PART 2 Cost of Loadshedding to Small-Scale Industry Institute of Public Policy Beaconhouse National University, Lahore 1 CONTENTS ACRONYMS iv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 OUTAGES AND A FIRM’S BEHAVIOUR 2.2 METHODOLOGY FOR QUANTIFICATION OF COST OF OUTAGES CHAPTER 3 THE SAMPLING FRAMEWORK AND ITS DISTRIBUTION 3.1 SAMPLING FRAMEWORK 3.2 PROFILE OF RESPONDANTS 3.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF SELECTED UNITS CHAPTER 4 THE INCIDENCE OF LOADSHEDDING AND OUTPUT LOSSES 4.1 INCIDENCE AND PROFILE OF LOADSHEDDING 4.2 EXTENT OF TOTAL TIME LOST 4.3 SEASONALITY OF OUTAGES 4.4 EXTENT OF OUTPUT LOST DURING OUTAGES CHAPTER 5 ADJUSTMENTS TO LOADSHEDDING 5.1 NUMBER AND TYPES OF ADJUSTMENTS 5.2 EXTENT OF LOSS OF OUTPUT IN OUTAGES CHAPTER 6 COSTS OF OUTAGES 6.1 TOTAL OUTAGE COSTS 6.2 TYPES OF OUTAGE COSTS 6.3 BURDEN OF OUTAGE COSTS 6.4 OUTAGE COSTS PER KWH 6.5 NATIONAL ESTIMATE OF OUTAGE COSTS CHAPTER 7 LOAD MANAGEMENT STRATEGY: CONSUMER’S PREFERENCES 7.1 LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT LEVEL OF SERVICE 7.2 PREFERRED CHANGES IN TIMINGS OF LOADSHEDDING CHAPTER 8 SUGGESTIONS BY THE SAMPLE UNITS CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS 9.1 IMPACT OF OUTAGES 9.2 AFFORDABILITY OF POWER TARIFFS 9.3 COMPETITIVE DISADVANTAGE OF SMALL UNITS 9.4 INVESTMENT IN GENERATORS 9.5 LOAD MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 1 2 2 3 8 8 10 11 16 16 18 20 21 23 23 25 27 27 28 29 31 31 33 33 36 41 44 44 45 46 47 48 i TECHNICAL ANNEXURE 49 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: National Distribution of Small Manufacturing Establishments in the Economic Census, 9 2005, by Province and Industry Group Table 3.2: Distribution of Sample units by City, Province and Industry 10 Table 3.3: Distribution of Sample Analysed by Cities 10 Table 3.4: Average Employment and Capacity Utilization by Industrial Group, 2012 11 Table 3.5: Average Sale and Operating Expenses of Sample Units, 2012 12 Table 3.6: Average Value Added, Electricity Purchased and Value Added per Kwh of Electricity of 13 Sample Units Table 3.7: Operating Cost Structure of Sample Units 13 Table 3.8: Reasons Why Production Target was Not Attained 15 Table 4.1: Frequency of Loadshedding in 2012 16 Table 4.2: Percentage Distribution of Average Length of Outages, 2012 17 Table 4.3: Duration of Outages 18 Table 4.4: Proportion of Time Lost 19 Table 4.5: Seasonality in Outages 20 Table 4.6: Nature of Impact of Loadshedding 21 Table 4.7: Ranking of Disruptions Due to Outages 22 Table 5.1: Percentage of Sample Units by Number of Adjustments by Process 23 Table 5.2: Percentage of Sample units Adjusting through Various Mechanisms 24 Table 5.3: Number of Adjustments by Firms with and without Generators 25 Table 5.4: Proportion of output Loss Not Recovered 26 Table 6.1: Total Outage Costs Per Unit 28 Table 6.2: Outage Costs as Percentage of Value Added 29 Table 6.3: Outage Costs Per kwh 31 Table 7.1: Percentage of Time DISCOs Kept to the Announced Loadshedding Schedule 33 Table 7.2: Average Time Required for Adjustment to Changes in Loadshedding Schedule 34 Table 7.3: Level of Satisfaction with Current quality of Service by DISCOs/KESC 35 Table 7.4: Additional Tariff For Better Quality of Service (with No Loadshedding) 36 Table 7.5: Perceived Outage Costs per Kwh as implied by Willingness to Pay 37 Table 7.6: Percentage Willing To Change Work Timing If off Peak Power Tariff Are Reduced 38 Table 7.7: Worst Time of The Year for Loadshedding 39 Table 7.8: Worst Day of The Week for Outages 39 ii Table 7.9: Information that can be provided by Distribution companies to Units 40 Table 8.1: Suggestions by Sample Units by City 42 Table 9.1: Total Costs of Electricity Consumption as a percentage of the Value of Production 45 Table 9.2: Comparison of the Impact of Loadshedding by Size of Industrial Unit 46 Table 9.3: Benefit-Cost Ratio of Self-Generation 47 Table 9.4: Proposed Tariff Structure on Imported Generators 47 LIST OF BOXES Box 2.1: A Numerical Example of Quantification of Net Idle Factor Cost 6 Box 3.1: Capacity Utilization and Outages 12 Box 4.1: Incidence of Outages 17 Box 4.2: Production Losses During Outages 19 Box 5.1: Extent of Recovery of Output by Use of Generators 25 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1: Adjustment by a Firm to Outages 2 Figure 2.2: Flow Chart Showing Costs of Outages 4 Figure 3.1: Sampling Strategy 8 Figure 3.2: National Distribution by Province and Industry Group 9 Figure 3.3: Distribution of Selected Units by Industrial Group and Process 11 Figure 3.4: Actual as % of Target Production in 2012 by Industrial Group 14 Figure 6.1: Distribution of Outage Costs 29 Figure 6.2: Outage Costs as Percentage of Value Added 30 iii ACRONYMS CMI = Census of Manufacturing Industries DISCO = Distribution Company KESC = Karachi Electric Supply Corporation K-PK = Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa OLS = Ordinary Least Squares PBS = Pakistan Bureau of Statistics PES = Pakistan Economic Survey WTP = Willingness to Pay iv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This part of the report presents the findings on costs of loadshedding to small-scale industrial units in Pakistan, quantified on the basis of data obtained from a nationwide survey of such units. The report is organized in nine chapters. Chapter 2 presents the methodology used for qualification of costs due to outages. Chapter 3 describes the survey including the sampling methodology and assessment of the quality of data collected, given the complex technical nature of the survey. Subsequent Chapters up to Chapter present the magnitudes of key parameters like the relevant characteristics of the responding units, incidence of outages, level and pattern of adjustments and the magnitude of different outages costs. Chapter 8 highlights the suggestions by sample units for reduction in incidence and costs of outages. Chapter 9 gives a summary of the principal findings and the major policy implications emerging from the research. It is clear from the results that small-scale industry has faced severe disruptions due to the high and growing incidence of loadshedding. As such, the economic return of reducing outages and of facilitating the process of adjustment to these outages is very high. This could contribute to some revival of the economy and reduce unemployment. Thanks are due to the sample units for responding to a questionnaire, which was complex and difficult to administer. Thanks are also due to the survey team which travelled all over the country and sometimes found itself in a difficult law and order situation, especially in Karachi. The main text of the report is presented in a non-technical manner. Technical analyses are included in various Boxes and Technical Annexes. Any defects which remain are of course, the responsibility of the authors. 1 CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 OUTAGES AND A FIRM’S BEHAVIOUR The behavior of a firm in the presence of frequent and persistent outages has been modelled in the Technical Annex. The firm is assumed to be operating in a competitive environment, given the smallness of its size; and pursues profit maximization. The results derived from this theoretical framework are as follows: i. If outages are seen as, more or less, permanent in nature then the optimal size of the firm is lower than in the absence of outages. In particular, there is a tendency to shed some labor. ii. The likelihood that the firm will make adjustments to recover some of the lost output depends on the following: a) The extent to which the market situation is favorable for the firm b) The electricity-intensity of the production process; the lower the intensity the greater the likelihood that the firm will make an adjustment c) The lower the costs of adjustment. d) The larger the outage and the level of expectation that this will continue. Figure 2.1 Adjustment by a Firm to Outages 2 Based on the results from the theoretical analysis we present in Figure 2.1 visually the change in the equilibrium of a firm in the presence of outages Type I firm initially experiences outages which reduce production from π0 − π1 . At π1 the gap between price and marginal cost is AB. AB is larger the bigger the outage. The marginal cost curve of adjustment by the firm is given by XY. If XY is too high, then the firm makes no adjustment. In the case of type II firm, Y lies between A and B. As such, the firm makes an adjustment and the new output level is ππ . Type I firm reduces output by (π0 − π1 ) while the loss of output of Type II firm is (π0 − ππ ). Also, the fall in profit of Type I firm due to outages is ABC. In the case of Type II firm it is BYZC. The above theoretical framework is used to develop the methodology for quantifying the cost of outages. 2.2. METHODOLOGY FOR QUANTIFICATION OF COST OF OUTAGES We have indicated above that in the presence of persistent outages firms will be inclined to make adjustments. The extent and nature of adjustments will depend on a number of factors which have also been identified above. The methodology used for quantifying the cost of outages is based largely on that developed by Pasha, Ghaus and Mallik [1989]. Fig 2.2 presents a flow chart for identifying the different types of outage costs. There are two types of costs associated with outages. The first type is direct costs which consist primarily of the value of lost production and spoilage costs. The second type is adjustment costs. The particular mechanisms chosen for recovering some or all of the output lost will be based on cost minimisation considerations. Accordingly, a firm will opt for a type of adjustment as long as it is cheaper than other options. Therefore, firms may opt for multiple adjustments, especially when the size of the outage is large. Direct Costs In order to derive the magnitude of direct costs, we designate the following: ππ = number of times of occurrence of outage daily on average of duration i. i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 51 ππ = proportion of output lost during an outage of duration i πΎπ = restart time after an outage of duration i. 1 The durations are 0-1/2 hr; ½ hr to 1 hr; 1 hr to 2 hrs; 2 hrs to 3 hrs; 3 hrs and above. 