General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: LOGFRAME FOR 2010-2015 (2013 Institutional Development Plan) STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Student Development Issues/ Concerns Identify board exams that need improvement Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 110% of the national OVERALL AVE PASSING PERCENTAGE DENT - 100% MT – 81.44% SE – 70% CRIM – 60.21% BSED – 56.26% ARCH – 50% CPA – 47.22% CE – 45.17% BEED – 44.94% NUR – 33.74% ECE – 29.26% LAW – 12.79% OVERALL UB % 55.22% NATIONAL – 46.33% BOARD PERFORMANCE VS NATIONAL 103.75% COMPLIED 116.14% COMPLIED 128.94% COMPLIED 196.34% COMPLIED 197.49% COMPLIED 96.18% 107.28% 124.64% COMPLIED 231.31% COMPLIED 82.55% 72.71% 40.05% 2013 102.01% 115.81% 72.03% 211.58% 177.03% 98.50% 166.03% 74.75% 178.32% 82.93% 95.68% UB VS NAT - UB VS NAT 121.39% complied 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Crafted policy: * Call Back System * Improving Performance in Government /Entrance Examination Institutionali zed policies approved by the Academic Council - (1) Graduates Who Do Not Take The General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 UB VS NAT – 119.17% 2012-2013 121.39% complied FIRST TIMERS DENT – 100% MT – 94% SE – 87.50% CRIM – 77.77% BSED – 75.60% ARCH – 78.57% CPA – 80.00% CE – 55.65% BEED – 88.89% NURSING – Call back data (Unsuccessful examinees for 2007 onwards): Nursing – 6% Education – 71% Criminology – 53% Med. Tech. –20% MT – 3/5 SEA – 7/26 CRIM – 12/48 BSED – 2/3 CPA – 1/1 NUR - 6/48 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Board/Bar Exams After Graduation And NonEducation Graduates Taking The L.E.T. (2) Incentives For Board/Bar Performance –Overall, Fresh Graduates And Sustaining 100% Passing Rate (3) Call Back System For unsuccessful examinees ESE AND General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 49.02% ECE – 7.15% LAW – 18.75% 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS ARCH Clustered mockboard exams will be given to 3rd & 4th year students to determine their weaknesses. Intervention will be integrated in their review classes. Review and mockboards for ARCH will be integrated in Design 10 since there is no separate General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS review subject. SE students will be required to join the CE review classes and mock board for the common subjects of CE and SE. Separate review classes and mock board will be conducted for the SE subjects only. General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Monitoring and Evaluation of Student Performance Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ TIMELINE Activities/ Projects Continue to Year-round provide instruction that accommodate s a diversity of student learning styles RESOURCES Human Deans/P rincipals , Program Chairs/S ubject Heads/Y ear level coordina tors A. STATUS/Targets Nonhuman 20072010 Psycholo gical Test Materials ; Periodica l Exam Results Schools: 11.19% Basic Ed: 100% 2011-2012 CEM – diagnostic test, IQ, OTISLENNON Self-Administering Test, UB Made test, SLU-General Intelligence Test, SLU-Verbal Intelligence Test, Differential Aptitude Test, Engineering and Physical Aptitude Test. George Washington University Series, 16 Personality Factor Test, Flanagan Aptitude Classification Test, Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices. Not institutionalized. No periodic implementation. 2012-2013 2013 Procured 100% the following test titles for SY 2012-2013 -16 Personality Factors - Culture Fair Intelligence Test Scale 3 -Differential Aptitude Test 5thed - George Washington University SeriesEngineering and Physical Sciences Aptitude Test - SRA Verbal -George Washington 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Complied • Institutionali zed Policy on Testing approved by the Academic Council • CCSD to consolidate per subject the battery test results given to deans of different schools– e.g. Math, English – then furnish the concerned G.E. Subject Heads for proper actions General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 University SeriesNursing Aptitude Test -Personality Inventory for Youth Institutional Testing for Graduating Students:20 12-13 First Sem/ Second Sem BAA-73.20% / 84.91% Eng’g&Archi -67.77%/IT100%/45.56 % SLAHS88.89%/Nursing- 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS • CCSD to consider institutionali zing giving battery tests also to 2nd or 3rd years (not just the graduating) for schools to have more time to do interventions if needed based on results UBLES Teachers lessons include learning experiences that address needs of diverse learners General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 83.33%/CJPS100%/97.56 % Dentistry68%/Nat Sci57.58%/100 % IHTM-85%/Teacher Ed95%/82.26 % Total57.63%/27. 