West CTA Daily Lesson Plans SUBJECT: AP Statistics Tia Price PERIODS: 2, 7 & 8 LESSON DATES: 03/24 and 03/25 CCSD SYLLABUS OBJECTIVE (S): Chapter 27 Inferences for Regression 4.16 The student will perform a significance test for the slope of a least squares regression line. Chapter 26 Comparing Counts 3.24 The student will describe the properties of the Chi-Square Distribution. 3.25 The student will solve problems using tables of the Chi-Square Distribution. 4.15 The student will perform a Chi-Square test for goodness of fit, homogeneity of proportions and independence. IDENTIFIED STATE &/OR NATIONAL (POWER) STANDARD(S): 5.8.6 Formulate reasonable inferences and predictions through interpolations and extrapolation of data to solve practical problems. 5.12.3 Use the shape of a normal distribution to compare and analyze data from a sample. INTRO/REVIEW ACTIVITY: Correct and collect Assignment #2. Answer all questions – quiz on Chapte4 27 next class. Collect Assign #3 – the outlines – so we can start Chi-Square today! LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Make sure to do the 2008 #6 AP question – finish it – probably started it last week. Make sure to ask any last minute questions on linear regression/slope test and confidence interval as we will have a quiz on this next class. I will be bringing in M & M’s and they will be doing a two proportion activity to review two proportion tests. I will then introduce the Chi-Square test as an alternate to the 2-sided proportion test. He will introduce the new distribution – the Chi-Square – and show them how to use the tables. I will do an example or two of the Goodness-of-Fit test. If time, introduce the two-way table, however, probably will need to save that for next class. Homework is ONLY on GOF. AP question, Review, Examples, Activity, Simulation, Notesguided practice, independent practice MATERIALS: TI-84 calculators, ELMO, M & M’s, M & M GOF Activity SUMMARY: Closure – Remind students of the quiz next class and of our review session today after school! ASSESSMENT (Check level below): Assessment on guided practice and AP question KNOWLEDGE HOMEWORK: X COMPREHENSION X APPLICATION X Assign #4 pgs. 628 – 631 1 – 3, 5, 8, 11, due March 26th/27th SYNTHESIS X EVALUATION West CTA Daily Lesson Plans SUBJECT: AP Statistics Tia Price PERIODS: 2, 7 & 8 LESSON DATES: 03/26 & 03/27 CCSD SYLLABUS OBJECTIVE(S): Chapter 27 Inferences for Regression 4.16 The student will perform a significance test for the slope of a least squares regression line. Chapter 26 Comparing Counts 3.24 The student will describe the properties of the Chi-Square Distribution. 3.25 The student will solve problems using tables of the Chi-Square Distribution. 4.15 The student will perform a Chi-Square test for goodness of fit, homogeneity of proportions and independence. IDENTIFIED STATE &/OR NATIONAL (POWER) STANDARD(S): 5.8.6 Formulate reasonable inferences and predictions through interpolations and extrapolation of data to solve practical problems. 5.12.3 Use the shape of a normal distribution to compare and analyze data from a sample. INTRO/REVIEW ACTIVITY: Collect Assignment #4 – Do any questions needed on GOF test. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Introduce the two-way table and the new tests – independence and homogeneity with notes. Show how to find the expected values by hand and then show how to do the tests in the calculator. Hand out 2 AP questions – 2003 #5 or 2004 # 5 for independence and hand out a question for homogeneity (couldn’t find an AP question!) Try to do all 3 examples if possible. Describe the distribution of Chi-Square and make sure they can use the table. Do it by hand and also with the calculators. During the last 40 minutes of class, pass out Quiz #1 over Ch. 27 and have them work until the end of the period. Lecture, Examples, AP Questions, assessment, independent practice MATERIALS: TI-84 calculators, ELMO, Notes for 2-way tables and Chi-Square tests, AP questions, Quiz #1 SUMMARY: Closure – No closure – students will be working on the quiz up until the bell. ASSESSMENT (Check level below): Assessment on Quiz #1 KNOWLEDGE HOMEWORK: X COMPREHENSION X APPLICATION X Assign #5 pgs. 628 – 631 7, 17, 21, 23, 31, due March 28th/31st SYNTHESIS X EVALUATION X West CTA Daily Lesson Plans SUBJECT: AP Statistics Tia Price PERIODS: 2, 7 & 8 LESSON DATES: 03/28 or 03/31 CCSD SYLLABUS OBJECTIVE(S): Chapter 26 Comparing Counts 3.24 The student will describe the properties of the Chi-Square Distribution. 3.25 The student will solve problems using tables of the Chi-Square Distribution. 4.15 The student will perform a Chi-Square test for goodness of fit, homogeneity of proportions and independence. IDENTIFIED STATE &/OR NATIONAL (POWER) STANDARD(S): 5.8.6 Formulate reasonable inferences and predictions through interpolations and extrapolation of data to solve practical problems. 5.12.3 Use the shape of a normal distribution to compare and analyze data from a sample. INTRO/REVIEW ACTIVITY: Collect Assignment #5. Answer all questions on all three chi-square tests. Today is our last day with them! We will be testing next week on them. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: First we will review Chi-Square – we will look at a couple of AP questions – do another independence test (either 1999 #2, 2003 #5 or 2004 #5 and then do a GOF – the moose problem 2008 #3. This should not take the entire class. Begin review of topics! Hand out the “Bible” – the yellow packet which goes over everything covered on the AP exam. Go through as much as possible. Tell them what topics to expect on the exam and their percentages. Hand out the vocabulary and explain the first set. This will be due the day of our test – in 2 class periods. Examples, AP Questions, Review, guided practice, independent practice MATERIALS: TI-84 calculators, ELMO, SMART board, AP questions, the “Bible”, Vocab words SUMMARY: Closure – Remind them of our review sessions starting next week! ASSESSMENT (Check level below): Assessment on guided practice (AP Questions) KNOWLEDGE HOMEWORK: X COMPREHENSION X APPLICATION Assign #6 Chi-Square Worksheet, due April 1st/2nd Assign #7 Vocabulary – First Set #1 – 20, due April 3rd/4th X SYNTHESIS X EVALUATION