January 2016 All Levels FREE Workouts

Tuesday 1/05
Warm up- Jump rope 1 min, mountain climbers :30, side plank :30/side,
rest :30, x2
*Mix it up on jump rope, try single leg, alternating legs, double unders,
Mobility- Lunge stretch (hips) pigeon Stretch (hips), lat stretch
hamstring dynamic stretch ~5 min
A) Front Squat x8
Take 3 sets to build to max weight
Rest 2 min between sets
Then do 1x8 @90% of that weight.
B1) Straight Leg barbell Deadlift x10-12
B2) Supinated-grip, bent-over Barbell Row x7-8
B3) Weighted Plank :45
Rest 2 minutes
C) 14 minute AMRAP:
20 box jumps
20 sit ups
10 KB Front Rack Step ups (U choose weight, L-no weight)
10 push press (L- 65/barbell, F- 115/75, S-155/105)
Wednesday 1/06
W- Run 1 minute, bear complex (barbell), roll upper back and
shoulders:30, chest stretch :30
A) Take 15 min to build to heavy set of 5-rep power clean
Then use 90% and do 3x3
B) For Time
Push up
Crunches (feet up, 90 degree knees and hips)
Dips on box
Oblique twists/side
Double unders
Leg Levers
*Do if possible for extra credit!
C) Run 400m @90% effort
Rest 1:30
Run 400m @100% effort
Thursday 1/07
W- Kettle bell warm up, consists of x5/exercise/x2 rounds unbroken:
Single Arm Russian/side, American, snatch/side.
Then, Goblet Squat x10, Waiter Carry 100ft/arm, Turkish get up x3/arm
*Use very light KB
Skill- Headstand hold- accumulate 2 minutes, kick up to wall 20 times,
kick up free standing 10 times, rest as needed during this.
A1) Barbell Glute Bridge x6 @11X2 tempo
https://youtu.be/rTqhhHfooxg -Bret Contreras, Glute Bridge
https://youtu.be/DvQXREKFfpY -Irish Lady, GB vs Hip Thrust
Rest 2 minutes
Start at 95# and increase 10# each time
A2) 30 mountain climbers/side
B) 5 rounds for time:
25 Russian swings (35#/53)
25 goblet squats (35#/53)
12 burpees
+ walk 5 minutes and stretch series, 2x :30/stretch/side:
ankle pull (quads), toe touch (hammies), seated foot on bent knee
(glutes), laying single knee across body (spine), bent arm
above/behind head (lats and triceps), arm across body
(scapula/shoulder), neck tilt (neck)
Friday 1/08
W- Shoulder/thoracic spine/hip mobility~ 10 min
Skill- Rope climb practice
Practice foot wrap and static pull up and down with legs wrapped.
Do 3-5 full climbs, rest as needed.
A) Every :30 x5 min (10 sets)
Front Squat x2 @40-55% of 1RM
B1) Strict Press @31X3 tempo + Push Press x3+3
Rest :30
B2) Bent over barbell row x7-8
Rest 1 minute
C) For time:
30 Double Unders (singles x2)
40 Air Squats
10 cal row
30 air squats
20 cal Row
20 Air squats
30 cal Row
10 air squats
40 cal Row
30 double unders
Saturday 1/09
W- row 500m, 5x each DL, HPC, FS, press, BS, press BN, pull up
Spend 5 min quick Power clean review, triple extension, high pull, fast
elbows, athletic catch.
