Game Proposal Document

Game Proposal Document
Initial Outline of software to be developed
Steven Battersby
This document describes the initial design proposed for the simulation deliverable element of the
PAUSE project. The conceptual design of the pedagogic approach and the gameplay approach is
extensively integrated to lead to measurable, reliable, reflective learning, which is a suitable
approach to creating attitudinal change, or creating the readiness for change. The developing design
model incorporates a wide range of modalities, and it is beyond the scope of the PAUSE project to
realise them all, however, they are described here for completeness, and for anticipated postproject expansion of functionality. The document has been completed via the amalgamation of
collated data, project definition documents as provided by the project partner consortium.
Version History........................................................................................................................................ 3
Overview of Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................... 4
Project Rationale ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Project Demographics ............................................................................................................................. 4
Hardware Specification ........................................................................................................................... 5
Simulation Overview ............................................................................................................................... 5
Simulation Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 6
Context of Use......................................................................................................................................... 6
Outline of Game Play Mechanics ............................................................................................................ 6
Notes on Game Play Mechanics ......................................................................................................... 6
Potential Game Play Schematics............................................................................................................. 7
Dual Simulation Experience ................................................................................................................ 7
Interactive Exploratory Simulation ..................................................................................................... 8
Potential Game Dialogue Systems ...................................................................................................... 8
The Hub and Spoke Dialogue System ............................................................................................. 8
Rationale for Hub and Spoke – Social Learning Theory .................................................................. 9
Potential Implementation of Hub and Spoke – Mass Effect Style Paraphrasing .......................... 10
Artefacts of Game Play ......................................................................................................................... 12
Genre ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Camera .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Controls ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Saving and Loading ........................................................................................................................... 13
Saving of Multiplayer Data............................................................................................................ 13
Simulation Interface.......................................................................................................................... 13
Game and/or Simulation Editor .................................................................................................... 14
Game and/or Simulation Player .................................................................................................... 14
Game and/or Simulation Framework ........................................................................................... 14
Functionality related notes ........................................................................................................... 14
Menu and Screen Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 14
Game/Simulation World ................................................................................................................... 15
Game/Simulation Levels ................................................................................................................... 16
Scenario One – At the Job Centre ................................................................................................. 16
Scenario Two – Job Centre Plus .................................................................................................... 17
Scenario Three – The Job Interview .............................................................................................. 18
Scenario Four – Support or Hindrance.......................................................................................... 18
Game Progression ............................................................................................................................. 18
Characters ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Version History
The following table outlines the primary changes made to the document throughout the
course of development and the project life cycle.
Steven Battersby
Steven Battersby
First Draft of document including exemplar content
developed via WP document.
Edit: Completed for the 2nd Transnational meeting in
Nykoping Sweden
First Draft of document including summary of content
provided by project partners following evaluation of
collated data as presented by consortium during the
Nottingham transnational.
Please note asset bibles are not to be populated for this
Steven Battersby
Steven Battersby
Steven Battersby
Completed for the 11.11.11 project deliverable WP4
Full refactor of document including separation of Asset
Bibles into separate documents.
Request for additional documentation to be provided by
the partnership to finalise scenario outlines and
rudimentary asset definition.
Refactor of document – preparation of the removal of
initial game editor content to separate document.
Table 1: Game Proposal Document Version History
Please detail here any changes that you have made to this document and the date the
change occurred.
Overview of Aims and Objectives
The Promoting Acceptance Using Simulated Environments (PAUSE) Project aims to remove
attitudinal and discriminatory barriers to employment for newly arrived migrants and refugees in the
European Community.
The PAUSE project aims to utilise games technologies to produce single and multiplayer games
based learning scenarios scoped via user sensitive inclusive design with project stakeholders in the
UK, Sweden and Italy.
It is envisaged that the production of interactive 3D scenarios to demonstrate and address the key
internal and external attitudinal barriers to employment for this target group, would allow the the
target audience to overcome these issues by their own supported problem solving within these
To include stakeholders in producing the narratives for the scenarios to ensure that the real issues
for the target group, which are creating the barriers to employment are addressed
To ensure that end user groups are included throughout each phase of the project.
