Gram to Gram Power Point

Gram to Gram Calculations
You will need a calculator, your
periodic table, a buddy and your
“cheat sheet”
Students will apply the mole concept
in writing by converting grams of 1
substance to grams of a 2nd substance
by using content language (moles,
grams and appropriate nomenclature)
supports include class notes, periodic
table, calculator, naming rules, “cheat
sheets” and shoulder partners.
Gram to Gram Conversions
Step 1: Balance equation
Step 2: Gram of substance you know to mole of
substance that you know.
Step 3: Mole of substance you know to mole of
substance you’re looking for.
Step 4: Mole of substance you’re looking for to
gram of substance you’re looking for.
“I DO”…
Step 1: Balance the equation
_2_ Mg + _1_ O2  _2_ MgO
How many grams of oxygen does it take to make 14.3
grams of magnesium oxide?
Step 2: grams of MgO to moles of MgO
14.3 g MgO / 40.30 g/mol = 0.35 mol MgO
Step 3: moles of MgO to moles of O2
0.35 mol MgO 1 mol O2
= 0.18 mol O2
2 mol MgO
Step 4: moles of O2 to grams of O2
0.18 mol O2 x 32 g/mol = 5.6 g of O2
“WE DO”…
Step 1: Balance the equation
___ Sb + ___ Cl2  ___ SbCl3
How many grams of Antimony does it take
to make 78.36 grams of Chlorine?
Step 2: grams of Cl2 to moles of Cl2
Step 3: moles of Cl2 to moles of Sb
Step 4: moles of Sb to grams of Sb
__ Fe + __ HCl  __ FeCl2 + __ H2
How many grams of Hydrogen Chloride does
it take to make 6.57 grams of Iron Chloride?