The problems are visible. The solutions are not. Only 13% of Americans surveyed believe that “lawyers contribute a lot to society.” (Pew Research Study, July 2013). Department of Health Policy Three Sectors Address Social Determinants of Health in Silos HEALTHCAR E treats illnesses caused or exacerbated by SDOH. LEGAL AID ensures access to benefits & services, enforces laws that keep people healthy. PUBLIC HEALTH tracks diseases on population level, addresses laws & education aimed at prevention. Healthcare, public health & civil legal aid coordinating care through a medical-legal partnership approach is our vision for a culture of health. Making the connection: Legal problems are health problems. Common Legal Problem Social Determinant of Health Families wrongfully denied food supports Presenter Name or housing subsidies Lack of basic resources Presenter Title Children living in housing with mold or rodents, in violation of housing Datelaws Physical environment Seniors wrongfully denied long-term care coverage Lack of access to insurance MLPs help patients with I-HELP® issues The Medical-Legal Partnership Approach Individual patient legal interventions are pathways to finding the policy interventions for improving population health. Most SDOH interventions assume resources exist and that there aren’t barriers to accessing them. Medical-legal partnership unlocks and stocks the pharmacy. Stocking the housing pharmacy: An MLP patients-to-policy story Unsafe housing brought more than a dozen children to the hospital. Health / legal hotspotting led to the remodeling of several What happened when the heat went off? TRAINING PATIENT level intervention CLINIC level intervention POPULATION level intervention Training Attorneys trained healthcare providers how to screen at-risk patients for utility shut off and write protection letters. Department of Health Policy Healthcare providers wrote letters protecting 193 families. What happened when the heat went off? TRAINING PATIENT level intervention CLINIC level intervention New Energy Clinic Attorneys opened new legal clinic at hospital to help families who healthcare providers referred for utility shutoff. Department of Health Policy POPULATION level intervention Attorneys helped families get heat and electricity turned back on. What happened when the heat went off? TRAINING PATIENT level intervention CLINIC level intervention Utility Letter in the EMR Attorneys drafted form letter for patient EMR. Healthcare providers no longer had to draft from scratch. Department of Health Policy POPULATION level intervention Healthcare providers wrote 350% more letters helping 676 families. Saved clinic time. What happened when the heat went off? TRAINING PATIENT level intervention CLINIC level intervention Testimony Changed Utility Regulations Attorney / healthcare provider testimony reduced need for chronic disease re-certification and allowed nurses to sign letters. Department of Health Policy POPULATION level intervention Fewer families faced utility shutoff, preventing problem. Presenter Name 135 Hospitals 127 Health Centers 32 Medical Schools 127 Legal Aid Agencies 46 Law Schools Presenter Title Date For more information: NCMLP Presenter Name National_MLP Presenter Title Date Legal aid tends to talk about problems. Presenter Name Presenter Title Date Healthcare tends to talk about solutions.