School-wide Positive Behavior Support PBS Coaches’ Training April 16th, 2004 Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project University of South Florida 1 New Coaches - AM Overview of School-wide PBS Role of a Coach 2 Truth or Myth? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. T , M PBS incorporates a data-decision making process. T, M PBS encourages positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviors, and ignoring inappropriate behaviors. T , M PBS is only for students who are ESE or are having severe behavior difficulties. T, M An outcome of school-wide PBS is a decrease in the amount of time spent on discipline referrals, thus, increasing amount of instructional time. T, M PBS focuses on being proactive and educative. T, M PBS is only for schools that have a high rate of out-of school suspensions and/or absenteeism. T, M PBS is a program that tells you want consequences to give for inappropriate behaviors. T, M PBS takes away the principal’s power to make decisions for their school. Positive Behavior Support… Is a collaborative, assessment-based approach to developing effective interventions for problem behavior Emphasizes the use of proactive, educative, and reinforcement-based strategies to achieve meaningful and durable behavior and lifestyle outcomes Aims to build effective environments in which positive behavior is more effective than problem behavior 4 Levels of PBS Adapted from Levels and Descriptions of Behavior Support (George, Harrower, & Knoster, 2003) School-wide –intended for all students, staff, in specific settings and across campus Classroom –reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with pre-planned strategies applied within classrooms Targeted Group – addressing students who are at-risk for school failure, or display a chronic pattern of inappropriate behavior that do not respond to school-wide interventions Individual Student –reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with team-based strategies to address problematic behaviors of individual students 5 Designing Comprehensive Systems CONTINUUM OF POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT (PBS) ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Primary Prevention: School-wide and Classroom-wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~15% ~ 80% of Students Adapted from the Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (2002) Elem U.S.: Mean Proportion of Students by ODR 2001-2002 Academic Year 8.0 100% 10.5 80% 60% 40% 6+ 81.9 '2-5 20% 0-1 0% 1 N= 176 schools, 72,000 students, 70,500 ODRs Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (2002) Middle Schools U.S.: Mean % of Students 100% 80% 11.7 17.2 60% 40% 6+ 71.1 2-5 0-1 20% 0% Academic Year 01-02, 51 Schools, 26,500 students, 50,190 ODRs Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (2002) High Schools U.S. : Ave Proportion of Students N = 16, Academic Year 2001-02 3.8 13.7 100% 80% 60% 6+ 82.5 '2-5 40% 0-1 20% 0% 1 Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (2002) Educating an Increasing Population of Heterogeneous Students: English as a second language Limited family supports Significant learning and/or behavioral problems Families who face financial barriers Families with a great need for mental health, social welfare, medical, and vocational assistance 10 Educating Students with Problem Behavior Challenges are increasing these students represent only 1-5% of school enrollment they account for over 50% of behavioral incidents they consume significant amounts of time these students require comprehensive behavioral supports that involve family, school, and community participation 11 Discipline by Definition 13th century Main Entry: 1dis·ci·pline Pronunciation: 'di-s&-pl&n Date: 13th century 1 : PUNISHMENT 2 obsolete : INSTRUCTION 3 : a field of study 4 : training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character 12 Do We Really Want to Trust Our Luck? In 1999, 1,763 youths under the age of 18 were arrested for homicide in the United States (National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, 2000) 17% of all arrest in 1999 involved a juvenile under the age of 18. (Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 2000) Students who are behaviorally and emotionally challenged have the lowest promotion and highest drop out rates. In 1998, among youth ages 10 to 19 in the U.S., there were 2,054 suicides. Suicide was the third leading cause of death for that age group. (National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, 2000) “If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to drive, we teach.” “If a child doesn’t know how to behave, we……..... ……….teach? ………punish?” “Why can’t we finish the last sentence as automatically as we do the others?” (John Herner ,1998) 14 Traditional Discipline vs. PBS Traditional Discipline: Focused on the student’s problem behavior Goal was to stop undesirable behavior, through the use of punishment. Positive Behavior Support: Replaces undesired behavior with a new behavior or skill. Alters environments, Teaches appropriate skills, and rewards appropriate behavior. 