CREATIVE ARTS STANDARD SETTING District: EAST 3,5 February 2014 AGENDA • Welcome! • Implementing Creative Arts - what are the policy requirements? – What should I teach? Let us explore the Annual Teaching Plan – How much time do I have per term? Time allocation and Topics… – What about assessment requirements? • Recording Mark Sheet • How do I ensure quality and what about Internal Moderation? • Guidance on the use of LTSM and other resources… • Frequently Asked Questions…let’s find answers! • Upcoming dates for enriching workshops in …….District. WELCOME! Welcome to the FIRST Standard Setting meeting for Creative Arts! As you know, this diverse subject provides exposure to dance, drama, music and visual arts. CREATIVE ARTS… A UNIQUE AND IMPORTANT SUBJECT WITHIN THE CURRICULUM Provides opportunity to: develop creativity and imagination develop art appreciation (and arts’ consumerism) gain basic arts knowledge and skills participate in arts activities and… prepare for possible further study in the art forms of their choice in Further Education and Training (FET). CAPS p 8 LET’S LOOK AT WHAT THE NCS GR R-12 POLICY STATES FOR CREATIVE ARTS… Learners study only TWO art forms, but schools may offer FOUR art forms. CAPS p 9 GUIDANCE IN SELECTING ART FORMS As you know, the selection is determined by each school, based on the following criteria: •Availability of the minimum facilities and resources required for the subject •Availability of specialist arts teachers on the staff or accessible to the school (e.g. itinerant teachers, parents, community artists) •Learner abilities/talents and preferences CAPS p 9 Note: your school may have selected TWO or THREE art forms for 2014, but you and your SMT may start developing plans to include more art forms to offer in the future. 6 TIME ALLOCATION In Grades 7, 8 and 9, Creative Arts is allocated two hours per week. Each of the two art forms is allocated one hour per week. This allows for depth of study and to prepare learners for arts subject choices from Grade 10 to Grade 12. CAPS p 9 TIME ALLOCATION: A FEW REMINDERS! • The art forms should be taught THROUGHOUT THE YEAR… NOT in half-year blocks – this ensures continuity and skills development! • Learners should have a minimum of TEN contact teaching hours per art form per term during school time. • It may be necessary to also plan for EXTRA CLASSES once per week per art form after school. • Due to the practical nature of the arts, ONE-HOUR PERIODS for learning to be effective. WHAT ARE WE TEACHING…LET’S LOOK AT THE TOPICS PER ART FORM Find yourself in a group that focuses on: • • • • DANCE (p13 – p14 & p21 – p34) DRAMA (p15 – p16 & p35 – p46) MUSIC (p17 – 19 & p47 – p62) VISUAL ART (p21 – 22 & p63 – p78) See the pages listed above in the Creative Arts CAPS. Let us briefly make sure we know: the TOPICS how much time should be spent on each and how to integrate them to ensure meaningful teaching and learning. Use the handout on planning and the empty planning template to guide you! WHAT ARE WE TEACHING…LET’S LOOK AT THE TOPICS PER ART FORM • Skeppende Kunste SP.pdf • Creative Arts SP.pdfCreative Arts TERM 1 • TEACHING PREP.pdf TIME ON TASK - DANCE! Each art form is allocated a minimum of TEN hours contact teaching time per term. The DANCE Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) allows for integration of the three topics. Use the following GUIDELINE when planning to ensure exposure to all topics on a continuous basis (see CAPS p21 – p34): • • • Topic 1: Dance Performance – approximately 45 min per week Topic 2: Dance improvisation and composition – approximately 2 hours per term (integrated with technical dance work) Topic 3: Dance theory and literacy (integrated with topics 1 and 2) – approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours per term in Grade 9. Additional contact hours after school necessary for skill development and preparation towards FET Dance Studies. TIME ON TASK - DRAMA! Each art form is allocated a minimum of TEN hours contact teaching time per term. The DRAMA Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) allows for integration of the various topics. Use the following GUIDELINE when planning to ensure exposure to all topics on a continuous basis (see CAPS p35 – p46): • • • • • • • Topic 1: Dramatic skills development – approximately 15 min per week Topic 2: Drama elements in playmaking – approximately 5 hours 30 min/6 hours 30 min / 7 hours per term (varies per term and Grade) Topic 3: Interpretation and performance of choice of dramatic forms -approximately 6 hours / 6 hours 30 min/7 hours per term (varies per term and grade). Note that Topics 2 and 3 alternate between terms. Topic 4: Appreciation and reflection 