed
Scotch Doubles
Session Start Date
Dual Sanctioned with
League Demographics/Sponsor Information
Number of Players 110
Night of Play Wednesday
Number of Players per Team 5 (avg)
Number of Teams 17
Number of Games per player per Week 5
Check One
Number of Weeks 34
Sponsor Fee (if applicable) $ 50
In House & Location
√ Traveling & Locations (Attach separate sheet if necessary) See Attached location sheet
Bank-Address 1329-North-Virginia-Street-Port-Lavaca,-TX-77979
Mail Forms with Payment to:
BCA Pool Leagues
Or Fax to: (702) 719-7667
Check payable to CSI
2041 Pabco Rd
Please include Visa or MasterCard
Henderson, NV 89011
- 7-
information on page 11 if using this option
2011-2012 BCA Pool League Sanction Application
8. The BCAPL recommends following the rules as published in the
Official Rules of the BCA Pool League. All players in your sanctioned
league will receive Player Handbooks containing these rules to be
distributed by the League Operator. If the league has an operations
handbook governing forfeiture and rules of conduct, a copy must be
sent to the BCAPL.
Our League understands and agrees to the following:
1. The BCA Pool League sanctions leagues throughout the world.
This agreement does not confer any exclusive rights or franchise
areas to any league sanctioned by the BCAPL. It is a privilege, not a
right, to be a BCA Pool League Operator, and BCAPL reserves the
right to refuse sanction to any person or league at its sole absolute
discretion for any reason.
9. Please refer to our web site at www.playbca.com for requirements
when forming teams for our BCAPL National Championships.
2. Each division of your league will run at least 8 calendar weeks of
competition. Players competing in a minimum of 8 full regularly
scheduled league matches in the same league division over at least 8
calendar weeks during a sanctioned league session shall be eligible
to compete in the Singles, Scotch Doubles and Team divisions of the
BCAPL National Championships.
10. All entries for the BCAPL National Championships May 9-20, 2012
at the Riviera in Las Vegas must be postmarked or received by the
BCAPL no later than March 26, 2012. Any entries postmarked
between March 27 and April 9, 2012 must include a $25 late fee.
Please note these dates are approximate; please check entry forms
for actual dates.
3. Leagues will sanction and pay sanction fees as soon as possible,
but not later than the fourth (4TH) week of play. BCAPL will sanction
weeks of play commencing with the 4th week of play prior to
receiving the league's sanction application and may deny the league
and its players credit for any weeks played before that date. Leagues
will provide new member updates monthly along with fees for any
additional players.
11. Players competing at the BCAPL National Championships must
follow rules set by BCAPL and the tournament director (i.e. rules of
play, dress code, conduct, etc.)
12. Final distribution of league prize money and/or prizes for the
league are to be listed and sent to the BCAPL office.
13. The League Operator will notify the BCAPL office in writing
should any player be disqualified from league play during the year.
The BCAPL reserves the right to disqualify any player not in good
standing from participating in BCAPL sanctioned tournaments.
4. When your league signs up for LeagueSys and enters your
statistics (stats) online on a weekly basis, stats will NOT need to be
mailed to the BCAPL. Leagues not using LeagueSys must mail each
week's stats to the BCAPL every 4 weeks. The stats shall include the
league name and date, and be broken down by team, indicating the
number of weeks played, wins and losses for each individual team
member. We may require the use of LeagueSys if stats are not
submitted in a timely manner.
14. A league sanctioned with another recognized national league
system other than the BCAPL may sanction with the BCAPL (dual
sanction) as long as its intention is not to undermine the BCAPL
national league system. In order to ensure that, the applicant for
dual sanctioning may be required to offer a separate BCAPL
sanctioned league or division.
5. League Operators not using LeagueSys must bring applicable stats
to the BCAPL National Championships. If the League Operator is not
coming, all team captains need these documents.
15. The BCAPL continues to reserve the right to accept dual
sanctioning from leagues that sanction with BCAPL for the express
purpose of offering its players extra benefits, and not for the
purpose of undermining an existing BCAPL league within its area of
6. All players competing in your sanctioned league - regulars and
substitutes - must become BCAPL league members and pay the
BCAPL sanction fee on their 1st week of play.
7. Any league member planning to participate in the BCAPL National
Championships must start play by early March in order to complete
the required 8 weeks of play prior to the event. All members must be
sanctioned with the BCAPL prior to the 5th week of play.
I have read the above statement, and I do agree to adhere to the rules and standards set forth in this application and in the BCA Pool League
Operator’s Manual. I shall enforce to the best of my ability these guidelines with the participants in my league. I understand that I am totally
responsible for the fulfillment of all my league's obligations. Such obligations include but are not limited to: advertising, schedules of play,
amounts of awards and prize monies, updating and posting weekly standings sheets, fulfilling sanction fee obligations to the BCAPL on a
monthly basis, overseeing safety and security of league funds, notifying league participants of any material changes in the league, and generally
fulfilling all obligations and responsibilities attendant thereto. I further recognize that all costs for the league are the full and exclusive
responsibility of myself and the signed officers below. I specifically indemnify and hold harmless BCA Pool League, headquartered in
Henderson, Nevada, and their employees and directors, of any responsibilities, costs and attorney fees, or obligations attendant to the
administration of this pocket billiard league.
