Minutes: 5-14-2015 - Greater Portland Sustainability Education

GPSEN Coordinating Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 14, 2015
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
CLIMB Center, Rm 207
1626 SE Water Avenue. Portland, OR
In attendance: (X – present; E- excused):
David Cohen
Jacob Morton
Bruce Podobnik
Heather Spalding
Lin Harmon-Walker
Gary Obermeyer
Briar Schoon
Grace Taylor
Laura Kutner
LeRoy Patton
Kim Smith (Chair)
Rachel Willis
Action item
Person(s) responsible
Due Date
Review political advocacy policy that identifies non-profit
rules on lobbying – Form 5768
Lin – All committee
June 11
Provide drafts and finished descriptions of internship
positions and processes.
May 22
Advertise website internship at PCC
May 18
Forward Intertwine Partner Meeting Invitation
May 20
Determine partnership categories, fees, and benefits
Partner working group
May 15
Draft up grant opportunities and Project Synopses for
Mariah and Development
May 31
Outreach to Teacher Education programs in region
Outreach committee
Open up bank account – OnPoint Credit Union
Kim and Lin
May 20
Give access to Heather and Laura to Dropbox, Google docs
May 20
Apply for 501(c)3 status – Confirm process and fee
May 31
Migrate website to Hostpond
Attend Partner Meeting
All committee members
May 28
10:00 Introductions
With new committee members, we shared our roles and background. Heather Spalding is PSU’s Sustainability
Leadership and Outreach Coordinator. Laura Kutner is the ED of Trash for Peace and is a Spanish GED Instructor at Mt
Hood Community College. Lin Harmon Walker also shared that she is writing a book on how to create an ethical future.
10:05 Logistics
A. Notetaker - Heather Spalding and Facilitator - LeRoy Patton
B. Reviewed group dynamics and decision-making process
C. Agenda content and time approved
D. Minutes approved
10:15 Updates
A. Reviewed action items from minutes
1. Board Matrix
 Lin walked us through the matrix and we edited the categories and updated our skills in the Google doc.
Areas for improvement – media connections and faith. Also discussed the historical context of Portland
– make sure we don’t tokenize but connect with communities and be inclusive in order to do our
sustainability work.
 Lin went to a training on board development and encouraged us to identify gaps and skillsets in the
matrix and create a plan to make sure that we have diverse representation across skills and
demographics. She noted that we should look for Board members and “Finders,” who can help us
identify and cultivate appropriate board members. Perhaps find a high school student to have youth
2. Political advocacy and lobbying policy for non-profits – Lin
Lin provided a handout on her findings. We are not allowed to support candidates. It is OK to lobby for
legislation, as a percentage of our non-profit work. Asked to review policy to discuss next month.
3. All additional action items achieved – great job, team!
B. Internships – Jacob Morton
1. Has developed a style guide, job description template, a process and structure for applying, and a legal
document. The job description template is available in Google docs.
2. Need to identify possible benefits and costs that we should cover, e.g., bus passes?
3. A variety of people have expressed interest in being interns for communications, research, the think tank,
accounting, and the development team. The website internship will be advertised soon at PCC.
4. Kyoko Shiota, from UNU-IAS, will be in Portland this summer to learn about GPSEN and community efforts.
5. Recommended that Jacob document the development process so it can be shared and potentially
replicated. Committee agreed that all processes should be written up to support business continuity and
institutional memory, as individuals move in and out of positions.
C. Project Management Team Overview
1. Organizational Development - Kim, Laura, and Gary met with Mariah Dula to discuss her team’s timeline,
tasks for her team and GPSEN working groups, funding options, and development recommendations
2. Partnership fees and benefits – the working group, led by Grace and Briar, will meet on Friday at Gary’s house
10:50 New Business
A. Governance- Lin
1. Development Committee
 Laura summarized her background with non-profits, grants, and sustainable development.
 Recommended focusing priorities for development, with specific asks to work with existing partners
 Encouraged us to think about the ROI of our efforts with partner fees vs. grant applications to
community foundations.
Has contacts with grant offices at different colleges, city and county governments, industries, like Whole
Foods, and Concordia University
Showed the funding check list and synopsis. Recommended writing up a variety of synopses of projects
for applications, with scalable asks, e.g., 3-year plan for part-time ED and then move to FT.
