2006 International Conference on Biology-related Patents 2006/09/28~29, Taipei, TAIWAN AGRONOMY Warren H.J. KUO Professor & Chair, Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan University Cropping acreage, tHa Changes in Crop Production 900 800 700 2004 稻 237 rice crop 雜糧總計 59 Upland Crop 特用總計 43 Special 青果總計 219 Fruits 蔬菜總計 165 Vegetables 觀賞總計 13 Ornamentals tHa 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 ’33 ’40 ’56 ’61 ’70 ’75 ’88 ’97 International trade of seeds 1,000,000 Export 900,000 Import NT Dollars 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 International trades of ornamentals US Dollars http://www.phalaenopsis.idv.tw/h ybrids/C/Chih%20Shang's%20Stri pes%20X%20Plantation%20Polka dot/0003.JPG 80,000 Export 70,000 Import 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 History of IP protection on plant varieties 1988 Plant Seed Act Vegetables Fruits Ornamentals 2004 Plant Variety and Seed Act Cereals To be extended to all plant all plant genera and species Application numbers of PBR 550 Valid Pending Expired 177 Withdrawed 125 Rejected 229 Nullified 9 7 2 Rice, 25th July Application numbers 600 500 400 Orchid Vegetables Ornamentals 300 200 100 0 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 15th , Sept Valid PBR 177 4 Poinsettia Pear 2 Orchid Tea Papaya 1 Gerbera Jujube 1 Chrysanthemum 1 Polyanthus Peach 1 others Litchi 10 Pending 41 Melon f. 31 Tomato f. 13 Tubers 8 Legumes 7 Cabbage f. 27 other 127 95 cv. of 9 ornamentals 22 cv. of 9 vegatables 8 cv. of 5 fruits/tea 15 10 5 4 3 3 40 Application numbers of PBR 550 Ornamentals Application numbers 250 277 200 Vegetables 150 254 100 Fruits/Tea 50 19 0 Public Sector 89 16% Private Sector 461 84% National Foreigner 395 72% 155 28% PBR Application numbers Private Sector Application numbers 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 178 76 Median 3 74% Mean 12 Application numbers of Vegetables Public 44 254 Others Private 210 10 cucumber f. public, 5% 12 121 Tomato Eggplant Sweet Pepper 55 cucumber f. private, 48% cabbage f. public, 3% cabbage f. private, 13% 15 Cucumber family tomato f. public, 6% tomato f. private, 21% other public, 4% 34 Cabbage family 7 other private, 0% PVP in Taiwan: who is claiming their rights? Foreigners 3% Nationals 97% Vegetables Application numbers 50 62 40 30 20 All fruit/tea tree cultivars are of nationals’ application 10 0 Tomato Pepper Water Pumpkin Hot/sw melon Melon Cabbage Cucumber Family Others Application numbers of Ornamentals 275 Poinsettia Other ornamental plants 95 5 56 Poinsettia, public, 2% 95 24 Public 29 Private 246 Poinsettia, private, 20% Moth orchid , public, 0% Moth orchid , private, 34% Others, public, 9% Others, private, 35% Moth orchid/Doritaenopsis Application numbers ns G ett Ka erb ia hr l e ys an ra an ch th oe em um A Ro nt s hu e Im riu pa m tie Pe ns C tun G alla ia yp so lily ph St i l a at ic e Po i PVP in Taiwan: who is claiming their rights? Ornamentals Foreigners 52% Nationals 48% 106 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Others An infringe case Gypsophila ‘Yukinko’ • Of Israeli origin • Farmers were licensed to grow • Right holder sued defendants for propagated without permission • Farmers’ privilege not accepted • Settlement reached http://www.fleuralia.com/e ng/prod/esqueixoscos.htm http://www.sakataseed.co.jp/m ethod/flower/gypsophila.jpg Plant Breeders in Taiwan Public sector Private sector Rice Maize Maize (fresh) Forage crops Cover crops Sweet potato Tea trees Timber trees Fruit trees Vegetables Ornamentals Maize (fresh) Vegetables Ornamentals 1980~2006 Genetically Modified Plants Commercial Production: none Risk assessment: Event Environ. risk Food risk Rice (phytase) Rice (lactoferrin) Potato (phytase) testing no application testing no application testing no application Broccoli (anti-ageing) testing no application Tomato (Virus resistance) Papaya (Virus resistance) testing no application passed no application Prospects of GM plants • Domestic seed markets too small to justify investment of GM technology • No supports from private sector • Infrastructure of public sector not suit • Production cost of rice not to be effectively lowered by GM technology • Small farms predominate (1.22 ha), and contamination is inevitable Are Taiwanese plant breeders in need of patent protection ? Similarities between PVP and Patent protection Differences between PVP and Patent protection The Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act (2004) UPOV 1991 Convention Similarities between PVP and Patent protection Maize hybrids —US patent 6,180,857 C1. Hybrid maize seed designated 33P66, representative seed of said hybrid 33P66 having been deposited under ATCC accession number PTA-1522. C2. A maize plant, or its parts, produced by the seed of claim 1. Varieties which are essentially derived from the protected variety (EDV) C8. A hybrid maize plant according to claim 2, wherein the genetic material of said plant contains one or more transgenes. C9. A hybrid maize plant according to claim 2, wherein the genetic material of said plant contains one or more genes transferred by backcrossing. C1. Hybrid maize seed designated 33P66, representative seed of said hybrid 33P66 having been deposited under ATCC accession number PTA-1522. C2. A maize plant, or its parts, produced by the seed of claim 1. Varieties which are not clearly distinguishable C7. A maize plant…. capable of expressing all the morphological and physiological characteristics of hybrid maize plant 33P66, representative seed having been deposited under ATCC accession number. C11. A maize plant, or its parts, having all the morphological and physiological characteristics of the plant of claim 2. 