A) EMOM x10
Hang power clean x2-5, same weight across (new athletes high rep-low
B1) Good morning x8-10
Rest 30 sec
B2) Single arm DB/KB push press x8-10
Rest 30 sec
B3) jump rope max effort 1 min
Rest 1 min
C) 2 min max sit ups
Monday 1/11
W- Tabata (alternate every time, go through it 2-3x)
Plank- superman- handstand hold (inverted box)- pull-up/ ring row
A) Rope climb pactice- everyone gets 5x total attempts/climbs
(advanced athletes do 10)
B) Goal is to be consistent in time spent on each portion across every
Row 400m + 30 air squats + 20 sit ups + 10 push ups + 5 pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes
30 air squats +20 sit ups + 10 push ups + 5 pull ups + 400m row
sit ups- push ups- pull ups- row- squats
push ups- pull ups- row- squats- sit ups
pull ups- row- squats- sit ups- push ups
LIFE- half reps except pull ups do ring rows x5, scale row only
depending on ability,
Partner Stretching (hips, hammies, quads, shoulders/chest)
Tuesday 1/12
W- Run 5 minutes around the gym (mix it up, side shuffle, backwards,
high knees, butt kickers, backwards high knees and butt kickers) + roll
out hips, glutes, hammies, calves, lower and upper back~ 5 minutes
A1) Barbell Glute Bridge x6 @11X2 tempo
Increase 10# every time
A2) 25 oblique twists/side 5-25# plate in hand
Rest 2 minutes
B) For time:
50 deadlifts (L-55/75, F-85/115#, S- 115/155)
40 box jumps (L- step up, F&S-20”/24”)
30 hang power cleans (L-45-75, F-115#, S- 155)
20 shoulder to overhead (L-45-75, F-115#, S- 155)
10 clusters (L-45-75, F-115#, S- 155)
+ cool down, roll out with remaining time
Wednesday 1/13
W- Run 800m/ AD 50 cals + dynamic stretches
A) Tabata
Knee tuck on rings/parallette/boxes (knees above hips)
Ring Row hold
Superman Hold
B) 5 rounds (keep the same times, let first one be slowest and speed up
as you go):
20 unbroken wall ball shots
6 toes to bar (L- Lying toes to rig, F- V-up)
15 double unders (singles x3 unbroken)
6 toes to bar
rest 1 minute
C) 5 minute Plank Challenge
*Every time knees drop counts as 1 air squat for everybody after class,
coach mark it down!!
Thursday 1/14
W- Dynamic single limb ~5 minutes
Skill- Practice double unders 5 minutes
A1) Straight leg deadlift (L-x8-10, F-x6-8, S-x5-6)
A2) Single-arm L-seated Shoulder Press x12/side
A3) Single leg step up + calf raise (L-x8-10, F&S x6-8 weighted)/side
A4) Laying Scissor kicks x12/side
No rest, not for time
B) 12 Minute AMRAP
50 mountain climbers (25/leg)
50 flutter kicks (25/leg)
50 jumping jacks
Friday 1/15
W- Burgener Snatch Warm up
A) EMOM x10
Hang high pull (below knee) + hang power snatch (above knee) + OHS
@50-60% of heaviest power snatch
B1) Snatch-Grip Behind-neck press x5
B2) Back Squat x10
Rest 1-2 minutes
C1) Good morning x10-12 (light weight)
C2) High box step up x10-12, right then left (add front rack KB)
Rest 1 minute
D) For time:
200 jump ropes
80 air squats
Saturday 1/16
W- dynamic shoulder/thoracic/lumbar
A) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Bench (L- 50% bodyweight, F- 65-75%BW, S- 80-100%BW)
Deadlift (L- 75% BW, F- 80-100%BW, S- 105-125%BW)
Power Clean (L- 50%BW, F-60-70%BW, S- 75-85%BW)
B) Row 500m
Rest :90
Monday 1/17
W- Track and plyo warm up + hip, legs and ankle mobility.
Skill- Box jump
A) Take 15 minutes Build to highest 3-rep box jump (no rebound, no
more than 5 seconds between jumps.)
L- sub step ups 3 right then 3 left.
B) EMOM x18
1- :50 Max reps Flutter kicks
2- :40 Double unders (must at least attempt 3x each minute!)
