
Robin Burke
ECT 582
Midterm scores
Ave: 69
 Std. dev: 23
 Median: 75
 Max: 100
 Min: 35
Approximate grade
Mid 80s and up: As
 High 60s and to mid80s: Bs
 50s to 60s: Cs
 40s: Ds
Law and Business
Legal systems make business possible
(sorry libertarians)
Law establishes
conditions for contract validity
venues for disinterested mediation and
dispute resolution
remedies for breach of contract
mechanisms of enforcement
Law and E-Commerce
E-Commerce also needs legal
 Complexities
global scope / jurisdiction
 evolving technology landscape
 automation / liability
Legal systems require evidence
evidentiary statutes predate digital era
 slowly catching up
maintaining digital evidence for ecommerce transactions
Legal structures
Common law
long-established precedents in US and UK
Problems for e-commerce
Is a digital contract "written"?
Is a digital signature a "signature"?
must be qualified with respect to key
purpose, policy, etc.
Who bears liability?
digital media impermanent
private key compromise
service disruption
Who will archive and how?
digital media volatile
archives must be secure
Financial services law
banks must retain canceled checks
• or facsimiles thereof (microfilm)
pre-dates digital era
If we define "digital representation"
as equivalent to physical facsimile
 then banks can store electronic scans
of canceled checks
location where suit can be brought
 party must have "minimum contacts"
with a jurisdiction to be summoned
• US Constitutional law
Does the availability of web site
constitute "minimum contacts"?
Legal framework
US Federal
Federal law
Federal E-Sign act
 provisions
• Technology-neutral
• Electronic signatures have same status
as written ones
• limits
• applies mostly to sale and lease contracts,
will, trusts and other transactions explicitly
Legal Framework
US State Law
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act
 More specific than Federal law
 Enacted by 43 states
 Still technology-neutral
• Doesn't mention certificates, PKI, etc.
Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
 Extremely controversial
 Enacted by 3 states: Maryland, Virginia, Iowa
 Major concern
• imposition of onerous license terms: self-help, reverse
engineering, prevention of archiving, fair-use, etc.
UETA Provisions
Electronic Signature
Effect of Electronic Signature: A
"Means a record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored
by electronic means."
Effect of Electronic Record
"signature may not be denied legal effect or enforceability solely because it
is in electronic form."
"If a law requires a signature, an electronic signature satisfies the law."
Electronic Record
"an electronic sound, symbol. or process attached to or logically associated
with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the
A record "may not be denied legal effect or enforceability solely because it is
in electronic form."
If a law requires a record to be in writing, an electronic record satisfies the
A contract may not be denied legal effect or enforceability solely because an
electronic record was used in its formation."
Effect of Electronic Agents
"The actions of machines ("electronic agents") programmed and used by
people will bind the user of the machine, regardless of whether human review
of a particular transaction has occurred."
Digital Signature Law
Utah Digital Signature Act (1995)
Very specific
• Mentions public key cryptography, certificates,
CRLs, etc.
• Licensing and regulation of CAs
• Liabilities of users and CAs
Not widely emulated
"Digital Signature Guidelines" (1999)
American Bar Association
Guidelines for the deployment of PKI
• Expectations and liability associated with CAs,
RAs, and users
International Laws
UN Model Law on Electronic
similar to UETA
EU Directive on Digital Signatures
similar to Utah law
 specific requirements for PKI
State of law
Complex and unsettled
Different laws in different states /
Slow adoption of PKI is tied to legal
 Lack of legal precedents / guidelines
due to slow adoption
System property
 Protocol
provides for the retention of evidence
 that can be used to resolve disputes
 regarding transactions
Strong and substantial evidence of
the identity of the signer of a
message and of message integrity,
sufficient to prevent a party from
successfully denying the origin,
submission or delivery of the
message and the integrity of its
– ABA Digital Signature Guidelines
"I never said that."
"I never got your message."
"Check's in the mail."