- 8-
2011-2012 BCA Pool League Sanction Application
League Operator Checklist
Initial Requirements
The criteria for league sanctioning are as follows:
Any league requesting BCA Pool League sanction should consist of a minimum of thirty (30) players and a
minimum of six (6) teams per division. If you fall short of these requirements, please contact the national
office for approval of your smaller division. Exceptions are consistently granted for start-up leagues, and for
summer sessions.
Every player that has competed one game in your BCAPL sanctioned league, regulars as well as substitutes,
must become a BCAPL sanctioned member. All subs must be sanctioned.
Leagues must ensure that all sanction fees and the completed sanction form with player rosters are
postmarked and sent to the BCAPL as soon as possible, but not later than the fourth (4th) week of play.
You must include the following in your initial Sanctioning Packet:
Sanction fees for all players. $15.00 per player per league year.
Sanction Application
League Operator Checklist (signed and returned with application)
Signed Sanctioning Agreement
Read, understand and sign the League Operator Code of Ethics
League’s By-laws
League’s Financial Statement
Team Roster, including:
 League Name
 Team Name
 Legal names of all team members (as on their government issued photo I.D.’s)
 Addresses of all players in your league
 Weekly Standings Sheets for all weeks already played
Forms requested by the BCAPL at least every four weeks:
Updates to Team Rosters if you are NOT USING LEAGUESYS
Sanction Fees ($15.00/player) for all new players that joined since your last submission
If you are NOT USING LEAGUESYS, weekly Standings Sheets for EACH week of play, including:
 Name of the League and League Operator
 Date of Standings
 Full name of player, team name, number of weeks played, wins/losses, etc.
 Do NOT send score sheets
 Do NOT fax weekly standings sheets
The above requirements must be met before the BCAPL will sanction your league.
I have read and understand the requirements listed above.
League Operator Signature
2011-2012 BCA Pool League Sanction Application
Initial Sanction Fee Computation
NUMBER of Players in your League
LESS Players already Sanctioned
NUMBER of Players to be Sanctioned
EQUALS: Sanctioning Fee Remitted
Make checks payable to: CSI
**All payments must be made in U.S. Funds
League Operator Code of Ethics
In matters of ethics, pool league operators sanctioned by the BCA Pool League (BCAPL) are required to be
dedicated to the promotion of honest, fair and competitive pool leagues, and believing that honorable
competition between players and other leagues is essential to the accomplishments of our common
objectives, do hereby pledge to abide by the following Code of Ethics.
Code of Ethics
 We shall not engage in illegal activity involving moral turpitude or conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or
We shall not make a material false statement, nor deliberately fail to disclose a material requested fact, in
connection with an application for sanctioning with the BCAPL.
We shall at all times treat all players, other leagues and the public with dignity, respect and courtesy.
We shall always conduct ourselves and our league business in a fair and honest manner refraining at all times
from conduct or practices that inhibit the expansion of pool leagues or that reflect discredit upon the sport, other
BCAPL-sanctioned (or advertised as to be sanctioned) leagues, or the BCAPL.
We shall not engage in or permit any unauthorized use of the Association's name or logo or the unauthorized use
of any other materials in which the BCAPL claims a proprietary interest.
We shall not misrepresent the existence or availability of BCAPL sanctioning for any league or player.
League Operators are bound to abide by the aforementioned Pledge and Code of Ethics as a condition of
sanctioning with the BCA Pool League, subject to the review of the BCAPL. The BCAPL reserves the right to
deny any applicant, as well as revoke any league sanctioning from an operator it deems, at its sole and
absolute discretion, operates in an unfair or dishonest manner, inhibits the expansion of pool leagues,
discredits the sport or other BCAPL sanctioned leagues, discredits the BCAPL or operates to undermine the
growth of the BCAPL league system by negligent, unethical or immoral behavior.
League Operator
- 10 -
Special Awards Package
Order Form
Check extra items needed in order box below
Item Requested
Extra Quantity
(Quantity x $3.00)
The BCA Pool League offers a complimentary set of
special award pins/patches for League Operators to use
as an incentive for their league players. These awards
include pins/patches for special achievement and
excellence. Additional pins/patches may be purchased
for $3.00 each plus shipping and handling. See chart at
League Operator Pin/Patch
Most Valuable Player
League Champion
League Runner Up
Most Break & Runs
One free set of awards pins/patches per sanctioned
division each year.
Most Table Runs
Most 3 & Outs
Most 4 & Outs
Most 5 & Outs
Break & Run
Table Run
X Yes! Please send me my FREE awards package!
