Name of Lesson/Unit: Planetary bodies position in solar system/Astronomy Grade Level: 8th Grade Prepared by: Section 1: Lesson Summary Topic: Earth’s Place in the Universe NGSS Performance Expectation: MS-ESS1-2 Develop and use a model to describe the role of gravity in the motions within galaxies and the solar system. Crosscutting Concept: Systems and System Models Models can be used to represent systems and their interactions. Engineering Practices: Developing and Using Models Develop and use a model to describe phenomena. Common Core State Standards (Reading): No Suggestions but we wish to use RST.6-8.1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts. (Speaking/Listening) SL.8.5 Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidences, and add interest. Common Core State Standards (Math): MP.4 Model with mathematics. 6.RP.A.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. Current CA Science Standards: 4.c (partial) Students know how to use astronomical units and light years as measures of distances between the Sun, stars and Earth. 4.e (partial) Students know the appearance, general composition, relative position and size, and motion of objects in the solar system, including planets, planetary satellites, comets, and asteroids. Objective of the Lesson or Unit: Students explain position of planets in our solar system and how this is interconnected to gravity. How is this objective relevant to students?: Shows Earth’s importance and position in our solar system and explain its motion and position. Culminating Assessment (How will you know students have met the Performance Expectation?): ● Students will have a “map” that they will create of our solar system. ● They will be given a list of planetary bodies and the Sun and will have to order the planets and give approximate locations of each planet. ● In addition, students will have to explain the connection of the position of the planets and the role of gravity in determining their position. Describe the assessment and attach a copy. What has been taught in my class to prepare students for this topic?: ● Gravity and how it is related to mass and its role in the planetary motion. ● Average distances of planets from the Sun Motion During this lesson the order of the planets and astronomical units. Description of the Lesson/Unit (Use the following Table) With 5 E and How People Learn in Mind! Short descriptio n of activity Purpose/Inten tion for the activity or Key Learning · How does this activity build student knowledge and skills towards meeting the Performance Expectation? · Identify at least 1 Practice Pre-assessment Students will work in groups to create their model of the solar system on butcher paper and present to the class their “map” of the planets and their reasoning behind it. This gives a starting point to gauge the students’ prior knowledge and understanding about the order of the planets and their position in order to guide and inform next steps and activities. Formative assessment writing task Students will think and write individuall y to explain their thinking and reasoning about the distance between the Earth and the Sun if the Earth is a Students will be able to defend their selection from objects and distances that are familiar in order to compare the distance and size of the Earth and Sun. Will also be able be given the opportunity to discuss and “seed” and the Sun is a “basketba ll”. defend their choice with their fellow students. Hands on activity Students in groups will create a toilet paper solar system that will show the position of the planets and compare the distances between the inner and outer planets. The activity will follow up with a discussio n about what could be the cause of the difference s in distances between the planets. The outdoor activity will give the students an actual scale model of how far apart the planets are. When they are able to walk the distance and see the distances between the planets it becomes more concrete and relatable. The discussion after the activity incorporates students’ ideas about the spacing of the plan to guide them toward the concept that gravity is the guiding force in our solar system. Reading/Writing Task Students will read two articles about the solar system and space travel. Post-test/Culminating Assessment Section 2: Laboratory/ Hands-on Lesson Students will individuall y create a “map” of the solar system and the position of the planets integratin g what they learned during activities to make it a more accurate and evidence based. Students will also explain the role of gravity in the position of planets. Content Objective: ● By estimating and constructing a scale model of the solar system, students should be able to describe the Earth’s location and other planets in the solar system. ● Students should be able to explain what role does gravity play in planetary motion. Language Objective: ● Students will be able to orally describe the vast distance spacings of planets in the solar system to the members of their group. Assessment: How will I know students met the objective? Students will work independently in the Post-Assessment Activity and be able to explain in writing and map what they learned about our solar system, specifically; ● relative distances of planets, specially our planet Earth; ● locations of planets with respect to the Sun and other planets; and ● the role of gravity our solar system. Rubric: Description of lesson: Option 1: Using a scale of 1 standard sheet of toilet tissue as 10,000,000 miles, we can use the unwound length of the roll of tissue as a ruler for a scale model of the solar system. Option 2: Using a scale factor of 1.0 meter per astronomical unit, we will use a meter stick and a string to construct a scale model of the solar system. (open field area required) Time required for the lesson: 30 minutes Materials/ Preparation needed: ● Toilet paper (strings for option 2), masking tape, large open space (less wind the better) list of planets and the number of toilet paper sheets, ruler (meter stick for option 2). Optional: flash cards of the planets for students to display their location. ● Make copies of labsheets ● Group of 9-10 members for option 2 ● Assigning the planets to each member of the group Description of Student Task (each step) Time Needed for Students to complete each Task Step 1: 20 mins Introduce the Lesson: Our Solar System Students will make predictions and hypothesis about how planets in the solar system were organized by arranging the images of the planets and paste them on a brown folder. Step 2: Think and write Students will think and write individually to 10 mins Teacher Notes (Include strategies/questions to check for understanding) Accommodation/Modification for Student Access and Extension (i.e. strategies for EL and extensions for GATE) explain their thinking and reasoning about the distance between the Earth and the Sun if the Earth is a “seed” and the Sun is a “basketball”. Step 3: 5 mins Anticipation Guide Student will make hypothesis by agreeing or disagreeing on the statements. Step 4: Handson Activity/Lab Students in groups will create a toilet paper solar system that will show the position of the planets and compare the distances between the inner and outer planets. 30 mins Step 5: 10 mins Teacher Talk Demo: Spin or whirl an object that is suspended in a string and ask students how does the object moves and what caused it to move in a nearly circular orbit. Step 6: Post- 15 mins assessment Activity Section 3: Science Literacy Content Objective: Language Objective: Assessment: How will I know students met the objective? Rubric: Description of lesson: Time required for the lesson: Materials/ Preparation needed: Description of Student Task (each step) Time Needed for Students to complete each Task Teacher Notes (Include strategies/questions to check for understanding) Accommodation/Modification for Student Access and Extension (i.e. strategies for EL and extensions for GATE) Section 4: Student Pages Please provide a printer/copier friendly student pages for Section 2 and Section 3.