Customer Lessons Learned Summary

Customer Lessons Learned Process for NextGen Services
Reference Document
This document contains instructions and tips for conducting the Customer Lessons Learned Process for a
customer-facing service rollout.
Process Overview
The high level process for capturing Customer Lessons Learned is outlined below along with detailed
procedures in the next section. The approach provides flexibility and anonymity in how lessons learned are
captured by including a survey with the option of conducting a follow-up focus group if needed.
Customer Lessons Learned Process for Service Rollouts
Reference Document
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The Lessons Learned Process should be conducted at the completion of the rollout of a service or when the
rollout is substantially complete.
1. Customize survey based on rollout and unit-specific needs.
 Contact the NextGen PMO to let them know you are interested in setting up a Customer Lessons
Learned Survey. The facilitator will work with the Project Owner (or a delegate) to design and
distribute a survey to the appropriate customers involved in the rollout.
 To use the Customer Lessons Learned survey template, log into Go to the Library
tab. Under Library Overview, go to the Survey Libraries section. Under "University of Michigan IT",
click on the survey link.
Find the survey titled “ITS NextGen Program - Customer Lessons Learned Survey – TEMPLATE” and
select the “Copy” icon and copy it to your account.
Customer Lessons Learned Process for Service Rollouts
Reference Document
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Rename the document for the specific rollout. Work with the Project Owner (or a delegate) to
make any customizations to the survey questions based on the feedback intended to be
2. Launch Survey
 Work with the Project Owner to confirm who should receive the survey.
 When you are ready to launch the survey, contact Lesley Sauceda ( to have
the survey activated.
 Under My Surveys, select “Send” to find the survey link. Distribute the survey link via email to the
survey respondents. It is recommended to give survey respondents at least 10 days to respond.
 Send a reminder a day or two before the survey closes.
3. Consolidate survey results and conduct focus group (Optional)
 Using the Qualtrics functionality to summarize results under the “View Results” tab.
 Send out summary of results to the Project Owner for review.
 Depending on the survey results, the Project Owner may decide that additional follow up is
necessary to understand the customer feedback. In this case, an in-person focus group with
customers can be conducted. This can be facilitated by the Project Manager or the Project Manager
can request that someone from the NextGen Program Office or PM Resource Pool conduct the focus
group for them to provide an impartial 3rd party perspective.
o The Project Manager will provide background information about the project to the person
who will be conducting the Lessons Learned Process – i.e. the Project Charge, the Project’s
SharePoint Site, a face-to-face overview of the project.
o If there are any specific project topics/areas that the Project Owner would like to gather
feedback on lessons learned, they should communicate that to the facilitator of the process.
 The facilitator will schedule a Lessons Learned Session with the customers identified by the Project
Owner and explain the process that will be followed. Depending upon the size, duration and
complexity of the project, schedule a 1-2 hour session.
 The facilitator will conduct the Lessons Learned Session and collect the customers’ input.
 Collect the input during the meeting in the Lessons Learned Feedback Document. Download the
template and save it with a name specific to your project. Display it on the overhead and update as
the discussion progresses.
o Download template here: Ctools NextGen Program Resource Program 
MethodologyCustomer Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Summary_TEMPLATE.doc
o Tip: You may want to pre-populate the Feedback document with verbiage to reflect the survey
results and help facilitate the dialogue.
4. Summarize Lessons Learned
 The facilitator will summarize and share the results of the Lessons Learned survey and focus group
into a single document. The Lessons Learned Summary template may be used for this purpose
along with the Qualtrics summary data for further detail.
o Download the Lessons Learned Summary template from Ctools and save it with a name
specific to your project: Ctools NextGen Program Resource Program 
MethodologyCustomer Lessons Learned Lessons Learned Summary_TEMPLATE.doc
Customer Lessons Learned Process for Service Rollouts
Reference Document
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5. Provide Results to ITS and Apply Learnings
 Share results with the Project Owner and work with them to determine who else should receive the
results (Project Manager, Project Teams, Project Director, Project Sponsor, other Owners, customers
 Save results of the Lessons Learned Process in the Lessons Learned Results Repository on the PMO
Ctools Site
o NextGen Program Resource Program  MethodologyCustomer Lessons
LearnedResults Summaries
Need Help?
Contact the NextGen Program Management Office if you have questions.
Customer Lessons Learned Process for Service Rollouts
Reference Document
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