3rd Grade Math Lesson Plans Date: December 16

3rd Grade Math Lesson Plans
unit 5, Session
1.4: Solving
Problems About
Our Pictures
Unit 5, Session
2.1 and 2.2
Unit 5, Session
2.4 and 2.5
Unit 5, Session
Date: December 16-20, 2013
Anticipatory Set/Hook: teacher will show the “Multiplication” power point.
Go over the multiplication strategies we can use to solve each multiplication problem. Have students work
problems in their math notebooks.
Students will play “Animal Legs” on the laptops with partners (understand & solve multiplication problems).
Students then create their own multiplication word problem on manila paper. They should write out the word
problem, show a picture representation, a multiplication equation, the product, and a written explanation in
complete sentences of how they solved their problem.
Have a few students share their multiplication problem with the class.
We will / Objective: learn and apply multiplication facts using concrete models and objects.
I will /Product/Task: use pictures and patterns to make equal groups and find a product.
Academic Language: multiplication, division, factor, product, quotient, equal groups, array
Assessment: student respsones, SAB unit 5 pages 8 and 9.
Anticipatory Set/Hook: What strategies are most efficient and accurate for solving multiplication problems?
We will / Objective: find the multiples of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 by skip counting
I will /Product/Task: understand the relationship among skip counting, repeated addition and multiplication.
Academic Language: multiplication, division, factor, product, quotient, equal groups, array
Introduce the idea of multiples.
Discuss patterns in the multiplication charts, and differences between rows and columns. Have students begin
filling out multiplication chart.
Students complete SAB pages 11, 12, and 13.
Discuss strategies for finding multiples.
Assessment: student respsones
Anticipatory Set/Hook: Have students skip count around the room using different numbers.
We will / Objective: understand the relationship among skip counting, repeated addition and multiplication.
I will /Product/Task: use known multiplication combinations to determine the product of more difficult combinations.
Academic Language: multiplication, division, factor, product, quotient, equal groups, array
Display SAB p. 14. Ask students to solve and show a strategy for solving their work. Once complete allow
students to discuss with a table partner to share strategies.
Students complete multiplication chart.
Students complete SAB pages 18 and 24
Discuss strategies used to solve story problems.
Assessment: student responses, SAB pages 18 and 24.
We will / Objective: use arrays to model multiplication situations.
I will /Product/Task: use arrays to find factors.
Academic Language: multiplication, division, factor, product, quotient, equal groups, array
Introduce Arranging Chairs/Arrays (see pages 83-86). Allow students to use tiles to “arrange chairs”. See how
many different ways they can make 12.
SAB pg. 16-17. Using grid paper, students will draw an array for each problem to prove their answer.
Students share their arrangements with a shoulder partner and check to ensure that all ways to make their
number are given.
Students complete the “Boxing the Pots” assessment.
Assessment: student responses
We will / Objective: use arrays to model multiplication situations.
I will /Product/Task: use arrays to find factors.
Academic Language: multiplication, division, factor, product, quotient, equal groups, array
Model how to find the factors and product for a given array (could use problems on SAB pg. 18). Have students
work in their math notebooks.
Give each student a product/number. Students will use tiles to find all possible arrays for their number. Then
using grid paper, have students draw the arrays/factors they find for their number, including the dimensions for
Critical Writing: Have students explain how to use arrays to model multiplication.
Assessment: student responses