
CCLHDN Board Call Agenda
Thursday, September 20, 2012
1:30-3:00 p.m.
1-866-795-0204 Passcode 9691236#
2012-13 Board Members
Niaomi Hrepich, President
Laurie Green, President-Elect
Laura Brainin-Rodriguez, Treasurer
Denise Kirnig, Membership Secretary
Terri Fields Hosler, Past President
Time Agenda Item
Roll Call
Committee Reports
 Conference &
 Communications
 Logo
 Partnerships
Committee Chairs
Conference and Training (Objectives 4, 5) – Colleen Ogle
Communications (Objective 1) – Nori Grossmann
Partnerships (Objectives 2, 7) – Leslie Beckstrom
Timekeeper: Rebecca
Recorder: Melody
Decision / Action Steps
Communications: 3 items: a) newsletter template, b) logo c) Constant Contact. A) Have
floated three possible Publisher templates for newsletters for comment; Niaomi liked first
one best; Terri first and second, but wasn’t sure if space on side was wasted – consensus
was to go with first template. B) Logo – Laurie showed draft logos to graphic artist friend;
friend is willing to work on logo for very reasonable rate and thought could do something in
4-5 hours. Next steps: Nori will contact this person; Communications Comte also wanted to
establish a workgroup who would have a meeting with the graphic artist to get process
started. Nori will put opportunity to membership. Reminder that logo will need to be given to
CCLHDN in both color and grayscale. Will try to get process started to pull together meeting
in next month. C) Based on the frequency that CCLHDN sends out newsletters, the
Communications Comte decided against Constant Contact, hence using a Publisher
Newsletter template.
Conference and Training: Save the date has gone out; Denise reported that she had a
very large number of bounce backs. She’ll send again, removing the largest attachment.
Colleen reported on theme and overall goals of days one and two, and that upcoming
meeting will focus on developing objectives and sessions.
Partnerships: RT reported for Leslie. A) 14 Counties participated in peer exchanges in
this program year; have one scheduled next program year already; encouraging counties to
start thinking about exchanges for FFY 13. B) Have drafted a new member orientation
letter. We missed the August Board deadline. I am hoping the letter will be discussed
during the Sept 20th call.?? The letter requires some final details and decision about who
should sign the letter, etc…. Laurie Green was sent the most updated draft letter on
September 19th.
President’s Report
 Insurance
 Committee budgets
 CCLHO updates
 Other
Officer Reports:
 President Elect
 Treasurer
 Secretary
 Past President
 SNAP-Ed Task
Staff Reports:
Review completed
items from June 11-12
Board Planning Meeting
Action items, next steps
ID any
 Melody will look into Board insurance and general liability by next board call. Some sort
of liability is required by UC Davis for our event.
 Committee budgets: question about whether budgets should be changed based on
Network budget? This is particularly relevant for Partnerships; Niaomi will give the
revised funding level to the committee.
 Niaomi is planning to attend the monthly CCLHO calls bi-monthly. There is a semiannual meeting coming up on October 4; Niaomi asked Laurie whether she might be
interested in attending part of the day. NH will forward agenda to Laurie for further
discussion. Niaomi will report that CCLHDN has received Network funding again; remind
CCLHO to identify a nutritionist for membership. (Terri filled Niaomi in that the other
affiliates were at the meeting and gave reports in person, and also a written report.
Affiliates that weren’t present submitted written reports.)
 Secretary: made some edits to membership form; have gotten 4 memberships to date.
Has heard from some counties that they need a vendor form, and that there is potential
problems when w-9 address is different from where the check is sent. Denise asked
whether it would make sense to have checks sent directly to our office; will consider this
for next year.
 President Elect: is asking another org that she’s on for their nominating procedures;
CCLHDN needs to work on establishing a nominating committee that is not Board
 Treasurer: Has been working on procedures; Laura is still working on several.
Bookkeeper has been engaged; LBR will be meeting with her to review last year of
transactions. Bank balance around $21k; waiting for 3rd quarter reimbursement of about
 Past President: SNAP-Ed Task Force – now moving to monthly calls (from bi-weekly);
question about whether additional representation is needed – CCLHO and CHEAC
requested the group, and have worked through the big picture issues. May find down the
road that additional representation is needed to address programmatic or other
operational issues. Terri wants to have a discussion about what CCLHDN can post to
website to support the RD hiring process. Terri also suggested that it might be useful to
have Carolyn Peck or Wendel Brunner to present on the Chronic Disease framework at
the March conference.
