

Physics 207, Lecture 2, Sept. 8

Goals: (Highlights of Chaps. 1 & 2.1-2.4)

 Units and scales, order of magnitude calculations, significant digits (on your own for the most part)

 Distinguish between Position & Displacement

 Define Velocity (Average and Instantaneous), Speed

 Define Acceleration

 Understand algebraically, through vectors, and graphically the relationships between position, velocity and acceleration

 Perform Dimensional Analysis

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 1

Physics 207, Lecture 2, Sept. 8


 For next class: Finish reading Ch. 2, read

Chapter 3 (Vectors)

 Mastering Physics: HW1 Set due this

Wednesday, 9/10

Note: Slight change in late submission grading

(5%/hour drop)

 Mastering Physics: HW2 available now, due

Wednesday, 9/17

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 2



Radius of Visible Universe

To Andromeda Galaxy

To nearest star

Earth to Sun

Radius of Earth

Sears Tower

Football Field

Tall person

Thickness of paper

Wavelength of blue light

Diameter of hydrogen atom

Diameter of proton

Length (m)

1 x 10 26

2 x 10 22

4 x 10 16

1.5 x 10 11

6.4 x 10 6

4.5 x 10 2

1 x 10 2

2 x 10 0

1 x 10 -4

4 x 10 -7

1 x 10 -10

1 x 10 -15

See http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 3



Age of Universe

Age of Grand Canyon

Avg age of college student

One year

One hour

Light travel from Earth to Moon

One cycle of guitar A string

One cycle of FM radio wave

One cycle of visible light

Time for light to cross a proton

Time (s)

5 x 10 17

3 x 10 14

6.3 x 10 8

3.2 x 10 7

3.6 x 10 3

1.3 x 10 0

2 x 10 -3

6 x 10 -8

1 x 10 -15

1 x 10 -24

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 4

Order of Magnitude Calculations / Estimates

Question: If you were to eat one french fry per second, estimate how many years would it take you to eat a linear chain of trans-fat free french fries, placed end to end, that reach from the earth to the moon?

 Need to know something from your experience:

 Average length of french fry: 3 inches or 8 cm, 0.08 m

 Earth to moon distance: 250,000 miles

 In meters: 1.6 x 2.5 X 10 5 km = 4 X 10 8 m ff


10 8 m



2 m

0 .


10 10

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 10

Converting between different systems of units

 Useful Conversion factors:

 1 inch = 2.54 cm

 1 m = 3.28 ft

 1 mile = 5280 ft

 1 mile = 1.61 km

 Example: Convert miles per hour to meters per second:

1 mi hr

1 mi hr

5280 ft mi

1 m

3 .

28 ft

1 hr

3600 s

0 .

447 m s


2 m s

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 11

Dimensional Analysis

 This is a very important tool to check your work

 Provides a reality check (if dimensional analysis fails then no sense in putting in the numbers; this leads to the

GIGO paradigm)

 Example

When working a problem you get the answer for distance d = v t 2 ( velocity · time 2 )

Quantity on left side = L

Quantity on right side = L / T x T 2 = L x T

Left units and right units don’t match, so answer is nonsense

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 13

Exercise 1

Dimensional Analysis

 The force (F) to keep an object moving in a circle can be described in terms of:

 velocity ( v , dimension L / T ) of the object

 mass ( m , dimension M )

 radius of the circle ( R , dimension L )

Which of the following formulas for F could be correct ?

Note: Force has dimensions of ML/T 2 or kg-m / s 2

(a) F = mvR (b) F

 m

 v



(c) F

 mv



Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 14

Moving between pictorial and graphical representations

 Example: Initially I walk at a constant speed along a line from left to right, next smoothly slow down somewhat, then smoothly speed up, and, finally walk at the same constant speed.


Draw a pictorial representation of my motion by using a particle model showing my position at equal time increments.

2. Draw a graphical x-y representation of my motion with time on the x-axis and position along the y-axis.

Can we develop a rigorous quantitative method with vectors for algebraically describing position, rate of change in position (vs. time), and the rate of change in the change of position (vs. time)?

