Police Inspectorate of Kosovo

The Internal Investigations Unit
of the Professional Standards
Procedures for complaints against police.
Procedures for Complaints
All people within Kosovo have the right to file a
complaint against members of the Kosovo
Police if they feel that the police have violated
the law or any policy of the Kosovo Police.
This can be done through either the Kosovo
Police, the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, the
office of the Ombudsperson, or OSCE.
Methods for Complaints
Citizens have been informed that EULEX is not recording any
complaints against Kosovo Police employees. To make a complaint,
you have different possibilities to choose. Below you can find the
main institutions you are entitled to approach :
In person or via E-mail at the KosovoPolice.com site or by mail,
either signed or ANONYMOUSLY :
Ministry of Interior Affairs, Police Inspectorate of Kosovo,
Street ''Lidhja e Pejes'', Fushe Kosova (near train station), phone
number 038/552-194, electronically on E-mail address:
More Methods for Complaints
Kosovo Ombudsperson Institution, Street ''Agim Ramadani",
Pristina (near students’ canteen), phone number 038/501-401,
electronically on E-mail address:
Each and every Police Station all over Kosovo, where
supervisor/senior officer (the rank of Sgt or higher) is obliged to
record your complaint, fill in the complaint form, log it and, without
delays, submit to the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo regardless of
where the initial event occurred. The complainant may choose the
station where he or she feels most comfortable making the report.
Kosovo Police, Professional Standards Directorate, Street
''Luan Haradinaj'', Pristina ( main Kosovo Police building), phone
number 038/5080 - ext. 1267/ 1124/ 1290/ 1234, electronically on
E-mail address: info@kosovopolice.com
Methods Serbian
Poštovani građani, molimo vas, budite obavešteni da EULEX ne
vodi evidenciju o bilo kojoj žalbi upućenoj protiv službenika
Kosovske Policije. Možete izabrati neki od postojećih načina za
podnošenje žalbi. U nastavku se nalazi spisak institucija kojima
imate pravo da se obratite i uložite žalbu lično ili putem
elektronske pošte, eventualno putem telefona:
Ministarstvo Unutrašnjih Poslova, Policijski Inspektorat
Kosova, ulica ''Lidhja e Pejes'', Kosovo Polje (u blizini
železničke stanice), telefon: 038/552-194, elektronska pošta:
Methods Serbian (continued)
Kosovska Policija, Uprava Unutrašnje Kontrole, ulica
''Luan Haradinaj'', Priština (glavna zgrada Kosovske
Policije), telefon: 038/5080 - lokal 1267/ 1124/ 1290/
1234, elektronska pošta: info@kosovopolice.com
Ombudsman Kosova, ulica ''Agim Ramadani", Priština
(u blizini studentskih domova), telefon: 038/501-401,
elektronska pošta:
Svaka Policijska Stanica na Kosovu, gde je svaki
nadzornik /viši rukovodilac u obavezi da evidentira
vašu žalbu, popuni obrazac za žalbu, istu zavede i bez
odlaganja je preda Policijskom Inspektoratu Kosova.
The Policy and Procedures Manual is written in all three
languages and available to KP in every police station
throughout Kosovo.
The following are excerpts from the current PPM as
they regard the rules as they appear, but were later
superseded by UNMIK Resolution 2005/54 (seen in
later slides). A new PPM is currently being drafted to
show the formal changes that have been proposed and
confirmed regarding the actions of the Professional
Standards Directorate.
PPM English
3. Citizen Complaints
KPS Supervisor or the Station Commander will interview the citizen to
determine the context of his/her complaint. If the complaint is a
misunderstanding between the citizen and the officer, the KPS Supervisor
or Station Commander will explain the police procedures to the citizen. If
the citizen is satisfied with the explanation, a preliminary report is not
a. If the citizen complains about actual police misconduct, use of
unnecessary or unjustified physical force, use of deadly force, human rights
violations, criminal activity, or police corruption, the Station Commander or
KPS Supervisor will interview the citizen to ascertain the basic facts about
the complaint. The KPS Supervisor Station or Commander will complete the
“Citizen Complaint Form” (Appendix ‘B’) and forward it to the regional
Standards Unit office located at the regional police headquarters. The
“Citizen Complaint Form” shall be the primary method of making a formal
complaint against a KPS officer. Memoranda, written letters, electronic
mail, or telephone calls are discouraged and ordinarily should not be used
to initiate a complaint against a KPS officer.
