UGA Employee Comments Regarding Christian Perry

UGA Employee Comments Regarding Christian Perry
Christian definitely was a “life saver” more than once. She caught problems with grant applications just
before they went out that weren’t caught by anyone else. And those were issues where it wasn’t even
her job to check/catch those things, she did anyway. She’s also been very good in “pro-actively”
informing me about changes, things I should pay attention to, etc. And she helped me find answers to
sometimes arcane questions that came up, e.g. involving cost-sharing, sub-contracts, and other
complicated issues. Again, it wasn’t always her official job to find out answers to those, but she did. So
yes, I’m fully voting for her to get this award.
Andreas Handel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
There is no more deserving person for this award. I have been at UGA since 2006, and Christian has been
OVPR’s grants administrator for our college during that time. She has been an extremely important
asset for our College and for me personally, in the coordination of more than 37 unique submissions of
contracts and grants (of which 15 have been awarded) that I have submitted to date. With many of
these grants and contracts, Christian has been able to navigate tricky processes with a high level of
professionalism and aplomb. There is really no problem, whether it be in grants submission, negotiations
with contractors, or with management of awards through the procurement and grants office, that she
cannot resolve. She is dogged in her efforts to resolve issues quickly and efficiently, while always keeping
UGA faculty abreast of the process.
Phaedra S. Corso, Ph.D., MPA, Department Head, Health Policy and Management
I have worked directly with Christian Heindel since I accepted this position almost 2 years ago. While I
have been learning the processes, she has never been condescending or impatient with me. She never
fails to go the extra mile which makes her always prepared for whatever issue arises. Additionally,
Christian is extremely efficient, knowledgeable, & professional when dealing with all of our granting
agencies. I understand what it’s like to be in an administrative/customer service position and the fact
that she is always ‘on our side’, & with a good attitude, is a true testament of her character. Christian is
the definition of one who excels in all aspects of her job & deserves any award for excellence.
Sarah Williamson, Business Manager, College of Veterinary Medicine
I called our grants officer because I wanted to know who was Ms. Heindel’s direct supervisor. I was
going to write to you anyway to let you know what a star Ms. Heindel is and then I found out that you
know that already since you are nominating her for this award. I wanted to extend my sincere
appreciation to you for all that Christian has done for us over the last year or so. Her assistance with last
minute proposals and setting up accounts and facilitating grant writing and processing was of the
utmost professionalism. She is a magnificent asset to you and us and you should be proud of having her
within your office.
John F. Peroni, DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVS, Associate Professor, Large Animal Medicine
Christian has been incredibly helpful to me over the past few years in submitting our grants. Of course,
when things run smoothly or go as planned, she is working behind the scenes. So my interactions with
her have always been when something is wrong. I have really appreciated her non-judgmental, can-do
attitude when the pressure is on with a deadline. Always helpful, and never let us down. Moreover, she
is calm, even under duress. That approach instills confidence to all around her. I have submitted many
grants since coming to UGA and I know that she has played an important part in helping with each
submission. If it were me, I would give her the award.
Christopher Whalen, M.D., M.S., Earnest Corn Professor of Infectious Disease,
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
I cannot think of anyone best deserving of the Governor’s Customer Service Excellence Award” than
Christian Heindel; this is an award that was made for her. Christian’s service is ALWAYS outstanding for
three reasons: 1) she is always courteous, 2) she is SO knowledgeable, and 3) she is SO fast. I have called
Christian many, many times to ask for her advice. Even when I have contacted her for things that are not
in her area of responsibility, she has never told me to call someone else. No matter what it is, she always
finds a solution, and finds the right solution. If I leave a phone or email message, I know that she will
respond within a few minutes. If she does not have the answer immediately, she does not keep me
waiting on the phone. She always says that she will look for the answer and call me back. I know that
she will call me back within a few minutes. Last year, I got a very complicate contract with the Pan
American Health Organization (PAHO). The complications mostly stemmed from PAHO being a very
large, bureaucratic organization. Christian read every clause, and provided specific wording that would
be suitable to both UGA and PAHO. She also gave me advice about how to negotiate the contract, so I
would not have trouble later on. I am finishing now this contract and everything went very smoothly.
She has helped me through the years with a very large grant funded by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. If I had questions about purchases, hiring, etc., she was consistently the best person to
ask. In addition to being fast and knowledgeable, she is always (and I mean always) personable, kind,
and courteous. It is a pleasure working with her.
Pamela Orpinas, Ph.D., Professor, Health Promotion and Behavior
Christian was an amazing support for the years that she supported me and my group. Christian was
seemingly always reachable and always was quick to respond to my queries. She always helped me with
whatever I needed (big or small, simple or complex) to move my grant applications and/or awards
forward. Simply put, Christian was an invaluable resource that helped me time and time again as I
navigated and worked through the various, and at times challenging, grants and contracts-related
aspects of my research at UGA. I appreciate Christian.
Luke Naeher, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Environmental Health Science
Christian and I have worked together on proposal submissions and other duties for over four years. I
enjoy working with Christian because of her pleasant, approachable and helpful attitude. Even though
we are met with numerous deadlines each month, Christian always maintains a calm and professional
demeanor. There have been many occasions when she has gone beyond the requirements of her job in
order to assist me or others by taking a later lunch, staying late and even handling things on the
weekends. Christian has always provided the most dependable, professional and meticulous assistance
whenever she is called upon. She is also keen in knowing when my work load has become overwhelming
and offers to take on some of my assignments to help me out. Christian and I have a great work rapport
and I hope that we can continue to work together for many years to come.
Renita Anthony, Program Coordinator, College of Veterinary Medicine