15 Philosophical Shift… Educators now recognize that some students DO NOT have the skills and behavioral repertories necessary to cope with the many academic and social expectations in schools Researchers have determined that careful examination of curriculum may identify academic, social, and behavioral expectations that are associated with occurrences and nonoccurrence's of problem behavior in students Kern, Delaney, Clark, Dunlap, and Childs; 2001 16 Major Elements Establish a team/faculty buy-in Establish a data-based decision-making system Modify discipline referral process/forms Refine consequences Establish expectations & rules Develop lesson plans & teach Create a reward/incentives program Monitor, evaluate, and modify 17 Overview of School-wide PBS 18 Comprehensive PBS is… Total staff commitment to managing behavior Clearly defined and communicated expectations and rules Consequences and clearly stated procedures for correcting rule-breaking behaviors An instructional component for teaching students self-control, expected behaviors, and social skills strategies 19 Features of School-wide PBS (Sugai, 2001) Create a continuum of behavior supports from a systems perspective Focus on behavior of adults in school as unit Establish behavioral competence Utilize effective, efficient & relevant data-based decision-making systems Give priority to academic success Invest in research-validated practices Arrange environment for “working smarter” 20 School-wide Systems are Warranted if: • • Elementary (600-900) • • • Discipline referrals per day are >3 More than 35% of the students have at least one referral in an academic year Average office discipline referrals per student is >1.5 • • Middle/Jr. High (800-1200) • • • Discipline referrals per day are >10 More than 35% of students have at least one referral in an academic year Average office discipline referrals per student is >2.5 (Center for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), University of Oregon, 2001) E Elementary 33% overall reduction in ODRs when comparing Year 1 implementation to baseline M Elementary 61% overall reduction in ODRs when comparing Year 1 implementation to baseline T Elementary 69% overall reduction in ODRs when comparing Year 1 implementation to baseline T Elementary C Middle School Total Referrals 800 729 700 627 Num ber of Referrals 600 519 500 365 400 420 393 2001-2002 2002-2003 300 200 100 45 90 64 36 1 18 0 Level I Dress Code Related Level II Level III Level IV Incidents Level 29% reduction in Level III, 50% reduction in Level IV, and 79% reduction in SESIR offenses when comparing Year 1 implementation to baseline C Middle School Total Referrals 800 729 700 627 Num ber of Referrals 600 519 500 365 400 420 393 2001-2002 2002-2003 300 200 100 45 90 64 36 1 18 0 Level I Dress Code Related Level II Level III Level IV Incidents Level 29% reduction in Level III, 50% reduction in Level IV, and 79% reduction in SESIR offenses when comparing Year 1 implementation to baseline C Middle School Incidents-Fighting 300 283 250 200 2001-2002 150 2002-2003 100 54 50 0 2001-2002 2002-2003 73% overall reduction in fights when comparing Year 1 implementation to baseline K-12 Alt/Center School 32% overall reduction in ODRs when comparing Year 1 implementation to baseline K-12 Alt/Center School K-5 Center School TCHS Monthly Discipline Referrals (Levels 1 & 2) Comparison of 2001-2002, 2002-2003, and 2003-2004 Number of Referrals 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Aug. Sept . Oct . Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April 2001-2002 22 81 185 103 77 160 267 139 177 90 2002-2003 30 108 163 158 92 83 196 123 213 87 2003-2004 16 103 170 Months 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 May TCHS Monthly Discipline Referrals (Levels 3 & 4) Comparison of 2001-2002, 2002-2003, and 2003-2004 Number of Referrals 80 60 40 20 0 Aug. Sept . Oct . Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May 2001-2002 4 27 36 47 33 14 63 23 31 15 2002-2003 5 30 31 37 27 29 39 20 34 19 2003-2004 13 42 39 Months 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 TCHS Yearly Discipline Referrals Per 100 Students Comparison of 2001-2002, 2002-2003, and 2003-2004 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 v e L 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 1 l e v e L 2 l e v e L 3 l e v e L 4 l e **2003-2004 yearly data estimated based on number of refferals for Aug. –Oct. Level 1 & 2 Referrals Per Problem Behavior 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1B-C lass Disrup. 1DDisrespect 1H -Insub. 1L-Tardiness 1M -U nex . Ab. 2BDisrespect 2C -Defiance 2F-Fighting 2001-2002 64 60 60 354 342 62 24 38 2002-2003 84 48 43 191 372 45 18 43 2003-2004 17 9 1 28 107 23 10 11 Level 3 & 4 Referrals Per Problem Behavior 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3DDisrespect 3F-Fighting 3H -Gross Insub./Open Defiance 3L-Tobacco Lev el 4-all 4A- Alcohol 4D-Battery 4F-Drugs 2001-2002 47 58 29 19 29 3 4 14 2002-2003 14 67 25 27 25 5 3 14 2003-2004 7 22 18 8 12 8 0 1 Summary of Discipline Data: Behavior Change Average # of ODRs per day from 6 schools in Florida: 2001-2002: 3.72 per a day 2002-2003: 2.72 per a day 7 out of 8 Schools had a decrease in ODRs These 7 schools averaged 29 % decrease in ODRs during first year of implementation (2001-2002) ODR = office discipline referral 37 School Grades For 25 Schools in the State of Florida: 48% increased their letter grade by at least one level 36% maintained their letter grade 20% preserved their “A” letter grade Overall, 84% increased or maintained their letter grade 7 schools did not receive grades due to being a center or new school 38 Achievement Data: Learning Gains Out of 25 Schools in the State of Florida: 22 schools increased the % of their students meeting high standards in reading; average increase 5.72% 21 schools increased the % of their students meeting high standards in math; average increase 4% 15 schools increased the % of their students meeting high standards in writing; average increase 6.96% 39 Achievement Data: Learning Gains Out of 25 Schools in the State of Florida: 19 schools increased the % of their students making learning gains in reading; average increase 7.52% 15 schools increased the % of their students making learning gains in math; average increase 1.36% 