PPM English (continued)
b. In case of extraordinary circumstances and for the good of the
Service, the officer will be informed in writing that a complaint has
been made against him/her and the specific allegations will be
investigated. The officer will be advised of his/her rights and
responsibilities relative to the investigation. Where good cause and
justification exists, the officer may be observed for a period of time
prior to being notified of the allegations to determine if the
misconduct or illegal actions are ongoing.
c. All complaints of serious police misconduct, use of unnecessary
or unjustified physical force, use of deadly force, human rights
violations, criminal activity or police corruption should be referred
immediately to the Standards Unit regional office. The investigator
will then contact the Directorate for KPS Standards via fax, e-mail,
or telephonically of the receipt of the citizen’s complaint and
initiation of the investigative process.
______________________ P-4.16 Policy Development Page 5 of 12
Kosovo Police Service Revised 17/01/07
PPM Serbian
3. Žalbe gradjana
Gradjansko lice ispituje Komandir Stanice ili Starešina KPS kako bi ustanovio razlog
podnošenja pritužbe. Ukoliko se radi o nesporazumu izmedju gradjanskog lica i
policajca, Komandir Stanice ili Starešina KPS mora da objasni dotičnom licu kakva je
procedura. Ukoliko se gradjansko lice zadovolji objašnjenjem nema potrebe za
preliminarnim izveštajem.
a. Ukoliko se gradjansko lice žali na kršenje kodeksa ponašanja policajca, primenu sile,
smrtonosne sile, kršenje ljudskih prava, kriminalne radnje ili postojanje korupcije u
policiji, Komandir Stanice ili Starešina mora da ispita gradjansko lice kako bi ustanovio
činjenično stanje, tj. koliko žalba ima osnova. Komandir Stanice ili Starešina dužan je
da kompletira “Formular za žalbe gradjana” (Aneks ”B”) i prosledi ga Regionalnoj
kancelariji Interne Kontrole koji se nalazi u regionalnom Glavnom Štabu Policije.
Prijavljivanje putem “Formulara za žalbe gradjana” osnovni je metod podnošenja
zvanične prijave protiv policajca KPS. Prijave i podnošenje žalbi protiv policajca KPS
putem memoranduma, pisma, e-mail-a1 ili telefona ne treba podržavati i takav vid
prijave se ne koristi za pokretanje postupka protiv policajca KPS.
PPM Serbian (continued)
b. Žalbe na ozbiljne prekršaje kodeksa ponašanja, primenu nepotrebne, neopravdane
fizičke sile ili smrtonosne sile, kršenje ljudskih prava, kriminalne radnje ili korupciju u
policiji, moraju istog trenutka da se proslede Regionalnoj kancelariji Direktorata Interne
Kontrole. Putem fax-a, e-mail-a ili telefonom, istražitelj DIK obaveštava Direktorat
Interne Kontrole o prispeloj pritužbi i otvaranju istražnog postupka.
c. Policajac se pismenim putem obaveštava o prispeloj pritužbi i pokretanju istražnog
postupka povodom specifičnih optužbi, osim u izuzetnim okolnostima ili kada je u
interesu Službe da se postupi drugačije. Tom prilikom policajac se obaveštava o
pravima i obavezama koje ima u pomenutom postupku. Kada postoji dobar razlog i
opravdanje policajac se izvesno vreme, pre nego što dobije obaveštenje o pritužbi,
stavlja pod prismotru kako bi se utvrdilo da li su prijave o kršenju kodeksa ponašanja
ili umešanost u nezakonite radnje tačne.
1 Elektronska pošta
______________________________ P-4.16 Odeljenje za razvoj pravila Strana 5 od
The role of EULex in PSD.
We have EULex advisors assigned to each of the regions in
They monitor, support and advise with regard to the tasks
performed by the investigators assigned to the KP PSD.
We do this through dialogue about pending cases,
recommendations and how they were achieved and sometimes
by observing interviews being conducted by the investigators.
The KP PSD has officers representing most of the ethnicities of
Kosovo and one of our primary roles as advisors is to be certain
that people are treated fairly and equitably.