Project Rationale
United Kingdom - West Midlands statistics show that while the workless rate for the general
population 28%: For the Black/Black British ethnic group it is 44%. For those from the
Pakistani/Bangladeshi group it is 57%
‘Comparing the labour market experiences of refugees/ethnic minorities in the labour market’
presented findings on the prevalence of discrimination experienced. At least half of the refugees
interviewed had experienced racism or discrimination whilst looking for work or in the workplace.
Italy - In Italy, over 300 cases of hate crime/violence have been reported in the last two years, mainly
against the Roma people, Romanians and Africans. Human rights organisations and trade unions
expressed serious concerns till the Italian government was called upon to answer accusations of
xenophobia and discrimination against foreign workers, either legal or illegal.
Sweden - Recent research done by the Swedish Confederation for Professional Employees (TCO)
found that people with a foreign background have much lower chances of finding a job appropriate
for their education. In 2007, there were a total of 3,536 hate crimes to the police, and Sweden has
been criticized for increasing numbers of hate crimes, seldom resulting in criminal charges.
Project Demographics
The primary demographics envisaged for the simulation usage are those as outlined by the project
definition document as: migrants, refugees, employers, colleagues, agency staff, recruitment
specialists, etc.
This definition represents a vast and heterogeneous target audience.
Suggestion has been made during the Nottingham transnational that the developed simulation
should facilitate “anyone”. If this is to be the case then the core developed media and/or
conversational interactional content needs to be generic in nature and none descript in areas such
as accent, terminology and archetypal constraint.
The initial thoughts of the design team at this initial stage are that in reality this is the most feasible
avenue for development in reflection of the multinational deliverable requirements of the project.
It is suggested that the envisaged customisation aspects of the developed software be utilised for
the tailoring of content to facilitate culturally specific media and/or scenario development.
Further evaluation and partner discussion is needed before this definition can be fully completed,
reflecting the description of language as a potentially one of the primary barriers to employment
and/or integration.
Hardware Specification
Data collated during the previous work packages has indicated that the resource constraints of the
target demographics require that any developed software must be capable of running on lower end
hardware and also potentially mobile platforms.
To run XNA Framework games on a computer running a Windows operating system, you need a
graphics card that supports, at a minimum, Shader Model 1.1 and DirectX 9.0c. Microsoft
recommends using a graphics card that supports Shader Model 2.0, which as required by some of
their samples and starter kits.
Simulation Overview
The overarching simulation will consist of the implementation of four 3D interactive simulations 5-10
minutes in length, to tackle the barriers to employers that immigrants and refugees (asylum seekers)
face on attempting to enter the labour market using computer games and/or software development
The core structure of the simulations is an engine/system that facilitates the authoring and playback
of social within context scenarios, developed from narratives provided by the partnership, to tackle
the barriers to employment that immigrants and refugees (asylum seekers) face on attempting to
enter the labour market. (E.g. bullying, discrimination, stress and racism in the workplace).
The engine/system must facilitate the creation, management and playback of game play, presented
within a contemporary, graphically and potentially aurally rich, 3D gaming environment.
This environment will contain audio, scenery, user-driven characters, non-player characters (with
imported/recorded and/or text to speech audio dialogue), interactive elements and animation that
may be combined by a non-technical author to create a range of realistic and engaging interaction
driven scenarios that can be played back within a real time game-play driven context.
Simulation Purpose
Facilitate reflection of the attitudes of self and others. Create the readiness to change attitudes, or
create change in attitudes. The game type is also capable of helping the player to become
comfortable in potentially stressful situations, such that they are better equipped to deal with such
situations in real settings.
Context of Use
It is envisaged that the game functions in a blended environment, especially with pre- and post-play
discussions, however, many aspects would probably function well in a self-managed learning, too.