Bruce noted that Lewis & Clark works with the Mellon Foundation
LeRoy and Lin offered to serve on the Development Committee
Listed Teacher Education programs in the region with whom to work: PCC, Concordia, Lewis & Clark, UP,
George Fox, Mt Hood, and PSU. Funding can also come from supporting the Common Core. PSU
promotes transformative education processes (Dilafruz Willams and Heather Burns).
LeRoy reminded us to keep teaching and education as our focus. Kim noted that ESD also includes
public awareness and training.
Hope that Global Action Programme (GAP) will open up opportunities for federal funding. FIPSE grants?
2. Organizational Status - Discussion
Kim asked about how to accurately complete tax forms (W-9), with EIN/tax ID, vendor #, business
designations. A little unclear as a network model.
Grace and Bruce will look through forms and advise after the meeting. As Treasurer, Grace will advise
on accounting and tax needs.
Details will be finalized for our bank account and for any funding partnerships.
3. Election of Board Members
Kim nominated Heather Spalding and Laura Kutner as new Board Members
Committee voted unanimously to elect Heather and Laura as Board Members
4. Non-Profit Status Process – Decision
Committee voted to start 501(c)3 application process immediately.
With by-laws complete and incorporation and tax ID number establish, we simply need to complete
forms and submit. We will ask Lin for help.
B. Outreach and Communication
1. Website Update – Gary
Has consulted with Host Pond to seek advice on launching a WordPress site. It will employ a
theme/template that is compatible with mobile media; feature a blog that also feeds the newsletter and
social media; use widgets to link with MailChimp; and integrate with membership/commitment forms.
Discussed legality of paying Gary for his time. Committee determined that, as a Board member, he can
be reimbursed for costs, but not receive pay. He will be reimbursed for the cost of the domain name
and out-of-pocket costs for setting up and hosting the website.
The work will begin as soon as a PCC intern is identified to be involved in designing the website and
migrating the webpage content from the PCC website.
2. Summer events
Kim discussed outreach efforts, noting that we are invited to attend a variety of events. She will be gone
most of June, so asked committee members to represent GPSEN.
As new partner of the Intertwine Alliance (via partner exchange), we are invited to attend the Intertwine
Partner meeting - June 19, 8-10, at the Moda Center. LeRoy agreed to attend. Kim will forward email.
Love Summit - June 13, Wieden + Kennedy. $250 for non-profits to attend.
Camp Snowball – July, Peter Senge and Jamie Cloud’s systems-thinking model. Gary is on the design
3. Partnership Development
Need to think about outreach process and develop “partner exchange” forms. Possible partners include Whole
Foods, New Seasons, community colleges, Nike, Mellon Foundation. Consider a “scalable ask” over 1-3 years
with incremental growth.
C. Programs and Events
1. Stakeholder Meeting – May 28, 10-12:30, PCC Cascade
 Focus?
o Suggest partner speakers, highlighting big projects, including an update on the Metro grant. An
opportunity to highlight status of Asset map and inclusive leadership efforts.
o Discuss proposed partnership and fee models.
o Identify ways to engage. Highlight internship opportunities
How organize?
o Invite partners in NE Portland, since it will be at PCC Cascade, e.g., CCC. Momentum Alliance.
o Have time for networking.
2. May 15 Virtual Youth Conference postponed to Fall or Winter, due to technical difficulties. Hope that Rex
Putnam High School will still be able to participate.
3. City Repair’s Village Building Convergence – May 29 – June 7
4. EcoPsychology Symposium – June 5, Lewis & Clark
5. RCE Grand Rapids hosting RCEs of the Americas meeting – Aug 9-12
6. UN Association, Portland Chapter wants to work with us and help coordinate UN Days
 UN Days – Programming for Endangered Species Day, Human Rights Day, United Nations Day – Oct 24.
We have been invited to highlight GPSEN and the GAP.
 Work closely with World Affairs Council – Karen Ettinger
 Invited to join as individual members: http://www.una-oregon.org/
D. Research and Development
1. Social Science (Sustainability?) Think Tank
James Reed has offered to help lead, with support from think tank intern/fellow Jenna Hudson.
Heather and Laura noted a Decision Theater model proposed by PSU.
2. Zeke Martin is our research intern and will be helping identify sustainability research happening in the region.
He recommends hosting an annual symposium to highlight research and give awards.
11:55 Announcements
Next meeting will be June 11, from 9-11 (note time change). Project Management team will present report.
12:05 Adjourn