teori-teori belajar

Kuliah 9
Fokus pada nilai apa yang
dipelajari dan proses ketika
situasi belajar terjadi
ide dan perilaku yang dapat
dipelajari dan mendukung
terjadinya pelanggaran hukum
Asumsi dasar:
Belajar (learning) adalah
kebiasaan dan pengetahuan
yang berkembang sebagai hasil
dari pengalaman individu saat
memasuki dan menyesuaikan diri
dalam lingkungan tertentu
Belajar melalui
Tiga cara individu dapat pelajari
melalui asosiasi
• Classical conditioning / Pavlovian
• Operant conditioning / Skinnerian /
reward & punishment principle
• Social learning / Bandurian /
associationism plus expectations
Law of Imitation - Tarde
1. People imitate one another. Crime
begins as a fashion and later becomes a
2. The inferior usually imitates the superior
3. The newer fashion displace the older
Differential Association Theory: Sutherland
Criminal behavior is learned
Criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other persons in a process of communication
The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs within intimate personal groups
When criminal behavior is learned, the learning includes: (1) techniques of committing the
crime, which are sometimes very complicated, sometimes very simple, (2) the specific direction
of the motives, drives, rationalization and attitudes
The specific directions of the motives and drives is learned from definitions of the legal codes
as favorable or unfavorable. In some societies an individual is surrounded by persons who
invariably define the legal codes as rules to be observed, while in others he is surrounded by
persons whose definitions are favorable to the violation of the legal codes
A person becomes delinquent because of an excess of definitions favorable to violation of law
over definitions unfavorable to violation of law. This is the principle of differential association
Differential associations may vary in frequency, duration, priority, and intensity. This means that
associations with criminal behavior and also associations with anti criminal behavior vary in
those respects
The process of learning criminal behavior by association with criminal and anti criminal patterns
involves all of the mechanism that are involved in any other learning
While criminal behavior is an expression of general needs and values, it is not explained by
those general needs and values, since non criminal behavior is an expression of the same
needs and values. Thieves generally steal in order to secure money, but likewise honest
laborers work in order to secure money. The attempts by many scholars to explain criminal
behavior by general drives and values, such as the happiness principle, striving for social
status, the money motive, of frustration, have been, and must continue to be, futile, since they
explain lawful behavior as completely as they explain criminal behavior. They are similar to
respiration, which is necessary for any behavior, but which does not differentiate criminal from
non criminal behavior
Cultural & Subcultural Theory –
Walter B. Miller
Role of ideas in causing criminal behaviors
among lower class. The lower class has a
separate, identifiable culture distinct from
the culture of the middle class. Lower
class’ focal concerns are: ‘trouble’,
‘toughness’, ‘smartness’, ‘excitement’,
‘fate’, ‘autonomy’ – ‘generating milieu’
interacts with several social conditions
typically found in poor areas.
Criminal Theory –
Wolfgang & Ferracuti
Constant underlying conflicts of values as
well as normative conflicts between the
dominant culture and subculture of
violence… People who do not follow the
norms are criticized, ridiculed by other
people or becoming a victim of the
violence. Even if nether person approves
of the violence, all people are expected to
respond violently
Differential Reinforcement –
Burgess & Akers
Criminal behavior is learned both in
nonsocial situations that are reinforcing or
discriminative and through that social
interaction in which the behavior of other
persons is reinforcing or discriminative for
criminal behavior. The principal part of the
learning of criminal behavior occurs in
those groups which comprise the
individual’s major source of reinforcement