Executive Council Meeting October 16, 2013 Meeting called to order

Executive Council Meeting
October 16, 2013
Meeting called to order at 8:33pm
Agenda 1.0: Attendance
President Hussain – Present
Executive Vice President Rothstein – Absent
Treasurer McIlvain – Present
Vice President of Academic Affairs Adelson – Present
Vice President of Clubs and Organizations Mahoney – Present
Vice President of Communications Ferone – Present
Vice President of Student Life Lachhar – Present
Senior Class Representative Akinbowale – Present
Junior Class Representative Ray – Absent
Sophomore Class Representative Cheslak – Present
Agenda 2.0: Approval of last minutes
Motion to approve by Ferone
Seconded by Mahoney
Vote 4-1 passes
Agenda 3.0: President Hussain’s Report
Hussain: SUNY assembly- the following people are attending:
Betty Melody Duffy Demoy Ferone Lachhar Steven Hussain Mahoney Angelo Oscar
We’re going up midnight after Friday, need to take two vans. Tom’s coming up with us as GSO rep.
New resolution to be passed through senate for new bus route
Ferone: Check with Jim first let him know what we are doing
Hussain: Yea I'm going to email him and let him know
Ferone: There are 58% who want it with a fee increase.
Hussain: We are going to do a new survey just asking yes or no.
Ferone: The concern is that what happens if not everyone of the 1300
take the survey. So 200 out of 1300 would not be a good
Ferone: Shows all the new bus options.
Lachhar: Make the city bus happen ASAP.
Ferone: Yea it's happening.
Hussain: We support it
Ferone: 3d mall route added with no cost because it will be done through Suffolk county
Hussain: Problems about late night, no GSO support.
Ferone: Good things about transportation, helped, did surveys,
validated, statistics
Mahoney: What's going on with a petition?
Hussain: We support it anything under $2 per person. Campus dining open forum
Problem- not a lot of people showed up.
Ferone: Keep red mango open the whole night
Hussain: Yea talked to them and brought up points. Vinny and joy are going with me to meeting.
The main goal is to set up an office about off campus things.
Agenda 4.0: Treasurer McIlvain’s Report
McIlvain: We passed 8 more grants last night for about $61000 not including ones passed last night
Once I get the total I’ll email the clubs but assets are probably done, there are now caps coming in.
Fall revisions passed.
Agenda 5.0: VP Lachhar’s Report
Lachhar: The concert is coming up. We can do advertising once there agency says yes, and student
activities says yes. We changed the backstage policy. Different levels
of access. Etc.
Akinbowale: Is streaming for this concert or end of the year?
Laachar: Once we figure out how to stream we can.
Agenda 6.0: VP Ferone’s Report
Ferone: Kickball tournament. Interns are working on club meeting times and locations, therapy
Agenda 7.0: Senior Class Representative Akinbowale’s Report
Akinbowale: Waiting on budget for mocktail, nov 24th ballroom b, senior portraits are Nov 4-8th,
senior ring, first 100 people will get $100 for a gold ring.
Ferone: How much is it for a gold ring?
Akinbowale: It varies based on customization and they are creating a new traditional ring for
Agenda 8.0: Sophomore Class Representative Cheslak’s Report
Cheslak: Update on Student life committee, airport shuttles to MacArthur / Jfk and look into prices.
The bus used to bring international students to Stony Brook. Meeting with James O’connor, to get
quotes and contacted OOSSA to see if they are interested.
Agenda 9.0: Open Agenda
Ferone: Any updates on the committee meetings?
Hussain: All committee reps will provide updates in November. How do we get senators more
Ferone: Vinny is on like five committees.
Lachhar: Vinny is awesome.
Ferone: We should do senators of the month!
Stephen: Motion to vote Vinny as senator of the month.
Ferone seconded.
Vote Unanimous (5-0-0)
Cheslak: What is going on with the fees?
Steven: We are FOIL’ing academic excellence and several other fees.
Ferone: Talk to Lyle Gomes about the fees.
Steven: Last Tuesday, the resolution to investigate alternative funding for ambulance fees was
passed in Senate in the emergency senate meeting. Presented it at SUNY assembly and we got
positive feedback. I am looking to see how it will be implemented into the Student Health Services
McIlvain: How much of the ambulance fee will be covered via fees?
Steven: $100,000 from state, $2000 from GSO.
Ferone: With GSO, they have optional and prorated fees. If they have that option we should have
that option.
McIlvain: Let’s make it sure that all programs are not open to Graduate students.
Ferone: We were asked for $16,000 to renovate the union. We told them that we probably won’t be
able to pay because we have to buy other stuff for our students and if we have money later we
might consider it.
Steven: Accreditation process is going through. We are not in a good spot for this. Three part review
includes Planning Resource Allocation and Institutional Renewal, Institutional Assessment and
Assessment of learning. University academic affairs committees met last night. We are working on
transcript fee and we want to try to implement an official transcript broad based fee. We are
working on nomination forms. Textbook exchange program, we might not be able to do it.
Hussain: I had spoke with them and I am aware that they are trying to make deals with professors
to use textbooks for more than a few semesters so students can return the book and get more
money back.
Steven: Working with Princeton University to get a textbook sharing program. We would like to
start this in the spring semester if possible. We are working on Code / Constitution bylaws
committee. Technically, we are the legislative law review committee.
Ferone: Don’t edit the constitution unless you actually have to.
Steven: PASS tutoring, 93% of students have gotten a tutor. A lot of students who want a type of
tutor for a particular class, it has been difficult finding someone to hire.
Ferone: TAP award- we need to discuss this issue as students are receiving a lot of problems.
Currently, the system is you have to meet with your advisor and then go to registrar to confirm. A
lot of students aren’t aware that their TAP might or might not be disbursed. The requirement now
is that you have to have 12 credits towards your major.
Steven: That is something that the undergraduate council is working on now and seeing how they
can resolve this issue.
Ferone: There are a few loopholes but I would like to just make everyone aware of it.
Steven: I will talk to someone from Undergraduate Council Meeting to come to our senate meeting.
Lachhar: Motion to Adjourn.
Meeting Adjourned 9:50AM.