Chapter 28
Fixed or
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Learning Objectives
 Describe the differing impacts of fixed and
flexible exchange rates on international
trade, international investment, and
resource allocation.
 Discuss how the macroeconomic responses
to foreign and domestic shocks are
influenced by the exchange rate system in
 Explain the advantages and disadvantages
of a currency board.
 Compare and contrast the strengths and
weaknesses of exchange rate systems that
combine elements of both fixed and flexible
exchange rates.
Do Fixed or Flexible
Exchange Rates Provide
Greater “Discipline?”
 Some argue for fixed exchange rates:
• As we’ve seen, with a fixed rate system,
there should be no tendency for greater
inflation in one country than in the world
as a whole.
• The “vicious circle hypothesis”: flexible
exchange rate systems may aggravate
inflationary tendencies.
 Suppose a country has high inflation because
of excess supply of money.
 If the exchange rate is flexible it will
depreciate; this adds to aggregate demand and
worsens inflation.
Do Fixed or Flexible
Exchange Rates Provide
Greater “Discipline?”
 In response the following have been
• The inflation is a signal to monetary
authorities to reduce Ms – with fixed
exchange rates this signal may not be
• Is the alleged discipline of a fixed
exchange rate system really desirable?
There may be other goals (such as
generation of employment and economic
growth) that may have to be sacrificed in
a fixed system.
Would Fixed or Flexible
Exchange Rates Provide
Greater Growth in Trade and
 Some argue for fixed exchange rates:
• Flexible exchange rates vary – this
introduces risk into trade decisions.
• Hedging options exist, but these are
• Foreign direct investment may be less
under flexible exchange rates due to
exchange rate risk.
 This means that world resource allocation may
be sub-optimal under flexible exchange rates.
Would Fixed or Flexible
Exchange Rates Provide
Greater Growth in Trade and
 In response the following have been
• If there is exchange rate risk, FDI may
occur more frequently, rather than
producing at home and exporting.
• Under fixed rate systems, dealing with
BOP deficits requires internal
macroeconomic adjustments (e.g.,
contracting national income) that many
countries have been unwilling to tackle.
Would Fixed or Flexible
Exchange Rates Provide
Greater Efficiency in
Resource Allocation?
 Some argue for fixed exchange rates:
• With fluctuating exchange rates there are
constantly changing incentives to
• A depreciation induces labor and capital
to flow into the tradeable goods sector
and out of the nontradeable goods sector.
• An appreciation has the opposite effect.
• This may create waste, since factors are
temporarily displaced and workers may
need to be retrained.
Would Fixed or Flexible
Exchange Rates Provide
Greater Efficiency in
Resource Allocation?
 In response the following have been
• Efficient resource allocation depends on
not fixing prices such as the exchange
rate – economic agents react optimally
when prices reflect true scarcity values.
• Fixed exchange rate systems require that
resources be tied up in the form of
international reserves – flexible exchange
rate systems don’t.
Is Policy More Effective at
Influencing National Income
Under Fixed or Flexible
 Argument for fixed exchange rates:
• Fiscal policy is largely ineffective under a
flexible exchange rate system.
• Fiscal policy can be very effective under a
fixed exchange rate system.
Is Policy More Effective at
Influencing National Income
Under Fixed or Flexible
 In response the following have been
• Monetary policy is more effective in a
flexible exchange rate system.
• Flexible rate systems allow monetary and
fiscal policies to be directed solely
towards attainment of internal goals.
Will Destabilizing
Speculation in Exchange
Markets Be Greater Under
Fixed or Flexible Systems?
 Argument for fixed exchange rates:
• When a currency depreciates, speculators
may project this forward and decide their
best strategy is to sell the currency,
thereby worsening the depreciation.
• When a currency appreciates, speculators
may project this forward and decide their
best strategy is to buy the currency,
thereby worsening the appreciation.
Will Destabilizing Speculation
in Exchange Markets Be
Greater Under Fixed or
Flexible Systems?
 In response the following have been
• Speculative purchases may in fact be
• Fixed rate systems may actually invite
speculation if central banks are unable to
enforce ceiling and floor limits.
