TOPIC: Cells AIM: Who developed the Theory?

TOPIC: Cells
AIM: Explain the cell theory and the
scientists how helped develop it.
Do Now:
A new idea that is tested in a
scientific experiment is known as
a(an) _______.
HW: Read pgs 38-44. Define New
Vocabulary words on text page 38.
• Carry out life processes
• Make up living things
Just like bricks make up a brick
house, cells make up a living
The Robert
Cell Theory
Hooke–( a1665)
• Used light
microscope to look at
thin slices of plant
tissues -- cork
• Looked empty, like
monk’s chamber
• Called tiny chambers
• Used light microscope to look at thin slices of plant tissues -- cork
• Looked empty, like monk’s chamber
• Called tiny chambers “cells”
• Leeuwenhoek
• First to view pond
water organisms
• First to see living
microscopic orgs
• Made careful
Matthias Schleiden 1838
• German Botanist
• All plants looked at
were made of cells, so
“All plants are
made of cells.”
Theodore Schwann -- 1839
• German scientist
who studied animals
-- zoologist
• Saw that all animals
he studied were
cellular so
“All animals are
made of cells.”
Rudolf Virchow -- 1855
• German physician
who studied cell
• “Where a
cell exists,
there must
have been a
1. Cells are the basic unit
of structure in all living
(Living things are made of
2. Cells are the basic unit of
function of all living things
(They carry out life
3. All cells come from
pre-existing cells.
to the
• Viruses:
- not composed of cells
- contain genetic information
- reproduce inside host cell
Virus do not
by division
they are not
Did you know…
• The common cold is a type of virus.
• Viruses can be treated with antiviral drugs.
• The first virus was found in both plants and
animals 100 years ago.
Let’s summarize…
1. What are cell organelles?
2. Explain the three parts of the cell
3. Explain why viruses are exceptions
to the cell theory.
1. Which statement is not a part of the
cell theory?
1. Cells are the basic unit of structure of
living things.
2. Cells are the basic unit of function of
living things.
3. Cell parts such as chloroplasts are selfreplicating.
4. Cells come from preexisting cells.
2. The cell theory states that all
living things are made up of
1. organisms
2. cells
3. tissues
4. proteins
3. Which choice is NOT part of cell
1. Cells are the basic units of life.
2. All living things are made of one or
more cells.
3. All cells come from other living cells.
4. New cells have the same nuclei as those
of pre-existing cells.
4. The name “cells” was a result of the
observations made by
1. Robert Virchow
2. Theodor Schwann
3. Robert Hooke
4. Matthias Schleidan
5. Part if the cell theory that states that all cells
come pre-existing cell was a result of
1. Robert Virchow
2. Theodor Schwann
3. Robert Hooke
4. Matthias Schleidan
6. The man who observed many different types
of plant tissues and concluded that all
plants are made up of cells is
1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
2. Theodor Schwann
3. Robert Hooke
4. Matthias Schleidan
7. The man who observed many different types
of animal tissues and concluded that all
plants are made up of cells is
1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
2. Theodor Schwann
3. Robert Hooke
4. Matthias Schleidan