Types needed
Non-repudiation of origin
Non-repudiation of delivery
Non-repudiation of submission
Non-repudiation of Origin
Evidence needed
Identity of originator
 Contents of message
 Time of generation
• this may matter for establishing a
negotiation sequence
two party
 three party
Originator Digital Signature
creates message M
dates it T
and signs it S
Alice sends M + T + S to Bob
Bob uses Alice's public key certificate to
verify signature
Bob archives
Alice's public key certificate and CRL used to
verify it
Identity and contents are protected
 Timestamping depends on the
accuracy of Alice's clock
 Alice needs digital signature capability
TTP Signature
Trusted third-party (Vicky)
Receives Alice's transaction M
 message
Generates time stamp T
Signs M + T
 creating S'
Returns to Alice
Bob gets M + T + S'
 can verify that whole transaction matches S'
 archives the message for dispute resolution
 also Vicky's certificate and CRL used to verify it
Alice doesn't need to sign
she can review message before sending
Alice doesn't need a key pair
• lower PKI overhead
Identity less secure
Vicky's timestamp will be more reliable than
no digital signature from Alice
Vicky has access to message contents
TTP Digest Signature
Alice doesn't want to disclose M
Same operation with hash of M using key k
 creates hash H
Sends H to Vicky
 gets back H + T + S'
Attaches M
 encrypts M + k + H + T + S'
Bob receives message
 verifies that H is a true hash of M
 verifies Vicky's signature
 archives the transaction
Alice needs encryption / hashing
 Confidentiality is preserved
 Identity still a problem
In-line TTP
Receives Alice's transaction M
Generates time stamp T
Signs M + T
creating S'
Archives M + T + S'
Forwards M to Bob
perhaps with transaction id
Bob can contact Vicky to get evidence
Vicky does archiving
 Alice and Bob don't need encryption
 Content and identity guarantees
TTP Token
Receives Alice's transaction M
Generates time stamp T
Creates a secure hash H of M + T using a
cryptographic key k
Returns to Alice M + T + H
Bob gets M + T + H
Bob can contact Vicky with H
Vicky verifies that H matches message
Content secure
 No PKI
Ordinary symmetric encryption
Identity less secure
Combination of methods
Originator Signature + TTP Digest
Originator Signature + In-line TTP
if we care about disclosure
and recipient can archive
if we don't care about disclosure
and we want 3rd party archiving
In-line TTP could
archive encrypted message
Bob would need private key to access
Non-repudiation of delivery
Same information needed
Identity of recipient
 Content of message
 Timestamp
Think of NRO
but the origin message is the
acknowledgement of receipt
Signed receipt
Alice sends Bob M
generates a timestamp T
computes a hash of M = H
signs H + T = S'
sends Alice a receipt message H + T + S'
checks H against her original message
validates Bob's signature
archives the receipt message
Like digital signature NRO, but in reverse
Standardized part of S/MIME
message = acknowledgement
secure receipt of email
available in MS Outlook
Other variants
TTP Signature, In-Line etc.
• all the same options available
Requires that the recipient generate
the receipt
 What about the "reluctant recipient"?
reason for NRD in the first place
Trusted Delivery Agent
Alice sends message of Vicky
 Bob must contact Vicky to access
Vicky generates receipt
Non-repudiation of
Useful when what matters is
submitting something
a bid
 acceptance
Like NDD
but with the mail system
• or the bidding engine
doing the verification
Basic idea
Parties agree to non-repudiation
Evidence is generated during transaction
Evidence is transmitted
Evidence is verified
Evidence is archived
If necessary
Evidence is retrieved
Evidence is presented for dispute resolution
Digital evidence
Evidence will be strong if
secure chain of custody from creation
to presentation
 properties of authenticity and integrity
 policies of the CA and TTP
Secure bidding
Suppose Alice doesn't want Bob to know
the contents of her message
Additional safeguards
a bid to be unsealed later
Alice shouldn't be able to change her mind
Bob shouldn't be able to read her bid
"Commitment protocol"
Alice commits to an answer but doesn't
reveal it
Commitment protocol
Alice encrypts M with symmetric key k
Bob gets Alice's bid C
produces ciphertext C
generates the transaction based on C
he can verify identity and timestamp
gets copy of C
When bids are revealed
Alice transmits k
Bid can be read
Homework #4
Use secure email
digital signature
Get certificate from
cannot use web mail
if necessary, open a new hotmail account
Use Outlook Express or Netscape