3 Figure 2.2 Flow Chart Showing Costs of Outages OUTAGES PLANT SHUTDOWN SPOILAGE COST RESTART TIME OUTPUT RECOVERED OUTPUT LOST PERMANENTLY TOTAL DIRECT COSTS ADJUSTMENTS USE OF GENERATORS OVER TIME EXTRA SHIFTS NET IDLE FACTOR COST OTHERS TOTAL INDIRECT (ADJUSTMENTS COSTS) TOTAL OUTAGE COST 4 The total number of outages during the year is given by NOUT = ∑5π=1 ππ × 365 ..…………………………………………………...(2) The total time lost due to outage is TOUT = ∑5π=1( ππ [ππ + πΎπ ] × 365) ……..………………………………………………(3) Where ππ is the duration of the outage. The potential extent of output loss due to outages is given by LOUT = ∑5π=1 ππ [ππ + πΎπ ] ππ × 365 .……………………………………………………(5) But the firm may not be operating throughout the year and for 24 hours each day. Therefore, if H is the normal hours worked during the year, the actual output lost is given by ….…………………………………………………(5) π» ACOUT = πΏπππ. 8760 And the value of this loss is as follows VOUT = ACOUT.V .……………………………………………………(6) Where V is the value added by the firm per hour. However, the firm may recover some of the output lost through adjustments. If π is the extent of output recovered then we have the expression for the net idle factor cost, NIFC, as follows: NIFC = (1-λ) VOUT ……………………………………………………(7) Box 2.1 gives a simple numerical example for calculation of the net idle factor cost incurred by a sample unit due to outages on the basis of data obtained from the survey. The other part of direct costs is spoilage costs. We represent ππ = spoilage cost (in rupees) in each outage of duration i Then the spoilage cost, SPC, is derived as follows: π» SPC = ∑ππ=1 ππ π π . 365 × 8760 ……….…………………………………………….(8) And the total direct costs of outages are TDC = NIFC + SPC …………………………………………………………(9) 5 Box 2.1 A Numerical Example of Quantification of Net Idle Factor Cost Suppose a firm experiences outages of duration of one hour six times a day (over the 24 hours) and the restart time after the outage is half an hour. Then NOUT = 6 × 365 = 2190 TOUT = 6 × 365× 1.5 =3285 If the proportion of output lost is 50%. Then LOUT = 3285 × 0.5 = 1642.5 The firm normally operates one shift (of 8 hours) for 300 days. Then H = 8 × 300 = 2400 And, ACOUT = 1642.5 × 2400 8760 = 450 If the value added per hour is Rs 1000, then VOUT = 450 × 1000 = 450,000Rs and if the proportion of output recovered through adjustments is 60%, then λ = 0.6 and NIFC is given by NIFC = 450,000 × (1-0.6) = 180,000 Rs Adjustment Costs Generators Cost A key response by industrial units, which is being observed in Pakistan, is the resort to own sources of energy supply through investment in generators. This is motivated by the high and rising incidence of outages since 2007 and the growing recognition that power loadshedding (along with gas shortages) could persist over the next many years. In practice, the extent of substitution of the conventional power source (through DISCOs) depends on the energy-intensity of operations (as derived in the theoretical framework above), on the possibility of making other cheaper adjustments and the cost of capital for acquisition of generators. The latter is likely to be relatively high for small-scale units. The survey of units has indicated, first, whether a unit has a generator or not, second, the capital cost of the generator, third, monthly running cost of fuel for operating the generator and fourth, other costs (including labor, repairs and maintenance cost, etc.) on a quarterly basis. As such, we designate the following: πΎπ = capital cost of generator foc = fuel operating cost per month opc = other operating costs quarterly This leads to the estimate of the overall annual generator cost, GENCO, as follows: GENCO = (π + πΏ)πΎπ + 12(foc) +4(opc) ……...……………………………………………(10) 6 Where, π is the cost of capital and πΏ is the rate of depreciation. The combined value of π πππ πΏ is taken as 0.32. However, the use of generators implies savings in costs of power supply from the local DISCO. Therefore, the net cost, NGENCO, is given by NGENCO = GENCO – k (TOUT) × (ADJG) ×tf . π» ………..………………………………(11) 8760 Where K = electricity consumption per hour in Kwh TOUT = total hours lost as derived in equation (3) ADJG = extent of adjustment by use of generators tf = tariff per Kwh of the DISCO. Other Adjustments Other adjustments include the following and are more in the nature of short-run adjustments when loadshedding is seen as temporary in nature: i. More intensive utilization of existing plant and machinery during times when there is no loadshedding ii. Overtime or additional shifts to make up for at least part of the output loss iii. Changes in working days or timings. The survey reveals that the majority of firms have not made significant adjustments of the above type and the costs associated with these adjustments are not large. The methodology used for quantifying these costs has been taken from Pasha, Ghaus and Mallik [1989]. They are represented by OTC. Overall, the total adjustment cost, TAJCO, is derived as TAJCO = NGENCO + OTC ……………………………………………………….(12) And the total outage out cost, TOUTCO, as follows: TOUTCO = TDC + TAJCO ……………………………………………………….(13) The magnitudes of the different components of outage costs are presented in Chapter 6, by location, industrial classification and type of process of the sample units. 7 CHAPTER 3 THE SAMPLING FRAMEWORK AND ITS DISTRIBUTION 3.1 SAMPLING FRAMEWORK The primary instrument of data collection was a survey on a pre-designed and tested questionnaire of a stratified (by city, firm and industry group size) national random sample of industrial units (see Figure 3.1). Figure 3.1 Sampling Strategy Primary Sampling Unit Industrial Units in Cities Secondary Sampling Unit Small Scale Units in Cities Tertiary Sampling Unit Various Small Scale Units in Industry Groups Individual industrial units in various Industry Groups The population of the industrial units was obtained from the Economic Census 2005, published by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). This source was preferred to the Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI), which only covers large and medium-scale units (with employment of 10 workers and above) while the focus of this study is on the small-scale industrial sector. The national distribution of small manufacturing establishments by province and industry group is presented in Table 3.1 and Figure 3.2. The derived sample distribution by city and industrial group is presented in Table 3.2. Once the sample distribution across cities and industrial groups was finalized, the individual sample units were selected from the population of units obtained from the Provincial Directories of Industries prepared by the respective Provincial Labour Departments. For each unit, the Provincial Directories give name, address, year of registration and level of employment. The last variable enables the selection of small units. The questionnaire administered on the sample respondants contains five modules: basic information on production/sales/employment/costs; incidence of outages; costs of outages; adjustment to outages, and, preferred load management practices. Though the questionnaire 8 was structured, the last question was open-ended asking the respondants to make suggestions to reduce the costs of loadshedding. This provides the respondant’s perspective on actions to counter the problem. Table 3.1 National Distribution of Small Manufacturing Establishments* in the Economic Census, 2005 by Province and Industry Group Distribution of Manufacturing Establishment* Percentage Punjab 68.4 Sindh 13.9 K-PK 15.9 Balochistan 1.4 Islamabad 0.4 Total 100 Distribution of National Employment in Small-Scale Units (less than 10 employees) Industry % Food, Beverages 20.9 Textiles, Wearing Apparel & Leather 43.4 Wood & Wood Products (including furniture) 11.1 Paper & Paper products 1.7 Chemicals 0.9 Non-Metallic Mineral Products 2.2 Basic Metal Products 0.7 Fabricated Metal Products, Machinery & Equipment 10.0 Others 9.1 Total 100 *with employment below 10 workers. Figure 3.2 National Distribution by Province and Industry Group By Province By Industry Group Balochistan 1% KPK 16% Others 15% Fabricated Metal Products 10% Sindh 14% Punjab 69 % Wood and Wood Products 11 % Textiles, Wearing Apparel and Leather 43% Food, Beverage s and Tobacco 21% 9 Table 3.2. Distribution of Sample units by City, Province and Industry Province Punjab Sindh KPK Balochistan Cities Food Beverages and Tobacco Lahore 23 Textiles, Wearing Apparel and Leather 46 Faisalabad 14 Sialkot Wood & Wood Products Fabricated Metal Products Others Total 14 12 19 114 29 9 7 12 72 6 12 4 3 5 30 Gujranwala 5 10 3 2 4 24 Multan 6 12 4 3 5 30 Rawalpindi/Islamabad 8 14 4 5 8 39 Total 62 123 38 33 54 310 Karachi 13 26 8 7 12 66 Hyderabad 4 8 2 2 4 20 Sukkur 3 6 2 1 3 14 Total 20 40 12 10 18 100 Peshawar 13 29 10 7 11 70 Total 13 29 10 7 11 70 Quetta 5 8 - - 7 20 Total Total 5 8 0 0 7 20 100 200 60 50 90 500 The survey was successfully administered on 500 units as targeted. Following the process of edit and consistency checking of the completed questionnaires, 412 units, over 82 percent of the sample, have been included in the analysis. 