Outline of Game Play Mechanics
The original project proposal identified hat three distinct game play mechanisms which should/could
be employed to provide the blended delivery of content, thus creating a range of modes of
engagement and delivery of the learning outcomes.
The play mechanisms are:1. Single Player Mode - In these scenarios users experience a pre-authored narrative with a
number of discrete possible outcomes. Players explore spaces, meet and interact with nonplayer characters and make choices at certain node points within the game. The choice
made at a node point will result in varying paths of progression through the narrative and/or
a Machinima sequence.
2. Machinima Mode - These are short non-interactive outcomes from single player mode
choices that portray the result of a certain choice. Players are then offered the opportunity
to replay the last single player mode sequence or to progress within and/or move on to the
next scenario.
3. Multiplayer Mode. The system will allow multiple simultaneous users to engage in roleplaying scenarios to explore differences, conflicts and ultimately to find resolutions. All
Multiplayer scenarios and interactions can be recorded as boned animations for future play
back, and therefore become the source for more Single player, and Machinima scenarios. It
is envisaged that this mode will provide the means to author novel content.
Notes on Game Play Mechanics
1. The Single Player Mode will make up the bulk of the product deliverable, facilitating the
playback of content authored via the developed games editor.
2. It is envisaged at this stage of development that Machinima mode will be the primary form
of product development that will have to be optimised in order to comply with project
resource limitations.
It is envisaged that machinima could be used in the following methods:
to provide closure to a scenario, taking the actions of the player/s during the game
session and showing possible results of these actions.
pre-defined learning objects, in which the machinima is viewed and the content
reflected upon.
as a conduit for encouraging user created content, where players create short
machinima episodes to reflect real situations which they have encountered.
However this option is highly unlikely and is suggested to be detailed as a potential
future development.
3. Multiplayer shall be developed to facilitate the capability for two users to log into a common
virtual space and undertake the project described conflicting roles (e.g. Interviewer and
interviewee, Migrant and Job Centre staff etc).
a. Primarily this capability will be developed to facilitate usage within a common
environment such as a training session and or mediated learning environment so
that application can be conducted as part of a mediated session.
b. As a secondary development this capability could be expanded to facilitate usage in
an isolated usage context (e.g. separate locations via internet).
Division of the potential multiplayer deliverable aspect of the project is a direct reflection of
both potential usage limitations (e.g. institutional security restrictions) and available project
resource. Provision should be gifted for future expansion of the developed product to
reflect the secondary deliverable.
It should be noted that in order to facilitate this capability it is likely that the defined
environmental usage contexts (e.g. libraries and or educational centres/ institutions) will
likely need to facilitate any multiplayer connectivity via the derestriction of firewall/ports etc.
Suggested method for the implementation of this product functionality is the use of UDP for
computer to computer and/or mobile (potentially) communication.
Suggestion has been made by the project consortium that the multiplayer aspect of the
project deliverable should facilitate co-operative play:
a pre-defined number of players work together to solve a common problem while
resolving conflicts which are thrown up by the interaction of the individual game
aims (see below). Gameplay is simultaneous. Scoring and journaling are
implemented at both the individual and team levels.
Whilst co-operative play is an excellent idea that would probably have the greatest impact in
the context of the software objectives it would also be the most expensive in terms of
development and/or project resource.
Potential Game Play Schematics
Dual Simulation Experience
Suggestion has been made by the project partner consortium that the developed software enables a
user to experience a defined scenario from multiple perspectives as described and/or divided by the
primary user role i.e. in the context of the Job Centre scenario roles could be that of either a
migrant/refugee and also a member of Job Centre staff.
This would allow both sides of the target demographic divides to experience the same scenario from
each perspective, thus providing insight and or experience of the opposing party viewpoint and or
feelings surrounding the defined scenario i.e. job interview and/or meeting etc.