22. A maize plant, …one ancestor…is the maize plant…of claim 21, said maize plant capable of expressing a combination of at least two 33P66 traits … and well suited to the Central Corn Belt, Western Corn Belt and Eastern Corn Belt…. 26. A maize plant, …one ancestor…is the maize plant…of claim 25, …. varieties whose production C21. A hybrid maize plant according to requires the repeated use of claim 11, wherein the genetic material of said plant contains one or more transgenes. the protected variety C25. A hybrid maize plant according to claim 11, wherein the genetic material of (Essentially) said plant contains one or more genes Derived Variety transferred by backcrossing. C11. A maize plant, or its parts, having all the morphological and physiological characteristics of the plant of claim 2. Differences between PVP and Patent protection Farmers’ privilege Upov 1991 Article 15:Exceptions to the Breeder's Right [Optional exception] each Contracting Party may … restrict the breeder's right … to permit farmers to use for propagating purposes, on their own holdings, the product of the harvest which they have obtained by planting, on their own holdings, the protected variety …. Differences between PVP and Patent protection Farmers’ privilege DIRECTIVE 98/44/EC Article 11 1. By way of derogation from Articles 8 and 9, the sale or other form of commercialisation of plant propagating material to a farmer by the holder of the patent or with his consent for agricultural use implies authorisation for the farmer to use the product of his harvest for propagation or multiplication by him on his own farm, the extent and conditions of this derogation corresponding to those under Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 2100/94. Differences between PVP and Patent protection Farmers’ privilege Number of Farmers and Businesses Sued Per State http://www.centerforfoo dsafety.org/pubs/CFSMO nsantovsFarmerReport1. 13.05.pdf The Seed Availability and Competition Act 2004, US [HR4693] Differences between PVP and Patent protection Breeders’ exemption Upov 1991 Article 15:Exceptions to the Breeder's Right [Compulsory exception] The breeder's right shall not extend to ….. (iii) acts done for the purpose of breeding other varieties, and, except where the provisions of Article 14(5) apply, acts referred to in Article 14(1) to Article 14(4) in respect of such other varieties. Differences between PVP and Patent protection Breeders’ exemption Freedom to Operate for Public breeders Differences between PVP and Patent protection Breeders’ exemption PIPRA members •AVRDC: The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan •CIMMYT: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Mexico •CIP: International Potato Center, Peru •IRRI: International Rice Research Institute, Philippines ………. Differences between PVP and Patent protection Breeders’ exemption •University of California, Berkeley •Cornell University •University of California, Davis •Iowa State University •Kansas State University •University of California, •Michigan State University Riverside •University of Florida •N. Carolina State •University of Georgia University •University of Kentucky •Ohio State University •Oregon State University •University of Idaho •University of Missouri•Purdue University Columbia •Rutgers University •University of Tennessee •University of Arizona •University of Wisconsin WARF •University of Arkansas •Washington State University ………… PIPRA members Differences between PVP and Patent protection Breeders’ exemption Due parts of anything under the sun that is made by man could be patented Differences between PVP and Patent protection Breeders’ exemption PVP 9 7 5 1 3 2 10 9999 4 8 6 11 Free to use PVP 5 7 9 40 60 1 3 90 10 PVP 5 4 9 3 60 1 20 4 30 8 7 9 11 2 1 3 4 10 PVP EDV 8 20 9 11 2 1 3 4 10 PVP 8 20 30 11 2 1 3 4 10 PVP Differences between PVP and Patent protection Breeders’ exemption Patent 9 7 3 2 Patented 5 1 10 9999 4 8 6 11 5 7 9 11 2 1 3 4 10 5 7 9 11 2 1 3 4 10 BT 〤 8 20 9 11 2 1 3 4 10 Differences between PVP and Patent protection A drawback in PVP Company X Company Y GM cv. cv. B m A Back cross cv. Bm Bm Patent Bm 〤 PVP Gene m Plant Am Essentially Derived Variety Novel-trait Derived Variety The protection of plant variety rights shall extend to the following dependent varieties: (i) varieties which are essentially derived from the protected variety, where the protected variety is not itself an essentially derived variety, (iv) varieties which novel-trait(s) are derived from the protected variety, where the protected variety is the initial variety bred to possess the novel-trait(s). The novel-trait shall be deemed to be transgenic trait, mutated trait of non-natural origin, or trait transgressed from wild species. Genetic Transformation Back Cross A protected cv. Km cv. A Essentially Derived Novel Trait Derived cv. Bm B not protected cv. B cv. Am cv. A mn cv. Fm cv. Sn cv. Bmn In Conclusion, in TAIWAN: PVP is effective in promoting breeding activities effective in facilitating technology transfer a valid tool to deal with infringing case Reasons not to protect by Patent PVP is sufficient for traditional breeders Intrinsic drawback of over protection for plants Prospects of producing GM plants are small Effective PVP for GM plants is possible THE END warren h.j. kuo seed laboratory department of agronomy national taiwan university 237