Yes! I need to order extra pins/patches at $3.00
(see order form at right)
Free Awards Package includes:
MVP Pin/Patch (1)
Most Break & Runs Pin/Patch (1)
Most Table Runs Pin/Patch (1)
League Champion Pins/Patches (7)
League Runner Up Pins/Patches (7)
Choose One:
Most 3 & O
Most 4 & O
X Most 5 & O
Shipping &
Handling Chart
Grand Total
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the expense of producing these
items, we are unable to offer additional quantities of these
items on a complimentary basis. Please take the time to
review your needs, refer to the chart on the right and place
your order accordingly.
Shipping &
$3 - $20 order
$21 - $49 order
$50 and up
League Name: Crossroads BCA Pool League
League # 0264
League Operator David Adame
Phone 361-220-8827
Fax: N/A
Shipping Address: 500 Village Rd. Unit #6
City Port Lavaca
_Country Calhoun
St/Prov TX
Zip/Postal Code 77979
Credit Card Information: VISA or MasterCard only
MasterCard Amt Approved $
Credit Card #
Expiration Date:
Cardholder’s Name: (as appears on front of card)
Cardholder’s Signature:
Cardholder’s Zip Code:
Cardholder’s Email Address:
- 11 -
Location Sheet
1800 S. Hwy 35 Suite B.
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
Legends Billiards
1208 Marcus Navarro Blvd.
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
1309 Broadway Street
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
The Shack
FM 616
La Salle, TX 77969
Dale’s Place
521 Broadway Street
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
Beau’s Bowling Alley
100 Village Rd.
Port Lavaca, TX 77979
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Sticks & Stones
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 / Tequilaville
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : David Adame
Legal Name (Required) : John Koenig
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 2252 Leon Dr.
Street Address : 608 S. Lavaca St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : crossroadsbcapoolleague264@gmail.com
Email : woodsbay@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-220-2287
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-648-9948
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/1/73
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 1/16/68
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Daniel Adame
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 500 Village Rd. Unit #6
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : daniel78336@yahoo.com
Zip: 77979
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-779-5990
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
City, State, Province :
Email :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Frank Longoria Jr.
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Frankie
Nick Name :
Street Address : 417 Moore Ave.
Street Address :
Zip: 77465
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-3096
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 9/22/70
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Richard Aguirre
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Rick Bob
Nick Name :
Street Address : 2110 Leon Dr.
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-5543
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 5/9/52
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Patrick Gaitan
Nick Name : Pat
Street Address : 311 E. George Apt. #2
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : pooldemon67@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 6/19/75
City, State, Province : Palacios, TX
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-6246
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/17/67
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Outlawz
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 / Tequilaville
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Xavier Duenez
Legal Name (Required) : Steven C. Moreno
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 209 Willowbend Dr.
Street Address : 1720 Algee
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Email : steven.moreno90@gmail.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-652-8209
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-6477
Phone ‐ Home :
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/5/66
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/26/90
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Pablo Duenez
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 209 Willowbend Dr
Legal Name (Required) : Jeffery Galvan
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 2213 Vail
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-8106
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-935-3204
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 4/13/92
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/14/73
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Carlos Duenez
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 209 Willowbend Dr
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-9591
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home :
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 5/16/95
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Arthur Pina Sr.
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Art
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1506 Burkedale
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-648-9408
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/7/63
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Arthur Pina Jr.
Nick Name : AJ
Street Address : 201 Lowery #201
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-648-7490
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 2/26/91
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Black Widows
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 / Tequilaville
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Silvia Calzada
Legal Name (Required) : Irene Saucedo
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name : Rene
Street Address : 2229 Larry Dr.
Street Address : 309 N. Colorado
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-9077
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-894-9053
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-9489
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 4/18
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 6/21/70
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Danyiel Lower
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 2252 Leon Dr.
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : dlower@gmail.com
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-433-3523
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/27/86
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Corina G. Cuellar
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Cory
Nick Name :
Street Address : 140 Hwy. 35 N. Apt. 16
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : coryflores99@yahoo.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-9201
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-482-0767
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 4/12/70
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Esmeralda Guzman
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Mala
Nick Name :
Street Address : 106 Travis St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : evic712000@gmail.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-551-0097
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/12/71
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Gloria Medellia
Nick Name : Crazy Girl
Street Address : 606 W. Wilson
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-389-6889
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/21/70
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : 8-Ball Hustlers
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 / Tequilaville
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Matthew Ochoa
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Choweezy
Nick Name :
Street Address : 514 S. Juanita St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : baby_booga_88@yahoo.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-7039
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-2783
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 9/7
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Chris Barefield
Nick Name : CB
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 122 Heron Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : cbarefield52@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)433-2829
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-6894
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 5/24/77
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Tifanee Castaneda
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 514 S. Juanita St
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-7039
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 2/25/84
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Dennis Koenig
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : DK
Nick Name :
Street Address : 402 Seashell
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-433-6338
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/12/87
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Joshua Barnes
Nick Name : Josh
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 305 Seashell
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : joshuariceland@hotmail.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-746-2705
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/22/85
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Cuemasters
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Legends Billiards
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Lee M. Rivera
Legal Name (Required) : Marcus Wayne Searcy
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 402 W. George St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 233 S. Alcoa Dr. Apt. 801
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : grandpalee@yahoo.com
Email : searcy.marcus@hotmail.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-649-8603
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-746-2122
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 5/22/47
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/1/84
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Thomas Ybarra Jr.