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 17

 Position

Tracking changes in position: VECTORS

 Displacement

 Velocity

 Acceleration

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 18

Motion in One-Dimension (Kinematics)

Position / Displacement

 Position is usually measured and referenced to an origin:

10 meters

 At time= 0 seconds Joe is 10 meters to the right of the lamp

 origin = lamp

 positive direction = to the right of the lamp

 position vector :

-x 10 meters




Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 19

Position / Displacement

One second later Joe is 15 meters to the right of the lamp

Displacement is just change in position.

  x = x f

- x i

10 meters 15 meters

O x i

Δx x f

Joe x f

= x i

 x = x f


 x

- x i

= 5 meters

 t = t f

- t i

= 1 second

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 20

Speed & Velocity

Changes in position vs Changes in time

Average velocity = net distance covered per total time, v

 average velocity

 

 x ( net displaceme nt )

 t ( total time )

 Speed, s , is usually just the magnitude of velocity.

The “how fast” without the direction.

 Average speed references the total distance travelled (scalar) s

average speed

 

distance taken along path

 t

( total time )

Active Figure 1 http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnujava/main.php?t=282

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 21

Representative examples of speed

Speed of light

Electrons in a TV tube


Planet orbital speeds

Satellite orbital speeds

Mach 3




Motor proteins

Speed (m/s)

Molecular diffusion in liquids

3x10 8

10 7

10 6

10 5

10 4

10 3

10 1


10 -2

10 -6

10 -7

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 22

Instantaneous velocity

Changes in position vs Changes in time

Instantaneous velocity, velocity at a given instant v

 velocity

 lim

 t


 x ( displaceme

 t ( time ) nt )

 dx dt

Active Figure 2 http://www.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnujava/main.php?t=230

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 23

Exercise 2 Average Velocity x (meters)






1 2 3 4 t (seconds)

What is the average velocity over the first 4 seconds ?

(A) -1 m/s (B) 4 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) not enough information to decide.

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 24

Average Velocity Exercise 3

What is the average velocity in the last second (t = 3 to 4) ?

x (meters)





1 2 3 4 t (seconds)





2 m/s

4 m/s

1 m/s

0 m/s

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 25

x (meters)






Exercise 4

Instantaneous Velocity

2 3

Instantaneous velocity, velocity at a given instant v


  dx dt

4 t (seconds)

What is the instantaneous velocity at the fourth second?

(A) 4 m/s (B) 0 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) not enough information to decide.

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 26

Average Speed Exercise 5

What is the average speed over the first 4 seconds ?

Here we want the ratio: total distance travelled / time

(Could have asked “what was the speed in the first 4 seconds?”) x (meters)








2 m/s

4 m/s

1 m/s

0 m/s


1 2 3 turning point

4 t (seconds)

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 27

Key point:

 If the position x is known as a function of time, then we can find both velocity v x x

 x ( t ) v x

 dx x dt

 t

1 t

0 dt v ( t ) v x t t

“Area” under the v(t) curve yields the change in position

 Algebraically, a special case, if the velocity is a constant then x( Δt)=v Δt + x


Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 28

Motion in Two-Dimensions (Kinematics)

Position / Displacement

 Amy has a different plan (top view):


10 meters

 At time= 0 seconds Amy is 10 meters to the right of the lamp


 origin = lamp

 positive x-direction = east of the lamp

 position y-direction = north of the lamp

-x 10 meters




Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 30

Motion in Two-Dimensions (Kinematics)

Position / Displacement


10 meters

-x O

 r i

5 meters


 r f

 At time= 1 second Amy is 10 meters to the right of the lamp and 5 meters to

 the south of the lamp

 r

 v avg


 r


 t

nt vector


 r

 f


 r i

 r


 r


 v avg

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 31

Average Acceleration

The average acceleration of a particle as it moves is defined as the change in the instantaneous velocity vector divided by the time interval during which that change occurs.

 Note: bold fonts are vectors

 The average acceleration is a vector quantity directed along ∆ v

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 32 a

Instantaneous Acceleration

 The instantaneous acceleration is the limit of the average acceleration as ∆ v /∆ t approaches zero

 Quick Comment: Instantaneous acceleration is a vector with components parallel (tangential) and/or perpendicular (radial) to the tangent of the path

(more in Chapter 6)

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 33

Assignment Recap

Reading for Wednesday’s class on 9/10

» Finish Chapter 2 & all of 3 (vectors)

» And first assignment is due this Wednesday

Physics 207: Lecture 2, Pg 34