18 schools increased the % of their lowest 25% making learning gains in reading; average increase 5.12% 40 In Summary, The Process For School-wide PBS Includes… A clearly stated, positive purpose Set of positively stated behavior expectations Procedures for teaching school-wide expectations Continuum of procedures for encouraging students to display expected behaviors A continuum of procedures for discouraging violations of school-wide expectations Method of monitoring implementation and effectiveness 41 Results of School-wide PBS When PBS strategies are implemented schoolwide, students with and without disabilities benefit by having an environment that is conducive to learning All individuals (students, staff, teachers, parents) learn more about their own behavior, learn to work together, and support each other as a community of learners 42 Teaming and Collaboration 43 Have you ever been part of this team? No agenda is prepared Meeting starts late No time schedule has been set for the meeting No one is prepared No facilitator is identified No one agrees on anything No action plan is developed Everyone is off task Negative tone throughout the meeting 44 Establishing a Foundation for Collaboration and Operation Necessary first step Without this many schools cannot sustain long-term change 45 Ingredients for Successful Teams Mutual trust and respect Shared goals and objectives Open communication Effective conflict resolution Equity of task distribution Consensus decision-making Ongoing problem-solving 46 Critical Questions Critical questions that need to be addressed Who should be included? What guidelines will the team follow? What contributions will each person make? Who will perform which roles? How do we resolve conflict? 47 Teaming Activity Below is a very special grid, around each shaded number are 8 white squares. However, each white square should have a number of 1 to 7. Once filled in, these 8 numbers will sum to the shaded number. In addition, once completed correctly, no row nor column will contain a duplicate number within a white square. For example, the top row may be 5 6 4 2 3 1 7, etc. 26 35 37 31 36 39 38 26 24 Teaming Activity Answer Key 2 1 3 5 6 4 7 6 26 5 35 3 37 1 1 2 6 3 4 7 5 4 31 2 36 7 39 6 3 6 7 2 5 1 4 5 38 4 26 1 24 2 7 5 1 4 2 6 3 Anything I can do, We can do better Individual contributions Team contributions Different perspectives Looking at things objectively Productivity Accuracy Consensus 50 Teaming allows you to… Look at old issues from a NEW perspective Explore the validity of “first impressions” Stimulate creativity Think outside-the-box 51 Marketing Activity Brainstorm a slogan, commercial, or a jingle to summarize School-wide PBS. Come up with something that you would use to explain to the principles to anyone at a school. Work with 3 other people. You have 10 minutes and be prepared to share with the group. 52 Roles and Responsibilities 53 THE PBS TEAM 54 Identify Team Member Roles Team leader - starts the meeting, reviews the purpose of the meeting, facilitates the meeting by keeping the team focused on each step Recorder - taking notes, transcribing the team’s responses on flip chart paper, transparency, etc Timekeeper- monitors the amount of time available keeps the team aware of time limits by giving “warnings” (i.e., “10 minutes left”) Data Specialist- is trained in entering and accessing data from the SWIS data system Behavior Specialist- competent with behavioral principles and assists in analyzing data Administrator- actively encourages team efforts, provides planning time, feedback, and support initiatives Communications – acts as the point person for communication between the team and staff regarding PBS and behavior issues 55 School PBS Team Roles and Responsibilities Develop the school-wide PBS action plan Monitor behavior data Hold regular team meetings (at least monthly) Maintain communication with staff and coach Evaluate progress Report outcomes to coach & district coordinator 56 Sample Contact Flow Chart PBS Project Contact District Coordinator Coach School PBS TEAM Coach School PBS TEAM School PBS TEAM THE DISTRICT COORDINATOR 58 District Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities District Coordinators have district level capacity and: May also be a coach in a small county Liaison between PBS Project, SDFS, related projects, and coaches Manage district budgets that support school-wide initiatives Secure additional funding to support school-wide initiatives if necessary Schedule trainings and district level meetings Oversee the evaluation activities/system Attend initial school-wide trainings for new teams Attend and possibly co-train with the PBS project for ongoing teams THE COACHES 60 Coaches’ Roles & Responsibilities Coaches are: Ideally Coaches are District-level personnel Have freedom to move across schools Familiarity with the school-wide process Facilitate teams throughout the process (i.e., meetings, activities) Attend all trainings with their respective school-based teams Co-train with PBS Project in subsequent school years Active and involved team member Report to the district coordinator Main contact person for the school-based team Coaches’ Monthly Requirements (Sugai, 1999) Attend and verify PBS Team meets at least monthly Verify PBS Team has given status report to school faculty at least monthly Verify activities for PBS action plan implemented Verify accuracy of implementation of PBS action plan assessed – monitor Verify effectiveness of PBS action plan implementation assessed – evaluate and modify (if needed) Monitor PBS/SWIS data and analyze 62 Facilitating Team Meetings 63 Coaches as Facilitators The coaches support their team by assisting efforts, helping to ease and smooth the implementation process. The coaches are careful not to step into the role of the team leader. 