70% Contract of Agreement # of students under COA First sem/Second sem Eng’g&Archi - 39/105 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Remedial lessons, peer tutoring were provided to help pupils having difficulties with their subjects Supplemente d classroom teaching with relevant activities Documented students’ learning using portfolio and appropriate type of scoring rubrics Pupils’ General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 IT- 60/65 Nat Sci-0/1 Dentistry3/7 Nursing31/28 Law Enforcemen t-0/0 BAA- 24/20 IHTM- 17/0 SLAHS- 0/0 Teacher Ed0/0 Total174/226 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS portfolio, assessment tools & rubrics Lesson Plans, Work plans, Accomplishm ent reports, grading sheets, report cards, CEM test results School Calendar of Activities, Certificates of Participation, Evaluation Tool and Report, Monitoring Reports, Activity Proposal/Wo rk Plans General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Conduct special trainings for possible entries to higher competitions RESOURCES TIMELINE Year-round Human Deans/P rincipals , Program Chairs/S ubject Heads/Y ear level coordina tors, SB, Coaches , OSA, MAP, Finance Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 Guideline 100% s for local competiti ons Guideline s on the financial assistanc e to students joining internati onal competiti ons 2011-2012 SPAS, Clubs for Elem, integrated in the curriculum requirements, hands-on trainings, internal periodic selection, engaging experts and resources from other schools 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Academic Council approved POLICY ON FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO STUDENTS JOINING COMPETITIO N UBLES Enhanced basic skills of pupils in speaking, reading, writing and mathematics through classroom activities General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Relevant and appropriate activities for the different clubs were conducted during club meetings Trainings and seminarworkshops were conducted like Journalism and broadcasting ; art seminarworkshop Enhanced pupils’ talents on speech presentation s and other oral General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS presentation s; singing, dancing, and acting through literary and musical competitions Create stronger industry tieups to enhance employability of graduates Year-round Deans, Linkages Office, CCSD, Alumni Affairs MOA/M OU From 185 to 219 18.4% increase Continuo usly sending students to local and internati From 219 to 251 (14.61%) From 251 to 285 (13.55%) 25% increase MOA, MOU General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS onal OJTs Strengthen the tutorial program to help students having difficulties with their subjects/cour se Year-round Deans/P rincipals , Program Chairs/S ubject Heads/Y ear level coordina tors, Academi c Scholars , CCSD Review/ Instructio nal Materials Constant consultat ion with instructo rs, remedial classes, peer tutorial SNS - 36/36 SD – 15/15 SN –51/51 SCJPS – 16/20 SEA – 12/40 STE – 17/17 IHTM – 40/50 SIT –23/23 SBAA – 23/23 UBLES – 19/19 UBHS – 26/26 UBSHS – 24/26 SLAHS – 47/47 = 88.80% OF COMPLIANC E Constant consultation with instructors, remedial classes, peer tutorial consultati on forms consultati on hours of faculty Case study output of students Peer tutorial conducted through case study Mentoring of students Academic Council approved POLICY ON CONSULT ATION, PEER TUTORIAL AND REMEDIAL General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS CLASSES Improvement on test taking analysis and exposure Administratio n of psychological examination/ battery of tests to correct identified weaknesses June & October (yearly) Students Psycholo , CCSD, gical Test Deans/P Materials rincipals Semestra l. CEM – diagnostic test, IQ, OTISLENNON Self-Administering Test, UB Made test, SLU-General Intelligence Test, SLU-Verbal Intelligence Test, Differential Aptitude Test, Engineering and Physical Aptitude Test. George Washington University Series, 16 Personality Factor Test, Flanagan Aptitude Classification Test, Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices. CSC Exam, Teacher’s Aptitude Test (TAP) Not institutionalized. No periodic implementation. CSC EXAM–14/107 Compliedplease check foregoing data on psychologic al test purchase and institutional testing accomplish ment report UBMAT total number of examinees1,571 *data interpretati on and summary ongoing Semestral UBMAT total number of examinees1,571 *data interpretation and summary ongoing Increased • Student Institutionali Performa zed Policy on nce Testing approved by the Academic Council •CCSD to consolidate per subject the battery test results given to deans of different schools– e.g. Math, English – then furnish the concerned G.E. Subject Heads for proper General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS actions • CCSD to consider institutionali zing giving battery tests also to 2nd or 3rd years (not just the graduating) for schools to have more time to do interventions if needed based on results UBLES Pupils exposure to examinations (major examinations , CEM for grades 1 to 6 pupils, General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS UBSHQT and NAT for graduating pupils); review prior to and after the examinations were conducted Improved teacher made test materials Civil Service review Active participation on relevant and meaningful curricular, cocurricular activities Conduct periodic evaluation of every student activity Year-round Deans/P rincipals , Program Chairs/S ubject Heads/Y ear level coordina Honorari a of participa nts SB Funds Complied - 33 co-curricular and extra-curricular activities administered by OSA -Evaluation of every student activity is conducted - No scheduled presentation of the results - No action plan - Narrative report of SB officers; lacks discussion of the results 22 cocurricular activities administere