Amanda Larner- 7th Grade Math Monday CCSS 7.EE.A.1. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients. Lesson Plans: Week of January 20, 2015 Student Objective TSW… Use an area and rectangular array models and then distributive property to write products as sums and sums as products. Mathem atical Practic es MP.6 Precision MP.7 Make use of structure. Lesson Tuesday 7.EE.A.1. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients. TSW… Use an area model to write products as sums and sums as products. MP.3 Construct viable arguments MP.8 Repeated reasoning. Wednesday 7.EE.A.1. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients. TSW… Take a quiz covering lessons 1-4 of Module 3. MP.6 Precision MP.7 Make use of structure. Duty Week: NO Assessm ent Writing Products as Sums and Sums as Products (Module 3, Lesson 3) Example 5/Exercise 4: Model each exercise with a rectangular array. Example 6: Use different lengths to represent ‘s’ in order to come up with expressions with numerical values Closing: What are some of the methods used to write products as sums? In terms of a rectangular array and equivalent expressions, what does the product form represent, and what does the sum form represent? Tic-Tac-Toe Math Review: Due today o Review/grade problems Combining like terms review worksheet; due Wednesday Writing Products as Sums and Sums as Products (Module 3, Lesson 4) Example 1/Exercise 1: Write equivalent expressions using the distributive property. Example 2/Exercise 2: Find lengths of each individual region, so all three regions have the same width. Exercise 3: Writ each sum as a product of two factors Example 3: Independent Practice Example 4: Discussion questions Exercise 4: Partner practice Example 5/Exercise 5: Rewrite expressions in standard form applying the rules for subtracting Closing: What is happening when you take the opposite of a term or factor? Describe the process you used to write an expression in the form of the sum of terms as an equivalent expression in the form of a product of factors. Student Discussions Quiz: Covers lessons 1-4 of Module 3 Problem Solving Task: Due Tuesday, January 19 Individual Student Assessmen t Classwork examples Exit Ticket Homework Problem Set #4-5 Due 1/12 Combining Like Terms Review: Due 1/13 Problem Set #1-7 Odds only Due 1/13 Combining Like Terms Review due today! NONE Thursday Amanda Larner- 7th Grade Math 7.EE.A.1. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients. TSW… Recognize the identity properties of 0 and 1 and the existence of inverses to write equivalent expressions. Lesson Plans: Week of January 20, 2015 MP.3 Construct viable arguments MP.8 Repeated reasoning. Friday 7.EE.A.1. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients. TSW… Rewrite rational number expressions by collecting like terms and combining them by repeated use of the distributive property. MP.3 Construct viable arguments MP.8 Repeated reasoning. Duty Week: NO Using the Identity and Inverse to Write Equivalent Expressions (Module 3, Lesson 5) Opening Exercise: students work independently to rewrite numerical expressions recalling the definitions of opposites and reciprocals. Discussion: In Problem 1, what is the pair of numbers called? What is the sum of a number and its opposite? In Problem 5, what is so special about 0? Example 1/Exercise 1: Write the sum and then write an equivalent expression by collecting like terms and removing parentheses when possible. Example 2: Independent Practice/Discussion Exercise 2: Students work in pairs taking turns being the speaker and write rewriting the expressions. Closing: What are the other terms for opposites and reciprocals, and what are the general rules of their sums and products? What do the Additive Identity Property of Zero and the Multiplicative Identify Property of One state? Collecting Rational Number Like Terms (Module 3, Lesson 6) Opening Exercise: students write and simplify expressions Example 1/Exercise 1: Rewrite the expression in standard form by collecting like terms. Example 2/Exercise 2: Write TWO different expressions that represent the given situation Example 3/Exercise 3: Write each expression in standard form by collecting like terms and justify each step. Example 4/Exercise 4: Rewrite the expression in standard form by finding common denominators and collecting like terms Example 5/Exercise 5 (if time permits): Write the expression in standard form Closing: Jane says combining like terms is much harder to do when the coefficients and constant terms are not integers. Why do you think Jane feels this way? Student work/discu ssion Problem Set #1-4 Due 1/15 Exit Ticket NONE