CUSTOMER_CODE SMUDE DIVISION_CODE SMUDE EVENT_CODE JAN2016 ASSESSMENT_CODE IB0010_JAN2016 QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 15783 QUESTION_TEXT Explain the advantage and disadvantage of globalization. Advantages –6 marks -1 each 1.Economic growth 2.Lower cost 3.Improved availability of goods and service s 4.Global prosperity and flow of productive resource s 5.Incentive forresearch and adoption of 6.innovations SCHEME OF EVALUATION 7.Raise cheaper loans Disadvantages–4 marks – 1 each 1.Unavoidable risks like tradecycle s 2.Undue political , economic and cultural risks 3.Problem of heavy debtedness 4.Problem of foreigncurrencies s QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 72804 QUESTION_TEXT Explain any five forms of FRNs 1. 2. 3. SCHEME OF EVALUATION 4. 5. 6. 7. Student may write any five Perpetual FRNs Minimax FRNs Drop lock FRNs Flip flop FRNs Mismatch FRNs Hybridfixed rate reverse FRNs QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 72808 QUESTION_TEXT Explain the most significant regulatory events that have created more competitive global level playing field. SCHEME OF EVALUATION 1. 2. Single European Act – 4 marks (explanation) The Basel I Accord – 2 marks 3. The Basel II Accord – 4 marks QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 125180 QUESTION_TEXT Write a brief history of International Monetary system. The history of International Monetary system comprises of – a.Gold Standard 1876-1913:-gold was set as a standard against all the currency. Each country had to maintain adequate reserve of gold in order to back its currency value. (2marks) b.Interwar years-1914-1944:- broke gold standard and regain again. (2marks) SCHEME OF EVALUATION c.The Bretton Wood System 1945-1971:- one Ounce of gold was set equal to $35. Other nations fixed their currency against $ and hence indirectly to gold. IMF (2marks) d.The Smithsonian Agreement 1971-1973:- one Ounce of gold = $38. Floating exchange rate system with control. (2marks) e.Post-1973:- free float, managed float, target-zone arrangement, fixed rate system, current hybrid system. (2marks) Total marks: 10 QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 125181 QUESTION_TEXT What do you mean by PPP? Explain relative purchasing power parity concept Purchasing Power Parity is a theory which represent the link between exchange rate and inflation. Proposition 1Proposition 2(4 marks) SCHEME OF EVALUATION Relative Purchasing Power Parity Changes in the relative national price levels determine changes in exchange rates over the long run. The theory predicts that the foreign exchange value of a currency tends to appreciate or depreciate at a rate equal to the difference between foreign and domestic inflation. (6 marks) Total marks: 10 QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 125182 QUESTION_TEXT List out with brief description the different forms of credit provided to exporter? 1.Pre-shipment credit-credit provided for procuring raw material, packing and processing of goods as well as for the other processes till the goods are really shipped. Time period, extensions etc. (2.5 marks) SCHEME OF EVALUATION 2. Post-shipment credit-credit after the goods have been shipped and against the submission of export documents. Time period, extensions etc. (2.5 marks) 3. Medium term credit- credit against certain categories, Time period, extensions etc. (2.5 marks) 4. Credit under duty draw-back scheme- purpose, Time period, extensions etc. (2.5 marks) Total marks: 10