Interactive Exploratory Simulation
Development of an exploratory environment that would allow the player to interact in a manner
akin to that of real world interaction scenarios would allow the user to experience potential events
that could occur in the real world context thus equipping and/or preparing them for such
The undertaking of these scenarios in a manner that facilitates reflection of their interpretation via
both sides of the demographic divide could act to inform the participant as to the nature of attitude
and/or opposed activity during these scenarios.
Potential Game Dialogue Systems
The Investigation if potential games dialogue systems has identified several potential methods for
facilitating dialogue interaction as used in contemporary game play.
In summary these are:
Non-Branching Dialogue
Branching Dialogue
Hub-and-Spokes Dialogue
Parser-Driven Dialogues
Systemic Interactions
More information in reflection of and a full breakdown of the potential dialogue systems can be
found at the following URL:
Investigation of the schemas in reflection of the data collated via WP2/3 suggests that the
development of a Hub-and-Spokes system could be used to great effect to facilitate the application
of a Social Learning Model for the change of attitudes.
The Hub and Spoke Dialogue System
The following except details from the aforementioned source details definition of the Hub-andSpokes Dialogue system:
Hub-and-Spokes Dialogue creates a very different conversation flow compared to basic
Branching Dialogue. The player listens to the NPC's lines and then chooses their response
from the main "hub" of the conversation.
After hearing the NPC's response, the player either returns to the main hub, from which they
can ask the same question again or inquire about another topic, or enters a deeper hub with
more options to choose from.
The player can typically always find their way back to any hub by navigating through their
responses, and thus can explore the dialogue in any order they wish. In this manner, a player
can exhaust a conversation by trying every possible option at their disposal (with no penalty),
and the interaction only ends when the player chooses the "goodbye" option.
Rationale for Hub and Spoke – Social Learning Theory
Robert Bandura in the late 1970’s articulated the concept of Social Learning Theory (SLT) as a
method in which individuals learn from one another in the context of a social situation via use of
observation. Bandura’s theory indicates the effectiveness of human social models in influencing
another to change behaviours, beliefs or attitudes, as well as social and cognitive functioning.
Through processes such as observation, vicarious experience (experience gained by observing
another) and social interaction, one can acquire the behaviours or expertise mediated through a
human social model. Social learning theory is based on the premise that observation and imitation
by an individual leads to learned behaviour.
Research in this area indicates that, indeed, human social models can be effective in influencing
another to change behaviours, beliefs or attitudes, as well as social and cognitive functioning (e.g.
Gredler). Further research such as that conducted by Baylor (2010) has provided evidence that
humans can be socially influenced by automated anthropomorphic agents (avatars) just as they
would be by human social models.
the theory seeks to explain learning in a naturalistic setting as opposed to laboratory or contrived
setting and takes into account that learners can abstract a range of information from the behaviours
of others and that learners can then make decisions about which behaviours to adopt and which to
ignore or not adopt.
Bandura himself notes that learners may acquire internal codes of behaviour that they “may or may
not” perform later based on the observation.
Learning is defined as the acquisition of symbolic representations in the form of verbal or visual
codes that serve as guidelines for future behaviour. In other words, learners observe others, figure
out what works or not and then behave in a similar situation based on those internally formed
In social-cognitive theory, the essential components of learning are:
Behavioural model
Reinforcement of the model
Learner’s cognitive processing of the modelled behaviours
The learner witnesses the behaviour occurring, and witnesses the behaviour being reinforced and
then develops internal guidelines based on their interpretation of the correct or desired behaviours.
The assumptions that support the principles of social-cognitive theory are:
The learner’s cognitive process and decision making are important factors in learning.
The three way interaction among environment, personal factors and behaviour is
responsible for learning
Outcomes of learning are codes of behaviour.
To teach using the model, the components of instruction would be to:
Identify the appropriate behaviours to be held up as the model.
Establish the functional value of the behaviours.
Guide the learner’s internal processing to establish the behaviours within the learner.
Potential Implementation of Hub and Spoke – Mass Effect Style Paraphrasing
Investigation of Hub-and-Spoke systems has identified potential for a system be developed that
reflects the implementation of that found in the Bioware Mass Effect trilogy.
