Chapter 005 - Product & Strict Liability

Chapter 6
Strict Liability and Product
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Copyright © 2004 by Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved.
Products Liability
The liability of manufacturers,
sellers, and others for the injuries
caused by defective products.
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Negligence and Fault
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry
R. Cheeseman
Negligence and Fault(continued)
• Negligence
– A person injured by a
defective product may sue.
– The plaintiff must prove that
the defendant breached a
duty of due care to the
plaintiff that caused the
plaintiff’s injuries.
– In a negligence lawsuit, only
a party who was actually
negligent is liable to the
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Negligence and Fault(continued)
• Negligence (continued)
– Consumer can recover
damages from the
manufacturer of the product
even though he or she was
only in privity of contract with
the retailer
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Tort Liability Based on Fault (continued)
• Negligence (continued)
Failure to exercise due care
– Failing to assemble the
product carefully.
– Negligent product design.
– Negligent inspection or
testing of the product.
– Negligent packaging.
– Failure to warn of the
dangerous propensities of
the product.
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Tort Liability Based on Fault (continued)
• Misrepresentation
– Seller or lessor fraudulently
misrepresents the quality of a
product, or conceals a
defect in it
– Recovery limited to persons
injured because they relied
on the misrepresentation.
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Strict Liability
• In Greenmun v. Yuba
Power Products, Inc., the
California Supreme Court
adopted the doctrine of
strict liability in tort as a
basis for product liability
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Strict Liability (continued)
• Liability Without Fault
– Unlike negligence, strict
liability does not require the
injured person to prove that
the defendant breached a
duty of care.
– Strict liability is imposed on
manufacturers, sellers, and
lessors who make and
distribute defective products
that cause injury to users and
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Strict Liability (continued)
• Chain of Distribution
– All parties in the chain of
distribution of a defective
product are strictly liable for
the injuries caused by that
– All manufacturers, distributors,
wholesalers, retailers, lessors,
and subcomponent
manufacturers may be sued
under doctrine of strict liability
in tort
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Strict Liability (continued)
• Privity of contract is not
required for a plaintiff to
sue for strict liability.
• The doctrine applies even
if the injured party had no
contractual relations with
the defendant.
• The damages recoverable
in a strict liability action
vary by jurisdiction.
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Strict Liability (continued)
• Damages recoverable for
personal injuries
– May be dollar limited
• Property damage recoverable
• Economic loss rarely granted
• Punitive damages are often
awarded if the plaintiff proves
that the defendant either:
– Intentionally injured him or her; or
– Acted with reckless disregard for
his or her safety.
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Doctrines of Negligence and Strict Liability Compared
Defective product
party is
All in the chain of
distribution are
Strict liability
Defective product causes injury
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Defective Product
• To recover for strict liability,
the injured party must first
show that the product that
caused the injury was
somehow defective.
• Plaintiffs can allege
multiple product defects in
one lawsuit.
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Defective Product(continued)
Failure to Warn
The most
common types
of defects:
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Defect in Manufacture
Defect that occurs when
the manufacturer fails to:
Properly assemble a
Properly test a product, or
Adequately check the
quality of a product
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Defect in Design
Defect that occurs when a
product is improperly
Design defects include:
1. Toys designed with
removable parts that could
be swallowed by children.
2. Machines and appliances
designed without proper
3. Trucks designed without a
backup warning device.
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Defect in Design(continued)
• In evaluating the
adequacy of a product’s
design, the courts apply a
risk-utility analysis
– Gravity of the danger posed by
the design
– Likelihood that injury will occur
– Availability and cost of
producing a safer design
– Social utility of the product
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Crashworthiness Doctrine
The courts have held that automobile
manufacturers are under a duty to design
automobiles so they take into account the
possibility of harm from a person’s body
striking something inside the automobile in
the case of a car accident.
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Failure to Warn
• Defect that occurs when a
manufacturer does not place a
warning on the packaging of
products that could cause
injury if the danger is unknown.
• Proper and conspicuous
warning insulates all in chain of
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Defect in Packaging
• Defect that occurs when a
product has been placed
in packaging that is
insufficiently tamperproof.
– Manufacturers owe a duty to
design and provide safe
packages for their products.
– Failure to meet this duty
subjects the manufacturer
and others in the chain of
distribution of the product to
strict liability.
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Other Product Defects
• Failure to provide
adequate instructions
• Inadequate testing of
• Inadequate selection of
component parts or
• Improper certification of
the safety of a product
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Defenses to
Known Dangers
Assumption of
the Risk
Contributory &
© 2006 Prentice Hall, Business Law, sixth edition, Henry R. Cheeseman
Misuse of the
Statute of
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Defenses to Product Liability (continued)
• Generally Known Dangers
– Certain products are
inherently dangerous
– Products are known to the
general population to be so
– Sellers are not strictly liable
for failing to warn of
generally known dangers.
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Defenses to Product Liability (continued)
• Government Contractor
– Contractor who was provided
specifications by the government
is not liable for any defect in the
product that occurs as a result of
those specifications
– Product must conform to
– Contractor must have warned of
known defects or dangers
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Defenses to Product Liability (continued)
Assumption of Risk
Defendant must prove that
the plaintiff knew and
appreciated the risk
the plaintiff voluntarily
assumed the risk
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Defenses to Product Liability (continued)
• Misuse of the Product
– Relieves the seller of product
liability if the user abnormally
misused the product.
– Products must be designed
to protect against
foreseeable misuse.
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Defenses to Product Liability (continued)
• Correction of a Product
– Manufacturer must notify
purchasers and users
– Must correct defect
– Usually achieved through
recall and repair or
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Defenses to Product Liability (continued)
• Supervening Event
– Alteration or modification of
a product by a party that
absolves seller from strict
– Modification must be made
after it leaves seller’s
– Alteration must cause injury
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Statute of Limitations
• Statute that requires an injured
person to bring an action within
a certain number of years from
the time that he or she was
injured by the defective
• Limitation period set by each
• Defendant relieved of liability if
action not brought within
limitation period
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Statute of Repose
• Limits the seller’s liability to
a certain number of years
from the date when the
product was first sold
• Varies from state to state
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Contributory Negligence
• Person who is injured by a
defective product
• Injured party has been
– contributed to his or her own
• Cannot recover from the
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Comparative Negligence
• Plaintiff is contributorily
negligent for his or her
• Responsible for a
proportional share of the
• Damages proportioned
between plaintiff and
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