3.2 PROFILE OF RESPONDANTS Distribution of selected units for analysis by city is given in Table 3.3. 63 percent of the sample units are in the province of Punjab, given the concentration of small-scale industry in Punjab, while about 20 percent are in Sindh. From the Table 3.3. Distribution of Sample Analysed by Cities Cities Lahore Faisalabad Gujranwala Multan Sialkot Rawalpindi / Islamabad Karachi Hyderabad Sukkur Peshawar Quetta Total Numbers 104 61 16 29 23 27 54 16 11 58 13 412 % 25.2 14.8 3.9 7.0 5.6 6.6 13.1 3.9 2.7 14.1 3.1 100.0 remaining 17 percent, 14 percent are in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-PK) and 3 percent in Balochistan. The distribution by industry group and nature of production process is given in Figure 3.3. The presence of continuous-process technology in small units is low. 10 Figure 3.3 Distribution of Selected Units by Industrial Group and Process Industry Group Nature of Production Process Food beverages and Tobacco 19% Other industries 18% 9% Fabricated Metal Products 10% Textile wearing Apparel and leather 42% Wood and Wood products 11% 91% Continuous Process Batch-Process 3.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF SELECTED UNITS Basic Information Respondent units from among the batch-making industries generally operated a one shift production cycle. The Second Table 3.4. Average Employment and Capacity Utilization by Industrial Group, 2012 Employment (No) Capacity Utilization (%) Food Beverages and Tobacco 7.1 82.3 Textile Wearing Apparel and Leather 8.1 80.7 Wood and Wood products 6.7 76.7 Fabricated Metal Products 6.4 76.6 Other industries 7.0 81.6 Total 7.4 80.3 Industries shift was generally operated by industrial textile, units wearing belonging apparel to and leather and food, beverages and tobacco industries group. Continuous process industries, on an average, worked 293 days a year. 15 percent of sample units worked 315 days while another 20% of sample units worked 330-335 days a year. The sample units on an average employed just over 7 persons and utilized 80 percent of their capacity (see Table 3.4). Econometric analysis of the determinants of the rate capacity utilization has been undertaken in Box 3.1. The results indicate that the incidence of outages has a significant negative impact on the rate of capacity utilization. 11 Box 3.1 Capacity Utilization and Outages The following variables are designated for each unit: CAPU = Rate of capacity utilization (%) DIND1 = 1 for food, beverages and tobacco = 0 otherwise DIND2 = 1 for textiles, apparel and leather = 0 otherwise DIND3 = 1 for wood, and wood products = 0 otherwise DIND4 = 1 for fabricated, metal products = 0 otherwise PTOUT= proportion of time lost due to outages (%). The results a of the OLS regression with CAPU as the dependent variable are as follows: CAPU = 84.34 -5.19DIND3 -4.38DIND4 -0.06PTOUT (58.3)* (-3.18)* (-2.55)* (-1.93)** R2 =0.06, SEE =8.43, Degrees of Freedom = 394, F = 4.6* *Significant at 5% level ** Significant at 10% level The results indicate a lower rate of capacity utilization in the wood and wood products and the fabricated metal products industry. Also, the incidence of outages has a significant negative impact on the rate of capacity utilization. a only the significant variables are highlighted. Sales and Value Added The average sales of the respondent Table 3.5 Average Sale and Operating Expenses of Sample Units 2012 (Rs in Thousands) units chosen for analysis in 2012 is projected at Rs 5.5 million (see Table 3.5) demonstrating growth of almost Their Total Food beverages and Tobacco 6888 4246 Operating Expenses as % of Sales 62 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 5877 3352 66 Wood and Wood products 6497 4336 67 Fabricated Metal Products 5151 3488 68 Others industries 4431 2904 65 Total 5472 3565 65 a 15 percent over the 2011 level. Industrial Group Total Operating Expenses operating expenses average Rs 3.6 million, implying an operating profit of Rs 1.9 million. It appears that only 14 percent of the sample units are export-oriented, mostly belonging to textiles, wearing apparel and leather industry. 12 The average value added by sample units in 2012 is projected at Table 3.6 Average Value Added, Electricity Purchased and Value Added per Kwh of Electricity of Sample Units Value Added (Thousands) Electricity Consumed (Kwh) 3139 22730 Value Added Per Kwh (Rs.) 138.1 1930 19801 97.5 2426 12598 192.6 Fabricated Metal Products 2053 19190 107.0 Other industries 2094 19169 109.2 Total 2259 19384 116.5 Rs 2.2 billion, highest being in food, beverage Industrial Group and tobacco industry followed by wood and wood products Table units 3.6). over sample have, average, (see on an purchased 19 thousand Food beverages and Tobacco Textile wearing Apparel leather Wood and Wood products and kilowatt hours (kwh) of electricity annually from the public distribution companies. The average value added per kwh is Rs 117. This is the first estimate of the outage cost per kwh. As highlighted earlier, it overstates the magnitude because it does not incorporate the impact of adjustments. Operating Costs Turning next to operating costs, as mentioned above, average annual operating cost of sample units is Rs 3.6 million. Out of this, the highest proportion, (56 percent), is spent on purchase of raw materials, followed by wages (25 percent) (See Table 3.7). Electricity costs purchased from the distribution companies and self-generation combined account for 15 percent of the costs. Table 3.7 Operating Cost Structure of Sample Units (%) Total Operating Cost (Rs. In Thousands) Wages/ Salaries Raw Material Repairs/ Maintenance Cost of Electricity Cost of Self Generation Others Food beverages and Tobacco Textile wearing Apparel and leather Wood and Wood products Fabricated Metal Products Others industries 4246 24.9 55.6 3.0 10.8 4.5 1.2 3352 24.8 55.2 3.0 10.1 4.4 2.5 4336 21.8 62.2 3.4 7.4 3.7 1.4 3488 20.6 60.5 3.6 9.4 3.5 2.5 2904 27.4 51.1 4.1 11.3 4.0 2.1 Total 3565 24.6 55.8 3.3 10.1 4.2 2.0 Industrial Group (Percentage of Operating Cost) 13 Attainment of Production targets Sample units, on an average, have been able to achieve 78 percent of their production target, as shown in figure 3.4. The highest rate of target achievement is by food, beverages and tobacco industry at 85%, followed by wood and wood product industry at 78 percent. Figure 3.4 Actual as % of Target Production in 2012 by Industrial Group Industrial Group (%) 85.2 78.8 77.4 78.5 76.9 73.0 Food beverages and Tobacco Textile wearing Apparel and leather Wood and Wood Fabricated Metal Others industries products Products Total By City 84.1 79.5 81.1 78.6 84.7 82.1 69.9 76.4 78.8 71.3 71.5 78.5 Interestingly, sample units in Punjab were able to achieve a higher proportion of the target compared to the other cities, possibly because the targets were already modified somewhat to allow for the presence of loadshedding. 14 When enquired as to why the production target was not attained, the principal reasons given are high level of power outages, law and order situation (especially in Karachi) and market related factors. (See Table 3.8). Table 3.8 Reasons Why Production Target was Not Attained (%) Power outages 24 Textiles wearing Apparel and Leather 19 Law and order 25 19 16 19 20 High inflation & market competition Shortage or high cost or raw materials Other reasons 18 20 20 25 19 14 20 20 17 28 18 22 25 19 13 Total 100 100 100 100 100 Reason for Not Attaining Targets Food Beverages and Tobacco Wood and Wood Products Fabricated Metal Products Other Industries 18 21 20 15 CHAPTER 4 THE INCIDENCE OF LOADSHEDDING AND OUTPUT LOSSES This Chapter quantifies the incidence of loadshedding and the resulting output losses as revealed by the national sample of small-scale industries units. 4.1 INCIDENCE AND PROFILE OF LOADSHEDDING The costs of loadshedding will, to a large extent, Table 4.1 Frequency of Loadshedding in 2012 depend on the frequency and duration of outages. The incidence of loadshedding is given in Table 4.1. Overall, the average number of outages in Pakistan in 2012 is estimated at 14112. Highest number of times outages have occurred in Lahore at 1874, followed by Sukkur at 1795, Gujranwala at 1683, and Multan at 1561. Clearly, the average incidence is lower in Sindh at of 1267 times a year at about 10% below the national average. Industry-wise, the highest incidence was experienced by the textile, wearing apparel and leather industry (1495) followed by other industries (1398) and food, beverages and tobacco industries (1365). Box 4.1 gives the results of econometric analysis of the incidence of outages. The results confirm that this is By Province/City1 Location Punjab Lahore Faisalabad Other Cities Sindh Karachi Other Cities KPK Balochistan Total By Industrial Group Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco Textile wearing Apparel and leather Wood and Wood products Fabricated Metal Products Others industries Total By Process Nature of Production Continuous Process Batch-Process Total Average 1499 1874 1047 1379 1267 1095 1596 1239 1348 1411 1365 1495 1289 1296 1398 1411 1956 1355 1411 1 significantly higher in the cities of Punjab and Balochistan. Also, the incidence of outages is Other cities are the smaller cities. They have been combined in view of the smallness of samples in each location. higher in continuous- process units, although outage costs are likely to be higher for such units. The distribution of outages by duration is given in Table 4.2. Generally, the outage duration is 1 to 3 hours a day. The highest number of outages occurs for 1 to 2 hours a day at 51 percent, followed by outages of 2-3 hours a day at 32 percent. 