English Composition Placement & Appeal Process Students will need one of the following English courses or sequences based on their ACT English or comparable SAT scores. 23-36 on ACT English – need to take ENGL 105 18-22 on ACT English – need to take ENGL 103 and ENGL 104 Below 18 on ACT English – need to take ENGL 099 and ENGL 103 and ENGL 104 Honors Program – need to take ENGL 195 New students with ACT English scores of 16-17 and 21-22 will have the right to appeal their placement in ENGL 099 and ENG 103, respectively. Students without an ACT or SAT score will need to take the COMPASS placement test in the Academic Resource Center. The essay will be scored by ARC staff and by relevant faculty. Placement Appeal Option The placement appeal option is for students with an English ACT score of 16-17 (or comparable SAT) who are placed in ENGL 099 and for students with an English ACT score of 21-22 (or comparable SAT) who are placed in ENGL 103 who feel that standardized test scores do not accurately reflect their writing ability. Students who wish to appeal their ACT placement may only appeal to move up one course, so a student with an ACT English score of 17 may not petition to place into ENGL 105. These students may demonstrate their preparation for the written communication competency through a portfolio. The portfolio must include the following: A one-page, single-spaced cover letter that identifies the class in which each portfolio essay was originally written, the assignment that was given, and the learning outcomes that each essay demonstrates. Students should identify which of the following outcomes are demonstrated in each essay and articulate how the outcomes are met in each essay: 1) Context of and Purpose for Writing: Align the writing task with audience, purpose, and context. 2) Content Development: Use appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to support a thesis and unify the work. 3) Genre and Disciplinary Conventions: Consistently apply disciplinary conventions, including organization, content, presentation, and style. 4) Sources and Evidence: Consistently support claims with credible, relevant, and appropriate sources. 5) Control of Syntax and Mechanics: Communicate in direct, error-free language. Two essays of at least 500 words each that are clearly focused around a central idea, developed with specific supporting details, organized to provide a logical flow of ideas, and edited to observe the conventions of standard written English. Lab reports are not acceptable. A $20 check payable to Viterbo University to cover the cost of evaluating the portfolio Students should submit their portfolio and payment along with their Viterbo ID number to Dr. Rolf Samuels Viterbo University 900 Viterbo Drive La Crosse, WI 54601 Document1 English Composition Placement & Appeal Process The deadline for submission is August 15. Results of the portfolio assessment will be sent to students’ Viterbo e-mail accounts within ten days. The portfolio will be assessed using the Written Communication VALUE rubric that applies to the firstyear writing courses at Viterbo University. To override the AP English placement, a portfolio must reach certain targeted levels on this rubric. ENGL 103 ENGL 105 Learning Outcome 7 8 (novice level for at least two SLOs) (novice level for at least three SLOs) Milestones Apprentice 3 Novice 2 Benchmark 1 1 Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s) (e.g., the task aligns with audience, purpose, and context). Demonstrates awareness of context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., begins to show awareness of audience's perceptions and assumptions). Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience). 2 Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape the whole work. Uses appropriate and relevant content Uses appropriate and relevant to develop and explore ideas through content to develop simple ideas in most of the work. some parts of the work. 3 Demonstrates consistent use of important conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s), including organization, content, presentation, and stylistic choices Follows expectations appropriate to a Attempts to use a consistent system specific discipline and/or writing for basic organization and task(s) for basic organization, content, presentation. and presentation 4 Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing. Demonstrates an attempt to use credible and/or relevant sources to support ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. 5 Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors. Uses language that generally conveys Uses language that sometimes meaning to readers with clarity, impedes meaning because of errors although writing may include some in usage. errors. Written Communication 2 targeted level Written Communication 1 targeted level Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas in the writing. When the portfolio score is ambiguous, students may be required to write a timed essay that shows their ability to apply critical reading and writing skills and will be evaluated in four areas: reading comprehension, focus and content, organization and coherence, and correctness. Students who are required to write the timed essay be scheduled for the proctored essay on Friday, August 26 or Monday, August 29. If the cover letter does not address the five learning outcomes for written communication, then the portfolio assessor will give the student one opportunity to revise the essay by the August 15 deadline. If the portfolio papers themselves do not show evidence of sufficient development towards the five learning outcomes, then the portfolio may not be resubmitted. Document1 English Composition Placement & Appeal Process If any of the papers in the portfolio are demonstrably plagiarized, the student will not earn placement into a higher level course and the evaluation fee will not refunded. Students with questions regarding the placement appeal portfolio are welcome to contact Dr. Rolf Samuels, Director of General Education, risamuels@viterbo.edu. Document1