Melody mentioned that contracts for staff need to be renewed, and that we are also
requesting support from CCLHDN funds for upcoming year. Melody will provide information
to Niaomi who will then work with the Board.
Board members should be routinely tracking the due dates of their assignments and
reporting on progress.
Review membership letter and ensure it’s consistent with decisions made at retreat;
send edits/questions to Denise by October 11 – melody will resend letter.
Discussion Item
Membership is a requirement
for attending CCLHDN’s
annual membership/business
Ensure that membership letter and conference program make this requirement
clear; conference can be attended by members and their staffs; any follow up
conference (such as the Leadership Forum) can be attended by non-members.
Also note this in the new member orientation letter.
Membership/Business Meeting will be for Voting Member and approved assoc.
Business Meeting- 1 hr breakfast meeting suggested -attended by Voting Members
only (limited to 1 representative per County)
Purpose: CCLHDN’s purpose is to build leadership capacity among local health
department nutritionists to influence nutrition funding and programs at the local and
state levels.
Officers and terms:
 President: 1 year
 President elect: 1 year
 Immediate Past President: 1 year
 Treasurer: 2 years
 Secretary: 1 year
 communicate allocation amounts to Committee chairs
 provide budget format to Committee chairs
 receive proposed budgets from Comte chairs
 approve budgets
 create a format and begin populating the categories and decision makers;
 staff will provide to Board for discussion by August Board meeting
 ask CCLHO staff (Roberta Lawson) for list of counties that don’t typically pay
CCLHO dues (Denise will assess non-payment to CCLHDN by same date)
 divide list to make calls to counties on the priority list that have not paid dues in
recent years – reference membership reminder ltr for consistency in messaging
 develop new member orientation letter and process for ensuring that new
members (which includes both new counties joining CCLHDN and nutritionists
who replace members who have retired, changed jobs, etc.) receive a welcome
phone call
 produce a newsletter format
 seek content from officers and committee chairs
 send final to Secretary for distribution
 propose components/content for website to Board
 define conference theme and objectives and draft agenda, find suitable venue
based on agenda
 review purpose and ensure responsive content; communicate that nutritionists
Bylaws amendments:
Committees will be given a
budget allocation to
accomplish projects assigned
Decision making protocol for
Board and Committees
Recruitment goal for program
year 2012-13 – 40 counties
Requirement for attending
annual membership/business
Annual conference
Secty, C&T
Bylaws Chair
comment by Oct
31, 2012
Vote by annual
Annually JulyAug
Staff? Past
August16, 2012
Sept 20 2012
Sept 20 2012
Oct 31, 2012 /
before conf. ‘13
Sept 30, 2012
Jul-Aug, Jan-Feb
C&T Comte
Annually – at
least 9 mo before
proposed dates
Annually by
Board handbook:
Officers will take responsibility
for creating
are in charge and leading the way; membership meeting should be inspirational
 ensure business meeting is clearly defined – desired outcomes, requirements for
 Purchasing guidelines
- Categories of goods purchased
- Dollar thresholds
- References to funder requirements
 Invoicing standards (by contractors, to funders)
 Reimbursement
 Contracting procedures
 Banking information and procedures (names on checking acct, electronic
banking protocol, etc.)
 Travel guidelines (for Board, members, staff)
 Budget templates (global, project, committees)
Past President:
 Clear process for amending bylaws and membership application
 Create a template for procedures/guidelines to be used by all
President Elect:
 Nominating Committee composition and nominations process
 Protocol for staff/Board relations
 Membership application
 Dues policy and membership renewal process
 Membership action calendar
 Sample forms?
 New member orientation letter/packet
 Approval process for written materials
 Board meeting management protocol
 Contribute to development of decision making protocol
- Need guidelines on when committees can make decisions, can spend
budgets, and when committees are making recommendations for a Board
 Meeting management protocol
 Reporting requirements and process
Laura B-R
-staff draft
Dec meeting for
whole set
Sept 20 2012
Oct meeting
Oct meeting
Dec meeting
Nov meeting