Will Countries Be Better
Protected from External
Shocks Under Fixed or
Flexible Systems?
 Argument for flexible exchange rates:
• Business cycles may be transmitted from
one country to another under fixed
exchange systems.
• This may be less likely under a flexible
system, since the exchange rate helps
mitigate the transmission.
Fixed vs. Flexible
 Most countries relied on fixed
exchange rate systems in the 1950s
and 1960s.
 There has been a movement since
1973 toward more flexible systems.
 There are some hybrid systems,
Currency Boards
 A relatively new arrangement that is
a form of fixed exchange system has
emerged – the currency board.
 A currency board is a monetary
authority that is allowed to issue
domestic currency that can be
exchanged for a foreign currency (the
“anchor”) at a fixed exchange rate.
 The currency board is not allowed to
change the monetary base.
 Governments cannot monetize budget
deficits under this system.
Currency Boards:
 Convertibility is ensured.
 Macroeconomic discipline is
instilled – currency boards cannot
finance budget deficits, so
governments must either maintain
budgetary discipline or borrow from
the public.
 A guaranteed payment adjustment
mechanism is provided, increasing
confidence in the system.
Currency Boards:
Advantages (cont’d)
 Greater confidence in the system
promotes higher rates of
 trade,
 investment, and
 growth.
Currency Boards:
 The seigniorage problem
 Currency boards earn interest on
foreign currency holdings, but those
holdings could have been used to make
investments at home.
 The difference in yield could represent
a loss.
 The startup problem
 It’s not easy to gather enough reserve
currency to back the monetary base
Currency Boards:
 The transition problem
 The local currency may become
overvalued in a high inflation economy.
 The fixed exchange rate will eventually
bring inflation under control – how long
will the transition last?
 The adjustment problem
 It’s costly to correct BOP imbalances –
adjustments would be automatic under
a flexible rate system.
 The management problem
 The normal monetary policy tools are
off the table.
Currency Boards:
 The crisis problem
 The currency board cannot serve as the
lender of last resort, so banking crises
may be difficult to head off.
 The political problem
 Will the government actually balance
its budget? Currency boards have no
authority to force them to do so.
 The monetary sovereignty problem
 The normal monetary policy tools are
off the table – the “anchor” economy
may have much influence.
Optimum Currency Areas
 An optimum currency area is an area
that has fixed exchange rates among
member countries, but flexible
exchange rates with external trading
 For example, the European Union
fixed exchange rates among 11
countries beginning in 1999.
 Optimum currency areas may make
macroeconomic policy more effective
and assist with BOP adjustments.
Optimum Currency Areas
 Relatively open countries may do
better with a fixed exchange rate.
 Relatively closed economies may do
better with flexible exchange rates.
 Therefore, open economies that have
a high degree of factor mobility
between them may be the best
candidates for an optimum currency
Hybrid Systems
 Several arrangements attempt to
incorporate the attractive features of
each exchange rate system while
minimizing the unattractive features.
 Examples include
 wider bands,
 crawling pegs, and
 managed floating.
Wider Bands
 Basic idea: let exchange rates vary
around parity values to a much
greater extent (say 10% instead of
 Some BOP adjustment can take place
via changes in the exchange rate.
 Still, if countries have consistently
different inflation rates, the system
will break down.
 There will be additional risks from
exchange rate fluctuations that aren’t
present with a fixed system.
Crawling Pegs
 Basic idea: allow small variation
around parity, but adjust the parity
value regularly.
 That is, periodically devalue or
revalue according to circumstances.
 In principle, the ceilings and floors
may instill some monetary discipline.
 However, a major change in the BOP
position due to an external or
external shock may require major
changes in the exchange rate.
Managed Floating
 Basic idea: some interference with
exchange rate movements are
permitted, but the intervention is
discretionary on the part of the
central bank.
 That is, there are no announced rules
or guidelines, but monetary
authorities intervene when they judge
it to be in the country’s best
 However, without any rules nations
may be working at cross-purposes.