64 Facilitating vs. Leading Facilitator Ensures the team meets regularly Team Leader Sets the dates for meetings Offers tools to assist in record Checks accuracy of records, keeping, team evaluations, etc… directs team in evaluation Ensures equal distribution of roles and responsibilities Assumes the role of leader Ensures the team is using data for decision making Refers the team to the data during team meetings 65 School-based PBS Team Meets Frequently During initial planning, teams may need to meet more often Team should meet at least once a month to: Analyze existing data Make changes to the existing database Problem-solve solutions to critical issues Begin to outline actions for the development of a plan 66 Enhancing Meeting Success Administrator identifies how to free staff time for participation on the PBS Team Clearly schedule meeting dates and times Administrators remind staff of the significant impact and ultimate success 67 PBS Team Meeting Agenda/Minutes Date: _____ Time: ______ to _______ Location: ______________________ Facilitator: ______________________ Timekeeper: ___________________ Recorder: Snackmaster: ___________________ ______________________ Participants: ____________________________________________________________ Next Meeting date, time and location: ________________________________________ Next Facilitator: _______________________ Next Snackmaster: ________________ Applaud & Assess Things that have gone well: Critical issues: Items Data Review/ Info to date Review progress on Action Plan Persons and Responsibilities for next Action Plan Activities Follow Up Items from previous meeting Additional Items Next Steps/ To Do List: Action/ Results PBS Team Meeting Evaluation PBS Team Meeting Evaluation Date: _____________________ Convener:__________________ Recorder:______________________ 1. Was someone designated to chair/convene the meeting? Yes No 2. Was someone designated to record decisions? Yes No 3. Did you develop and review an agenda at the Yes No 4. Did you follow-up on tasks form the last meeting? Yes No 5. Is it clear about what will get done by whom Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No beginning of the meeting? before the next meeting? 6. Is it clear how you current tasks fit with your larger objective? 7. Did everyone have an opportunity to participate in the discussion? 8. Overall, was the meeting a good use of time? 9. Make a list of any changes you would make in hw the meeting was conducted: 10. Make a list of what worked well during your meeting: PBS School-wide Team Meeting SWIS Helpful Hints 1.Print out your school graphs/ data prior to the meeting. •Average per day per month •Referrals per problem behavior •Referrals by location •Referrals by student •Referrals by time •Referrals by staff 1.Make sure to take a look at the graphs (even if it’s brief) so you can be prepared to discuss them in the meeting. 2.Your graphs/ data should guide your entire PBS meeting every month. Your discussions should focus around the data and the interventions that you develop. In summary, these questions should be asked when analyzing each graph: THE PBS PROJECT 71 PBS Project Roles and Responsibilities Training material and content free of charge Summer Institutes stipends ($125.00 per day for 3 days of training, based upon availability of funding) Travel stipends based on training location Technical assistance and support during training On-site technical assistance with coaches and district coordinators Support for district coordinators during training planning and implementation SWIS III License agreement for the first year Initial SWIS III Training and booster trainings 72 Returning Coaches - AM Evaluation procedures Beyond School-wide PBS Becoming a PBS trainer 73 Evaluating School-wide Systems 74 SCHOOL PROFILE INFORMATION Date of Report_________ First Day of School for Students / Date School Total # of School Days Last&day of School for Students / Date Days Attendance Average Daily Attendance (% from previous school year) Contact Information Name of School: Data Entry Clerk: Faculty Characteristics (provide total # for each category) Telephone: Address: Fax: Principal: Assistant Principal/ AP of Discipline: E-Mail: E-Mail: Team Leader: Telephone: E-Mail: 75 Why is Program Evaluation Important? To gain an understanding of how the program is functioning To document program effectiveness “Are we really doing what we think we are doing?” “Is what we’re doing working?” To identify and examine strengths and weaknesses of the program Celebrate success Identify areas to improve 76 Areas of Evaluation PBS Team Functioning/Effectiveness PBS Elements The SW Plan Implementation Outcomes Discipline & Academic Data Staff, Student, and Parent Perceptions 77 Evaluation Tools PBS Meeting Evaluation Team Process Survey School Climate Survey Staff Satisfaction Survey Outcome Data Summary* Benchmarks of Quality* *Must be received by FL PBS 78 School-wide Readiness and Evaluation Tools Chart 79 Evaluating The Team Team Meeting Evaluation To determine team meeting effectiveness Should be administered periodically throughout the year Team Process Survey Developed by the PBS Project to assess how well PBS team members feel about the team functioning, support, effectiveness, etc. Should be administered at the end of each year 80 Evaluating the SW Plan School-wide Benchmarks of Quality Lists over 50 benchmarks of quality school-wide PBS programs that address 10 critical elements Completed by school teams on a yearly basis to assess how they score on a 100 point scale with regard to developing and implementing schoolwide PBS May be used by