Wright State University College of Nursing & Health Fall 2012 COURSE NUMBER: 7104-01 Classroom COURSE TITLE: Advanced Physical Assessment across the Lifespan for Advanced Nursing Practice PLACEMENT IN CURRICULUM: Master’s program PREREQUISITE: Graduate standing or permission of instructor CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Application of cognitive processes and psychomotor skills needed for comprehensive health assessment. Emphasis is on health history, physical, developmental, and nutritional assessment, and identification of common client problems across the life span. CREDITS: 3 Credit Hours (2 hours classroom, 1 hour lab-1 lab hour = two clock hours) COURSE FACULTY: Brenda B. Young DNP, RN, CFNP 104 University Hall (o)937-775-3579 (c) 513-257-1575 Office hours: by appointment or I am available in the classroom 30 minutes before class. Virtual office hours: E-mails will be returned within 48 hours, Monday through Friday, 8 am – 4pm. (You are responsible for daily checking the course page messages and your e-mails.) COURSE WEBSITE: http://pilot.wright.edu CLASS LOCATION AND CLASS TIMES: Lecture: Wednesdays, 5:10-7:00pm 252 MCA Lab: 7:10-9:00pm 025 University Hall TUESDAY December 11th – 12:00pm-2:00pm:quiz review4:00pm Room 025, University HallStandardized Patient exa 2:00pm-4:00pm comprehensive final examination 4:00pm-8:00pm Standardized Patient Lab Final CLINICAL LAB FACULTY: Brenda B. Young DNP, RN, CFNP Leatha Ross MS, CRNP Saranda Manning MS, APRN, ACNP-BC Gail Crump MSN, CNRN, CFNP Faculty Secretaries: Sharon Brannon Julie Greenup 101 UH 101 UH PHONE: (o) 937-775-3579 (c) 513-257-1575 (o) 937-775-3996 (c) 937-367-4681 (c) 937-974-3744 E-MAIL: brenda.young@wright.edu leatha.ross@wright.edu saranda.manning@wright.edu gail.crump@wright.edu 937.775.2576/2577 sharon.brannon@wright.edu 937.775.2576/2577 julie.greenup@wright.edu COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Incorporate concepts, theories, models, and skills from physical, social, behavioral and nursing sciences in the health assessment process. 2. Analyze the Advanced Practice Nurse’s role in health assessment. 3. Demonstrate interviewing skills and data collection techniques appropriate for the patient and the clinical setting. 4. Demonstrate application of appropriate physical assessment techniques based on patient history. 5. Distinguish normal from abnormal findings. 6. Analyze abnormal findings as the basis of differential diagnosis. 7. Derive diagnoses and plans from a complete health assessment. 8. Analyze ethical, legal, technological, and environmental implications of health assessment for the Advanced Practice Nurse. 9. Collaborate with other health care professionals in confirming findings. 10. Apply understanding of health care variations related to developmental, racial, ethnic and cultural differences. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK & MATERIALS: 1. Bickley, Lynn S. (2009). Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking (10th ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia, PA. ISBN: 978-0-7817-8058-2 2. Interactive Guide to Physical Examination. The Department of Family Medicine, The Ohio State University, College of Medicine (see order form posted on course pilot website, or go to www.familymedicine.osu.edu, click on education, then click on products. The order form is available under the “information to order” click.). EVALUATION METHODS: The final grade for Nursing 7104 is determined by all forms of evaluation. To pass the course, you must successfully complete both the didactic and clinical laboratory portions. 1. Class and lab participation 5%: 2 points (check offs) will be given each week: one point (check off) is class attendance and class participation, one point (check off) is lab attendance and active participation in lab. Students are expected to actively participate in all laboratory experiences and complete assignments. Case studies and SOAP notes will be used to enhance learning. Students will show verbal and written evidence in class and lab of having read and thoughtfully considered the learning materials. Students will contribute to questions for discussion. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN STETHOSCOPE TO LAB 2. Quizzes 40% a. There will be eight paper and pencil, proctored multiple-choice quizzes. There are no make-up quizzes. b. Approximately 20 questions each quiz, with 1 minute per question. c. You will have 7 days after the quiz to review the quiz with the instructor. Page 2 3. Basic Assessment Quiz or DVD Physical Examination (see criteria located at course website). 