3- :40 air squats
+ roll out + band mobility lower body
Tuesday 1/18
W- Run 5 minutes around the gym (mix it up, side shuffle, backwards,
high knees, butt kickers, backwards high knees and butt kickers) + roll
out hips, glutes, hammies, calves, lower and upper back~ 5 minutes
A1) Barbell Glute Bridge x12 @11X2 tempo
Increase 10# every time
A2) L-sit/knee tuck on ring/parallettes/box :20
A3) Standing side bend x12-15
Rest 2 min
B) For time:
Run big lap
10 sand bag deadlifts (F&S- do sandbag cleans)
40 goblet squats
run big lap
10 sandbag deadlift
40 russian kbs
run big lap
10 sandbag deadlift
40 weighted sit ups
Wednesday 1/19
W- PVC shoulder mobility, core warm up
Skill- Burgener snatch warm up with PVC, barbell, barbell+5-20#
A) EMOM x10
Hang high pull (below knee) + Hang power snatch + Overhead Squat
50-65% of heaviest snatch (use barbell if student never snatches)
B) 12 minute AMRAP
7 power snatches (L-barbell-65, F-95/65, 115/85
1 small lap (150m)
14 toes to bar (knees to elbow or lying toes to rig)
+ walk big lap cool down and stretch
Thursday 1/20
W- :30 work, :30 mobility
Jog- leg swings, squat- quad stretch, high knee- toe touch, butt kickerfrog stretch, repeat x2
A) Shoulder press + push press x 5+ 3
Rest 2 minutes
B) Forward arm raise x10-12
Curl x10-12
Lateral arm raise x10-12
Bent over tricep kick back x10-12
Run big lap
Rest :60
C)4 min AMRAP
20 crunches
20 mountain climbers/side
10 sit ups
10 leg levers
Friday 1/21
W- Agility Ladder + movement prep
On a running clock (rest with remaining time after each completed
A) 0-10:00
4 rounds
12 deadlifts
9 hang clean
6 push press
* L- barbell-75, F-115/85, S-155/105
B) 10-15:00
Run small lap
8 burpees
C) 15:00-20:00
12 Box up
12 push ups
12 ring rows
D) 20-30:00 (time cap)
4 rounds:
10 backs squats
8 toes to bar
6 handstand push ups
Saturday 1/22
W- Coaches choice 5-8min (movement prep)
A) Build to heavy single ground to overhead in 20 min
B) Build to heavy single overhead squat in 12 min
C) Build to heavy single push press in 12 min
D) Row 500m,
Rest 1:30
Monday 1/24
W- Row 1 pull easy, 1 pull hard, 2 easy, 2 hard, up to 10, then dynamic
A) “Triple 3”
For time:
Run 1 mile (sub 75 cal AD)
Row 1000m
Double under 100 (3x singles)
Time cap 45 minutes
Tuesday 1/25
W- barbell warm up + core and scapula strength
Skill- Burgener clean warm up PVC, barbell, barbell +5-20#
A) Front Squat build to heavy triple in 20 minutes
B) KB/DB weighted walking lunge x20
Rest 1.5-2 minutes
C) For completion and quality reps
Strict pull ups (L-bands, no jumping)
Calorie Row
Push ups
Wednesday 1/26
W- Alternating tabata: knee tuck/l-sit, hang hold, plank, glute bridge, x2
Skill- Handstand ~10 min practice
A) Handstand hold :30
Run small lap
L-sit/knee tuck :30 (rings/boxes/parallettes)
Run small lap
B) For quality movement
Good morning (barbell-75#)
Super man
Bent over reverse fly (use plates or kettle bells)
C) For time:
Mountain climbers/side
Ball slam
Bicycle kicks/side
Thursday 1/27
W- Coaches Choice ~10 min
Skill- Rope climbs, pull out mat, practice: hanging straight arms, hanging
flexed arms, laying down pull to standing, footwork (choose one way
only), static pulls (feet wrapped in one spot go up and down), then full
climb ~15-20 minutes
A) Bench press build to heavy 6 (4-6 sets)
*between each set run 1 small lap and do 1 rope climb
rest 1-2 minutes between sets
-After finding heavy 6 do 2x6 @85-90%
B) 5 min plank
Do 2 pull-ups afterwards every time they drop
+ cool down and stretch lats, chest, bi’s, tri’s, forearms
Friday 1/28
W- PVC mob, Band exercises, glute activation exercises, movement prep
A1) Box jump x4-6 (LIFE- jump onto bumper plates)
A2) Push press x4-6
Rest 2 minutes; x4 sets
*increase weight and height when possible
B1) Good morning x8-10 @33X1 tempo
B2) Strict Shoulder press x8-10
Rest 2 minutes; x4 sets
C) For time:
50 jump ropes, 50 sit ups
40, 40, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10
Saturday 1/29
W- :15 on, :45 off (walk/stretch); :30 on :30 off (walk/stretch); :45 on
:15 off (walk/stretch) of: squat, plank, jumping jack, burpee
*12 min total)
A1) 5x Turkish get ups/arm
A2) 10x goblet squats
A3) 20x kettle bell swings
Rest :60
B) EMOM x15
1- Ball slam x5-8
2- wall ball x6-12
3-burpees x5-8
(SPORT do Burpee pull ups)
+ roll out and core stretches
Monday 1/31
W- 1 minute jump rope, :30 side plank/side: rest 30 seconds; x5
+ I’s, T’s, Y’s 1x20 each
A) Press x2 + Push press x4
Rest 2 minutes
B1) Lateral shoulder raises (neutral position) x10
B2) Bent over row x15
Rest 1 minute
C) 15 minute AMRAP
12 push ups
small lap run
20 crunches
12 calorie row
+ Stretch upper body