Welcome to Miss Benner*s First Grade!

Mrs. Oltmanns’ Class
Please find your child’s
desk and sit in his/her
You may use the pen in
his/her pencil box to fill
out the forms on his/her
Welcome to
Mrs. Oltmanns’
First Grade
Roy Herburger Elementary School
About Me!
This is my 10th
year in the
EGUSD. I have
taught 2nd,
3rd, 5th,
and first grade.
School Hours
The final morning bell rings at
8:00. Instruction begins promptly
at 8:00
Every Thursday is an Early Out
Thursday. Dismissal is 1:35.
Dismissal is 12:20 on Minimum
Regular dismissal is 2:25.
School Calendar
Our school follows a Modified Traditional
Schedule. Our breaks include:
 November 23 – November 27
 December 14 - January 4
 March 21- April 1
 June 10 is the last day of school
Minimum Days 12:20
Minimum Days are scheduled for:
November 4
November 16 – November 20
December 11
February 19
March 1 – March 4
March 18
June 1
June 10 (last day of school)
First Grade has a
robust curriculum!
 Open Court Reading Program
 Sitton Spelling Program
 Avenues (English Language
Development) Hampton-Brown
 Go Math! Math Program
 Reflections Social Studies
Program (Harcourt)
 California Science Program
Common Core State
Standards (CCSS)
CCSS help ensure that students
are receiving a high quality
education consistently, from
school to school and state to
state. The goal of the CCSS is
college and career readiness.
Open Court Reading
 Building confident readers is the primary
goal in first grade. Instruction is 120
 End of year benchmark is over 55 WCPM
(50th percentile)
 Phonemic awareness, phonics, sound
spelling strategies, comprehension
strategies, reading fluency, and grammar
are included in lessons.
 10 themed units from Let’s Read to Homes
Accelerated Reader
Bronze Award: 8 points (16
Silver Award: 16 points (32
Gold Award: 32 Points (64 Books)
Platinum Award: 64 points (over
120 Books)
Extra Reading/Math
www.Khanacademy.org (math)
(our school website which has
important dates, schedules, and
resource links to other helpful
Sitton Spelling
High Frequency “Sight” words
120 words are introduced over 30
weeks of instruction
Automatic recognition (3 second),
spelling, and reading of these words is
essential to fluency and
Writing Program
Your student will learn how to write
a well-organized multi-sentence
paragraph by the end of first grade
with three CCSS Purposes in mind.
Trimester I: Informative Paragraph
Trimester II: Opinion Paragraph
Trimester III: Narrative Paragraph
English Language
Builds oral language development: CCSS
emphasis on speaking/listening skills
 Improves reading/writing fluency
 ELs and EOs grouped by level
Go Math! Math Program
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
•Add and Subtract within 20
• Work with addition/subtraction equations
•Represent and solve problems involving addition/subtraction
•Understand and apply properties of operations and the
relationship between addition/subtraction
Number and Operations in Base Ten
•Extend the counting sequence
•Understand place value
•Use place value understanding to add/subtract
Measurement and Data
•Tell and write time
•Measure lengths indirectly and by repeating length units
•Represent and interpret data
•Reason with shapes and their attributes
Think Central
1. Go to https://wwwk6.thinkcentral.com.
2. Select your state, district, and school.
3. To make it easier to log in later, check
Remember My Organization (optional).
4. Enter your student’s ID # as the user
name and the password: “school.”
5. Click Login.
CCSS Standards for
Mathematical Practice
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in
solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the
reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make sense of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated
School Rules
Be responsible
Be Kind
Be Hardworking
In class, we will be discussing
what these behaviors look like.
Please discuss this with your child
at home as well.
First Grade Schedule
A.M. Recess Break:
9:45-9:55 M-F
Reading Groups:
10:00-10:30 M-W
11:00-11:40 M-F
P.M. Recess Break:
1:40-2:05 M-W
Snacks / Lunch
Students can bring healthy snacks
for recess breaks.
School lunch is $2.50
Free and Reduced Lunch
Applications are available in the
Roy Herburger offers breakfast
($1.50) at 7:30.
Students receive instruction with Mrs.
Castillo weekly on Tuesdays from
Students visit the library weekly on
Mondays at 12:00.
Behavior Procedures
 Every student will start on “green” :
ready to learn.
 When a student is making good
choices, he/she will move their clip
up the behavior chart. (good, great,
 When a student is making bad
choices, he/she will move their clip
down. (warning, loss of privilege, call
Homework Policy
The primary goal of homework in first
grade is to develop positive work and
study habits and to build independence
and responsibility.
Lost homework packets will not be
Homework goes home on Fridays and is
due the following Friday.
Each packet will consist of spelling
practice, math practice, Writing, and
Reading Logs.
 Students will be provided with class
 You will need to provide a backpack and
homework supplies.
 Pencil, paper, eraser, and crayons.
 Donations are always welcome. Items
frequently requested: kleenex tissues,
baby wipes, Clorox/Lysol wipes, black
Expo white board markers, and hand
Birthday Policy
No invitations may be passed out in the
classroom unless your student has one
for each and every student.
I am happy to help you with invitations
if you let me know.
PLEASE…no cupcakes! I have several
food allergies and want to be fair to all
Water Bottle Policy
I ask every student to bring a
water bottle(s) for adequate
hydration throughout the day.
Your student needs his/her backpack
and folder EVERYDAY!
Check your student’s folder everyday.
Important information and class work
are sent home daily.
Send lunch money in a sealed envelope
with your student’s name/PIN. Label
snacks/lunch bags.
No flip flops or spaghetti straps! Back
strapped sandals are acceptable. Label
all clothing.
First Grade Field
Trips (tentative)
October : B Street Theatre
June : Karamanos Bug Park
Please Contact Me
Email works best for me. I arrive at
7:30 a.m. and leave at 4:00 or later
every day. moltmann@egusd.net
Phone Number: 916-681-1390. I
cannot accept calls during the
school day, but before and after
school calls are welcomed.
I will be emailing you frequently to
keep you informed about
classroom activities and upcoming
I pride myself on keeping you
informed so that you can be a
partner in your student’s learning!
Five Star Families
Parents/guardians who volunteer
for the school or class
Some ideas for participation:
* Back to school night
 Parent University
 Classroom or school donation
 Event volunteer
 Field trip volunteer
 Room parent
 In class/Home volunteer
Parent Homework
Please remember to fill out
the following:
Emergency card packet
Parent volunteer form
Students don’t care
how much you know
until they know how
much you care.