Nick Name : T Boy
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 167 Matson Rd.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-4836
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-4836
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 6/23/81
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : John D. Hernandez
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Johnny Hernandez
Nick Name :
Street Address : 605 Candlelight Ln.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : millehernandez53@gmail.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-746-1707
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 1/18
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Christian Flores
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 140 Hwy. 35 N. Apt. #16
Street Address :
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : madman36129@yahoo.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-433-6053
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-482-0767
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/24/83
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Tranquilino Ricky Baldera
Nick Name : Ricky
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1804 Jackson
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Zip: 77979
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-649-8956
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/7/69
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Crazy Girlz
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Legends Billiards
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Valerie Mcbee
Legal Name (Required) : Liz Reyes
Nick Name : Val
Nick Name : Lizzie
Street Address : P.O. Box 780
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 627 W. George St. Apt. 165
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : vmcbee@yahoo.com
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-6213
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-894-9571
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/29/71
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/10/69
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Lisa Larkins
Nick Name : Leighlee
Legal Name (Required) : Palmira Reyes
Nick Name : Pam
Street Address : 401 Bauer Dr. #4
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address : 627 W. George St. Apt. 149
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : lisalarkins84@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-0360
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-433-3739
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-229-0800
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 1/22/81
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 1/23/72
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Anna Larkins
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Tha Queen
Nick Name :
Street Address : 124 A Ave. D.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-9618
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-551-0103
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/5/79
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Johna Tervino
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Gooka
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1200 Alcoa Dr. #55
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-827-4100
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/26/91
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Samekia Dorsey
Nick Name : Meka
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1701 N. Virginia St. Apt. #5
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca. TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
Email : martinezannayl@yahoo.com
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : samekiadorsey@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-7797
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/26/80
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Pool Diamonds
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Legends Billiards
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Robert L. Benavides Sr.
Legal Name (Required) : Joe Heinemann
Nick Name : Bobby
Nick Name : Baby Joe
Street Address : 1624 Suncrest Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 712 S San Antonio
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : bob1putt@yahoo.com
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-7665
Phone ‐ Cell : (719)-246-6419
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/31/54
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/6/88
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Christopher Baggett
Nick Name : Chris
Legal Name (Required) : Chris Salinas
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 1621 Suncrest Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address : 230 Ridge Dr.
City, State, Province : Victoria, TX
Email : im_a_has_been@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-920-0265
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-5208
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 6/8/86
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/30/87
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Felipe Hernandez
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Philip
Nick Name :
Street Address : 702 Border St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-510-8898
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 2/18/53
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Manual Sowa Jr.
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : MJ
Nick Name :
Street Address : P.O. Box 112
Street Address :
Zip: 77951
City, State, Province :
Email : manualsowa@yahoo.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-212-5253
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 1/14/84
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Jason Benavidez
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1624 Suncrest Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77901
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Bloomington, TX
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-746-1095
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/31/87
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Handicap Kings
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Legends Billiards
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Ray A. Garcia
Legal Name (Required) : Frank Kassner Jr.
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 214 W Tilley St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 2997 FM 616
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Victoria, TX
Email : N/A
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-8873
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-7995
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 2/21/63
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/22/91
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Anthony Threadgill
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 184 Serene_Dr.
City, State, Province : Victoria, TX
Zip: 77905
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-8514
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 9/6/78
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Michael Robles
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Mike
Nick Name :
Street Address : 610 Rio Grande P.O. Box 724
City, State, Province : Bloomington, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-220-8078
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/14/66
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Elias_Pena III
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 10738 St. Hwy 185 S.
Street Address :
Zip: 77905
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-649-2190
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/7/79
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Frank Kassner Sr.
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 2997 FM 616
City, State, Province : Victoria, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77951
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Victoria, TX
Zip: 77905
Zip: 77905
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-218-1760
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/15/64
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Clicka
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Chacha’s
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Rudolpho Soto
Legal Name (Required) : Kenneth Garcia
Nick Name : Rudy
Nick Name : Kenny
Street Address : 1703 Holloman St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 3452 County Rd. 305
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Email : kg2687@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-1595
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-5837
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/29/48
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 2/23/72
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : David Benavides
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) : Leovardo Diaz
Nick Name : Leo
Street Address : 1313 Burkdale Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address : P.O. Box 787
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-237-5437
Email : loediaz@ftpc.fpcusa.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-2765
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/15/52
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/8/62
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Christopher Benavides
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Chris
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1825 Central Ave.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-652-6948
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/30/76
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Tomas Pena
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Tommy
Nick Name :
Street Address : 2003 Justice
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-9244
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 5/31/53
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Joe Baldera
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 210 Bell St.