d by OSA Evaluated 10 Academic Council Approved POLICY ON COCURRICULAR ACTIVITIES SNS >OSA to General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human tors, SB, Coaches , OSA, MAP, Finance Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 Cocurricular 19 Curricular – 5 Evaluated – 9/24 SN Cocurricular 4 Curricular– 20 Evaluated – 13/24 SBAA Cocurricular – 1 Curricular – 10 Evaluated – 11/11 UBHS Co- 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS periodically present consolidated evaluation results to the Academic Council after every activity UBLES Structured the selection of relevant and meaningful curricular, co-curricular Activities General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 curricular – 7 Curricular – 6 Evaluated – 7/13 SIT Cocurricular – 8 Curricular – 10 Evaluated – 18/18 STE Cocurricular – 59 Curricular – 6 Evaluated – 65/65 SLAHS Cocurricular – 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 4 Curricular – 6 Evaluated – 1/10 UBLES Cocurricular and Curricular – 8 Evaluated – 6/8 SEA Cocurricular 17 Curricular – 11 Evaluated – 28/28 SCJPS Cocurricular - 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 15 Curricular – 0 Evaluated – 8/15 UBSHS Cocurricular 7 Curricular – 6 Evaluated – 13 /13 IHTM Cocurricular 17 Curricular – 21 Evaluated – 32 /38 Total Cocurricular 188 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Curricular – 101 Evaluated – 221/289 Compliance with the passing grade Improvement of the Selective Retention Policy On-going Deans/P rincipals , Program Chairs/S ubject Heads/Y ear level coordina tors, CCSD, Admissi ons Office, OSA, CDC Complied Complied 100% compliance UBLES Basis are the final grades of pupils Recommend ations for academic skills enhancemen t to those pupils with failed subjects or having difficulty coping in their subjects Grading sheets, class records, UBLES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Zero deficiency Policy Job Placement of Graduates Institutionaliz e Alumni Tracers, monitoring and assessment mechanism RESOURCES TIMELINE On-going Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 Deans/P rincipals , Program Chairs/S ubject Heads/Y ear level coordina tors, CCSD, Admissi ons Office, OSA, CDC Complied Complied Complied Deans/P rincipals , Program Chairs/S ubject Heads/Y ear level coordina On-going Alumni Tracer - 80 % of the ROGs are uploaded to the system (2007 to 2011 ROGs are completely uploaded and 2006 are partly uploaded) 2007 – 2012 - 100% uploaded Continuo us benchma rking, UBOAMS participat ion in job Job Fair Attendance of Graduating fairs, call Students Job Fair March 21, 2013-UB Gym 2013 Job 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Student Handbook >HRMC to include in scholars’ orientation the policy on scholars’ grades in PE/NSTP; institutionali ze policy on scholars’ grades UB OAMS Send letters to HR of BLIST companies and government agencies to General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human tors Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 back system, e-mailing of graduate s’ contact numbers to compani es 2011-2012 SOD – 100% SNS – 100% STE – 82.69% SLEA – 53.85% SBAA – 52.58% SEA – 35% SIT – 25.25% SLAHS – 12.24% SIHTM – 8.85% SON – 1.10% Total – 20.60% 2012-2013 Fair Attendance of Graduating Students SOD – 0.00/ 0 SNS – 5.70%/ 22 STE – 0.00/ 0 SLEA – 0.52% / 2 SBAA – 10.62%/ 41 SEA – 8.55%/ 33 SIT – 12.18%/ 47 SLAHS – 6.22%/ 24 SIHTM – 42.49%/ 164 SON – 0.00 /0 Total – 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS trace employment of UB graduates Disseminate d Job Fair to alumni and graduating students. Emailed job opportunitie s to graduates Submitted list of graduates with their contact information to companies Endorsed graduates / graduating General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 100% 386 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS students to companies Posted job opportunitie s in Facebook – SIT Group STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Faculty/Staff Development Upgrade Faculty/Staff qualification and competence Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Implementati on of relevant faculty/Staff Development RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Year-round Deans/P rincipals , Heads of Offices, Faculty and Staff, HRMC Nonhuman Venue A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 PhD Tertiary 42 (12%) Law - 2 (7%) Basic Ed –0 Masters Tertiary - 2011-2012 Tertiary Doctorate – 10.5% - 13% Masters – 52% - 56% 2012-2013 Doc -13% MA – 56% Basic Ed Doctorate – 0% Masters – 28.5% - 33% LAW Doctorate – 7% Masters – 10% - 7% B. EVIDENCES 2013 2015 90% PhD holders among those who have masters on 2007-2010 100% PhD holders among those who have masters on 20072010 Feedbac k Masters MOA MA – 33% 75% Masters degree Evaluati on Report Office Files General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 165 (46%) Law - 6 (19%) Basic Ed 18 (27%) Participation / Year-round attendance in seminars/ conferences/ professional organization Set targets and provide incentive scheme for faculty and staff enrolled in the Graduate School Year-round Deans/P rincipals , Heads of Offices, Faculty and Staff Deans/P rincipals , Heads of Offices, Faculty and Staff Honorari a of Resource Speaker 1,138 seminars and trainings have been attended by