The aforementioned url source also details in reflection of Hub-and-Spoke:
Most conversations in Mass Effect and other BioWare titles take this form, with occasional
basic Branching Dialogue implemented when the player has to make an important decision
that may affect quest outcomes or the NPC's disposition towards the player.
Hub-and-Spokes Dialogue gives the player more freedom and control over conversation and
often allows them to interrogate NPCs to find out every last piece of information about them.
However, this method of dialogue tends to create conversations strongly divorced from
The NPC usually has infinite patience for the player's strange inquisitions, and every dialogue
plays out like an interrogation as the player keeps pressing the NPC for info. Furthermore, the
player hears a lot of the same lines over and over as he navigates between hubs, potentially
breaking immersion.
As can be seen however there are limitations to this system and suggestion is made to modify the
core construct of the method to account for the described issues.
Implementation of the system in conjunction with an Intelligent Agent (IA) could provide one
potential means of combating artefacts such as linearity and/or abstraction.
However it is envisaged that a blend of IA and HAS would facilitate more than adequate realism and
non-linear interaction with none player characters. Both systems could be used to impart
information together and/or individually dependant on simulation context e.g.
IA & HAS – Job interview conversation
HAS – Security guard encounter
IA – Generic NPC interaction
In the scenarios where IA is not used conversation would be developed to utilise a branching
dialogue with avenues triggered via consequence.
The advantage of the paraphrasing system is that within a game-play context the player is constantly
required to think about their response and reflect on previous responses and/or provided
For example describes the paraphrasing interaction as
The conversation wheel was designed to be intuitive. The left side of the wheel is normally
reserved for options that will continue the conversation in depth including Charm and
Intimidate options (see below); occasionally an "Investigate" option is given in the middle,
which allows Shepard to ask about multiple topics.
The right side of the wheel is divided into three sections, and tends to move the conversation
towards quicker completion. Paragon responses, generally more selfless or cooperative, are
on the top segment, the middle segment presents a more neutral option, and Renegade
responses, often more aggressive and hostile, are on the bottom segment.
Characters can also be influenced by the use of Charm or Intimidate. In the conversation
wheel, Charm responses are blue while Intimidate responses are red. Use of those skills is
affected by Commander Shepard's morality; if insufficient ranks in Charm or Intimidate have
been unlocked, the options are greyed out. The harder a character is to persuade, the more
ranks in the respective skills are needed.
Dialogue choices impact how others react to Shepard, the rewards for completing quests,
possible discounts from merchants, romance paths and, most importantly, the commander's
morality. It is also possible to defuse tense situations without violence, or actually provoke it.
It should be noted that due to the large amount of gameplay changes in Mass Effect 2, the
reworked skill system no longer has Charm or Intimidate as trainable skills. Instead, your
ranks in Charm/Intimidate are now tied to your morality level, gauged by how high you’re
Paragon and Renegade scores are. Whether or not you can use a particular Charm or
Intimidate option is based on how many of the available Paragon or Renegade points you've
earned up to that point in the game, rather than the raw values. This is why sometimes
Charm or Intimidate options can be used with less of the meter filled in one play through, but
the next play through the same options are grayed out, but more of the meter is filled.
Presentation of the content in this manner can be seen to embed the content within a game-play
context removing the static fixed presentation of content from which many serious games suffer.
Capability is also gifted to surprise the player with seemingly innocent response that can also have
negative consequence, thus subtly and/or severely demonstrating the positive and negative effects
of simple but sometimes poignant response.
Artefacts of Game Play
Role play-like game. RPGs have been shown to be suitable for the construction of narrative driven,
reflective learning scenarios. The game is mostly played in a first-person, or behind the avatar
It is rationalised that the developed application whilst based on the RPG definition will realistically
also fall under the construct and/or definition of interactive simulation.
An overwhelming response from the partner consortium in reflection of WP2/WP3 has detailed the
requirement for the simulations to be presented in primarily in the First person perspective
commonly known as FPS (First Person Shooter) and/or FPC (First Person Camera).