the PBS Project to determine model schools for recognition by DOE 81 Evaluating Plan Implementation Staff Satisfaction Surveys May be developed by the district to assess how well staff are implementing the system and their satisfaction with various aspects of the PBS process Sample forms may be available form the PBS Project for adaptation by schools Should be administered at the end of each year, at a minimum 82 Evaluating Implementation & Outcomes School Climate Survey Schools generally use surveys of staff, students, and parents to assess the overall climate of the school Existing surveys may be adapted to add a few questions to determine the satisfaction or awareness of the school-wide PBS process 83 Evaluating Outcomes Outcome Data Summary Form Office Discipline Referrals (SWIS data) Suspensions (in-school & out-of-school) Attendance Academic Achievement (FCAT) SESIR Items Other outcomes desired by your school or district 84 Other Evaluation Instruments Training Evaluation Staff and Student Trainings on School-wide PBS The results of those evaluations will be used to adapt or revise the training materials and approach to be most effective 85 Other Evaluation Instruments Student Interactions in Specific Settings (SISS) Systems-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Oregon School Safety Survey 86 Using Evaluation Results Improve and expand PBS Implement PBS at other levels (targeted group, classroom, individual) Support the acquisition of additional resources for further school improvement Share with other schools/districts Identify and celebrate successes Identify areas that need improvement 87 A In d al an ce ce s In fo . ta n ss is t s s es iv e tiv iti e ac io r ll se ra U ro c ss is A A % ce nt av S eh PB id u iv In 80 m s/ P la ss of C w ar e B Fo r e iv of ie nt uf fic ec e e as R E S O ve Staff Satisfaction Results 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 88 Using Staff Feedback CONCERNS about PBS: CHANGES to PBS: Not enough serious consequences for actions/felt discipline was too lenient (5) Administration is aware of concerns. May be the result of not always knowing the consequences – establish a system to improve communication with teachers through email. Infractions weren’t taken seriously by students (3) Refer to minors as “Classroom referrals” AP will follow-up when parent contact is unsuccessful Market should be held more frequently (12) Markets will be monthly, regularly scheduled in advance and listed on calendar (approx. every 4 wks) 89 Using Staff Feedback CONCERNS about PBS: CHANGES to PBS: Rewards too juvenile for intermediate students (3) Reinforcer inventory will be given out to 3rd-5th grades and suggested items purchased to include in the market. Add more seasonal activities (ex. movie day, kickball game day, etc) Need more faculty involvement/never felt whole school was part of the team (2) Faculty/PBS team Communication liaison established E-mail to send input on a daily longer have to wait until surveyed. Channels of communication established (ex. PBS reps at primary/intermediate articulation meetings, instructional council, etc) 90 Action Planning for Coming Year Use combined results to identify ways improve the PBS process Benchmarks - program elements Staff feedback - issues of relative importance Team process – effectiveness/efficiency Establish new Action Plan for coming year 91 Year 2 and Beyond 92 Levels of PBS Adapted from Levels and Descriptions of Behavior Support (George, Harrower, & Knoster, 2003) School-wide –intended for all students, staff, in specific settings and across campus Classroom –reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with pre-planned strategies applied within classrooms Targeted Group – addressing students who are at-risk for school failure, or display a chronic pattern of inappropriate behavior that do not respond to school-wide interventions Individual Student –reflect school-wide expectations for student behavior coupled with team-based strategies applied with individual students based upon child-centered behavior 93 Beyond School-wide PBS Use data to determine next steps: Classroom Systems Targeted Groups of Students Individual Students 94 Address Classroom Systems if… More than 50% of referrals are from classroom settings More than 40% of referrals come from less than 10% of the classrooms 95 Referrals By Location Positive Behavior Support: Classroom Systems Classrooms and PBS Behavior Systems Environmental Factors Curriculum and Instruction Developing a Class-wide Behavioral System Review Existing Data Rules and Expectations Basic Principles of Behavior Level Systems Reward Systems Effective Consequences 98 Modifying the Environment, Curriculum and Instruction Assessing Environment, Curriculum & Instruction Teaching a Behavioral Curriculum Curriculum and Instruction Instructional Adaptations Ecological Adaptations Approaches to Instruction Monitoring and Evaluation 99 100 Fact or Fiction… “Approximately one-half of all classroom time is taken up with activities other than instruction, and discipline problems are responsible for a significant portion of this lost instructional time (Cotton 1990).” 