faculty and employe es 50% of contractu al faculty and probatio nary staff are enrolled in Graduate 2012-2013 MA-7% 720 seminars and trainings have been attended by faculty and employees 2013 2015 holders among those non-masters on 2007-2010 degree holders 100% aligned with their teaching area. External 348 Total - 944 82/92 – contractual 89% enrolled in graduate school program CBA Activity Reports Work plans HRMC Files Internal– 596 95% enrolled in graduate school program B. EVIDENCES 75% Masters degree holder and permanent faculty among those contractual employees on 2007-2010 100% of faculty have finished Graduate studies and made permane nt status. Academi c Council Propose d POLICY ON CAREER MANAG EMENT PROGRA M FOR VPS, DEANS AND General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 programs . Enhancement of Management Engagement Institutionalize Faculty Industry Immersion Link effectively with industry and professional and similar Year-round Deans/P rincipals , Heads of Offices 9 9 executive development programs institutio nalize Manage ment programs and trainings (e.g Sustainab ility Imperativ e and Executive Develop ment) career pathing is partially approved Year-round Deans/P rincipals , Heads of Offices, Faculty 50% faculty industry linkages and immersio 8 total no. of faculty with industry immersion 11 total no. of faculty with industry immersion 2013 (100% master’s degree aligned in 2014) 100% implementati on of institutional program 75% faculty industry linkages and immersion 2015 100% impleme ntation of institutio nal program 100% faculty industry linkages and immersio B. EVIDENCES DIRECTO RS and (2) newly crafted evaluati on tool for Graduat e School faculty Academic Council proposed POLICY ON INDUSTRY IMMERSION General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects sectors to close the gap between the quality of graduates with the requirement of industry through some bridging programs. RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Pre-retirement preparation Formulation of the Preretirement Program June 2010 Faculty Wellness Conduct Rollout segmented seminars implementati on of the Year-round A. STATUS/Targets Nonhuman 20072010 and Staff, HRMC, Manage rs of Industri es/ Compan ies n Funding RETRO Retirees Empower ment Transitio n and Responsi veness Orientati on 5 Institutio nal Wellness Programs (e.g. Deans/P rincipals , Heads of Offices, Faculty 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 n RETRO - Retirees Empowerment Transition and Responsiveness Orientation RETRO program was drafted 5 faculty and staff wellness programs UBLES Physical Wellness – Taebo/Danc e Workout B. EVIDENCES OF FACULTY UBLES Physical wellness among UBLES Faculty was conducted once in every two weeks if not once a week; UB Olympics participation General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects identified Roll-out UB CHECK RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman and Staff, HRMC, Resourc e Speaker s A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 ONE-P, CTP) 2013 2015 Emotional Wellness – Balancing the “I” B. EVIDENCES Emotional Wellness – Balancing the I” Faculty wellness program was drafted STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Quality Assurance Issues/ Concerns Quest for COD/COE/IQUA ME/ Autonomous Status Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Compliance to requirements of the accrediting bodies RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Year-round Academi c and Adminis trative Council, Committ ee Chairper sons A. STATUS/Targets Nonhuman 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 Facilities, Records, Funds, Venues Complied with PACUCO A standard s S.E (COD); Crim (COE) Maintain Autonomous Status is March 11, 2009 until March 30, 2014 Autonomou s Status will expire May 2014 Increase of COD/COE; Attain IQUAME (At); Maintain Autonomous Status Increase of COD/COE ; Attain IQUAME (Ar); Maintain Autonom ous Status B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS RENEWAL OF AUTONOMO US STATUS 2014 HEIS that meet any of the singular criteria (70%) a.At least 5 General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 Autonom ous Status Upgrading of accreditation levels Sustain quality in all areas of accreditation All member s of the Academ e 11 accredite d programs LA – Level III BEED- Level III BSED – Level III BSBA – Level III Dent – Level III CE – Level II 2ndReacc HRM – Level II 2ndReacc Crim – Level II 2ndReacc MT – Level II 2ndReacc CS – Level I Elem – Level I UBSHS – Candidate Status UBHS – Candidate Status 13 accredited programs Institution with the highest number of accredited programs BAA – Level IV LA – Level IV BEED – Level IV BSED – Level IV CS – Level II HRM – Level II 2ndReacc MedTech – Level II 2ndReacc Crim – Level II 2ndReacc Dent – Level III Elem – Level Increase the number and level of Accredited Programs Increase the number and level of Accredite d Programs HRM CRIM B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS programs are currently identified as COEs b. At least 4 programs have Level IV accreditati ons c. At least 6 programs have Level III accreditati on d. The HEI has an IQUAME category A® Research University Sustainability and Viability General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 BSACC and BST are scheduled for