This FPC mode will be accompanied via an optional Third Person Camera (TPC) mode so that a user
can choose between the two for general environment navigation affording differing visual
evaluation and viewpoint of the environment as required.
A mix of FPC and TPC and fixed position (FP) cameras are to be used to frame any created cut scene
and key environmental events. It is likely that in the majority of these occurrences that user
navigation control will temporarily be disabled and a FP camera will be used to focus on activated
Upon completion of the machinema control will then be returned to the player.
All simulation input should be operable via Keyboard and Mouse input. The primary and
recommended control hardware for the game/simulation is that of an Xbox 360 control pad.
Control Pad
Menu Up
Menu Down
Menu Select
Menu Back
Up Cursor
Down Cursor
Space Bar
Hover Selection
Hover Selection
Left Click
Hover Selection / L Click
D Pad Up / Left Stick +Y
D Pad Down / Left Stick -Y
A Button
B Button
Avatar FWD
Avatar BCK
Avatar Strafe Left
Avatar Strafe Right
Up Cursor
Down Cursor
Left Cursor
Right Cursor
Left Stick +Y
Left Stick -Y
Left Stick -X
Left Stick +X
Camera Up
Camera Down
Camera Turn Left
Camera Turn Right
Up Cursor
Down Cursor
Left Cursor
Right Cursor
Right Stick +Y
Right Stick -Y
Right Stick -X
Right Stick +X
Table 2: Envisaged Hardware Mappings
Suggested initial control mappings are outlined in table 3 however it is envisaged that these may
change during prototype development. Ideally all system input should be configurable via the
playback framework developed for hosting the partner created content.
Saving and Loading
Collated user requirement data has indicated need for facility for externally transferable save files to
be developed that would enable users to return to the simulation and continue from a relevant
position to where they last exited the simulation.
This capability would also allow for a user to continue their session at a different location if required,
a reflection of the potential environmental usage context (e.g. within a library and/or equivalent
It is envisaged at this stage of development that such facility would be gifted in the form of an xml
save data file that would contain artefacts such as:
Username and Role
Progression identifier
Currently it has not been determined if any user performance data such as period and/or number of
sessions are required to be logged.
To cut down on what could be perceived as cheating (but also potential capability for a user to
change his/her mind) it is envisaged that the simulation will automatically save progress at CheckPoints within simulation playback. These points will then be used to gift provision for re-entry to the
simulation in a manner that ensures that a scene cannot be misconstrued.
A user should be gifted the ability to load from file at the beginning of a session and at any time
within playback. If a user opts to manually save their progress the save will automatically round to
the nearest completed checkpoint and reflect decision weightings up until that point.
Saving will not be possible during playback of a machinima cut scene.
Saving of Multiplayer Data
A potential requirement of the project is the affordance of capability for save data to be collected
during the playback of the multiplayer mode.
In this scenario it is envisaged that the inputted conversational data from multiple characters will be
logged in text format with an id that reflects the user’s character and conversational interaction in
the form of a script element.
These scripts can then be used by content developers to formulate the basis for potential future
scenarios and/or future game related activity.
Simulation Interface
The product interface is seen to break down into the following three components:
1. Win form and/or equivalent (e.g. WPF) game editor for customisable content creation.
2. Player for game related interaction/simulation and machinema.
3. Shell that contains Player and facilitates modification of related properties.
Each of these elements can be initially outlined as follows. These definitions will evolve as the
project progress and further information is collated in respect to product definition and requirement.
Game and/or Simulation Editor
The engine/system should facilitate the creation, management and playback of game play,
presented within a contemporary, graphically and aurally rich, 3D gaming environment.
Capability should be provided to facilitate interactive elements and conversation be combined by a
non-technical author to create a range of realistic and engaging interaction driven scenarios that can
be played back within a real time game-play driven context.
