FDI & Tech Capabilities Khalil Hamdani Lahore School of Economics 27 March 2014 Outline East Asian experience Pakistan experience FDI strategy The East Asian experience • Rapid growth generated by high rates of investment, initially with external capital and later with domestic saving. • Government stimulated investment by creating rents and high profits. • Corporate profits were reinvested. • Corporate savings thus became a main source of capital accumulation. East Asian policies • Promoted investment in industries with potential for learning, scale economies and productivity growth. • Promoted forward and backward linkages that stimulated investment in the wider economy. • Eased constraints on capital accumulation, particularly on capital goods imports. • Tied government support to private sector performance. East Asian policies to build technological capabilities • Education and human resource development • Teacher training • Support for SMEs and emerging entrepreneurs • FDI to stimulate business linkages (OEM) • Managerial programs • Technology licensing • Institutions (create ties between firms, universities, and research institutes at home and overseas) • Regulatory reforms Outline East Asian experience Pakistan experience FDI strategy Pakistan experience had some similarity • We relied on import substitution, technology transfer and foreign capital inflows. • However, we neglected to build technological capabilities. • We did not develop a robust relationship between government and industry. • We could not foster an environment in which corporate profits were reinvested. Corporate savings thus did not become a main source of capital formation. Capital formation in Pakistan is well below the threshold for dynamic growth 25.0 Threshold 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP) GDP growth (annual %) 2010 Lowest capital formation in South Asia (GFCF % of GDP, World Bank World Development Indicators) 35 30 India 25 Sri Lanka Bangladesh 20 Nepal 15 Pakistan 10 5 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 Low propensity of the rich to invest (Accumulation/Concentration Ratio, %, UNCTAD) 1970-1979 1980-1994 1995-2000 Bangladesh 11 16 34 India 25 28 34 Korea 46 53 70 Malaysia 28 32 41 Pakistan 14 18 22 Thailand 35 46 49 Korea: shift to high-tech manufacturing (low, medium, high technology, % of MVA, UNIDO) Pakistan: manufactures still low-tech 50% (low, medium, high technology, % of MVA, UNIDO) Pakistan: exports low technological content (%, UNIDO) 1990 2000 2011 Lower Middle Income Developing countries 2011 16 14 18 24 32 30 25 40 88 87 81 79 8 11 11 55 Pakistan Year Manufacturing value added in GDP - of which: medium or high technology Manufactured exports in total exports - of which: medium or high technology Manufacturing transformation (MVA, ratio of consumer goods to capital goods, UNIDO) While other countries have shifted the manufacturing base from consumer goods to capital goods, Pakistan has moved in the opposite direction Outline East Asian experience Pakistan experience FDI strategy Why FDI? • FDI can raise the investment ratio under constrained balance of payments. • FDI also has wider benefits: • FDI can augment capital accumulation with technology and skills transfer. • FDI can also provide access to global production networks: expand exports. • Pakistan needs FDI for all three reasons. FDI strategy • The wider benefits of FDI are not automatic. • Technology can obsolesce or be absorbed into technological progress and productivity growth. • Profits from FDI can be repatriated or reinvested. • Hence, FDI strategy involves generating inflows and capturing the wider benefits. Pakistan needs a broader FDI strategy • A preoccupation with macroeconomic management emphasizes attracting foreign capital inflows and neglects the need to create an investment environment conducive for reinvestment and technological upgrading. • Pakistan needs to attract FDI and also promote sequential investment. FDI strategy must begin at home • Government needs to work with industry to: • Encourage reinvestment to upgrade production, train workers, create supplier linkages and develop exports. • Strengthen policies and institutions that support building up of industrial technological capabilities. • Without such internal efforts, FDI adds to the balance of payments difficulty. FDI would double with reinvestment (Billions USD, State Bank of Pakistan) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FDI net inflows FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Outflows of profits and dividends FDI comes when private sector invests 14 12 10 Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP) 8 6 Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP) 4 2 0 2000 2004 2008 2012 Government-industry relationship • High-level, institutionalized consultation is needed on: • urgent problems of energy, security and investor confidence; • practical matters of regulatory barriers that impede entrepreneurship and business; and • Strategic plans for industrial upgrading. Pakistan’s FDI profile Natural resources: mining, oil and gas. ✘Exports: weak infrastructure, skill base. Market: food, beverage, consumer goods and service industries. Sequential investment to upgrade production, create linkages and develop exports. FDI linkages BACKWARD SUPPLIERS SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Improved productivity Higher incomes for suppliers Reduced costs for company FORWARD Company NEW MARKETS PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP Better products for consumers Enlarged market share for company worldwide FDI is part of larger industrial strategy • Industrial transformation: shift to a high technology, knowledge-based economy • Diversify existing industrial base (technological upgrading, linkages, exports) • Target growth industries (e.g. engineering, ICT, petrochemical products) • Encourage SMEs and entrepreneurship development • Develop clusters of knowledge-based activities Investment score card ✔ Investment climate ✗ Strategic policy coordination Strategic FDI attraction ✗ Linkages policies and programmes Source: Altenburg, 2005. Strengthening hard and soft infrastructure ✗ Summary • FDI is more than an external resource inflow. • FDI can also modernize industry and better integrate Pakistan into international production. • Natural resources and large internal market are Pakistan’s main attractions for FDI. • With appropriate policies, significantly wider benefits can be realized, including exports.