The Odyssey Worksheet III

The Odyssey Part II: Coming Home Worksheet III
Read pages 1089 – 1114 in your textbook in order to answer these questions.
1. Odysseus goes to Ithaca with a ship and crew provided by __________________________.
2. – 3. The goddess _________________ warns Odysseus of the suitors trying to pressure
______________ into marriage.
4. – 6. The suitors are plotting to kill Odysseus’s son ________________________, who is just
returning from ______________ and _____________.
7. – 8. Odysseus is disguised as an old __________________ and is greeted by his loyal
9. What important Greek value does Telemachus’s and Eumaeus’s treatment of the unknown beggar
reveal about Greek society?
10. How does Odysseus’s son react to Odysseus’s change?
11. What Homeric simile is used to describe the cries of Odysseus and Telemachus?
12. When Odysseus arrives at his house he is recognized by ______________, his 140 year old dog.
13. Why would a great epic concern itself with an old dog?
14. – 15. How does the description of Argus make you feel? Explain your answer.
16. Why is this scene with Odysseus and Argus ironic?
17. How does Antinous treat Odysseus disguised as a beggar when first meeting him?
18. What qualities does Penelope reveal about herself through her actions in the scene when she
meets Odysseus disguised as a beggar?
19. What does the beggar tell Penelope about himself and Odysseus?
20. How does Eurycleia recognize Odysseus?
21. – 22. Describe the contest rules and prize.
24. Who is the only man able to bend and string the bow?
25. Zeus sent a _____________________ as a favorable sign to Odysseus.
26. After shooting the arrow through the axe handle holes, Odysseus tells his son that the hour has
come to____________________________________________________________.
27. Who is the first suitor to die?
28. – 29. Eurymachus tries to blame all the trouble on _______________________ suitor and
promises that the other suitors will _____________________________.
30. – 32. Telemachus, Odysseus, ______________________ and _______________ helped
by Athena kill ___________the suitors.
33. How does Penelope act towards her husband right after the slaughter?
34. How does Penelope test Odysseus?
35. How does Penelope explain her doubts and the necessity for testing the stranger who claims to be
36. What final Homeric simile describes Odysseus’s return home and to Penelope?