11 percent of outages have duration of half to one hour while 5 percent of outages last for over four hours. There is a divergence in the provincial patterns. In Punjab, outages mostly last for 1-2 and 2-3 hours. In Karachi almost half of the outages last for over two hours. This pattern of outages is likely to have significant implications for the costs of outages as will be discussed in Chapter 6. 2 from January to September 2012. The annual incidence was estimated by multiplying by 1.33. 16 Box 4.1 Incidence of Outages The following variables are designated for each unit: DLOCi =1 for the i-th city = 0 otherwise DPROD = 1 if continuous-process unit = 0 otherwise. TOUT = Total incidence of outages (in hrs) The results a of the OLS regression with TOUT as the dependent variable are as follows: TOUT =1983 +290DLAH +676.6MUL + 374.0DPES +431.3RWP +771.3DSIA (16.3)* (2.09)* (3.6)* (2.40)* (2.22)* (3.79)* 1490.1DQUE +1070.1DGUJ +316.1DPROD (5.85)* (4.6)* (2.16)* R2 =0.17, SEE =811, Degree of Freedom = 407, F = 6.89* *Significant at 5% level The results indicate that the incidence of outages is significantly higher in the cities of Punjab, Peshawer and Quetta. Also, the incidence of outages is higher in continuous-process units, although outage costs are likely to be higher for such units. a only the significant variables are highlighted. Table 4.2 Percentage Distribution Average Length of Outages, 2012 (%) By City Location Punjab Lahore Faisalabad Other Cities Sindh Karachi Other Cities KPK Balochistan Total By Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco Textile wearing Apparel and leather Wood and Wood products Fabricated Metal Products Others industries Total By Process Continuous Process Batch-Process Total Less than ½ hr 1/2 – 1hr 1-2 hrs 2-3 hrs More than 4 hrs 0 0 0 1 3 4 1 0 0 1 15 33 3 3 8 8 10 2 0 11 53 60 44 31 54 39 92 51 0 51 29 5 51 30 35 49 15 28 92 32 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 20 8 5 0 1 2 3 0 1 12 9 4 18 16 11 45 55 63 52 41 51 37 31 26 23 38 32 6 4 4 5 5 5 3 1 1 19 10 11 54 51 51 24 33 32 1 5 5 17 The overall duration of outages, which includes both the time lost due to an outage and the restart time (time lost in restarting work following an outage), is presented in Table 4.3. The total hours, on an average, lost per annum due to loadshedding are estimated at 2623 for the sample units. The highest number of hours lost is in Quetta. Overall in Punjab, the average number of hours lost per annum is 2666, in Sindh 2200, K-PK 2777 and Balochistan, 3733. These durations are for 24hrs a day for 365 days a year. Clearly, the actual total time lost depends on working hours during the year. Other industries, textiles and wearing apparel and leather industry take the brunt, losing respectively 2789 and 2727 hours. Again, the incidence is higher in continuous process (2995 hours) than in batch-making (2583) industries. Table 4.3 Duration of Outages (Outage + Restart Time) [Hours] By City Cities Average Punjab Lahore Faisalabad Other Cities Sindh Karachi Other Cities KPK Balochistan Total By Industrial Group Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco Textile wearing Apparel and leather Wood and Wood products Fabricated Metal Products Others industries Total By Process Nature of Production Continuous Process Batch-Process Total 2666 2740 2372 2769 2200 2128 2325 2777 3733 2623 2488 2727 2354 2438 2789 2623 2996 2585 2623 Box 4.2 undertakes econometric analysis of the extent of output losses during outages. The results confirm that production losses are lower in some cities of Punjab and Peshawer and Quetta. Also, we have the important finding that outages of longer duration imply higher losses. Further, the higher the percentage of time the distribution companies keep to the preannounced loadshedding schedule, units are better prepared at these times and suffer lower losses. 4.2 EXTENT OF TOTAL TIME LOST The proportion of production time lost is given in Table 4.4. Overall, small scale units in Pakistan, on an average, are likely to lose 30% of their production time in 2012 due to loadshedding. The highest, 43%, is lost in Quetta, and the least, 24 percent, in Karachi. Other industries, and textiles, wearing and apparel industries lose over 30 percent of their production time, while the loss for continuous process industries is over one-thirds. 18 Table 4.4 Proportion of Time Lost during outages (%) By City Cities Average Punjab Lahore Faisalabad Other Cities Sindh Karachi Other Cities KPK Balochistan Total 30 31 27 32 25 24 27 32 43 30 By Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco 28 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 31 Wood and Wood products 27 Fabricated Metal Products 28 Others industries 32 Total 30 By Process Continuous Process 34 Batch-Process 29 Total 30 Box 4.2 Production Losses During Outages The following variables are designated for each unit: LOSSOUT = proportion of output lost during outages (prior to recovery) LOUTN = proportion of outages of duration of more than 2 hrs ANALD = percentage of time DISCO/ KESC kept to announced loadshedding The results a of the OLS regression with LOSSOUT as the dependent variable are as follows: LOSSOUT = 0.64 - 0.16DLAH -0.36MUL - 0.21DPES +0.10RWP -0.12DSIA (24.94)* (-5.91)* (-6.84)* (-7.4)* (2.75)* (-3.30)* -0.21DSUK -0.21DFB -0.18DQUE +0.3x10-3LOUTN -0.06DIND1 (-4.30)* (-7.03)* (-3.78)* (2.05)* (-2.53)* -0.04DIND2 -0.06DIND4 -0.75x10-3ANALD (-2.01)* (-1.98)* (-2.23)* R2 =0.43, SEE =0.13, Degree of Freedom = 348, F = 14.4* *Significant at 5% level The results indicate that production losses are lower in some cities of Punjab, Peshawer and Quetta. Also, we have the important finding that outages of longer duration imply higher losses. Further, the higher the percentage of time the distribution companies keep to the announced loadshedding schedule, units are better prepared at these times and suffer lower losses. a only the significant variables are highlighted. 19 4.3 SEASONALITY OF OUTAGES A significant seasonality in the incidence of loadshedding emerges from the data (see Table 4.5). The peak loadshedding months are July (accounting for almost 16% of the hours of loadshedding) closely followed by June. August and May also emerge as high incidence months, each accounting for over 14% of loadshedding hours. The pattern appears to be similar for all four provinces and industrial groups. Table 4.5 Seasonality in Outages (% of Outage) By City Cities March April May June July August September Punjab 13 13 14 16 16 15 13 Lahore 13 14 15 15 15 14 12 Faisalabad 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Other Cities 12 13 14 16 17 15 13 Sindh 13 14 14 15 16 14 13 Karachi 14 14 14 16 15 13 14 Other Cities 13 14 14 15 16 14 13 KPK 10 11 14 17 18 16 12 Balochistan 14 14 15 15 15 13 14 Total 13 13 15 16 16 15 13 March April May June July August September Food beverages and Tobacco 13 14 15 16 16 14 13 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 13 14 15 16 16 15 13 Wood and Wood products 12 13 14 16 16 15 13 Fabricated Metal Products 13 13 14 16 16 15 13 Others industries 13 13 14 15 16 15 14 Total 13 13 15 16 16 15 13 March April May June July August September Continuous Process 13 14 15 15 16 14 13 Batch-Process 13 13 14 16 16 15 13 Total 13 13 15 16 16 15 13 By Industrial Group Industrial Group By Process Nature of Production 20 4.4 EXTENT OF OUTPUT LOST DURING OUTAGES Loadshedding leads to a complete shutdown for 31 percent of sample units, with highest proportion being in Sindh. However, for 61 percent of the firm it results in partial shutdown. (see Table 4.6). Table 4.6 Nature of Impact of Loadshedding (%) Complete Shutdown Partial Shutdown No Impact By City Punjab 28 65 8 Lahore 20 80 0 Faisalabad 10 82 8 other Cities 53 48 45 Sindh 51 41 9 Karachi 59 31 9 other Cities 56 65 18 KPK 19 74 7 Baluchistan 38 62 0 Total 31 61 8 By Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco 32 53 15 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 30 65 5 Wood and Wood products 33 52 15 Fabricated Metal Products 30 68 3 Others industries 35 63 3 Total 31 61 8 Continuous Process 39 61 0 Batch-Process 30 61 8 Total 31 61 8 By Process In the questionnaire the respondants were asked to rank ‘what is most disruptive about an outage’. For 40% of the respondants loss of/inconvenience to customers was the most disruptive consequence of loadshedding, for 24% it was equipment shut down and for, 20%, idle labor (see Table 4.7). Losses of product, breakdown of production process and spoilage costs were cited as other disruptions. 21 Table 4.7 Ranking of Disruptions Due to Outages (%) Equipment Shut down Labor will be idle Product will be lost Loss of / Inconvenien ce to Customers Break down of producti on process High spoilage cost of raw material 42 40 34 48 21 24 15 60 38 40 7 14 2 1 0 0 0 10 8 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 63 25 15 23 20 13 7 14 3 Total By City Punjab Lahore Faisalabad Other Cities Sindh Karachi Other Cities KPK Balochistan Total 19 11 25 24 53 61 37 9 15 24 24 17 38 22 15 9 26 12 23 20 8 16 2 4 10 6 19 9 15 9 By Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco 23 15 11 42 8 1 19 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 24 18 9 40 8 1 42 28 30 7 35 0 0 11 15 23 13 50 0 0 10 27 24 5 39 5 0 18 Total 24 20 9 40 6 0 Continuous Process 37 8 5 32 18 0 9 Batch-Process 23 22 9 41 5 1 91 Total 24 20 9 40 6 0 Wood and Wood products Fabricated Metal Products Others industries By Process 22 CHAPTER 5 ADJUSTMENTS TO LOADSHEDDING This chapter focuses on the types of adjustments that small firms make to outages in Pakistan. The extent of output that is not recovered following the adjustments is also quantified. 