Chapter 8 Rotational Motion

Chapter 20 Sound
The physicist usually takes the
objective position and defines
sound as a form of energy that
exists whether or not it is heard
and goes on from there to
investigate its nature.
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071
Main topics
Origin of sound
Nature of sound in air
Speed of sound in air
Natural frequency
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071
Origin of sound
• Most sounds are waves produced by the vibrations of
material objects. For example,
– In a piano, violin, and guitar, the sound is produced by the vibrating
– Your voice results from the vibration of your vocal cords.
• In each of these cases,
– The original vibrations stimulates the vibration of something larger or
more massive, such as the sounding board of a stringed instrument, or the
air in the throat and mouth of a singer.
– This vibrating material then sends a disturbance through the surrounding
medium, usually air, in the form of longitudinal waves.
• Under ordinary conditions, the frequency of the vibrating
source and the frequency of the sound waves produced are
the same.
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071
Pitch and frequency of sound
• Pitch: we describe our subjective impression
about frequency of sound by the word pitch.
• Frequency corresponds to pitch:
– A high-pitched sound like that form a piccolo has a
high frequency of vibration.
– A low-pitched sound like that form a fog horn has
a low frequency of vibration.
A picture of piccolo
• The human ear of a young person can normally
hear pitches corresponding to the range of
frequencies between 20 and 20,000 hertz.
– Infrasonic: frequencies below 20 hertz.
– Ultrasonic: frequencies above 20,000 hertz.
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071
Nature of sound in air
• Compression and rarefaction
• When the door is opened, a compression travels
across the room.
• When the door is closed, a rarefaction travels
across the room.
• It is not the medium itself that travels across the
room, but the energy-carrying pulse. The pulse
(disturbance) travels from the door to the curtain.
• A continual swing of the door open and closed in
a periodic fashion will set up a wave of periodic
compressions and rarefactions that will make the
curtain swing in and out of the window.
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071
Nature of sound in air (cont.)
• When the prong of the tuning fork next to the tube moves
toward the tube, a compression enters the tube.
• When the prong swings away in the opposite direction, a
rarefaction follows the compression.
• As the source (the prongs of the tuning fork) vibrates,
compressions and rarefaction travel in the same direction
from the tuning fork through the air.
• The frequency of the vibrating source and the frequency of
the wave it produces are the same.
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071
Speed of sound in the air
• Thunder is heard after a flash of lightning is seen.
• Sound requires a recognizable time to travel from one
place to another.
• The speed of sound does not depend on the loudness or
frequency of the sound.
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071
Natural frequency and resonance
• Natural frequency: any object
composed of an elastic material will
vibrate when disturbed at its own
special set f frequencies, which
together form its special sound.
• Resonance: when the frequency of
forced vibrations on an object
matches the object’s natural
frequency, a dramatic increase in
amplitude occurs.
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071
Pumping a swing in rhythm
with its natural frequency
produces a large amplitude.
The effect of resonance
• Resonance is not restricted to wave motion. It occurs whenever
successive impulses are applied to a vibrating object in rhythm with its
natural frequency.
• In 1940, four months after being completed, the Tacoma Narrows
Bridge in the state of Washington was destroyed by wind-generated
Dr. Jie Zou
PHY 1071