City, State, Province : Point Comfort, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77978
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-484-5171
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 2/23/70
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Chacha’s Sharks
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Chacha’s
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Benny De Los Santos
Legal Name (Required) : Mark Gonzales
Nick Name : Bad Ass Benny
Nick Name : Speedy G
Street Address : 110 Navidad – P.O. Box 148
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Street Address : P.O. Box 281
Zip: 77991
City, State, Province : Lolita, TX
Email : bennynorma06@yahoo.com
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-649-8090
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-935-6219
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/18/70
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/11/73
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Norma Alaniz
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) : Isaac Sandoval
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 110 Navidad – P.O. Box 148
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Zip: 77991
Street Address : 214 Bauer Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : bennynorma06@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-935-5800
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-9891
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/8/67
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 6/9/86
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Ruben Heysquierdo
Legal Name (Required) : Julian Ledezma
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 191 Park lane
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-1479
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-6904
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/3/83
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/3
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Markie Martinez
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 523 Fairmont
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-9759
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/24/74
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Martin Briseno
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : P.O. Box 132
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address : 606 7th St.
Zip: 77979
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77991
Zip: 77991
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-235-2658
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 1/7/66
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Zip: 77979
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Avengers
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Chacha’s
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Angel Mendez Jr.
Legal Name (Required) : Santiago Jr. Gonzalez
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name : Jimmy
Street Address : 500 Village Rd. Unit #6
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 201 E. George St.
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : angelmendez7274@yahoo.com
Email : santiago3rd@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-7069
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-1033
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-3049
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/15/80
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/31/69
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Angel Mendez Sr.
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) : Shawn Guevera
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 235 Lowery Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address : 312 County Rd. 303
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : blackspider0262@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-0050
Email : shawnguevera721@gmail.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-218-9625
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 6/2/62
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/21/70
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Charlie Guillen
Legal Name (Required) : Augustine Guzman
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name : Augie
Street Address : 402 Half League
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province : Palacios, TX
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-9582
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-218-0861
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/16/82
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Melvin Roland
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 2904 Miori #220
Street Address :
Zip: 77901
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-218-6976
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 4/6/86
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Cynthia Valadez
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 110 Santa Rosa
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address : 96 Fisherman Ln.
Zip: 77979
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Victoria, TX
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-8173
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 6/16/77
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Zip: 77465
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Lounge Lizards
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /The Shack
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Robert B. Dean
Legal Name (Required) : Leonard Bermea
Nick Name : Deeno
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : P.O. Box 283
Street Address : P.O. Box 11
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Zip: 77991
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Email : deeno13@yahoo.com
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-782-8152
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-8762
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/3/60
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 9/8/46
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : John L. Dornak
Nick Name : Johnny D
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : P.O. Box 241
City, State, Province : Lolita, TX
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Zip: 77971
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-550-7763
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 9/28/57
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Robert Sparks
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Robby
Nick Name :
Street Address : P.O. Box 236
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77991
City, State, Province :
Email : sparkl88@yahoo.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-782-8111
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 5/21/64
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Scott Lahey
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 109 Peach St. P.O. Box 633
City, State, Province : Lolita, TX
Zip: 77991
Street Address :
Zip: 77971
City, State, Province :
Email : scott@palaciosmarineindustrial.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-830-2928
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 4/23/79
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Orlando Bermea
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : P.O. Box 215
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Zip: 77991
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-550-7946
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/5/73
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : The Shack Pack
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /The Shack
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Edward Nevarez Jr.
Legal Name (Required) : Willard Schoonover III
Nick Name : EJ
Nick Name : Boo
Street Address :
Street Address : 440 Live Oak
Navidad P.O. Box 174
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Zip: 77991
City, State, Province : Lolita, TX
Email : nevarez_439@yahoo.com
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-408-0036
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-284-3020
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/6/73
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/31/94
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Linda Bonelli
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 2157 Country Rd. 328
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
Zip: 77969
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-484-7567
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-284-3522
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/27/66
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Tony Bonelli
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 2157 Country Rd. 328
City, State, Province : Vanderbilt, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-484-7567
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-284-3522
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/12/61
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Daniel Tesh
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Danny
Nick Name :
Street Address : P.O. Box 558
Street Address :
Zip: 77971
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-235-9518
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/11/70
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Willard Schoonover II
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 440 Live Oak
City, State, Province : Lolita, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77969
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Lolita, TX
Zip: 77971
Zip: 77971
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-408-0042
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 5/11/63
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Dale’s Riders
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Dale’s Place
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Robert Pena
Legal Name (Required) : Yolanda Trevino
Nick Name : Bobby
Nick Name : Yollie
Street Address : P.O. Box 851
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 1620 W. Main St.
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : rjanuary73@gmail.com
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-7362
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-6214
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 1/28/73
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 11/6/56
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Douglas Dale January
Nick Name : Dale
Legal Name (Required) : Rodney Dean McBee
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 1620 W. Main St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address : 1917 Shofner Apt. 10
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-0987
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-676-6206
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/12/58
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/18
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Charles Brockhaus
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : Nebraska/Chuck
Nick Name :
Street Address : Not Provided
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (402)-910-4102
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/7/70
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Michael Joe Smith
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1021 Bauer Rd.