5.1 NUMBER AND TYPES OF ADJUSTMENTS Table 5.1 presents the estimates of frequency of different types of adjustments by small units. It Table 5.1 Percentage of Sample Units by Number of Adjustments by Process appears that almost one fourths of the firms in the sample are Continuous Process BatchMaking Total unable to make any form of No Adjustment 5 24 22 adjustment. 46% make one One Adjustment 50 45 46 adjustment, 21% make two Two Adjustments 29 20 21 Three or More Adjustments 16 11 11 Total 100 100 100 types of adjustment while 11% are implementing three or more types of adjustments. Continuous process units are more likely to make adjustments in the face of potentially higher losses. The frequency of different types of adjustments is given in Table 5.2. The highest frequency of adjustment is in the form of self-generation. For the national sample, this is 68%. It is the highest in Punjab, follow by K-PK, and the lowest in Balochistan. On average generators are able to substitute for 48% of the public source. Econometric analysis has been undertaken in Box 5.1 of the extent of recovery of output lost by use of generators. The results indicate, first, that higher incidence of outages leads to greater resort to generators, second, units with lower electricity-intensity are more likely to use generators and, third, continuous- process units tend to have a higher presence of generators. Beyond the use of generators, the next most frequent form of adjustment is the working of overtime by 29% of the units, as shown in Table 5.2. Approximately 11% of the firms have opted for changing shift timings. The labor-related adjustments are more commonly observed in Punjab. 23 Table 5.2. Percentage of Sample units Adjusting through Various Mechanisms (%) Buying or Operating Existing Generator Working Overtime Increasing Intensity of Machinery Operation Changing Shift Timings Changing Working Days Working Additional Shifts Punjab 18.8 23.8 8.5 41.9 6.5 0.4 Lahore 10.6 17.3 16.3 40.4 14.4 1.0 Faisalabad 24.6 37.7 1.6 34.4 1.6 0.0 Other Cities 24.2 22.1 4.2 48.4 1.1 0.0 Sindh 53.1 14.8 9.9 21.0 0.0 1.2 Karachi 61.1 9.3 5.6 24.1 0.0 0.0 Other Cities 37.0 25.9 18.5 14.8 0.0 3.7 KPK Baluchistan Total 8.6 15.4 24.0 60.3 38.5 40.3 10.3 7.7 5.8 0.0 0.0 0.5 Food beverages and Tobacco Textile wearing Apparel and leather Wood and Wood products Fabricated Metal Products Others industries 21.2 16.9 32.1 47.1 32.1 31.0 45.1 45.1 31.9 27.9 36.3 23.2 11.0 15.2 13.3 12.8 8.9 30.9 8.1 8.8 3.8 6.2 5.7 0.1 14.6 14.0 19.0 6.2 16.9 15.0 Total 68.2 28.9 7.8 11.4 3.2 11.4 Continuous Process 11.4 12.6 15.6 21.3 14.9 15.4 Batch-Process 88.6 87.4 84.4 78.7 85.1 84.6 Total 68.2 28.9 7.8 11.4 11.4 3.2 By City 12.1 8.6 23.1 15.4 20.4 9.0 By Industrial Group By Process 24 Box 5.1 Extent of Recovery of Output by Use of Generators The following variables are designated for each unit: BEXGP = Extent of adjustment by use of Generator DOUT = Total incidence of outages and restart times (in hours) annually TPE = Ratio of Value Added to Electricity purchased (Rs per kwh) ANALD = Per cent of time DISCO/KESC kept to announced loadshedding DPROD = 1 if continuous-process unit = 0 otherwise. The results a of the OLS regression with BEXGP as the dependent variable are as follows: BEXGP = 10.57 + 0.15x10-2 DOUT + 73.64 TPE + 0.08 ANALD +8.49 DPROD (3.76)* (1.89)** (2.21)* (2.17)* (2.72)* R2 =0.05, SEE = 17.97, Degree of Freedom = 396, F = 3.75* *Significant at 5% level ** Significant at 10% level The results indicate, first, higher incidence of outages leads to greater resort to generators, second, units with lower electricity-intensity are more likely to use generators and, third, continuous-process units tend to have a higher presence of generators. a only the significant variables are highlighted. The question is whether self-generation is the sole adjustment mechanism or if it accompanied by other adjustments. This analysis is presented in Table 5.3. It appears that almost 70% of the units without generators make no adjustments at all while 26% of the units with generators make another adjustment. Table 5.3 Number of Adjustments by Firms with and without Generators (%) Numbers of Adjustments None Units without Generators 70 Units with Generators* - One 17 59 Two 10 26 Three or more 3 15 Total 100 100 *including the one adjustments of use of generator. 5.2 EXTENT OF LOSS OF OUTPUT IN OUTAGES Table 5.4 highlights the extent of the permanent loss of output which is not recovered through the various adjustments. Overall, it is 9% nationally, 8% in Punjab, 9% in Sindh, and K-PK and 12% in Balochistan. These losses are a key indicator of the magnitude of net idle factor costs. 25 Table 5.4 Proportion of output Loss Not Recovered (%) By City Location Average Punjab Lahore Faisalabad Other cities 8 9 6 8 9 Sindh Karachi Other cities 9 9 KPK Balochistan 9 12 Total 9 By Industrial Group Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco Average 7 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 8 Wood and Wood products 8 Fabricated Metal Products 9 Others industries Total 11 9 By Process Nature of Production Continuous Process Batch-Process Total Average 8 9 9 26 CHAPTER 6 COSTS OF OUTAGES The objective of this chapter is to present the estimated magnitudes of different types of costs associated with outages. As identified in chapter 2, these include direct costs which consist of net idle factor costs and spoilage costs and indirect or adjustments costs which include generator costs and costs of other types of adjustments like overtime, additional shifts, etc. Section 1 of the chapter presents the total outage costs by location (province), industrial classification and process used by sample units. Section 2 derives the cost per kwh of load shedding. Finally, by blowing up the sample, the magnitude of outage costs to the small-scale industrial sector of Pakistan is derived. 6.1 TOTAL OUTAGE COSTS Given the high frequency of load shedding in Pakistan today it appears that the total outage cost even to small-scale industrial units of the country is high in absolute terms. Table 6.1 shows that the outage cost approaches to Rs. 300,000 per unit on average in the sample units or close to $3092 per annum3. The variation in outage costs annually per unit is substantial depending upon the nature of the process, that is, batch-making or continuous process. The latter type of units are especially vulnerable to disruptions from outages. As such, the average cost for a continuous process unit is Rs. 426,000 or $4392 per annum. This is 52% higher than the cost incurred due to load shedding by batch-making units. Among industries, the highest outage cost for small-scale units is in the food, beverages and tobacco industry at Rs 369,000 or $3804 per annum, almost 26% above the average. Outage costs are also somewhat higher in the case of textiles and apparel industry and lower in the wood and wood products and fabricated metal products industries. Turning to location, the outage cost per unit is substantially higher in Sindh province, especially in the city of Karachi, at over Rs 500,000 or $ 5155 annually. Units in Punjab have lower outage costs on average of Rs 235,000 or $ 2422 annually. The question is why in presence of apparently higher incidence of outages in Punjab (See Table….) the total outage cost is lower. This is due the higher magnitude of net idle factor costs due to a lower proportion of recovery of 3 At the exchange rate of Rs 97= 1 US $ 27 output in the presence of a troubled law and order situation4. Also, the generator costs are higher because of greater electricity-intensity of operations by units in Sindh5. Further, there is evidence that outages that occur in Karachi are of a longer duration each time and unanticipated outages occur more frequently. Table 6.1 Total Outage Costs Per Unit (000 Rs) LOCATION Punjab Sindh K-PK + Baluchistan INDUSTRY Food, beverages and tobacco Textiles and wearing Apparel and Leather Wood and Wood Products Fabricated Metal Products Other Industries PROCESS Continuous Process Batch-Making TOTAL (%) Net Idle Factor Cots Spoilage Costs Generator Costs Other Costs Total Outage Costs 145 305 171 40 10 41 45 178 44 5 11 9 235 504 265 252 41 69 7 369 139 39 103 8 289 190 160 206 28 19 29 28 38 41 6 10 5 252 227 281 165 183 181 (62) 76 30 34 (12) 179 60 71 (24) 6 7 7 (2) 426 280 293 (100) 6.2 TYPES OF OUTAGE COSTS Table 6.1 also clearly establishes the dominance of net idle factor costs at 62% in total outage costs. This reflects the constraints which small units face in making adjustments, especially in the presence of difficult law and order situation in some parts of the country, like Karachi, which reduces the ability to make labor- related adjustments. Consequently, the loss of output and the implied net idle factor costs are relatively high. 4 As shown in Table 54, while the proportion of lost output, after allowing for adjustments, is 5% in Punjab, it is almost double, at over 9% in Sindh. 