visit this April FAPE recertified 2012-2013 I UBSHS – Candidate Status UBHS – Candidate Status 12 accredited programs Institution with the highest number of accredited programs Accountanc y and Tourism scheduled for preliminary visit this July 24-26, 2013 FAPE re- 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS of Operations (30%) a. State ment of Profit and loss reflec ts the instit ution’ s capab ility to sustai n opera tions (8%) b. Enrol ment trend show s General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 certification visit Rationalization of Policies Formulate/Ra tionalization of Policies All member s of the Academ e Formulat Memo issued by the Vice Presidents ed Admin 64, No Operating policy manual (For Manual Academic Council) CCSD Policy Manual copyright 2012 OSA Policy Manual LARC Policy and Operations Manual MIS Policy Manual R&DC Finance Policy Manual ARC Continuous revisiting of policy Number of Policies develope d/formul ated/imp lemented B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS conti nuou s incre ase. Other wise, if ever decre ase is show n, it is withi n the 5 to 10% accep table range unles s the instit ution volun tarily opted to General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 Other Offices Selective Retention Policy Benchmark with grade retention policies of other schools Improved Scaffolding Government/En the in-house Deans/P rincipals , Program Chairs/S ubject Heads/Y ear level coordina tors, CCSD, Faculty member s, Review Center, Admissi on Center Complied Student Handbook New Retention Policy per School Complied Academi c and Complied ELEMENTARY 32% of 116 grad. Passed the UB UBLES results 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS scale down its enrol ment (8%) c. Enrol ment and admis sion polici es are in line with instit ution’ s Vision , Missi on and Goals (8%) Administrativ e General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns trance Examination Performance Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects reviews RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Adminis trative Council, EXECOM Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 Science HS Qualifying Exam; 10.81% of the passers are qualified for University Scholar; 43.24% for Departmental Scholar; and 45.96% as wait listed. Science High Qualifying Exam Results SHQT: University scholar-2 Department al Scholar-8 Wait Listed9 Failed-65 Total # of examinees84 19 of the 84 UBSHQT examinees passed UBSHS NAT RESULT – 112/116(96.55%), Board exam Comprehensive exam, clinical lab science exam, diagnostic exam, English proficiency, use of table of specs-prc and ched, mock exams, stick to 70% passing, simulation Not Complied – declined Basic Ed NAT Results not yet 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Competence a. Top admi nistra tors shoul d be educa tional ly qualif ied (6%) General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS available Student/Faculty /Institutional Recognitions/ Citations Sustain and Year-round increase winnings/reco gnitions UBAFI, Deans/P rincipals , CCSD, Linkage Sustained National and International Awards of Students: Non-Academic – 282 Academic – 34 Peraa – 3, outstanding campus journalism adviser, sihtm chefs, pcap awardee PERAA – 2 ACADEMIC Int’l – 4 National – 25 Regional – 9 Local – 56 Culture and the Arts Nat’l – 7 Reg’l – 9 Local – 1 Athletics Int’l – 4 Nat’l – 130 Reg’l – 81 Local – 5 UBLES Conducted comprehensi ve review to graduating pupils one week before the final exams Result of qualified graduates for Science High School Result of National Achievement General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS Test Client Management and Stakeholders satisfaction Orientation of all employees on client management During gen. HRMC, assembly RDC, VPA Year-round Implementati on, monitoring 2ndsem Improved client satisfaction Student box SPS Reports Provision of suggestion box/ satisfaction box General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/ Concerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES/ REMARKS assessment STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Facilities Development Issues/Concern s Provision of functional and operational facilities Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Continuous upgrading and assessment Harmonizatio n and synchronizati on in the use of facilities Maintenance and restoration of facilities Preventive and corrective measures Provision of facilities as RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman Funding Venue A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 SLEA— New Equipment Acquisitions floor plan on the 8th floor was IHTM – supplies and ingredients room, prepared linen room, e-learning lab, new equipment Law— UBSHS – exit stairways, additional transfer computer lab, separate library of Faculty SEA – Material testing lab, learning Room, resource center Law SLAHS – psych lab, e-learning, e-media Library equipment SIT – new computers at RM FA01 SIHTM— SD –25 compound microscopes 70% SNS – 100 compound microscopes SHS— SLEA – 30 new computers, study 80% center, internet lab, SBAA – Simulation rm 2012-2013 2013 Library centennialdone UBLES – improvement of HELE room, provision of function hall, canteen, repair of comfort rooms Swimming Pool PT Lab Generator SBAA Dean’s