101 Positive Behavior Support and Classroom Management Decrease in problem behavior = increase in academic time Preventative approach to addressing problem behavior Should result in greater academic success 102 Address Targeted Groups if… More than 10 students receive 10+ referrals ~15% of students Multiple referrals Multiple settings At-risk for developing more severe/chronic patterns of problem behaviors 103 N u m b e r o f R e fe rra ls p e r S tu d e n t Targeted Group Planning Referrals per Student 20 10 0 Students Catch them before they fall: Aggression as a progression Severity, stability, and risk Substance abuse School dropout Intervention before age 9 is more likely to succeed 105 Characteristics of Support Preventative, educative, functional Data-based Empirically-valid Collaborative Tied to established school-wide, classroom, and individual support programs 106 Targeted Groups Interventions BEP Verbal De-Escalation Training Check in/Check out system Increased focus on behavioral/academic goals Learn comments, gestures, behaviors, and practices that help prevent individuals from escalating to aggressive or violent behavior Prevent disagreements from turning into crisis situations (or office referrals) Social Skills, Conflict Resolution, Anger Management Teaches staff how to run interventions with small groups of at-risk students (4-8 students per group) Intensive training for at-risk students 107 Targeted Groups Overview Training Discusses interventions in more detail Guides school through data-based decision making process to select most appropriate intervention 108 Address Individual Student Systems if… Less than 10 students receive more than 10 office discipline referrals Less than 10 students continue the same rate of referrals after receiving targeted group support A small number of students destabilize the overall functioning of school Intense, individualized support Wrap Around Personal Futures Planning Functional Assessment 109 N u m b e r o f R e fe rra ls p e r S tu d e n t Individual Student Planning Referrals per Student 20 10 0 Students Process of Positive Behavior Support Facilitator’s Guide: Positive Behavioral Support Step 1: Identifying goals of intervention Step 2: Gathering information Step 3: Developing hypotheses Step 4: Designing behavioral support plans Step 5: Implementing, monitoring, and evaluating outcomes 111 Functional Assessment Process Process that helps to determine the purpose (function) of the behavior, and provides information that can be used in developing interventions (behavior support plan) Sometimes this process can be simple and leads us to a simple solution Other times, the process is more involved and it takes longer to find answers 112 Cycle of Positive Behavior Support PCP Curriculum Functional Assessment Medical/ Health Hypotheses: Global and Specific Multicomponent Interventions Data Analysis and Evaluation Ineffective Effective Generalization/ Maintenance Becoming a PBS Trainer 114 Training Requirements for School-wide PBS: Observe the entire training Participate in the implementation of PBS with a school/attend monthly meetings Successful experience in the delivery of public workshops and presentations Participate in a training with FL PBS Project (co-train) Use updated FL PBS Project training materials 115 Co-Training Process Coaches indicate interest in co-training to the district PBS Coordinator. District PBS Coordinator makes final determination on who will co-train and gives those coaches' names to the FL PBS Project FL PBS Project contacts co-trainers to prepare for training, coordinate activities & choose sections of the training Co-trainer reviews/studies sections & contacts FL PBS Project with any questions regarding content. 116 Sample 3-Day Training: Breakdown of sections Day 1 Overview of School-wide PBS Establishing a Team/Collaboration Building Faculty Involvement (ownership/buy-in) Basic Principles of Behavior Establishing a Data-Based Decision-Making System 117 Sample 3-Day Training: Breakdown of sections Day 2 Developing Appropriate Definitions of Problem Behaviors Developing an Office Discipline Referral Form Developing an Office Discipline Referral Process Crisis Plan Considerations Effective Consequences 118 Sample 3-Day Training: Breakdown of sections Day 3 Identify Expectations Identify Rules Develop Lesson Plans & teach Create a Reward System Implementing the process 119 School-wide Training Modifications Lesson Plans section is broader Examples are all Florida schools Photos of school products Easy Action Plan Evaluation 120 ALL Coaches - PM Prep for summer training Action planning/Implementation Effective team strategies Common issues facing teams 121 Getting School Teams Ready for Summer Training 122 Training Readiness Checklist Coaches should help facilitate this process with the teams District Coordinator should collect these checklists and submit to the PBS Project for review Must be completed and turned in to the PBS Project by May 01, 2004 123 School-wide Positive Behavior Support: Training Readiness Checklist for Individual Schools Documents/Evidence Complete? YES NO Items to Complete Prior to School-wide PBS Training 1. A school improvement plan exists that includes school-wide discipline (i.e., behavior, school safety, school climate) as one of the top three school goals. Attach a recent copy of your School Improvement Plan and School Mission Statement YES NO 2. A Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Team is formed and has broad representation (including some School Improvement Team members, a behavior specialist or team member with behavioral expertise, administrator(s), guidance counselor, and regular and special education teachers). List team members and roles: YES NO 3. Administrators who are responsible for making discipline decisions are active participants/ leaders on PBS Team List participating Administrator(s): YES NO 4. PBS Team commits to meet at least once a month to analyze and problem-solve school-wide data. Describe when you meet or plan to meet (days, location, and time) throughout the school year: YES NO 5. PBS Team has reached consensus and completed the PBS-CAT. Attach a recent copy of the completed PBS-CAT YES NO 6. Majority of your faculty, staff, and administration are committed to decreasing