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-827-0515
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-0929
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 9/5/50
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Fernando Roy Ovalle
Nick Name : Freddie
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : P.O. Box 294
City, State, Province : Seadrift, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
Email : chuckbrockhaus@yahoo.com
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Zip: 77983
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-648-3481
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/31/69
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Chris’s Crew
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Dale’s Place
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Steven Christopher Keith
Legal Name (Required) : Roel J. Rodriguez Jr.
Nick Name : Pooh
Nick Name : N/A
Street Address : 1514 Burkdale Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 221 Bell St.
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Point Comfort, TX
Email : sportlavaca@yahoo.com
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-935-7385
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-7350
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-552-1963
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/6/70
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 2/10/79
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : David Ray Apadaca
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) : John Paul Heysquierdo
Nick Name : JP
Street Address : 220 Laury St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address : 226 Santa Rosa
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-6861
Email : jpheysquierdo@gmail.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-7858
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/20/79
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-553-8612
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 9/23/75
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Ernest Guzman
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 106 Travis St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-220-9708
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : (361)-551-0097
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 1/14/67
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Miguel A. Gamez
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 412 N. San Antonio
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-2206
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/17/74
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Ernest Eugene Parker
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : P.O. Box 695
City, State, Province : Aransas Pass, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
Email : ernestguzman67@yahoo.com
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77978
Zip: 78336
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-0615
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 4/17
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : Toxic
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Bowling Alley
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Willet Parker
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 24929 Hwy 172
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : freetime2667@yahoo.com
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-484-0792
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/31/74
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Rosa Linda Zamudio
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1221 Roemer Rd.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : honey_willet@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-484-9171
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 6/30/75
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Adriana Gaitan
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : AJ
Nick Name :
Street Address : 1221 Roemer Rd.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-484-2381
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 9/4/94
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Teddy M. Peeler
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 412 Mayhan
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-746-1751
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 5/17/51
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Nathan Ward
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 224 E. Main St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Phone ‐ Cell : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 2/20/84
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
BCA Pool League Team Roster Sheet
(Please make copies of this page)
Team Captain: To ensure your player's eligibility for member benefits and discounts, please complete this form.
Please type or print name clearly as it appears on the I.D. Date of Bith: Include month and day - the year is optional.
Team Name : The Weakest Links
Location : Crossroads BCA Pool League 264 /Bowling Alley
Player 1 ‐ (Captain)
Player 6
Captains Legal Name (Required) : Brian Quintanilla
Legal Name (Required) : Glenn Howard
Nick Name : The Rev Sir Dr. God
Nick Name : The Kid
Street Address : 618 Randall St.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address : 603 Edinburgh
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province : Victoria, TX
Email : tastycorpse666@yahoo.com
Email : glenn_howard2@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-655-2223
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-571-3730
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 8/28/84
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 3/3/89
Player 2
Player 7
Legal Name (Required) : Ashton Glover
Nick Name : Bikini Bob
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 207 Brown St.
City, State, Province : Edna, TX
Zip: 77957
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : whitetiger2003@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (940)-224-1069
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/24/85
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 3
Player 8
Legal Name (Required) : Juan Lopez
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 506 S. Benavidez
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
City, State, Province :
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-652-9923
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 7/11/92
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 4
Player 9
Legal Name (Required) : Jonathan Gonzalez
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name : N/A
Nick Name :
Street Address : 502 S. Lavaca St.
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
City, State, Province :
Email : N/A
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-237-0287
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 12/14/91
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Player 5
Player 10
Legal Name (Required) : Robert Quintanilla
Nick Name : N/A
Legal Name (Required) :
Nick Name :
Street Address : 142 Tangerine Dr.