Office Glass board UBSHS cladding CCSD Psychologic SNS – PT rehab lab; repainting of faculty, class, and lab rooms UBSHS – provision for 2015 B. EVIDENCES Separate generators for buildings A, C & E, F, I & J, kitchen General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/Concern s Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects required by CHED, PACU, etc Zoning requirements Acquisition of relevant, more responsive, globally competitive and standard equipment Integration of health, safety and security concerns in the implementati on of facilities development RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 SIT— 58.33% (new office at UB Square, 4 pcs, 1 printer, internet access through wired and wireless connecti on, emergen cy lights, exhaust fans) UBLES – carpeted library, additional shelves, 50 new computers, new preschool equipment, microscopes UBHS –Computer lab, e-learning lab, separate library, display window for trophies STE – improved avr and music room, new dean’s office, glass bulletin board GS – defense room, dean’s office, LARC – e-review room al testing Room renovation completed first semester AY 2012-13 canteen and satellite clinic, repainting of classrooms, fixing of destroyed blackboards, improvement of ventilation of rooms (I203, J105) SOD 4 Dental Chairs 2 5HP Compressor s Installation of sink in the Dark Room – Infirmary SN: -Painting of the faculty room, dean’s office , 3rd floor skills SEA - restructuring of Dean’s office and faculty room SCJPS – provision of Dark room sink and lab facilities, repainting of faculty and Dean’s office, installation of LCD holder 2015 B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/Concern s Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 laboratory . -renovation of platform at room A306 UBHS - H.E. lab and provision of 4 additional classrooms and 2 faculty rooms (C bldg.) UBLESConstructio n of canopy along hand washing area and in front of grade 1 room; Partially accomplishe d botanical 2013 SIT – multimedia printer SIT – Speaker Bars STE –LCD and holder SIHTM – laundry room, expansion of kitchen, additional function and simulation rooms 2015 B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/Concern s Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 garden; Improved office equipment, kindergarte n tables, and equipment, teachers tables and chairs; 5 sewing machines (Home Economics equipment); 2 pull down projector screens; Live mixer for sound system; Replacemen t of Netbook; Partially accomplishe d repair of 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: STRATEGIC PLAN KRA / Area of Evaluation Issues/Concern s Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES window grills, 69 laboratory chairs, additional science and computer laboratory equipment KRA / Area of Evaluation Research Developm ent STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Intensify involveme nt of faculty, staff and students in research Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Schedule faculty and student colloquia, seminars and trainings Revisit the research incentives scheme RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Year-round Nonhuman Funding RDC, administ ration, Venue Faculty, Staff, RDC Students Forms , CRAP, IRRB, Finance, Resourc e A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 R&DC has sponsored 10 trainings and seminarworkshop s with a total of 298 participan 2011-2012 Seminars/Trainings: 5 organized Participants: 135 Summary of Ongoing Researches: SIHTM – 8 HS – 8 SBAA – 6 SHS - 6 RDC-ECOS – 5 SLEA – 5 2012-2013 5/5 seminars 76/140 54% IHTM - 3 HS - 1 2013 2015 15 trainings and seminars 20 trainings and seminars Number of Participants – 50 Number of Participa nts - 600 B. EVIDENCES Best Research Award Research Monitorin g Matrix Annual Reports General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Speaker s, all offices Formulate criterion for Best Student Researches Year-round Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 ts (both faculty and employee s) from various colleges/o ffices On-going: 30% 2011-2012 STE – 4 SNS – 4 SD – 4 SLAHS – 3 SN – 3 Admin – 3 SEA – 2 SIT – 1 UBLES – 1 CCSD – 1 Library - 1 This will be finalized during the coming school year 2012-2013 SBAA - 6 SHS - 2 RDC-ECOS 2 SLEA - 3 STE - 2 SNS - 3 SD - 4 SLAHS - 5 SN - 2 Admin - 2 SIT - 4 UBLES - 1 Library - 2 ARC – 1 HRMC – 1 OSA– 1 SEA - 3 100% 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES Accomplis hment Reports Academi c Council Approve d POLICY TO IMPROV E STUDEN T RESEAR CHES To have established a journal for student researches with 10 published researches per issue To have the number of published student research es increased to 15 studies per issue Policy on Best Student Researc h (Health Researc h) General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Publicatio n of research outputs in local, national and internatio nal journals Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Establish collaborative research activities with other agencies RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Year-round R&DC, CODEC, NSTP, Deans/P rincipals , Faculty, Staff, Students , other agencies Nonhuman Funding Forms A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 From 20072009, the R&DC has published 71 institution al/ departme ntal researche s in the UB