problem behaviors across students. Results of assessment/survey (i.e., percentage or range of faculty committed): YES NO 7. School has allocated/secured funding from their district to support their school-wide initiatives. Identify funding source: YES NO 8. An individual at the district level has been identified as the lead district contact Lead District Contact: YES NO 9. PBS Coaches have been identified by the district level contact to receive additional training and actively participate in the school-wide initiatives List PBS Coaches and roles: Item 1: Team Members are Familiar with the Mission and School Improvement Plan Disseminate the SIP to faculty Quiz faculty on the content Review the SIP yearly Familiarize and educate new staff yearly If plan is reviewed and discussed often, goals will be accomplished Let the SIP guide all activities that occur on campus 125 Item 2: Broad Representation on PBS Team PBS team should remain small (3-8 participants) School Advisory Council should have a role with the PBS team Consider representatives that include: general education teachers, special education teachers, administration, guidance, specials teachers, parents… Consider Core Team versus Peripheral Team 126 Item 2: Broad Representation on PBS Team (Behavioral Expertise) At least one individual on the PBS team who has training or experience in behavior support This may include a school psychologist, behavior specialist/analyst, or counselor with skills including: Practical foundations in behavioral support Experience in data collection and data analysis Capacity to design and implement comprehensive plans 127 Item 2: Broad Representation on PBS Team (Administrators) Administrator should play an active role in the school-wide PBS change process Administrators should actively communicate their commitment to the process Efforts regarding “change” have potential to fade without administrative support An administrator is required to participate with the team across all 3 days of training 128 Item 3: Broad Representation on PBS Team (Administration) ALL administrators are encouraged to participate in the process Facilitators should meet regularly with administrator(s) to help guide communication Administrator should be familiar with school’s current data and reporting system If a principal is not committed to the change process, it is unwise to move forward in the process 129 Item 4: PBS Team Meetings During initial planning, teams may need to meet more often Team should meet at least once a month to: Analyze existing data Make changes to the existing database Problem-solve solutions to critical issues Begin to outline actions for the development of a plan 130 Item 5: Complete PBS-CAT As a team, complete the PBS- CAT. Complete as a group – reach consensus Complete independently - compile to identify most frequent response Assist teams in action planning Assist teams in determining which areas to focus their energy during activities in training 131 Readiness Checklist Item 6 Majority of your faculty, staff, and administration are committed to decreasing problem behaviors across students. Results of assessment/survey (i.e., percentage or range of faculty committed): 132 Readiness Checklist Item 7 School has allocated/secured funding from their district to support their school-wide initiatives. Identify funding source: 133 Readiness Checklist Items 8 and 9 An individual at the district level has been identified as the lead district contact Lead District Contact: PBS Coaches have been identified by the district level contact to receive additional training and actively participate in the school-wide initiatives List PBS Coaches and roles: 134 Items To Bring to the Training Copy of the School Improvement Plan Copy of the School Mission Statement All team members (including administrator) Completed PBS- CAT Your current office discipline referral form List of existing committees, their purpose, and names of committee members 135 Items To Bring to Training (Cont.) Discipline/referral process or flowchart Discipline data for current and previous years School’s discipline handbook School’s crisis plan List of any existing classroom rules and/or other rules posted across campus School Profile Information (Enrollment, ESE Students, Ethnic Breakdown of Students, etc.) 136 Getting Schools Ready for SWIS 137 Readiness SWIS Checklist Items 10 & 11 The school uses an office discipline referral form and problem behavior definitions that are compatible for SWIS. Attach a final copy developed during the school-wide training The school has a coherent office discipline referral process. Attach a final copy developed during the school-wide training 138 Readiness SWIS Checklist Items 12, 13, 14 Data entry time is allocated and scheduled to ensure that office referral data will be current to within a week at all times. Describe this process on campus: Three people within the school are identified to receive a 2+ hour training on the use of SWIS. List individuals and their roles: The school has computer access to Internet, and at least Netscape 6 or Internet Explorer 5. Confirm available Internet access: Netscape ___ OR Internet Explorer ____ 139 Readiness SWIS Checklist Items 15 & 16 The school agrees to on-going training for the team receiving SWIS data on uses of SWIS information for decision making Confirm: Yes OR No The school district agrees to allow the PBS Coaches to work with the school personnel on data collection and decision making procedures. List PBS Coach(es) who will work with your school team: 140 School-Wide Information System (SWIS III) Defined: SWIS III is a web-based information system for gathering, entering, summarizing, reporting and using office discipline referral