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Street Address :
Zip: 77979
Email : N/A
City, State, Province : Port Lavaca, TX
Zip: 77904
Zip: 77979
Street Address :
City, State, Province :
Email : djkelo2003@yahoo.com
Phone ‐ Cell : (361)-482-6409
Email :
Phone ‐ Cell :
Phone ‐ Home : N/A
Date of Birth (Month/Day) : 10/24/87
Phone ‐ Home :
Date of Birth (Month/Day) :
Players Requiring Sanctioning
Continue to next page……………………………………………………………………………………
Continue to next page……………………………………………………………………………………
Wednesday Night, 8-Ball
Financial Statement As of April 24th
110 Players X $30 League Membership
17 Teams X $25 per week X 32 Weeks
Sponsorship Fees: 17 Teams X $50
League score sheets sponsors paid advertizing
Total Income
Total Expenses and Payouts:
League Money Out
Monies Left Over
Administrative Expenses
BCAPL Sanction Fees (30 players X $15)
League Secretary Fee ($23 X 34 weeks, printing and travel included, final total
may be less due to creative cost saving methods)
End of Season Banquet
League Supplies (binders and other)
Printing of Scoresheets
Total Administrative Expenses
Individual Overall Awards:
Most Valuable Men's (Highest Average) Player 1st Place
Most Men's Run Outs 1st Place
Most Men's 5/0's 1st Place
Most Valuable Women (Highest Average) Player 1st Place
Most Women Run Outs 1st Place
Most Women 5/0's 1st Place
Continue on next page………………………………………………………………………
Team Individual Awards:
Most Valuable Player ($100 X 17 Teams)
Most Run Outs ($100 X 17 Teams)
Most 5/0's ($100 X 17 Teams)
Team Division Standings Ending of Season Awards:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place
6th Place
Men's Individual Mid & End of Season Tournament (Top 24):
1st Place $250 X 2
2nd Place $150 X 2
3rd Place $100 X 2
Men's Individual Mid & End of Season Tournament (25~50):
1st Place $150 X 2
2nd Place $75 X 2
3rd Place $50 X 2
Men's Individual Mid & End of Season Tournament (51~110):
1st Place $100 X 2
2nd Place $50 X 2
3rd Place $25 X 2
Women's Individual Mid & End of Season Tournament:
1st Place $150 X 2
2nd Place $75 X 2
3rd Place $50 X 2
End of Season Team Tournament:
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
5th Place
6th Place
Crossroads Eight Ball League
League bylaws
Games & Tardiness:
1. Game time is 8:00 pm (real time)
2. If a team does not have a minimum of three players to start a match by 8:15 pm, the match is a
3. All players from both teams that appear before the forfeit time will be awarded their individual
average and credit for five games. No 5/0’s will be awarded for forfeit.
4. Forfeiting team will receive 100 points; their opponent will receive the team average plus 10%
5. For a forfeit to occur, one of the teams has to have less than 3 players ready to play prior to 8:15
1. If a late player appears before the beginning of the 2nd round, the player will be allowed to play all
five rounds. If the player appears after the 2nd round has begun, they will not be allowed to play
until the* 3rd round. (*after was removed between the and 3rd )
2. Players not available for play will be awarded 4 points per round.
3. Once the first round has been completed there will be no additions or substitutions until after the
third round is complete.
Postponements and reschedules:
Notification for a postponement should be made as early to the team captain of the team or the
teams designated contact person. This notification should occur by Noon the day of the scheduled
Shift work is not a reason to reschedule; teams should have enough
players to cover schedules.
2. The team captain must directly verify with the opposing or designated contact is aware of the
postponement. All teams please make sure that you have a current contact number, if the number
changes it will need to be given to all captains in a timely manner including the league Director.
Crossroads Eight Ball League
League bylaws
Make up games:
1. Teams will have two weeks to make up postponed games. It is up to the captain of the postponing
team to make contact with the opposing team’s captain to reschedule the match.
2. Any postponed match that has not been made up will become a forfeit if the team postpones a
second match before the previous postponement is made up.
Handicap and player average:
1. Player average is determined by dividing the player’s individual points by the number of games
they have played.
2. In determining team average, the individual players’ handicap will be rounded to the nearest whole
3. Match handicap will be 100% of the difference of the teams’ handicap with a cap of 50 points per
4. The first three weeks of a new season a players’ handicap will carry over from the previous season.
Beginning on the 5th week of the season, the player average will convert to the player’s average
from games played in the new season. (5th week was agreed upon at league meeting 1.19.12)
5. New players to the league will start with a 7 average for the first three weeks and then convert over
to the new season average. A new player joining the league after the 4th week will not have an
average on the first match played.
6. A match being played by the team with less than five players or a new player after the 4th week
will determine the match average by dropping the highest average form the opposing team and
taking the difference of the averages that are remaining.
Travel limit:
1. 30 mile radius of Pt. Lavaca.
Team and individual tournaments:
1. There will be four individual tournaments for mid season and end of season.
These tournaments will be as follows;
The Top 25player’ tournament
Players’ 25 through 50 tournaments
Players’ 51 and Up tournament
Women’s tournament
Crossroads Eight Ball League
League bylaws
2. Players can play up if there is an opening, but cannot play in the lower tournaments.
3. Women and men will not be allowed to play in each other’s tournaments.
4. For each tournament, there will be a tournament director, preferably someone not playing in the
5. During the tournament, the table area will be controlled to prevent interference from fans, bar
patrons and other players.
Sponsor fees and obligations:
1. Sponsor fee is $50 to be paid by the 4th week of the season or no matches will be played at that
location after the 4th week. Arrangements will be made to play matches at paid sponsor.
2. The sponsor must have a minimum of two tables for every two teams.
3. The sponsor must assure that playing conditions are adequate, including sufficient space,
equipment in good condition and proper air conditioning or heat. i.e… tables level and playable
and bar traffic should not interfere with players during a match.
4. The league and players are to follow the house rules of each sponsor and conduct themselves
appropriately. If for any reason a team is not allowed to play at a venue, then the director will
schedule the match at another of the league’s sponsored locations.
