
Hispanic Heritage Month 2013
Español 3
After completing this unit I will be
able to…
1. Explain the history of Hispanic Heritage
2. Explain the importance of celebrating Hispanic
Heritage Month.
3. Understand cultural perspectives of individual
Hispanic-Americans with regard to their
Hispanic heritage.
4. Teach the class about a specific influential
individual from the Hispanic culture.
For your assessment, you will relay your research
findings to the class in a 3-5 minute presentation
in Spanish.
Your presentation will include a visual that you
will create.
The visual will be created on paper (poster), but
you may use digital resources to present your
Due date for this project is:
Paso Uno:
Los Preliminares
• La celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana
se estableció en 1968, cuando el Presidente
Lyndon B. Johnson declaró una semana en
septiembre como la Semana Nacional de la
Herencia Hispana. Esta celebración se extendió
en 1988 a un mes entero, del 15 de septiembre al
15 de octubre, para honrar la herencia hispana
de este país.
• Durante este mes, Estados Unidos celebra la
cultura y las tradiciones de aquellos residentes
que tienen sus raíces en España, México y los
países hispanos de América Central, Sudamérica
y el Caribe.
• Se eligió el 15 de septiembre para iniciar la
celebración porque es la fecha en la que se
celebra la independencia de cinco países
latinoamericanos: Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua. Además,
México celebra su independencia el 16 de
septiembre y Chile el 18 de septiembre.
• El Mes de la Herencia Hispana es una
oportunidad para dirigir la atención nacional a
las contribuciones de la comunidad hispana a la
sociedad estadounidense.
Mini-Proyecto para celebrar El Mes
de la Herencia Hispana
Paso 1: Los Latinos de la historia
(in English)
You will research 3 Hispanic individuals. You may use
the link below, or another research option of your choice.
Choose one person from each time period on your
handout, and complete the biography information for
each. Choose one of these individuals to present to the
class. Validate your decision based on your research.
Paso 2: Descripciones
• You will describe this person’s physical
characteristics, profession, childhood, and
contributions to the Hispanic culture, using the
imperfect tense as appropriate. Record all
information gained through your research on the
handout for Paso 2.
• Please remember to cite all sources and make
sure they are credible.
Paso 3: Los eventos de su vida
• You will highlight some of the important events
(minimum 3) from this person’s life, using the
Preterit tense as appropriate. Record all
information gained through your research on the
handout for Paso 3.
• Please remember to indicate all sources and
make sure they are credible.
Paso 4:
Hispanoamericanos de Influencia
(in Spanish)
You will present your person to the class, using
your poster and including all requirements
according to the specifications on your
Presentation Rubric.
La Rubrica:
Exceeds Expectations
Do we understand you?
How well do I use the
(Language Control & Vocabulary Use)
Meets Expectations
Does Not Meet Expectations
Students can consistently understand what I am trying
to communicate.
Teacher can understand most of
what I am trying to communicate.
Unit vocabulary and idioms are consistently used
Unit vocabulary and idioms are
mostly used correctly.
I am consistently correct when producing simple
sentences, but make a few errors when creating with the
I am mostly correct with memorized
language but have not attempted to
go beyond the memorization level.
I am correct only at the word level.
My presentation is rich in appropriate vocabulary.
My presentation includes basic
vocabulary from the unit.
Presentation is somewhat illogical and confusing in
places. Information on topic lacking.
Content is well organized. Topic is discussed
Teacher/students can understand less than half of what
I am trying to communicate.
Essay is lacking unit vocabulary or it is spelled/used
Direct translations of English idioms that do not make
sense in Spanish.
My vocabulary is limited and/or repetitive.
Content is presented logically in my
Most information on the topic is
Content and Presentational
Effort :
__ Descriptive adjectives
__ Descriptive adjectives
__ Use of imperfect to describe
__ Use of preterit to describe life
I have completed all requirements of the assignment.
Care and effort are evident throughout my presentation.
I have addressed all of the
requirements of the assignment.
I am lacking some of the requirements of the assignment.
My project reflects outstanding effort for the time that I
was given. I have made a significant effort to present a
visually stimulating and engaging presentation.
My project reflects an appropriate
amount of creativity and effort
considering the time that I was
I have obviously not put much effort into this project,
considering the time that I was given and the end result
that I presented. My project is lacking visual elements
and/or did not engage my audience.