information Purpose: To improve the ability of school personnel to develop safe and effective educational environments 141 Why was SWIS III developed? School-wide behavior support (PBS) Focus on teams Need for effective decision-making Primary Developers: Seth May, William Ard III, Anne Todd, George Sugai, Aaron Glasgow, Jeff Sprague, Rob Horner 142 Full-Access vs. Read-Only Data Entry School Information Days per Month Information Enrollment Information Staff Information Student Information Referrals Reporting Average Referrals per Day Referrals by Problem Behavior Referrals by Location Referrals by Time Referrals by Student Other Reports and Lists Site Administration and Data Download 143 Implementing SWIS SWIS Facilitators PBS Project for the State of Florida Work across schools Facilitators/Coaches assess readiness of schools Getting Organized (Readiness Checklist II) Agreements/ Cost ($200/school/year) Approve and provide continued support Facilitators/Coaches assist team to use information for decision making Decision-making 144 The eight-step SWIS process Step 1: Conduct SWIS III Readiness Tasks Step 2: Submit License Agreement and School Information Form Step 3: Setting Up for Swift at SWIS III Training Step 4: Conduct Swift at SWIS III Training Step 5: Follow Up Step 6: Maintenance Step 7: Annual SWIS III Facilitator Boosters Step 8: SWIS III License Renewal Process 145 Action Planning & Implementation 146 School-Wide PBS: Specific Action Plan Include the development, implementation, and management activities of your plan. All critical elements should be addressed within your action plan. Critica l Elemen t Who is responsible ? Action/Activity When will it be started ? When will it be completed ? When will we evaluate it? # ___ # ___ # ___ # ___ Critical Elements 1. PBS Team established (membership, meeting times, leader, roles, mission) 2. Faculty commitment is obtained and maintained throughout the school year 3. Basic behavioral principles taught/reviewed with staff 4. Existing discipline data system is meaningful, data entered weekly and analysis plan established 5. Discipline referral form compatible with SWIS 6. Behaviors defined & categorized (minor/major) 7. Discipline referral process established and flow chart developed 8. Develop a Crisis Plan integrated into overall safety and PBS plans 9. Consequences hierarchy developed (for classroom & office) 10. Expectations developed (3-5 positively stated) 11. Rules developed for specific settings 12. Lesson plans developed for teaching expectations/rules 13. Reward/recognition program established (what, when, how) 14. Plans developed for training staff and students and involving families and community 15. Implementation plan established (what’s going to happen, when, how) 16. Evaluation of PBS activities (How are we doing? What needs to be modified, maintained or terminated?) 147 Critical Elements (abbrev.) Establish a team/collaboration Faculty buy-in Establish a data-based decision-making system Modify discipline referral process/forms/definitions Establish expectations & rules Develop lesson plans & teaching behavior Create a reward system Refine consequences Monitor, evaluate, and modify 148 Using your Action Plan Organizes/records your SW PBS process Keep a record of what has been completed Keep a record of what needs to be addressed Critical Elements guide your process 149 Initial PBS Meetings Implementation of PBS (Getting the Critical Elements in place) Discuss each element and put product book together (10-12 hours average) Faculty training (4 hours average *) Student training (2 hours average *) 150 Book of Products Description of SW PBS Mission Statement, PBS Team Members Referral Process (flow chart) Referral forms (Major & Minor) Definitions of Problem Behaviors Expectations & Rules Lesson Plans/Posters Suggestions for Effective Consequences Description of Reward System 151 Introducing PBS to Faculty/Staff Overview of SW PBS & obtain buy-in (1 hour) Basic Principles of Behavior (1 hour) Referral process, definitions of behavior, referral forms, using data to make decisions (2-3 hours) Expectations, Rules, Lesson Plans (1-2 hours) Reward System, Effective Consequences (1-2 hours) 152 Introducing SW PBS to Students Intro to Expectations & Rules (1-6 hours) Reward System (1 hour) 153 Regular PBS Meetings (1 hr month) Pull data and determine areas needing intervention Decide on ways to decrease problem areas Decide next steps 154 Effective Team Strategies 155 10 Essentials of Teamwork Common Goal Leadership Interaction and involvement of all members Maintenance of individual self esteem Open communication Power within group to make decisions Attention to process and content Mutual trust Respect for differences Constructive conflict resolution (Snell, M., & Janney, R.; 2000) 156 Ground Rules (examples) We will be on time and allow no interruptions to make or take phone calls We will listen to each other without interrupting We will be concise when we speak – encouraging others to participate We treat each other with respect We are non-judgmental and keep an open mind on issues until it is time to decide 157 Slay the Meeting Monsters Overly Talkative Argumentative Rambler Obstinate/Rigid Griper/Whiner Side Conversation Definitely Wrong Off the Subject Silent 158 A Problem Solving Process Maintain Focus Structured Procedures Limited Time Round-Robin Clarification Action Steps 159 Using the Problem Solving Process Demonstration Group Activity 160 Common Issues Facing Teams 161 Contact Information and Resources Florida PBS Project: Heather George (813) 974-6440 Fax # (813) 974-6115 Rehabilitation, Research and Training Center on PBS- OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports 162