10% a. There will be a skills assessment quiz of basic nursing assessment techniques to be given in Week 2. This is knowledge gained in your undergraduate assessment courses (e.g. NUR 217 and/or NUR 462 at WSU). This assessment evaluates you for a general overview of knowledge obtained in NUR 217. You must pass this assessment quiz with a grade of 85 or higher. b. Students who are not successful in passing the quiz with a grade of 85% or higher will be required to submit a DVD physical examination skills assessment for the clinical instructor to review, to be submitted by Week 6 of the quarter. A late penalty of 10% will be deducted each week from the DVD grade for assignments not received in by 5:00pm October 3rd (week 6)of the semester. No videotape will be accepted after the end of week 7. c. You must pass the Assessment quiz OR DVD physical examination with a grade of 85% or greater to continue this course. This provides the student the opportunity to drop the course (last day to drop with a W is October 26th) and meet with program advisor about taking an elementary health assessment course. 4. Written Comprehensive Final Examination. 25% There will be 100 multiple choice questions. This is a paper and pencil exam. There is no make-up exam. 5. Standardized Patient 20% (see criteria located at course website) 20 minutes in length. Standardized patients are individuals who will role play a medical/surgical condition. Students are expected to perform an assessment, write a SOAP note and explain the rationale for the differential diagnosis. There is no make-up examination. This is a test, thus you are not allowed to discuss the case with other students. ACADEMIC STANDARDS Please refer to the University Student Handbook regarding Academic Dishonesty and Disruption. Your assignments and quizzes are to be done as an individual effort. The University Guidelines for Academic Integrity apply to all work for the class. You are responsible for knowing these policies. Cheating on assignments, quizzes or exams will result in a “0” on the test and an “F” for the course. Confidentiality is an expectation of this course; failure to maintain lab partner confidentiality will result in course failure. There are no retakes or rewrites on any examinations or assignments. Page 3 DATE CLASS SCHEDULE and READINGS NUR 7104 (other journal articles or websites may be added, check weekly updates on Pilot) TOPIC READINGS Week 1 August 29 Syllabus Review and Orientation to the course Overview: Physical Examination and History Taking Required: Bates, Chapters 1, 2 Optional: Peabody, F. (1927). The Care of the Clinical Reasoning, Assessment, and Recording Patient," JAMA; 88(12): 877-882. your Findings Baile, W., Buckman, R., Lenzi, R., Glober, G., Beale, E., & Kudelka, A. (2000). SPIKES-A six-step protocol for delivering bad news: application to the patient with cancer. The Oncologist, 5(4), 302-11. Coralli, C. H. (2006). Effective case presentations – An important clinical skill for nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 18, 216-220 Week 2 September 5 Interviewing and the Health History Beginning the Physical Examination: General Survey, Vital Signs, and Pain Required: Bates Chapters 3, 4 Basic Assessment Test – 1 hour quiz in class Quiz 1- Week 1 and 2 content Week 3 September 12th Week 4 September 19th Required: Bates Chapter 5 Behavior and Mental Status Required: Bates Chapter 7 OSU Video Head & Neck The Head and Neck 1) Quiz 2 – Week 3 and 4 content Week 5 Sept. 26st The Cardiovascular System The Peripheral Vascular System Quiz 3- Week 5 content Required: Bates Chapter 9, 12 OSU Video Cardiovascular Required: Page 4 Week 6 October 3rd The Thorax and Lungs Quiz 4- Week 6 content Week 7 October 10th Week 8 October 17 The Abdomen Male Genitalia and Hernias The Anus, Rectum, and Prostate Quiz 5- Week 7& 8 content Week 9 October 24th Female Genitalia The Breasts and Axillae Week 10 October 31st The Nervous System Week 11 November 7th Bates Chapter 8 OSU Video Thorax & Lungs Required: Bates Chapter 11 OSU Video Abdominal Required: Bates Chapter 13, 15 OSU Video Male Genitalia OSU Video Anus, Rectum, Prostate Required: Bates Chapter 10, 14 OSU Video Female Genitalia OSU Video Breasts and Axillae No genitalia assessment will be performed in lab Required: Bates Chapter 17 OSU Video Neurological Quiz 6 Week 9 and 10 content Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System Pre-participation Sports Physical examination Required: Bates Chapter 16 OSU Video Musculoskeletal Quiz 7 Week 11 content Week 12 November 14th The Skin, Hair, and Nails Required: Bates Chapter 6 COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS ONE BY ONE Page 5 HAPPY THANKSGIVING COUNT THEM UNTIL THE DAY IS DONE! Week 13 November 21 Required: Bates Chapter 18, 20 Week 14 Nov 28th Week 15 December 5 Special Populations: Assessing Children and the Older Adult Quiz 8 Week 12 & 14 content Course Wrap Up 12 noon-2:00pm quiz review Week 16 TUESDAY December 11 2:00pm-4:00pm Comprehensive Final Examination 4:00pm- 8:00pm Standardized Patient Lab Final Exam Note: All lectures will be covered in the Final. NO prior questions from quizzes will knowingly be placed on the Comprehensive Final Exam Page 6