Research Journal; 1 study has been published in an internatio nal journal 2011-2012 The list of prospective international conferences and presentation were given to specific departments. For follow-up next school year. 2012-2013 2013 1 Number of prospective linkages - 80 research to published in internationa l journal 2015 Number of Linkages - 95 13 researches To be able to publish at least 5 studies in national/ international journal (s) UBHS has published Science investigator y project research in the BatoBalani Magazine To have the number of local and national HEIs for exchange journals increased by 5% To have the number of studies published in national/ Intl journal (s) doubled To have the number of local and national HEIs for exchange journals B. EVIDENCES MOA/M OU Researc h Journal Poster/p ublic lecture presenta tion Book compan y publicati ons General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Dissemina tion and utilization of research outputs Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Formulate a research dissemination and utilization mechanism RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Year-round Nonhuman R&DC, Funding respecti Venue ve departm ents/offi ces/ A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 From 2007 to present, the R&DC has establishe d linkages with 48 local and national HEIs and 1 internatio nal HEI for a continuou s exchange of research journals Currently, R&DC has established linkages with 57 local and national HEIs for the continuous exchange if research journals. 57 The R&DC has also establishe d linkages with 9 non- 1 poster exhibit (9/15 – 60%) 5 public lectures (5/5 – 100%) 200% - 2 poster exhibits With 20 posters 2013 2015 increased by 10% To have To have established establish linkages with ed at least 5 non- linkages academic with at agencies for least 10 possible nonresearch academic activities agencies for possible research activities To have the no. of researches presented in poster exhibits and To have the no. of research es presente d in B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human schools Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 academic agencies for possible research activities From 2007 up t the present, R &DC has conducted 9 poster exhibits (with a total of 70 researche s presented ) and 12 public lectures of 6 departme ntal/ institution al 2011-2012 2012-2013 80% - 4/5 public lec 2013 2015 public lecture doubled in three years’ time poster exhibits and public lecture tripled in three years’ time To have the no. of studies presente d outside the Universit y tripled in three years time To have the no. of studies presented outside the University doubled in three years time B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 researche s 2011-2012 2012-2013 R&DC has also assisted in the dissemina tion of 5 researche s for oral presentati on and 11 studies for poster presentati on outside the University , R&DC provided assistance in the preparatio n of 4 student R&DC assisted in the dissemination of 2 researches in an international conference and 1 research in an annual convention. There were 3 winners in the DOST Regional Invention Contest. 7 internationa l presentatio ns for faculty To have assisted at least 5 student researches presented in national/in’tl 2 competitions internationa Number of l Participants – presentatio 3,500 ns for students Number of Beneficiaries 6 national – 8,500presentatio 10,000 ns for faculty To have assisted at least 10 student research es presente d in national/i n’tl competiti ons Number of Participa nts – 3,500 1 national presentatio n for students Number of Beneficia ries 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 researche s presented in national competiti ons, 1 in an internat’l competiti on. 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 - 8,50010,000 1 publication for student 1 local presentatio n for faculty 100% participati on of all schools Communit Rey engineerin Extension g the outreach program Organize/strengthen relevant outreach activities & extension services/programs in the adopted barangay and other deprived, depressed and underdeveloped (DDU) Communities Year-round CODEC, NSTP, Deans/P rincipals , Faculty, Staff, Students , All offices Funding Venue Materials Equipme nt Complied Sto. Tomas Proper and Loakan Proper (2, 583/800 or 323% beneficiaries) a. Bombo Medico b. The Generics Pharmacy c. BCNHS-Doña Aurora Annex d. PRC- Baguio e. Pilipinas SHELL f. Local Government of Tuba g. Rotary Club of Cubao h. Notre Dame de Chartres Hospital (Bayombong, N.V.) i. Philippine National Red Cross 2, 050 recipients/ beneficiarie s 3,000 4,000 B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Organize environmental activities/events Improving the extension office setup and operation s 1. organizati onal structure 2. manpowe r 3. policies, guidelines Increase involvement of participants: Students Faculty Position the Outreach & Extension Center appropriately in the organizational structure RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Year-round CODEC, NSTP, Deans/P rincipals , Faculty, Staff, Students , All offices Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 Continuin g j. 8 other local/Baguio invitations Transferred to respective offices effective June 2011 On-going On-going 2012-2013 2013 2015 c/o OSA & NSTP 15 activities 25 activities 940 participants 410 – students 280 participants 500 participa nts 329 participants 505 Faculty & Employees Done 900 participants 1200 participa nts Done Study the need for increase in manpower Done – Increase in manpower is subject to Management discretion Finalize the Outreach and Extension Pending – the ECOS Manual 2012 edition will be distributed in June ECOS Manual has B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman guidelines and policies Sustainabi lity and Viability of Operation s K to 12 implemen tation. Create a committee to work on the implementation of the program. - Readin ess of Curricul Expand the basic um education - MultiIncrease the enrolment year of basic education Paybac k Offer short term Period courses of capital Offer senior high expend earlier than implementation, much iture like the international for expansi schools in the Phil as A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012 June 2012 – May 2015 Execom, Academi c Council, Faculty Member , Admin Council Funds Laborato ries Equipme nt Grade 1 and 7 ready Training of Faculty Members 2012-2013 2013 2015 been distributed to the department al coordinator s Grade 2 and Grade 8 curriculum Complete G11 & G12 curriculu m Permit from DepEd for senior high school modelling Human resource skills inventory c/o HRMC in process to determine qualification requiremen ts of faculty (National Certification c/o TESDA) Increase in enrolment for Basic Ed Offering of senior high school program Additiona l classroo ms and laborator y room Increase in enrolmen t for Basic Ed B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns on progra ms - Decrea sing cohorts Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2013 an option of foreigners Lease classrooms to other schools, training centers or DepEd PACU is finalizing agreement on outsourcing with DepEd Intensify marketing programs Compulsory qualification of basic tertiary teachers (LET passer); UbD curriculum; LET Review, National Certification, Assesor - Revised Attracti veness Resource Assessment Acquisition of 2015 Availabili ty of shortterm programs Strategic Plan is being coordinated with the Board of Directors Offer Tech/Voc Programs / Ladderized Programs - Pricing Impact 2012-2013 No. of leased classrooms Offering of Tech/Voc Programs (selected schools) No. of leased classroo ms Faculty Members Offering of Tech/Voc Programs (all Faculty members GE with LET – 30.69% B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns College Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013 2015 GE with LET 10% Professional with LET10% schools) / Ladderize d Programs Enrolees - Qualific ation of teacher s Faculty Members GE with LET 100%Prof essional with LET 50% - Equipm ent/ Laborat ory Complian ce to minimum requirem ents B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects Enrolment Increase number of incoming students Retention of old students RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Year-round All member s of the academ e Nonhuman Funds A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 College: 1stSem – 12, 579 2ndSem – 11, 197 Summer - 4, 935 Basic Ed: UBSHS – 581 UBHS –843 ELEM – 494 KINDER – 87 2012-2013 2013 2015 College: 1stSem – 12, 225 2ndSem – 11, 231 Summer 5, 121 Increase in enrolment by 3% Increase in enrolmen t by 10% Decrease in attrition rate by 10% Decrease in attrition rate by 30% Basic Ed: UBSHS – 527 UBHS – 814 ELEM – 464 KINDER – 93 Schools with Decreasing Population: - Nurs ing - Grad uate Scho ol - SIT - UBS HS - UBH S B. EVIDENCES General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: KRA / Area of Evaluation STRATEGIC PLAN Issues/Co ncerns Policies / Strategies/ Programs/ Activities/ Projects RESOURCES TIMELINE Human Nonhuman A. STATUS/Targets 20072010 2011-2012 2012-2013 - 2013 2015 B. EVIDENCES ELE M 0.47 % decrease RECOMMENDING APPROVAL: MS. ROWENA P. SUNGDUAN University Accountant MR. FROILAN C. ASPA Registrar, ARC MS. CARIDAD B. TUAZON Asset Manager MR. EDUARDO R. LAUREANO Head, Athletic Office MR. LOU DARIO OIC-Head, CPDO MS. ANGELI B. BUSTILLO Director, CCSD ATTY. MAJELLYN O. SIMON Director, HRMC MR. JOHN NIGEL MILLARE Director, Library MR. DONALD P. RENTIQUIANO Director, MAP DR. CRISANTO M. AMANSEC Head, Medical/Dental MS. LOLITA NARAG-LAYUGAN Director, MIS MR. EDUARDO C. ZUÑIGA Head, Purchasing ENGR. ELISEA M. SANTOS Director, LARC MR. TOMY C. FONTANOS Head, Security MS. MARIETA R. TAMAYO Head, SAO MR. AMADO R. ORDEN JR. Director, OSA MS. MARY JANE L. WAYANG Principal, UBLES MR. RONALDO EMILIANO Principal, UBHS MS. ERLINA P. DE PERALTA Principal, UBSHS ENGR. LEAH TALUSIG Dean, SEA DR. ELY JOSE F. AS-IL Dean, SHS MS. MELANIE R. SARO Dean, SIHTM DR. DEMETRIO G. DAET Dean, SD MS. KAREEN B. LEON Dean, SBAA DR. ELLEN M. HALOVER Dean, SIT General Luna Road, Baguio City 2600 Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address: DR. JANICE KAYLYN K. LONOGAN Dean, SNS DR. VICTOR O. DELOS SANTOS Dean, SLEA MS. JOCELYN A. APALLA Dean, SN DR. BERNARDITA C. AYUNON Dean, STE APPROVED BY: THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DR. REBECCA C. MIRANDA VP for Academic Affairs DR. LLOYD V. ORDUÑA VP for Administration DR. MILLER F.PECKLEY VP for Institutional Development MR. JOHANN BEN A. BAUTISTA President MRS. ELEONOR ROSA B. RAZON VP for Finance