MCES PTA Board Meeting – July 29, 2014 Updated by: Jill

MCES PTA Board Meeting – July 29, 2014
Updated by: Jill Schwadron
President called meeting to order: 6:07 pm
Attendees included:
AnnMarie Marchese, Kendra Kelley, Sharon Brown, Mrs. Parrish, Jill Schwadron, Missy Balleydier, Diane
Hayes, Tracy Spina, Brandee Chandler, Leigh Canulli, Sharon Brown, Heather Lynch, Mary Wendland,
Denise Salsibury, Jennifer Coppocia, Chris Fillio.
No prior meeting minutes to approve. First meeting of 2014-15 school year.
Board members invited to sign Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest Policy.
New Business
Yahoo group: Sharon Brown initiated discussion about continued need for yahoo group. Yahoo allows us
to maintain email address and allows people to sign up for newsletter and other communications even if
they are not PTA members. Board decided to leave yahoo board as is for now. President discussed
creating standard email address by position and will follow up with VPs offline.
VP Reports
Denise Salisbury, VP Ways and Means: Agenda Sales, Citipass sales are ongoing. Sign up genius sent out
for Citipass distribution work meeting. Agendas will be sold at open house and school store.
Kendra Kelly, VP School Programs- Kendra will confirm that Deanna Zolfo will attend the cultural arts fair
and head committee. April Grumaeir (sp?) has expressed interest in assisting with cultural committee.
Mrs. Parrish requested we invite Mr. Denny and Ms. Howell to participate in Cultural Arts program.
Math Club: 5th grade is set, but 4th grade needs to identify a teacher point person. Mrs. Parrish has
offered to convey information to 4th grade teachers to see who will head it up and determine if parent
volunteers are needed. Spelling Bee chairs will be Erin Timberlake and Kevin Cole. Mrs. Parrish will pass
along names for Spelling Bee staff liaisons. Kendra to verify that Beth Lewis is coordinating the entire
Science Olympiad event hosted by MCES at high school.
Missy Balleydier, VP School Family Programs- Tea and Tissues had a positive response from parents.
Chairs filled for all family committees. Dates determined for Father/Daughter, Mother/Son activities
and food drive.
Leigh Canulli, VP Fundraising- Membership applications are still trickling in. Jade has master file and will
add Leigh.
Diane Hayes, Chair of Nominating Comm- nothing new to report at this time
Treasurer’s Report, Jennifer Cappocia and Brandee Chandler- School district will not approve cabana
walkway. Board needs to determine new line item for project money. Board discussed ideas that were
high on the interest survey list: teacher grant, K2 playground improvement. Board decided to hold
money in account for school improvements.
Motion to approve budget – Jennifer Capoccia. Motion to second- Leigh Canulli. Vote
unanimous. Motion Passes.
Meeting adjourned at 7:02 pm.
MCES PTA General Meeting – July 29, 2014
Updated by: Jill Schwadron
President called meeting to order: 7:11 pm
President declared quorum in attendance.
Attendees included:
AnnMarie Marchese, Kendra Kelley, Sharon Brown, Mrs. Parrish, Jill Schwadron, Missy Balleydier, Diane
Hayes, Tracy Spina, Brandee Chandler, Leigh Canulli, Sharon Brown, Heather Lynch, Mary Wendland,
Denise Salsibury, Jennifer Coppocia, Chris Fillio, Deanna Zolfo, Kristi Stiehl, Morgan King, Lori
Hohenstein, Katherine Gomez, Sandi Armfield, Lisa Sheridan, Beth Lewis, Carolina Bird, Vivine Hill, Any
Evry, Danae Hudson, Sherry Moyer.
New board introduced:
Jennifer Capoccia
AnnMarie Marchese
VP Ways and Means
Denise Salisbury
VP Fundraising
Leigh Canulli
VP School Programs & Assistant
Kendra Kelley
VP Communications
Sharon Brown
Brandee Chandler
Jill Schwadron
Motion made to approve board of directors. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
Motion made to approve minutes from previous general meeting. Motion seconded and passed
President’s Report (AnnMarie Marchese) :
SIP Reps: three SIPS (school improvement reps): Heather Lynch, Ernest Parrish and Blanca Petrillo have
been nominated. Heather gave a brief description of most recent meeting. Meet quarterly with SIP
chair, Jane Jacobs and principal, Mrs. Parrish.
Motion made to approved SIP reps. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Treasurer Report: Last school year the PTA raised funding and worked on getting approval from school
district for cabana covered walkway. Project chosen as a result of a survey to parents and teachers with
additional school clubs, teacher grants, update K-2 playground coming in second. School district is not
going to allow PTA to put in walkway so PTA would like to save money for school improvements.
Programs from last year will be continued and funded. No major changes. Full report
available from Treasurer.
Motion made to approve 2014-2015 PTA budget. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
New Business:
New School garden. Ms. Cancro (teacher) and parent volunteers continue to develop garden. They had
hoped to provide a presentation but that has been postponed until next month.
Membership at 241.
Principal’s report: Welcome everyone. Off to a good start. Next Open House on Tues, Aug 5th. Tea and
Tissues on Monday, Aug 4th. Reminder letter will go out on safely crossing West Lake Road. Request
parents cross with their children.
Teacher Rep report: Teachers would like to reiterate teachers would like their projectors hung from the
ceiling. Mrs. Parrish will get estimate from Mrs. Fountain for this project.
Agendas: Sales ongoing. Recorders being sold to 4th graders. $5 for agenda, $3 for recorders.
Open House for Track 4 on Aug 5th
Go Play Save fundraiser is going on right now. Track 4 books will go out next week.
Next PTA Meeting: Tues, Aug 19th, third Tues of the month. PTA plans to have childcare available once
high school key club is back in session.
Meeting adjourned 7:45.