Eight Parts of speech - advanced

Parts of Speech Choice Board
Directions: Choose three of the following activities to complete. You may use your
eight parts of speech graphic organizer as a resource.
1. Watch School House Rock
Videos for the Parts of Speech.
Once you are finished choose
one of the parts of speech and
write your own song. You may
use the same beat as one of
the School House Rocks, but it
may not be the same part of
speech used. The song must
also be school appropriate.
4. Go to The Picture and study
the picture you see.
On a sheet of paper make
eight columns across (use a
ruler) listing each part of
speech. List at least three
words in each part of speech
column. Once you have all of
your words listed, open
Publisher and type a
newspaper article about the
action occurring in your
7. Create a Parts of Speech
Handbook. Define each part of
speech and give an example.
Illustrate your example.
Create a 15 question quiz for
your classmates. Include a
2. Complete the Mad Lib
handout and then create your
own Mad Lib using all 8 parts
of speech. (Twenty blanks
3. Look through the
newspaper and find an
article that is of special
interest to you. Cut out the
article and find examples of
each part of speech within the
article. Paste the article on a
sheet of paper and color code
examples of nouns,
pronouns, verbs, adverbs,
conjunctions, adjectives,
prepositions, and
interjections. This is an
assignment for the artist
within. I am looking for a
mini-museum display.
5. View the BrainPop movie on 6. Write a sentence using all 8
the parts of speech. The login parts of speech. Color code
bpfrem and the password is
each part of speech. Create a
brain. Then complete the quiz. key showing which color
Make sure you write your
represents each part of
answers down on a sheet of
speech. Put your sentence of
construction paper and
illustrate it.
8. Create a Sudoku board
using the eight parts of
speech. Use your first name
for the 9th box. The board size
must be 9 boxes with 9
smaller boxes inside each
large box. Each large box
should be roughly about 4.5
inches square.
9. Find lyrics to a school
appropriate song. Make a
columns for each part of
speech. Place each word of the
song in the correct column.
Answer the following
1. What do you notice about
the columns? 2. What about
the words, is there a dominant
word used? 3. Do you notice
any other word use patterns?
Write your answers to these
question on a piece of paper.