28 The second major cost item is generator costs, with a share in total outage costs of 24%. This is a reflection of the fact that almost 68 % of the sample units have installed generators and this has become the primary form of adjustment to outages. Spoilage costs constitute 12% of the outage costs. As expected, these costs are relatively high in continuous –process units. Other adjustment costs are minor and account for only 2% of outage costs. Figure 6.1 Distribution of Outage Costs 2% 12% 24% 62% others idle factor costs generator costs spoilage costs 6.3 BURDEN OF OUTAGE COSTS The burden of outage costs as a percentage of the value added is given in Table 6.2. It appears that the burden is quite high at almost 13% of the value added. Much of this is a decline in profits. It is the highest at over 17% in the case of continuous process units, in the textiles and wearing apparel industry and in Sindh (especially Karachi). Table 6.2 Outage Costs as Percentage of Value Added (000 Rs) LOCATION Punjab Sindh K-PK + Baluchistan INDUSTRY Food, beverages and tobacco Textiles and wearing Apparel and Leather Wood and Wood Products Fabricated Metal Products Other Industries Sample Size (No) Total Outage Cost Value Added Outage Cost as % of Value Added 260 81 71 235 504 265 1978 3392 2245 11.9 14.9 11.8 79 172 46 40 75 369 289 252 227 281 3153 1971 2529 2027 2198 11.7 14.7 10.0 11.2 12.8 29 PROCESS Continuous Process Batch-Making TOTAL 38 374 426 280 293 2460 2291 2307 17.3 12.2 12.7 Figure 6.2 Outage Costs as Percentage of Value Added By Province 20 15 10 5 14.9 11.9 11.8 0 Punjab Sindh Punjab k-Pk + Balochistan Sindh k-Pk + Balochistan By Process 20 15 10 17.3 12.2 5 0 Continuous Process Batch Making Continuous Process Batch Making By Industry 20 15 10 5 11.7 14.7 10 11.2 12.8 Wood & Wood Products Fabricated Metal Products Others 0 Food, Beverages & Textiles, Apparel & Tobacco Leather Food, Beverages & Tobacco Textiles, Apparel & Leather Fabricated Metal Products Others Wood & Wood Products 30 6.4 OUTAGE COSTS PER KWH Table 6.3 indicates that the outage cost per Kwh in the case of small-scale industrial units is about Rs 50 per Kwh. At about 52 cents per kwh, this is similar to earlier estimates for Pakistan as highlighted in Part I of the report. In line with the above results, the outage cost per kwh is the highest in Sindh. Although the overall outage cost is the highest for continuous process units, it is lower per kwh because of a higher quantity of electricity not provided. Table 6.3 Outage Costs Per kwh Location Punjab Sindh K-PK + Baluchistan Industry Food, beverages and tobacco Textiles and wearing Apparel and Leather Wood and Wood Products Fabricated Metal Products Other Industries Process Continuous Process Batch-Making Total Total Outage Cost (000 Rs) Electricity not Provided during Outages (000 kwh) Outage Cost per kwh (Rs) 235 504 265 5.5 7.3 5.0 42.7 69.0 53.0 369 289 6.0 6.2 61.5 46.6 252 227 281 3.7 6.6 5.3 68.1 34.4 53.0 426 280 293 9.8 5.4 5.8 43.5 51.9 50.5 Overall, the survey of small-scale industrial units reveals that the absolute magnitude of outage costs is high. There have been significant output losses, as reflected by the large net idle factor costs. The use of generators has enabled significant recovery of output but at a cost more than twice the tariff paid for supply from a DISCO. Losses in profitability have been proportionally greater approaching 36% or more of the profit that could have been made in the absence of outages. 6.5 NATIONAL ESTIMATE OF OUTAGE COSTS For the 412 sample of small-scale industrial units the total outage cost is estimated at Rs 121 million on a value added of Rs 950 million. The only contempory information available as of 2011-12 on small-scale industry is the value added in the latest Pakistan Economic Survey. 31 This is estimated at Rs 653 billion. We use the value added as the blow up factor from the sample to the national estimate as follows:National Estimate of Outage Costs (= (.121/0.950) * 653 Billion) equals Rs = 83.2 Billion Rs Therefore, the bottom line of the research is that in 2011-12, the total cost of outages to the small-scale industrial sector of Pakistan is projected at Rs 83 billion. This is equivalent to $885 million, at the exchange rate of Rs 97 per US dollar. 32 CHAPTER 7 LOAD MANAGEMENT STRATEGY: CONSUMER’S PREFERENCES The questionnaire contains a module to solicit consumer preferences regarding timing of loadshedding which can reduce the costs and disruptions due to the outages. These can provide guidance to the load management strategy by DISCOs, the formulation of which should be a priority since loadshedding is likely to persist over the next few years. 7.1 LEVEL OF SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT LEVEL OF SERVICE Only 28 percent of sample firms indicated that DISCOs kept to the announced loadshedding schedule (see Table 7.1). The percentage is generally Table 7.1 Percentage of Time DISCOs Kept to the Announced Loadshedding Schedule City Average Punjab 35.8 Lahore 35.8 Faisalabad 44.3 higher for cities in Punjab. Performance Other Cities 30 of DISCOs in Sindh and Balochistan in Sindh 7.8 this respect is particularly weak, with Karachi 6.9 other Cities 9.5 KPK 26.7 effectively no prior scheduling.This has had a significant impact on the costs of Balochistan 2.4 loadshedding as highlighted in Chapter Total 28 6. The time required for small-scale By Industrial Group units to adjust to changes in the Industrial Group loadshedding schedule is 1.9 hours on Food beverages and Tobacco 25.8 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 30.3 an average. The time is much higher for Wood and Wood products 26.6 continuous process industry (2.6 hours) Fabricated Metal Products 25.9 than for batch making units (1.8 hours). Others Industries 26.8 Total 28.0 (See Table 7.2). The survey teams enquired from the respondents if they were satisfied with Nature of Production Continuous Process 21.4 Batch-Process 28.6 Total 28.0 the current level of service by the DISCOs/KESC. More than half of the respondents ranked their satisfaction level as very low while one-third ranked it as low (see Table 7.3). 33 Table 7.2 Average Time Required for Adjustment to Changes in Loadshedding Schedule (hrs) By City City Average Punjab 2.2 Lahore 3.1 Faisalabad 1.8 Other Cities 1.5 Sindh 0.9 Karachi 0.6 Other Cities 1.6 KPK 1.8 Balochistan 1.7 Total 1.9 By Industrial Group Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco 2.1 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 1.8 Wood and Wood products 1.3 Fabricated Metal Products 1.8 Others industries 2.2 Total 1.9 By Process Nature of Production Continuous Process 2.6 Batch-Process 1.8 Total 1.9 34 Table 7.3 Level of Satisfaction with Current quality of Service by DISCOs/KESC (%) z Very high High Medium Low Very Low By City Punjab 1 0 6 35 58 Lahore 0 0 7 53 40 Faisalabad 0 0 0 16 84 Other Cities 2 0 8 27 62 Sindh 5 7 14 31 43 Karachi 2 11 15 35 37 other Cities 11 0 11 22 56 KPK 0 3 41 28 28 Balochistan 0 0 0 8 92 Total 1 2 12 32 52 By Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco Textile wearing Apparel and leather Wood and Wood products 3 4 11 34 48 1 1 10 39 50 7 4 15 9 65 Fabricated Metal Products 0 3 28 15 55 Others industries 0 1 8 39 52 Total 2 2 12 32 52 By Process Continuous Process 0 0 5 26 68 Batch-Process 2 2 13 33 51 Total 2 2 12 32 52 The sample firms were also asked how much higher tariff they are willing to pay for better quality and reliability of power service–essentially with no loadshedding. This provides the first estimate of the respondent’s perception of the cost of loadshedding. On an average, 35 respondents are willing to pay an extra 30% for uninterrupted power supply as revealed by Table 7.4. The premium for better service is highest around 48% in Karachi. Fabricated metal product and textile, wearing apparel and leather industry it appears, have indicated their willingness to pay the highest additional premium for better quality service. Table 7.4 Additional Tariff For Better Quality of Service (with No Loadshedding) (%) By City Translated into the subjective valuation of the outage cost per Location Average Punjab 26.2 hour, the average for the sample Lahore 27.8 units is 21 Rs per Kwh. Faisalabad 17.8 highlighted in Part 1 of the report, Other Cities 29.8 there is a tendency for the WTP to Sindh 42.5 be understated. The willingness to Karachi 46.9 pay is highest, at 52 Rs per kwh in Other Cities 33.7 Karachi. KPK 35.9 Balochistan 4.0 Total 30.0 As 7.2 PREFERRED CHANGES IN TIMINGS OF LOADSHEDDING One-thirds of the sample units are willing to change work timings if off- peak power tariffs are reduced. The willingness appears to be higher in the smaller provinces of Balochistan, K-PK and Sindh. (See Table 7.5). Also, food, beverages and tobacco, By Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco 25.1 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 34.0 Wood and Wood products 30.6 Fabricated Metal Products 34.4 Others industries 23.5 Total 30.0 By Process Continuous Process 29.7 wood and wood products are Batch-Process 30.1 industries which are more willing Total 30.0 to change work timings if off peak tariffs are reduced. 36 Table 7.5 Perceived Outage Costs per Kwh as implied by Willingness To Pay Rs Location Average Punjab 16 Lahore 18 Faisalabad 10 Other Cities 16 Sindh 42 Karachi 52 Other Cities 22 KPK 21 Balochistan 11 Total 21 By Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco 14 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 23 Wood and Wood products 26 Fabricated Metal Products 29 Others industries 17 Total 21 By Process Continuous Process 17 Batch-Process 22 Total 21 Over 93 percent of the sample firms reported summertime as the worst season for loadshedding (see Table 7.7). Winter time is the second worst season for loadshedding. Interestingly, textiles, wearing apparel and leather and wood and wood products are dominant industries categorizing wintertime as bad season primarily because they are unable to meet their orders, especially international orders.This is principally the case with export-oriented industries. 