Terms and Conditions of Employment

Chapter 17: Employment,
Immigration, and Labor Law
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 Historically, employment law was
governed by the common law doctrine
of “employment at will.”
 Today employment law is heavily
regulated by state and federal statutes.
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Employment at Will
 Employment relationships have been
by common law doctrine of
“employment at will.”
• Either party may terminate at any time for
any reason, unless contract provides to the
contrary. 
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Employment at Will
 Exceptions to the Employment At Will
• Based on Contract Theory: is there an
implied employment agreement? What
about oral promises from employer?
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Employment at Will
 Exceptions to At Will (cont’d):
• Based on Tort Theory: termination may
give rise to wrongful discharge claims.
• Based on Public Policy:
• Requirements: Must be clearly stated in
statutes governing that jurisdiction.
• Whistleblowing and Public Policy. 
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Employment at Will
 Wrongful Discharge.
• Even if employer’s actions do not violate
any express employment contract or
statute, liability may still attach based on
tort theory or agency.
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§2: Wage-Hour Laws
 Introduction.
• Davis-Bacon Act -- the prevailing wage
• Walsh-Healey Act -- the beginning of
minimum wages.
• Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) -- an
extension of wage and hour regulation to
workers in interstate commerce. 
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Wage-Hour Laws
 Child Labor.
• FLSA prohibits oppressive child labor
 Minimum Wage Requirements.
• In 2010, FLSA minimum wage is
$7.25/hour in covered industries.
Employers in food or lodging industries
can deduct reasonable cost of those
services from wages.
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Wage and Hour Laws
 Overtime Provisions and Exemptions.
• Rule: Under FLSA, employees who work
over 40 hours/week are entitled to 1.5
times her hourly wage for those hours
• Exemptions: certain employees, e.g.,
executive or professional, are exempt
from FLSA overtime requirements.
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Wage and Hour Laws
 Overtime Provisions and Exemptions.
• Exemptions: FLSA overtime exemptions
do not apply to manual laborers, nurses,
police, firefighters, and other public
safety workers. ‘blue collar’ workers.
(2010). What factors did the court use to
determine Smith’s status?
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 Worker Adjustment and Retraining
Notification Act: 60 day notice before a
‘mass layoff’ during 30 day period, which
results in workforce loss of:
• At least 33% of fifty (50) full-time employees
at a single job site, or
• At least 500 full-time employees.
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 Worker Adjustment and Retraining
Notification Act (continued).
• Notification Requirements.
• Remedies for Violations.
 State Laws May Also Require Layoff
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Family and Medical Leave
 Coverage and Application: FMLA
requires employers with over 50
employees to provide twelve (12) weeks
unpaid leave to employees who need to
care for a spouse, child, or parent
suffering with a serious medical
• Serious injuries or military duty can take up
to 26 weeks. 
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Family and Medical Leave
 Benefits and Protections:
• Employer must continue worker’s health
care on same terms. Worker must be
restored to position upon return to work
(unless it’s a “key” employee).
 Violations of the FMLA.
• Damages.
• Job reinstatement, and
• Promotion (if lost).
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Worker Health and Safety
 The Occupational Safety and Health
Act. (OSHA).
• The fundamental federal law aimed
toward safety in the workplace.
• Enforcement is by OSHA, NIOSH, and the
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Worker Health and Safety
 State Workers’ Compensation Laws:
establish an administrative procedure for
compensating workers injured on the job.
Instead of suing for injuries, a worker is
• Requirements.
• Workers’ Compensation versus Litigation.
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Income Security
 Social Security: portion of income
(whether paycheck or self-employed) goes
to FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions
 Medicare: federal government healthinsurance program for people 65 years of
age, and for those under 65 who are
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Income Security
 Private Pension Plans.
• ERISA does not require employers to setup
pension plans, but provides rules on
management and investment.
• Vesting.
 Unemployment Compensation.
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Income Security
 COBRA provides a federal right to
continued health insurance.
• Procedures: worker has 60 days to decide.
• Payment: COBRA is not free, payments
depending on conditions and worker status.
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Income Security
 Employer-Sponsored Group Health
• HIPAA: does not require health insurance
but it does establish requirements for health
• Strictly limits employer’s ability to exclude preexisting conditions.
• Plus, restricts manner of disseminating patient
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Employee Privacy Rights
 Electronic Monitoring in Workplace.
