Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet Course Outline/Syllabus Math

Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet
Course Outline/Syllabus
Math/Science 6A/6B
Ms. LeDuff
Room 15
Course Description:
Math 6A/6B
Math 6A and 6B will prepare students for the formal study of algebra, geometry, and advanced mathematical concepts.
Students will become proficient in basic operations and problem-solving strategies, including fractions, decimals,
statistics and probability.
Units of Study:
Unit 1
Number Sense
Chapter 1
Number Patterns and Fractions
Chapter 2
Fraction and Decimal Operations
Chapter 3
Content Standards: Number Sense 1.1, 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 Mathematical Reasoning 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 Algebra and Functions 1.3,
Unit 2
Algebra and Functions
Chapter 4
Expressions and Equations
Chapter 5
Ratios and Proportions
Chapter 6
Content Standards: Number Sense 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Algebra and Functions 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2
Unit 3
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
Chapter 7
Analyzing Data
Chapter 8
Content Standards: SDAP 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
Unit 4
Measurement and Geometry
Chapter 9
Geometric Figures
Chapter 10
Measurement and Area
Chapter 11
Surface Area and Volume
Content Standards: Measurement and Geometry 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Number Sense 1.2, 1.3 Algebra and Functions
2.1, 3.1, 3.2
Review Grade 5 and Preview Grade 7
Chapter 12
Course Description:
Science/Health 6A/6B
This inquiry based science program will guide and facilitate learning and establish connections between the various
disciplines of Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science, with an emphasis in Earth Science.
Units of Study:
Unit 1
Introduction to Earth Science
Chapter 1
The Nature of Earth Science
Chapter 2
Tools of Earth Science
Chapter 3
Earth’s Systems and Cycles
Content Standards: (Ch.1) 6.7.a, 6.7.d, 6.7.e, 6.7.g, 6.7.h (Ch.2) 6.7.b, 6.7.c, 6.7.e, 6.7.f (Ch.3) 6.1.b, 6.3.d, 6.4.a, 6.4.b,
Unit 2
Earth’s Resources
Chapter 4
Material Resources
Chapter 5
Energy Resources
Content Standards: (Ch.4) 6.6.b, 6.6.c (Ch.5) 6.3.b, 6.6.a, 6.6.b
Unit 3
Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Structure
Chapter 6
Plate Tectonics
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Content Standards: (Ch.6) 6.1.a, 6.1.b, 6.1.c, 6.1.f, 6.4.c (Ch.7) 6.1.a, 6.1.d, 6.1.e, 6.1.g, 6.2.d (Ch.8) 6.1.a, 6.1.d, 6.1.e,
Unit 4
Shaping Earth’s Surface
Chapter 9
Weathering and Soil Formation
Chapter 10
Agents of Erosion and Deposition
Chapter 11
Rivers and Groundwater
Content Standards: (Ch.9) 6.2.a, 6.2.b, 6.2.c, 6.5.e, 6.6.b (Ch.10) 6.2.a, 6.2.c, 6.2.d, 6.3.a (Ch. 11) 6.2.a, 6.2.b, 6.2.d,
6.4.a, 6.6.b
Unit 5
Earth’s Oceans and Atmosphere
Chapter 12
Exploring the Oceans
Chapter 13
The Movement of Ocean Water
Chapter 14
The Atmosphere
Chapter 15
Weather and Climate
Content Standards: (Ch.12) 6.1.a, 6.1.d, 6.1.e, 6.3.c, 6.4.d (Ch.13) 6.3.a, 6.3.c, 6.4.a, 6.4.d, 6.4.e
6.4.a, 6.4.b, 6.4.d, 6.4.e (Ch.15) 6.2.d, 6.4.a, 6.4.b, 6.4.d, 6.4.e
Unit 6
(Ch. 14) 6.3.c, 6.3.d,
Chapter 16
Interactions of Living Things
Chapter 17
Biomes and Ecosystems
Content Standards: (Ch.16) 6.5.a, 6.5.b, 6.5.c, 6.5.e (Ch.17) 6.5.a, 6.5.b, 6.5.c, 6.5.d, 6.5.e
Projects: Throughout the year, projects will be assigned. Students will have ample time to complete these projects.
Time may be assigned in class, and/or out of class. You will be notified when your child is working on a project. The
requirements for long term projects will be sent home.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given periodically in between sections of Chapters. They may be announced or unannounced
(pop quizzes).
Assessments: A variety of assessment procedures will be used to assess your child’s progress and achievement. They
will include, but are not limited to, tests, quizzes, journals, portfolios, projects, in-class assignments, and teacher
Required Daily Materials
 Sharpened #2 pencils
 Blue or black pens
 2 subject notebook
 Loose leaf paper
Grading Policy:
100% - 90% A
89% - 80% B
79% - 70% C
69% - 60% D
59% - below
Below Average
Work Habits and Cooperation:
Performance Assignment Rubric:
Exceptional work
Completed on time
Excellent attention to detail and accuracy
Neat and organized
Proficient work
Most parts completed on time
Good attention to detail and accuracy
Mostly neat and organized
Satisfactory work
Some parts completed on time
Some attention to detail and accuracy
Some neatness and organization
Unsatisfactory/Not proficient work
Few parts completed on time
Little or no attention to detail or accuracy
Sloppy and disorganized
Classroom Management Policy
Students are expected to be on time each day. Excessive tardiness will result in a phone call home
and may result in a “U” under work habits on report card.
The use of personal electronic devices in the classroom is not allowed unless specifically permitted by
the teacher. Infractions will be handled in the following manner: warning, phone call, taken away for
the period, parent will have to pick up the phone.
Talking will not be allowed during any kind of assessment. Infractions will be held in the following
manner: warning, move to another area, take assessment during lunch.
Talking will not be allowed during lectures. Students who continue to talk during lessons will receive
a warning, seat change, written assignment and/or phone call home.
Homework will be assigned each class period and due the next meeting period.
Student must bring required supplies to class each day.
(journal, pencils, blue or black pen, loose leaf paper)
Failure to do so will result in a “U” under work habits on report card.