37 Table 7.6 Percentage Willing To Change Work Timing If off Peak Power Tariffs Are Reduced (%) Yes No Total Punjab 27 73 100 Lahore 25 75 100 Faisalabad 34 66 100 Other Cities 23 77 100 Sindh 30 70 100 Karachi 13 87 100 Other Cities 63 37 100 KPK 62 38 100 Balochistan 100 0 100 Total 34 66 100 Food beverages and Tobacco 47 53 100 Textile wearing Apparel and leather 27 73 100 Wood and Wood products 43 57 100 Fabricated Metal Products 30 70 100 Others industries 36 64 100 Total 34 66 100 Continuous Process 45 55 100 Batch-Process 33 67 100 Total 34 66 100 By City By Industrial Group By Process 38 Table 7.7 Worst Time of The Year for Loadshedding Summer Punjab Lahore Faisalabad Other Cities Sindh Karachi Other Cities KPK Balochistan Total Spring By City 92 87 98 94 93 91 96 98 100 93 2 3 2 1 2 2 4 0 0 2 Rank Winter Fall Total 6 11 0 5 4 6 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 By Industrial Group Food beverages and Tobacco 96 3 1 0 100 Textile wearing Apparel and leather Wood and Wood products Fabricated Metal Products Others industries Total 91 89 93 97 93 1 4 0 1 2 8 7 8 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 100 100 100 100 100 15.8 3.7 4.9 0.0 .3 .2 100 100 100 Continuous Process Batch-Process Total By Process 78.9 5.3 94.7 1.3 93.2 1.7 The questionnaire also contained a question regarding the worst day of the week for outages. While 30 percent of the respondents Table 7.8 The Worst Day of The Week for Outages Frequency Percentage Sunday 52 12.6 said all days are bad, over one-thirds said Monday 141 34.2 Monday is the worst day. Sunday was the Tuesday 13 3.2 worst day for about 13 percent of the Wednesday 11 2.7 Thursday 19 4.6 respondents. The principal reasons cited for Friday 27 6.6 this is related to the fact that Monday is the Saturday 23 5.6 start of a work week and an outage disturbs All days 126 30.6 the working environment. Sunday, of course, Total 412 100.0 is family/rest day and loadshedding disturbs it. Around 21 percent of the respondents indicate that will be helpful if the power companies provided more information relating to the scheduling of the outage; methods to lower the electricity- intensity of operations; methods to minimize loss, 39 and; how to work more efficiently under the circumstances (see Table 7.9). Clearly, these should be focused upon in the load management strategy of the distribution companies. Table 7.9 Information that can be provided by Distribution companies to Units Percentage Work more efficiently 33.0 Information about outage 42.0 Time table for load shedding 45.5 Awareness about outage required 14.8 Consumption minimize method 9.1 Minimize line losses 4.5 Others 2.3 40 CHAPTER 8 SUGGESTIONS BY THE SAMPLE UNITS The questionnaire at the end solicited the respondent’s views/ suggestions to help handle the loadshedding problem in the country. Specifically, the open ended question asked for “suggestions to reduce the costs of loadshedding to the small scale industry”. A number of interesting suggestions emanate from the survey responses. These can be categorized as relating to the following: ο· Enhancing the supply of electricity ο· Alternative sources of energy/ fuel use ο· Improving governance or management ο· Changes in pricing policy Enhancing the Supply of Electricity: The highest numbers of respondents, 45% are of the view that new dams, including Kala Bagh Dam, should be constructed to permanently enhance the production of electricity in the country at lower cost (see Table 8.1). This suggestion dominates the response not only from the sample units located in Punjab, but is also significant in the case of Peshawar and Karachi. Over 30% of respondents are also of the view that electricity should be imported. Building new power plants, installing gas pipeline from Iran to avoid gas shortages are the other significant suggestions to enhance the supply of electricity and curb power shortages in Pakistan. Responses are more or less, similar across industry groups. (See Table 8.2) Alternative sources of Energy Fuel for Energy: A number of suggestions have been given regarding resort to alternative energy and fuel sources by the respondents. One quarter of the respondents suggested the use of different methods of electricity generation, while 19 percent specifically suggested the use of coal for electricity generation. Close to 9 percent of the sample units suggested introduction of solar energy systems (particularly by the food, and beverage industry), while there was also some mention of bio- gas and wind energy. Improving Governance/Management. The most dominant recommendation in this category is to curb corruption, with over a quarter of respondents emphasizing it. Minimization of electricity theft has been suggested of 24 percent of the respondents. Only 3 percent of the sample units proposed Privatization of the DISCOs. 41 Table 8.1 Suggestions by Sample Units by City (% of Respondents) Reasons Lahore Enhancing Supply of Electricity Gas Pipe line from Iran to 11 avoid gas shortage Faisalabad Gujranwala 5 44 Sialkot Rawalpindi / Islamabad Karachi Hyderabad Sukkur Peshawar Quetta Total 7 17 7 31 0 0 9 31 13 Multan Import Electricity 16 75 25 45 52 22 31 13 45 19 8 33 Construct new Dams (including Kala Bagh Dam) 49 48 63 34 83 67 24 0 9 53 31 45 Use rental power system 3 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 5 15 3 Build new power plants 24 7 13 45 22 33 9 6 45 31 15 22 39 25 3 26 30 17 19 18 10 46 19 5 13 14 57 48 30 13 18 24 23 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 18 2 6 24 0 4 2 0 9 3 15 9 Introduce Wind Energy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Use of Petrol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 Privatize Electric department 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 3 31 3 Need Honest Employees 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 3 8 1 Minimize electric theft 19 36 19 3 30 4 44 25 18 21 23 24 Stop Corruption 21 31 31 7 17 15 20 81 9 38 8 25 Minimize line losses 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Government give subsidy on electricity 8 38 69 28 22 11 28 6 9 7 85 22 Reduce price at source 10 7 0 0 35 26 26 13 0 3 23 12 Total 25 15 4 7 6 7 13 4 3 14 3 100 Alternative Energy Fuel Sources Use Coal for electric 8 generation Use different method of 30 electric generation Bio Gas system Introduce System solar energy Governance/Management Give awareness to people use of electricity and avoid un nec Knowledge about minimize usage Pricing Policy 42 Minimizing line losses and the need for honest employees were also emphasized by the sample units. Other suggestions relate to educating the electricity consumers, regarding efficient energy use, and proper use of electricity so that unnecessary consumption is avoided. Pricing Policy Around one-fifth of the sample units requested for subsidy for electricity from the government, while 12% of the respondents suggested that the price (at source) should be reduced through economizing on costs. To conclude, the top five suggestions emanating from the respondents of the survey are as following: First: Construct Dams Second: Import Electricity Third: Stop Corruption Fourth: Use Different Methods of Electricity Generation Fifth: Minimize Electricity theft. 43 CHAPTER 9 CONCLUSIONS AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS We have highlighted in previous Chapters the principal findings on the incidence and costs of power loadshedding to small-scale industrial units of Pakistan. In this concluding Chapter we derive the key policy implications, starting with estimates of the multi-dimensional impact of outages on small firms in the manufacturing sector. 9.1 IMPACT OF OUTAGES The estimated impact of outages on small-scale units from the survey are summarised below: (i) Outages, on the average, occur for 30 per cent of the time available during normal working hours. During these outages about 60 per cent of the output is lost, prior to adjustments. Following adjustments, the permanent loss of output due to outages is 9 per cent. This implies an over 36 per cent reduction in profitability. The outage cost per kwh works out as Rs 51 per kwh (53 cents per kwh). This is similar to the magnitude derived by earlier studies in Pakistan. (ii) Total employment in the small-scale industrial sector, according to the Labor Force Survey for 2010-11 by the PBS, was about 3.7million. With a lower output of 9 per cent and an employment elasticity of 0.8, the employment level in small-scale manufacturing in the absence of outages would have been higher by about 266,000. (iii) The impact on exports is fortunately not very large because only a minor proportion of small industrial units are engaged directly in exporting. (iv) According to the Pakistan Economic Survey, the annual growth rate of value added in small-scale manufacturing has been assumed to be as high as 7.5 per cent during the last five years, when the overall GDP growth rate has on average been only 3 per cent. The survey reveals that the growth rate of this sector is likely to be between 3.5 per cent and 4.5 per cent. With a share of 5% of the sector in the GDP, it appears that the GDP of Pakistan in 2011-12 has probably been overstated by about Rs 128 billion. Accordingly, the revised estimate of the size of the small-scale manufacturing is Rs 525 billion as compared to the estimate in PES of Rs 653 billion. (v) Within small-scale industry, the cost of outages appears to be the highest in Sindh province; in textiles, apparel and leather industry and in continuous process units as shown in Table 9.1. Gives the relatively low level of output, the outage cost as a percentage of the value of production emerges the highest in Balochistan. 