• Employee Privacy Protection: is there an
employee expectation of privacy?
• ECPA: “business-extension exception”
allows employer to monitor.
• Stored Communications.
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Employee Privacy Rights
 Other Types of Monitoring.
• Lie-Detector Tests: Employee Polygraph
Protection Act exempts government,
security, and controlled substance firms.
• CASE 17.2 NASA V. NELSON (2011). What
privacy law did Nelson claim NASA was
• Drug Testing.
• Genetic Testing.
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Immigration Law
 Immigration Reform and Control Act.
• IRCA makes it illegal to hire, recruit, or
refer for a fee, someone not authorized
to work in the U.S.
• I-9 Verification: for new hires.
• Enforcement: by I.C.E.
• Penalties. 
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Immigration Law
 Immigration Reform and Control Act.
• Penalties.
• Criminal Actions: ICE can seek criminal
• Penalties for employers.
• Mitigation or Aggravated penalties.
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Immigration Law
 The Immigration Act places caps on the
number of visas that can be issued to
immigrants every year.
I-551 Alien Registration Receipts.
The H-1B Visa Program.
Labor Certification.
H-2, O, L, and E Visas.
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Labor Unions
 Federal Labor Laws.
• Norris-LaGuardia Act: protects peaceful
strikes by limiting the injunction powers
of federal courts.
• National Labor Relations Act: established
the right of workers to strike and
engage in collective bargaining.
• Established NLRB.
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Labor Unions
 Labor Management Relations Act:
prohibits certain unfair union practices
such as closed shops. Allowed individual
states to pass right-to-work laws.
 Labor-Management Reporting and
Disclosure Act: hot cargo-agreements,
secondary boycotts.
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Labor Unions
 Union Organization.
• Preliminary Organizing.
• Workers sign authorization cards.
• Cards can justify an election.
• Union Elections.
• Must represent an “Appropriate Bargaining
Unit”: mutuality of interest among all
represented workers, job similarity.
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Labor Unions
 Union Organization.
• Union Election Campaigns.
• An election can be held only if it can be
shown that at least 30% of the workers
will be represented.
• Key Restraint on management is
nondiscrimination rule (cannot
selectively prohibit union solicitation).
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Labor Unions
 Union Election Campaigns.
• NLRB regulates the rights and obligations
of employers and workers in the election
• Each side can pursue their objectives, but
cannot interfere, beyond certain limits, in
the other’s activities. 
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Labor Unions
 Union Election Campaigns.
OF LAS VEGAS V. NLRB (2008). Were the
activities of Ms. Sapien and Ms. Briand
‘illegal surveillance’ that violated the
National Labor Relations Act?
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Labor Unions
 Collective Bargaining:
• Process by which management and labor
negotiate the terms and conditions of
• The NLRB will certify an exclusive
bargaining agent for labor.
• Both labor and management must bargain
in good faith, but the law does not require
that they reach an agreement. 
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Labor Unions
 Collective Bargaining.
• Terms and Conditions of Employment:
• Pay, Safety conditions, Insurance, Pensions.
• Closing or Relocating a Plant: Severance
• Management must bargain over the
economic consequences of moving.
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Labor Unions
 Strikes: two forms.
• Economic Strikes.
• These are strikes over wages.
• Workers can be replaced by permanent
• Unfair Labor Practice Strikes.
• Alleging the employer has committed an
unfair labor practice.
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Labor Unions
 Strikes.
• Right to Strike: guaranteed by NRLA.
• Illegal Strikes.
• Secondary Boycotts.
• Common Situs Picketing.
• Hot-Cargo Agreements.
• Wildcat Strikes.
• Strikes that Threaten National Health or
• Strikes that Contravene No-Strike Clauses.
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Labor Unions
 Strikes.
• Rights of Strikers After Strike Ends.
• Generally, an employer has the right to
permanent replacements (striking workers
are not guaranteed a job).
• But if the employer has not hired
replacements, then it must rehire the strikers
to replace open positions.
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Labor Unions
 Lockouts.
• Occurs when the employer shuts down to
prevent employees from working.
• When an employer believes a strike is
• Lockouts may be a legal employer
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Labor Unions
 Unfair Labor Practices.
• Employer’s Refusal to Recognize Union
and Negotiate.
• Presumption of Employee Support.
• Questions of Majority Support.
• Employer’s Interference in Union
• No threats, or even asking employees about
their views.
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Labor Unions
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