12.1 Introduction Mechanics of rigid body body mechanics of rigid Galilei Statics Statics Dynamics Dynamics Newton Euler Lagrange Equilibrium ΣF=0 Kinematics v=ds/dt a=dv/dt Kinetics ΣF=ma 12.2 Rectilinear Kinematics: Continuous motion 1. Kinematics Analysis of the geometric aspects of motion. 2. Particle A particle has a mass but negligible size and shape. 3. Rectilinear Kinematics Kinematics of objects moving along straight path and characterized by objects position, velocity and acceleration. 4. Position (1) position vector r A vector used to specify the location of particle P at any instant from origin O. (2) position coordinate , S An algebraic scalar used to represent the position coordinate of particle P from O to P. S r scalar vector r’ o r r s P s P’ s’ 5. Displacement Change in position of a particle , vector (1) Displacement r r 'r or S S 'S (2) Distance Total length of path traversed by the particle. A positive scalar. 6. Velocity (1) Average velocity V avg r t (2) Instantaneous Velocity r dr V lim t dt t 0 S ds t 0 t dt v lim ( ) (3) Speed speed = magnitude of velocity = | v | ST Average speed = Total distance/elapsed time = t 7. Acceleration (1) Average acceleration a avg V t (2) (Instantaneous) acceleration v dv a lim t 0 t t dV d ds d 2 S a ( ) 2 dt dt dt dt ( ) 8. Relation involving a , s and v v=ds/dt, dt=ds/v a=dv/dt, dt=dv/a so, ds/v=dv/a vdv=ads 9. Constants acceleration a = ac ac dv dt c v v o at v v act 0 v t 0 ds v dt S dv a dt dv ac dt s t ds (v act )dt S s0 v0 t 1 2 2 ac t s0 S 1 2 t v0 t a c t So 2 0 0 v c v0 v a cs s s v0 s vdv a ds vdv a c ds 1 2 v 2 0 s0 v2 v0 2a c (s s0 ) 2 0 10. Analysis Procedure (1)Coordinate System A. Establish a position coordinate s along the path. B. Specify the fixed origin and positive direction of the coordinate. (2) Kinematic Equations A. Know the relationship between any two of the four variables a, v, a and t. B. Use the kinematic equations to determine the unknown varaibles 12.3 Rectilinear Kinematics : Erratic Motion S V t a t t Given method Kinematics egn Find S-t graph Measure slope V=ds/dt V-t graph V-t graph Measure slope A=dv/dt a-t graph A-t graph Area integration t v v v0 adt v-t graph 0 v-t graph Area integration s s s0 vdt s-t graph 1 2 2 v (2 ads v0 ) v-s graph A=v(dv/ds) a-s graph t 0 A-s graph Area integration s s0 v-s graph Measure slope 12-4 General Curvilinear Motion 1. Curvilinear motion The particle moves along a curved path. p Vector analysis will be used to formulate the particle’s position, velocity and acceleration. 2. Position r r (t) p s r (t) s o 3. Displacement r r r ' r = change in position of particle form p to p’ p r o s r r’ p’ 4. Velocity (1) average velocity 平均 r Vavg t (2) Instantaneous velocity 瞬時 r dr V lim dt t 0 t = “tangent” to the curve at Pt .p = “tangent” to the path of motion p v (3) Speed v v lim t 0 r r t lim t 0 s ds t dt o r r’ p’ 5. Acceleration (1) Average acceleration a avg v v v t t = time rate of change of velocity vectors v v' v Hodograph Hodogragh is a curve of the locus of points for the arrowhead of velocity vector. (2) Instantaneous acceleration 2 v dv d d r d r a lim dt dt dt dt t 0 t which is not tangent to the curve of motion, but tangent to the hodograph. 12-5 Curvilinear Motion : Rectangular components s z path r p r xi yj zk y θ x xyz : fixed rectangular coordinate system 1. Position vector r (t ) x(t )i y (t ) j z (t )k x y z x y z i j 2 2 2 2 2 2 x2 y2 z 2 x y z x y z ru r 2 2 2 k Here 2 2 2 r r x y z r ur r = magnitude of = unit vector = direction of r r 2. Velocity dr (t) v( t ) dt d x i y j zk dt 0 0 0 dx d i dy d j dz dk i x jy kz dt dt dt dt dt dt dx dy dz i j k dt dt dt vx i vy j vzk vu v v vx2 v y2 vz2 v uv v tangent to the path 3. Acceleration dV a dt d Vx i Vv j Vz k dt dVx dVy dVz i j k dt dt dt d 2 x d 2 y d 2z 2 i 2 j 2 k dt dt dt a x i a y j a zk au a a ax2 a y2 az2 a ua a 12.6 Motion of a projectile a= - g j (v0)y v0 y (v0)x v0 v x V 0 : initial velocity a : Constant downward acceleration V : velocity at any instant Position Vector (x,y components) r =x i +y j initial position = x o + y o r0 i j Velocity Vector dv = = x + y = Vx + Vy i i j j V dt Acceleration Vector dv a= dt dVx dVy i + j = -g j = dt dt V0 = (Vx)o i + (Vy)o j (known) = ax i + ay j 1. Horizontal motion, ax=0 dv x 0 dt Vx = (Vx)0 + axt = (Vx)0 dx vx (v x ) dt X = X0 + (Vx)0t vx (vx )0 2a x (x x 0 ) (vx )0 2 2 One independent eqn X = X0 + (Vx)0t 2 Same as 1st Eq. 2. Vertical motion, ay=-g constant v y (v y )0 a y t (v y )0 gt 1 2 y y0 ( v y ) 0 t a y t 2 1 2 y y 0 ( v y ) 0 t gt 2 2 2 v y ( v y ) 0 2g( y y 0 ) two independent eqns Can be derived from above two Eqs. 12-7 Curvilinear Motion:Normal and Tangential components. Path of motion of a particle is known. 1. Planar motion ρ o s n o’ un p u t path t Here: t (tangent axis ): axis tangent to the curve at P and positive in the direction of increasing S; ut: unit vector n (normal axis ): axis perpendicular to t axis and directed from P toward to the center of curvature o’; un: unit vector o’ = center of curvature r = radius of curvature p = origin of coordinate system tn (1) Path Function st s (known) (2) Velocity ds v dt ρ v vu t st u t un dθ p ds ut un (3) Acceleration du t dv d a su t su t s dt dt dt ut ' ut dut dut ut d d dut dut ut dut dut // un o’ ut’ ut’ p dθ ut dut dut d u n u n dt dt rd ds s r du t s un dt r s 2 a su t u n a t u t a n u n r at: Change in magnitude of velocity an: Change in direction of velocity at ds vdv v2 dv v 2 a v u t u n v u t u n r ds r dy 2 1 dx r 2 d y dx 2 3/ 2 If the path in y = f ( x ) 12-8 Curvilinear Motion:Cylindrical Components 1. Polar coordinates (1) coordinates (r,) r:radial coordinate ,ur :transverse coordinate ,u (c.c.w) u r o p ur r Reference line (2) Position r rur (3) Velocity dr d v r (rur ) rur rur dt dt ur ' u ur ur ur u u u r u t t u u r u lim lim t t t 0 t 0 ur ' u r ur u 1 d 1 u r u v rur ru vr ur v u v (r ) 2 (r ) 2 r rate of change of the length of the radial coordinate. angular velocity (rad/s) (4) Acceleration dv a v (vr u r v u ) dt u ' u u u u u (u r ) u r u ur a rur ru (r)u rur (r r 2 )ur (r 2r)u ar ur a u a a (a 2 ) (a ) 2 angular acceleration v r u r v r u r v u v u u ( )u r lim lim t t 0 t t 0 2. Cylindrical coordinates uz 3D z u rp v y x ur r Position vector rp rur zu z Velocity v p rp (ru r ) zu z ru r ru z u z Acceleration a p v p (rur ru ) zu z (r r 2 )ur (r 2r)u zu z 12.9 Absolute Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles 1. Absolute Dependent Motion The motion of one particle depends on the corresponding motion of another particle when they are interconnected by inextensible cords which are wrapped around pulleys. A B A B 2.Analysis procedure (1)position-coordinate equation A. Specify the location of particles using position coordinates having their origin located at a fixed point or datum line. B. Relate coordinates to the total length of card lT (2)Time Derivatives Take time derivatives of the position-coordinate equation to yield the required velocity and acceleration equations. 3. Example Datum Datum SB SA B A (1)position-coordinate equation lT S A CD S B (2) Time Derivatives l S CD S T A B 0 S A SB VA VB VA VB aA aB 12.10 Relative-Motion Analysis of Two Particles 1. Translating frames of reference A frame of reference whose axes do not rotate and are only permitted to translate relative to the fixed frame. z’ A z rA o y y’ rB/A x’ rB B x xyz:fixed frame x’y’z’:translating frame moving with particle A rA、rB : absolute positions of particle A & B rB/A : relative position of B with respect to A 2. position vector rA rB A rA rB/A 3. velocity Vector drB d (rA rB / A ) dt dt VB VA VB / A O rB/A rB B VB/A : relative velocity observed from the translating frame. 4. acceleration vector d d (VB ) (VA VB / A ) dt dt a B a A a B/ A aB/A:acceleration of B as seen by an observer located at A and translating with x’y’z’ frame.