44 9.2 AFFORDABILITY OF POWER TARIFFS The total costs of electricity consumption, that is, the costs of public supply and of outage costs, as a percentage of the value of production are given in Table 9.1. On average, these costs aggregate to 12 per cent, with a share of outage costs in these costs of 44 per cent. According to the Census of Manufacturing (CMI) of 2005-06, the share of electricity cost in value of production, for industry as a whole, was about 3 per cent only, during the period when there were no outages. As such, the costs of energy have gone up sharply both due to escalation in tariffs and in the presence of outages. It is clear that small-scale units now have very limited affordability of further enhancement in tariffs. Already, profits are down by over 36 per cent in relation to the potential profits in the absence of outages, a further reduction in profits could lead to the closure of a large number of small units and displacement of many more workers. Table 9.1 Total Costs of Electricity Consumption as a percentage of the Value of Production (000 Rs) Value of Production Electric Cost A. B. C. LOCATION Punjab Lahore Faisalabad Other Cities Sindh Karachi Other Cities K-PK Balochistan INDUSTRY Food, Beverages & Tobacco Textiles & Apparel Wood & Wood Product Fabricated Metal Products Others PROCESS Continuous Process Batch-Making TOTAL Electricity Cost as Per Cent of Value of Production of public supply Total Cost of Outages Total Cost (at current prices) 312 399 259 252 602 590 626 307 217 227 245 195 227 519 418 721 321 88 539 644 454 479 1121 1008 1347 628 305 4359 3649 5354 4497 8927 6749 13285 6333 1178 12.4 17.6 8.5 10.7 12.6 14.9 10.1 9.9 25.9 461 376 837 7224 11.6 381 269 306 322 294 246 224 267 675 515 530 589 4922 6592 4621 4448 13.7 7.8 11.5 13.2 609 341 366 414 281 293 1023 622 659 6256 5351 5435 16.3 11.6 12.1 45 9.3 COMPETITIVE DISADVANTAGE OF SMALL UNITS The high incidence of outages has placed small-scale units at an even greater competitive disadvantage with respect to large-scale units in the same industry. This is highlighted in Table 9.2 which compares the impact of laodshedding by size of unit. While the relevant magnitudes for small-scale units are taken from the survey carried out as part of this study, the corresponding numbers for large-scale units are extracted from IPP (2009). Table 9.2 Comparison of the Impact of Loadshedding by Size of Industrial Unit Cost of Loadshedding Per cent of time lost due to loadshedding a (%) Per cent of output lost that is recovered (%) Per cent of output lost (%) Cost of loadshedding as per cent of Value Added (%) Fall in profitability (%) Incidence of Loadshedding and Adjustments thereof Annual hours of Loadshedding (hrs) Per cent of units with Generators (%) Per cent of units making some adjustment (%) a including restart times b n.e. = not estimated c excluding multiplier effects *from IPP Annual Review of 2009 Large-Scale Industrial Sector (2008)* Small-Scale Industrial Sector (2012) 20 60 6 9 n.e. b 30 60 9 13 36 2023 75 84 2623 68 78 It appears that not only is the incidence of outages higher in the case of small units but also the extent of recovery of output through adjustments is less. Consequently, the burden of outage costs as a percentage of value added is higher. This is probably one of the reasons why a large proportion of public limited companies continue to enjoy high level of corporate profits, at a time when the economy is growing slowly. This has resulted in a boom in the stock market. The equity implications of displacement of production by small-scale units are serious. Not only does this imply less inclusive growth but also the emergence of quasi-monopolistic elements in the economy. Perhaps the time has come to consider ‘life-line’ charges for small-scale industrial units of the type offered to domestic consumers. 46 9.4 INVESTMENT IN GENERATORS The cost-benefit ratio of investment in Table 9.3 Benefit-Cost Ratio* of Self-Generation Benefit-Cost Ratio generators is high. For small-scale units, this ratio is high at 3.7 as given in Table 9.3. But despite this high ratio, one-thirds of the units have not invested in self-generation and the extent of substitution of the conventional power source by those who have generators is only about one half. Therefore, the scope for self-generation is about three times the INDUSTRY Food, beverages and tobacco Textiles and Apparel Wood and Wood Products Fabricated Metal Products Other Industries PROCESS Continuous-Process Batch-Making Total * 2.2 4.6 4.8 3.0 2.3 4.3 3.6 3.7 present level. This probably a reflection of inability of small firms to self-finance the acquisition of generators (with appropriate capacity) and/or because of imperfections in the capital market, whereby small firms have limited access to bank credit and face high interest rates in the informal sector. As such, there is a strong case for increasing the access to institutional credit through the offering of a special package for purchase of small generators. International agencies could provide special support in this area. It needs to be emphasised that this is not an efficient solution. There are significant economies of scale in the use of generators. A multitude of small generators would imply higher costs of adjustment to outages. But this outcome is better than the high idle factor costs that would result in the absence of such an adjustment. At the minimum, it is suggested that the present tariff structure on imported generators be reduced. Table 9.4 Proposed Tariff Structure on Imported Generators (Percent) Description Generating Sets HS Code (diesel or semi-diesel engines) with: 8502.1110 Capacity < 5 KVA 8502.1120 5 KVA to 20 KVA 8502.1130 20 KVA to 50 KVA Source: Customs Tariff,2012-13, FBR Existing Tariff Proposed Tariff 0 20 20 0 5 10 The precise nature of the proposal is given in table 9.4. It appears that in the presence of extremely high and persistent levels of loadshedding and inadequate response by the power sector, second best solutions may have to be adopted to reduce the associated outage costs. 47 9.5 LOAD MANAGEMENT STRATEGY The survey of small-scale industrial units has provided valuable insights on the optimal load management strategy to minimize the costs of outages as follows: a) Priority must be given for uninterrupted supply to continuous process units where outage costs are higher. b) For the same level of outages (in terms of time lost), outages of shorter duration impose lower costs and long outages should be avoided. c) There is a case for reducing off-peak tariffs to facilitate changes in timing daily of production activities, especially by firms which have low labor costs in relation to costs of power consumption. d) Seasonal variation in tariffs may also be contemplated so that lower tariffs are charged in the winter season, when electricity demand currently is relatively low. e) Distribution companies may consider the setting up of extension services, especially for small firms, to enable them to find ways to conserve energy and to make the right kinds of adjustments to outages. In addition, the respondants have made a host of suggestions, which have been listed in Chapter 7. In conclusion, the survey of small-scale units has revealed the difficult situation that these entities face in the presence of the high level of loadshedding. As such, along with the strategy to reduce outage costs in the face of a given quantum of loadshedding, efforts have to be made to reduce sharply the level of loadshedding. The returns to the economy of reducing outages are very large. If the marginal cost of providing electricity through the public system is Rs 12 per kwh and the saving in outage cost is Rs 51 per kwh, as estimated from the survey, then the benefit cost ratio is as high as 4.2. Measures of the type recommended above will have to be adopted on a top priority basis if the interests of thousands of small entrepreneurs and millions of workers are to be protected. Their voices are seldom heard currently in the corridors of power. 48 TECHNICAL ANNEXURE FIRM BEHAVIOR IN THE PRESENCE OF OUTAGES We make the assumption that the firm is ‘small’ and competitive Input and Output Markets. We designate the following variables: p = exogenously given price of output w = wage rate r = cost of capital The firm is a profit maximising agent We also have variables related to outages as follows: π = proportion of time lost due to outages π = proportion recovery through adjustments CA = Cost of Adjustments m = consumption of electricity per unit of time π = pf(K,L) [1 – π + ππ ] – wL – rK- CA (π ∈ π) B ππΉ ππ ππΎ =p ππ ππΏ =p ππΎ ………………………………………………………………………..(1) .B – r = 0 ππΉ ππΎ ………………………………………………………………………….(2) .B – w = 0 q = f(K,L)B ππ ππ = p.q.π - = pq - ππ΄πΆ ππΎπ Therefore, ππ΄πΆ ππΎπ . (m π) = 0 .π = 0 …………………………………………………...(3) π ππ΄πΆ π ππΎπ p.[ ] - =0 As such, the probability of i. ii. iii. ππ πππ=0 > 0 depends on the following factors: How high p is. That is the extent to which the market situation is favorable for the firm The electricity intensity of the firm, the lower the intensity the greater the likelihood of the firm making an adjustment The lower the marginal costs of adjustments by the firm to recover output lost. It is also likely that in the long run the firm uses less capital and less labor if B < 1. 49