New players:
1. After the 4th week, new players can only be added as a replacement for a player that has been
removed from a team’s roster. Once a player has been removed from a roster, that player cannot
return to play for any other team, including the original one, until the start of a new season.
Changes to the roster can only be made with the approval of the Director.
Illegal players:
1. Only players on a team’s roster can play for that team. If an illegal player is used the games that
player will be forfeited. The offending team will receive 0 points for each game forfeited and the
opponent will receive 9 points.
2. It is the responsibility of every team not to allow illegal players.
Crossroads Eight Ball League
League bylaws
Weekly Fees and score sheets:
1. There is a weekly team fee of $25.00, for each match played. If the fee is not paid, it is due before
the next weeks match. Unpaid weekly fees are the responsibility of the team. Team captain are to
insure these fees are collected and paid.
2. All score sheets are due by midnight Thursday following the Wednesday night match.
3. The director will designate a drop off point for score sheets and weekly fees.
4. Fill the score sheet out completely. Clearly indicate amount of money paid and who paid it. It is
the captains’ responsibility to make sure that the money indicated on the score sheet is correct
and included with the score sheet that is turned in.
5. If you are sending a score sheet to a designated drop off point, sent it with a team captain or other
responsible person. It is the team captains who are responsible to make sure that score sheets and
money have been delivered to the correct person.
Game Rules:
1. Games are played by BCA rule book with the following exceptions:
a. The push shot is not a foul.
b. A player may ask for help from a team member once per game with a 60 second time
limit is recommended. A player involved in another game cannot be called for called on
to help.
c. No one can approach or help a player until they ask for assistance. If a foul has been
committed, they must first approach the opposing player concerning the possible foul
before asking for assistance. Failure to do so the player may lose the ball in hand even if
a foul has been committed.
d. A player or players should not approach the table in order distract an opponent preparing
to shoot.
e. In order to prevent confusion, the shooter should indicate even the obvious shots. (not
A player may ask either team captain a clarification of the rules at anytime.
g. Any questions concerning a shot or rule should be settled by the captains’. The result of
the two captains’ decision will be final.
Crossroads Eight Ball League
League bylaws
h. Any dispute during a game will be resolved by the team captains. If they cannot agree on
a solution, the game will be re-racked and played again with the same player breaking.
All games are final when they have been played. There are no appeals.
A foul can only be called by the two players, unless another is called to judge, then the
judge’s decision is final.
k. Rack your own break.
Games determined on a point system. 9 points for the win, the loser gets credit for his or
her ball pocketed.
m. A run out win will be scored as 10 points, the loser gets credit for balls pocketed. A run
out is when a player makes a ball on the break and finishes the game in that turn or if a
ball is not made on the break (and no foul is committed) and he or she run the table on the
first turn following the opponents first turn. The player that is not breaking is credited a
run out on his or their first turn after the break if they run the table.
2. A player is responsible for paying attention to his game. It is not responsibility of the opponent to
call a foul because you are not paying attention.
3. Be courteous.
Disorderly conduct:
1. Teams are responsible for their conduct and language. Profanity will not be tolerated.
2. Disorderly conduct will be addressed by a warning on the 1st offence and a $25 fine of suspension
on subsequent incidents. Punishment for serious offences such as striking another person will go
straight to a suspension for all players involved. These suspensions to range from minimum of 1
week (next time team plays) to remainder of season, depending on the player’s involvement. The
director will make the final decision.
Illegal contact:
1. Other than normal contact while performing a shot, it is a foul contact the table while balls are
still in motion. For example, intentionally tapping the table with the cue or any other part of the
Crossroads Eight Ball League
League bylaws
2. Players that have been asked by another for help are not allowed to touch the playing surface of
the table, including the bumpers, this is a foul. Touching the cabinet of the table is permissible as
long as is not used to direct a shot or mark a shot.
Membership fees:
1. Membership fees are $30, of which $15 goes to BCA for annual dues and $15 to Crossroads
Eight Ball League for the season dues. If a second season is played during the BCA year (June 1st
through May 31st) there will be additional $15 dues for all local league.
2. Fees and rosters are due by the end of the 4th week of the season. Any player that has not paid
their membership dues by the 4th week will not be allowed to play until dues are paid. Addresses
and telephone numbers are required at this time also.
Season Schedules:
1. The schedule will be provided for the entire season, including the dates of the tournaments and
playoffs, Locations of tournaments will be provided at a later date, but early enough for the
sponsor’s to prepare for them.
2. While it is the Director’s responsibility to insure the schedule is correct, it is also each team’s
responsibility to aid the director by checking the schedule for conflicts or mistakes. Doing this
early will save problems later in the season.
3. It is the Director’s responsibility to provide all league information to team captains to share with
their team and to each sponsor to post at their location. It is the captain’s and sponsor’s
responsibility to verify that they received the information and inform their teams. (a note on the
score sheet or email would work for verification that is track able)
Revisions to the previous versions of the crossroads eight ball pool
league by laws are italicized to note the change.