A substantial media campaign was established to make
people in Kosovo aware of the formation of the Police
Inspectorate of Kosovo (PIK).
The idea was to have an independent Government
office conduct investigations of complaints against the
Kosovo Police. It was determined that they would
receive ALL complaints and handle “major” incidents
and return investigations dealing with “minor”
incidents to the Professional Standards Directorate for
investigations and disciplinary actions if warranted.
PIK (continued)
Unlike UNMIK or EULex, PIK has no
international person assigned to monitor their
activities. They were an organization created
under OSCE, but the international person
assigned to PIK left soon after its inception and
has not yet been replaced.
That presents problems when trying to get
information about pending cases.
PIK (continued)
Their office became functional on 1 October
2007 and they were then taking any case that
occurred on that date or after.
In March of 2009, they decided to take all cases
opened by the PSD regardless of the date of
incident if they were pending a criminal
investigation or the officers were currently on
suspension or administrative leave.
PIK (continued)
The investigators of the PIK are not sworn law
enforcement officers and they present criminal
allegations to the courts and then to a special board that
was to be created; the Senior Police Appointments and
Discipline Committee (SPADC).
SPADC does not yet exist and so all officers that
received a recommendation of some type of
punishment still are not aware of the final outcome of
their cases and they will not be until this SPADC board
is formed and begins to function.
Complaint Form English
e Punëve
e PunëvetëtëBrendshme
Ministarstvo unutrasnjih poslova
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Cit ize n’ s co mp la int a g a in st
the po l ic e e mp lo y e es
Inspektorati Policor i Kosovës
Policijski inspektorat Kosova
Police Inspectorate of Kosovo
In order for your complaint to be successfully processed, please give the most accurate information to your knowledge.
The data on this form shall be confidential.
Your Personal Details (the complainant)
Name and Surname:
Father’s name:
Date of birth:
Phone number:
Working place:
Details of the police officer/s
WHO? Please give us the details you may have about the police employee(s) against whom you wish to
file a complaint. If necessary, use the additional page to provide more details.
Name, rank, ID or any other identification
In which Police Station / Region does the officer work?
Details about the incident
WHERE? Where did the incident happen that led to your complaint? Please be as specific as possible.
WHEN? When did the incident happen that led to your complaint? If it occurred on more than one date,
please specify below.
Or indicate the time period during which the incident occurred.
Complaint Form Serbian
e Punëve
e PunëvetëtëBrendshme
Ministarstvo unutrasnjih poslova
Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ža l ba g ra đa na pro t iv
po l ici js ki h s lu žb en i ka
Inspektorati Policor i Kosovës
Policijski inspektorat Kosova
Police Inspectorate of Kosovo
Da bi vaša žalba bila uspešno obrađena, molimo vas da date što tačnije informacije.
Vaše informacije na ovom formularu će biti poverljive.
Vaši podaci (podnosioc žalbe)
Ime i prezime:
Ime oca:
Datum rođenja:
Br. telefona:
Radno mesto:
Podaci o policijskom službeniku
Ko? Ako ih imate, molimo vas da nam date podatke o policajcu/policajcima protiv koga/kojih Vi želite da
uložite žalbu. Ako je potrebno, upotrebite dodatnu stranicu za više pojedinosti.
Ime, Čin, Br. i ID karte ili neki drugi znak identifikacije
Kojoj policijskoj stanici ili kom policijskom regionu pripada službenik policije protiv koga Vi želite da podnesete
informacije o incidentu
Gde? Gde se dogodio incident u vezi koga se vi žalite? Molimo vas da budete što detaljniji.
Kada? Kada se dogodio incident koji vas je naterao da se žalite? Ako događaj obuhvata više datuma,
molimo vas da ih navedete dole.
Ili navedite vremenski period tokom koga se dogodio incident.
EULex and PIK
As of now, EULex has no advisor assigned specifically
to the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo. It would benefit
the Kosovo Police and the citizens of Kosovo to have
an international presence in the form of a monitor in
place within the PIK as it is an integral component of
the police service now in Kosovo under the Ministry of
Interior Affairs and currently operates without any
system of checks and balances from EULex.
Access to information has been a problem for EULex
IPOs and also for KP that may currently be under