30 min / 1 hour (varies per term and Grade) Topic 5: Media - 1 hour /1 hour 30 min / 2 hours (varies per term and Grade) Topic 6: Careers (Grade 7) Additional contact hours after school necessary for skill development and preparation towards FET Dramatic Arts. TIME ON TASK - MUSIC! Each art form is allocated a minimum of TEN hours contact teaching time per term. The MUSIC Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) allows for integration of the various topics. Use the following GUIDELINE when planning to ensure exposure to all topics on a continuous basis (see CAPS p47 – p62): • Topic 1: Music literacy - approximately 15 min per week • Topic 2: Music listening - approximately 15 min per week • Topic 3: Performing and creating music - approximately 30 min per week Additional contact hours after school necessary for skill development and preparation towards FET Music. TIME ON TASK – VISUAL ARTS! Each art form is allocated a minimum of TEN hours contact teaching time per term. The core content is compulsory, the themes relevant to the learners may be selected. The VISUAL ARTS Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) allows for integration of the various topics. Use The following GUIDELINE when planning to ensure exposure to all topics on a continuous basis (see CAPS p63 – p78). Note that time allocation varies per term and per Grade. • Topic 1: Create in 2D - approximately 2 / 3 /4 / 6 hours per term • Topic 2: Create in 3 D - approximately 4 / 5 hours per term • Topic 3: Visual literacy - approximately 2 / 3 hours per term Additional contact hours after school necessary for skill development and preparation towards FET Visual Arts and Design. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS PER ART FORMS: FACILITIES & RESOURCES Dance: Dance studio/hall /double classroom (open space preferably with a sprung wood floor); Music system with CD player/iPod Drama: Large classroom or hall, Music system Music: Normal classroom and space for practice, Music system, musical instruments Visual Arts: Art room or appropriate space, Arts equipment, consumables CAPS p10 15 LET’S GET TO GRIPS WITH ASSESSMENT! PROGRAMME OF ASSESSMENT FORMAL ASSESSMENT: SUGGESTED MINIMUM MARK ALLOCATION PER YEAR • Recording Mark Sheet 2014.doc HOW DO I ENSURE QUALITY ASSESSMENT TASKS? CURRICULUM • Are the CAPS requirements covered adequately? • Have the correct topics been addressed? • Have any topics been neglected or over emphasised? 19 COGNITIVE LEVELS • Has a grid for cognitive levels, marks and time allocation been completed? • Is the mark allocation to each question in keeping with the time weighting? • Does the assessment item allow for the average learner to have a reasonable chance of passing? • Does the assessment item cater for diversity? 20 QUALITY OF QUESTIONS/INSTRUCTIONS • Is the numbering sequence of the questions correct? • Are all the instructions clear? • Are all questions /instructions framed without ambiguity? • Are the diagrams, graphs, pictures and tables clear, user-friendly and appropriate? • Are there a variety of question types? • Is there precise indication of the mark allocation? Do the marks allocated add up to the total indicated? 21 QUALITY OF MEMORANDUM • Is there a Teacher’s Guide/Notes attached to the memorandum? • Does the memorandum allow for alternative answers? • Does the memorandum correspond / instructions talk to the question paper? • Are the instructions and notes user-friendly? 22 COGNITIVE LEVELS OF QUESTIONS 1.1 Total %of total Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering Question COGNITIVE LEVELS TARGETED Total marks allocated to the question Time allocated to questions QUALITY ASSURANCE & INTERNAL MODERATION FINAL TASK QUALITY ASSURANCE CREATIVE ARTS.doc Planning an Assessment task_ Assessment Grid.doc BRIEF RELOOK AT THE SUGGESTED PROGRAMMES OF ASSESSMENT • • • • DANCE - CAPS p.82-83 DRAMA - CAPS p. 83 – 84 MUSIC - CAPS p.85 – 86 VISUAL ARTS (SEE REVISED HANDOUT) - CAPS p. 86 – 87 • Visual Arts Grades 7-9 Suggested POA (Eng&Afr).docx LTSM AND OTHER RESOURCES Art material Art & Office: 7441 Marconi Crescent, Unit 4 Marconi Park, Montague Gardens Milnerton, Phone: 021 551683 ART ATTACK ONLINE STORE: 210 Durban Rd, Bellville, Western Cape, tel nr (0)21 948 2348, (0)71 568 7509 Drama material Poetry compilations, short stories, novels, magazines, prescribed literature for Gr 7,8 and 9 (see also Droomskip – compilation of Radio Dramas prescribed for Senior Phase, Afrikaans) DALRO: SAMRO: Telephone: +27 (0)11 712-8000 Telephone +27 11 712 8000 Fax: +27 (0) 86 682 0270 Cape Town World Design Capital 2014: View exhibition of prescribed textbooks,. HAVE A WONDERFUL CREATIVE AND INSPIRING YEAR! THANK YOU!