Welcome to the ninth HAPL meeting 1,2,5 1. Feb 2001: NRL 2. May 2001: NRL 3. Nov 2001: LLNL 4. Apr 2002: 5. Dec 2002: NRL 6. Apr 2003: 7 GA Sandia 7. Sep 2003: Wisconsin 8. Feb 2004: Georgia Tech 9. Jun 2004: UCLA 3 9 4 6 8 Courtesy, Mark Tillack, UCSD The High Average Power Laser (HAPL) Program: An integrated program to develop the science and technology for Laser Fusion Energy 6 Government labs, 9 Universities, 14 Industries Target Fabrication Target Injection Target Design (+NRL & LLE ) Lasers DPPSL (LLNL) KrF (NRL) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. NRL LLNL SNL LANL ORNL PPPL Universities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. UCSD Wisconsin Georgia Tech UCLA U Rochester, LLE PPPL UC Santa Barbara UNC DELFT Industry Chamber/Materials Final Optics Government Labs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. General Atomics Titan/PSD Schafer Corp SAIC Commonwealth Technology Coherent Onyx DEI Mission Research Corp Northrup Ultramet, Inc Plasma Processes, Inc Optiswitch Technology Plasma Processing, Inc From FPA "Fusion Program Notes"- FESAC Panel Urges Balanced Inertial Fusion Energy Effort A panel of the Department of Energy's Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC), charged with reviewing its Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE)program, has urged the Department to carry out "a coordinated program with some level of research on all the key components (targets, drivers and chambers), always keeping the end product and its explicit requirements in mind." "In sum the IFE Panel is of the unanimous opinion that the IFE program is technically excellent and that it contributes in ways that are noteworthy to the ongoing missions of the DOE." The full FESAC endorsed the Panel report at it meeting March 29, 2004 and transmitted it to DOE Office of Science Director Ray Orbach. The Four Quadrants of Scientific Research Neils Bohr The HAPL Louis Pasteur Program Audubon Society Thomas Edison Yes Goal is understanding? No No Yes Goal is an application? adapted from "Pasteur's Quadrant", Donald E. Stokes, Brookings Press, 1997 The Path to develop Laser Fusion Energy Basic Science and Technology Phase I: 1999- 2005 •Krypton fluoride laser •Diode pumped solid state laser •Target fabrication & injection •Final optics •Chambers materials/design Develop Full Scale Components Phase II 2006 - 2014 •Power plant laser beam line •Target fab/injection facility •Materials evaluations •Power Plant design Phase III Engineering Test Facility operating 2020 Target Design & Physics •2D/3D simulations •1-30 kJ laser-target expts Ignition Physics Validation •MJ target implosions •Calibrated 3D simulations Engineering Test Facility Full size laser: 2-3 MJ, 60 laser lines Optimize targets for high yield Optimize chamber materials and components. 300-700 MW net electricity "Energy Options for the Future" meeting hosted by The US Naval Research Laboratory 11 & 12 March, 2004 Organized by John Sheffield and Steve Obenschain Energy Projections John Sheffield (Senior Fellow, Joint Institute for Energy and Environment, U.T.) Climate Change Technology Program David Conover (Director, CCTP) Coal & Gas Rita Bajura (Director, National Energy Technology Laboratory) Oil David Greene (Lab. Fellow, National Transportation Research Center, ORNL) Energy Efficiency Marilyn Brown (Director, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Program, ORNL) Renewables Eldon Boes (Director, Energy Analysis Office, NREL) Nuclear Kathryn McCarthy (Director, Nuclear Science & Engineering, INEEL) Power Industry Perspective David Christian (Senior Vice President, Dominion Resources Inc.) Paths to Fusion Power Stephen Dean (President, Fusion Power Associates) There are many possible future options for energy... All will require significant R&D to establish viability. FutureGen: 275 MW Clean Coal Prototype Plant: Goal Gasification + CO2 sequestering 350 MW Solar Electric Plant http://other.nrl.navy.mil/EnergyOptions/index.html 3.6 MW Wind Turbine The Path to develop Laser Fusion Energy Basic Science and Technology Phase I: 1999- 2005 •Krypton fluoride laser •Diode pumped solid state laser •Target fabrication & injection •Final optics •Chambers materials/design Develop Full Scale Components Phase II 2006 - 2014 •Power plant laser beam line •Target fab/injection facility •Materials evaluations •Power Plant design Phase III Engineering Test Facility operating 2020 Target Design & Physics •2D/3D simulations •1-30 kJ laser-target expts Ignition Physics Validation •MJ target implosions •Calibrated 3D simulations Engineering Test Facility Full size laser: 2-3 MJ, 60 laser lines Optimize targets for high yield Optimize chamber materials and components. 300-700 MW net electricity Thanks Ralph for all your help!!! HAPL meeting, Georgia Tech, Feb 5 & 6, 2004 Thanks, Steve!! Why we are doing what we are doing... Goals for Laser Development KrF Laser (Electra-NRL) DPSSL (Mercury-LLNL) • Develop technologies that can simultaneously meet fusion energy requirements for efficiency (> 6%), wavelength (351 or 248 nm) repetition rate (5-10 Hz), and durability (>100,000,000 shots continuous). • Demonstrate required laser beam quality and pulse shaping • Laser technologies employed must scale to reactor size laser modules and project to have attractive costs for commercial fusion energy.