Game and/or Simulation Player
The game player is responsible for the playback of content authored by the game editor and/or
builder. The game player aspects of the software will also be responsible for handling artefacts such
as environment rendering and animation and audio playback. The player will also be responsible for
the handling of user interface with the developed simulations.
Game and/or Simulation Framework
The game/simulation framework is responsible for handling user options and the system set-up
related artefacts of the software.
The framework will also handle factors such as the affordance of multilingual capabilities and the
saving and loading of user data.
Functionality related notes
1. This would gift provision for language translation and evaluation/development of content in
real time.
2. Investigation needs to be undertaken to evaluate the potential for expandable content
libraries and/or capability for 3D content hosted externally to packaged content pipeline.
3. Development is to be conducted to facilitate usage on Windows OS hardware that reflects
the overarching product technical requirement.
Menu and Screen Descriptions
The following outlines an initial breakdown of all screens to be developed such as: Introduction,
Instructions Options and Game-Over etc. A full breakdown of all screen elements will also be
provided for each defined screen in the form of a Screen Bible.
Screen Name
Screen Function
 Play
 Options
 Exit
 Display
 Input
 Audio
 Language
Screen Links
New game
Full screen or windowed playback
Quality – low, medium, high
Interface configuration
Music on/off
Effects on/off
Interface on/off
Presentation of high-scores if applicable
Temporary halt of scenario playback
Provision of access to additional shell
functionality and/or screens
Presentation of media to inform the
player how to operate the simulation
Presentation of 3D simulation
Display Options
Input Options
Audio Options
Game Over
High Score
Pause and/or
Game Over
Game/Simulation World
The game world will consist of three main environments in which interaction will take place. Each
environment developed will also be able to facilitate multiplayer related interaction in the form of
capability for two participants being able to enter the environment at the same time.
The environments can be outlined as follows:
1. A Generic Job Centre
2. A Generic Office and/or Meeting Room
3. (More information from partners in ref to context needed) – Scenario 4
The environments will be designed to be generic to facilitate multicultural application. Provision may
be gifted for multilingual artefacts such as signs, however this should be avoided where possible and
universal iconic representations utilised instead.
Each environment should be enhanced via the inclusion of ambient sounds and where relevant an
accompanying audio track. In this context audio can be used to emphasise emotion and/or identify
activity and points of interest.
Described here are any items and item based mechanisms that a player might collect and/or interact
with during gameplay. Information should also detail how such an object might affect scenario and
gameplay outcomes and paths for progression. […]
Notes – location, colour etc
Table 3: Scenario One Items
Notes – location, colour etc
Table 4: Scenario Two Items
Generic UK job
Notes – location, colour etc
Two colour theme (magenta and lime green); 5 telephones fixed on
desks in private booths; 10-15 computers at standing up “job points”
free standing around the room; reception area – a couple of jc staff
behind a lectern; automatic doors; painted walls; clock on the wall;
nothing visible that is throwable; laminate floor;
Table 5: Scenario Three Items
Interview room in
Notes – location, colour etc
Fairly bland décor – magnolia walls, deep red carpet, ikea type table and
chairs – 3 for interviewers at one end, smaller one for interviewee at the
other; motivational pictures on walls; overhead light; atmosphere
deceptively welcoming; coffee pot on the go for interviewers with mugs
on table, glass of water in place for interviewee;
Table 6: Scenario Four Items
Game/Simulation Levels
Four 3D interactive scenarios are to be developed to demonstrate and address the key internal and
external attitudinal barriers to employment.
Scenario One – At the Job Centre
Scenario One Keywords
[Insert keywords that reflect the scenario objectives here.]
Scenario One Outline
"At the job Centre – Al Centro per l’Impiego" game addresses the attitudinal barriers that make
access to job services difficult for immigrants (particularly the newly arrived) and refugees: lack of
information, lack of bootstrap contacts, vulnerable conditions, ignorance of Italian laws and
practices, misunderstanding of signals, continuous reference to own habits and traditions, etc.
These barriers contribute to block or delay further progress in job search-employment.
A relevant issue is that, nowadays and probably in the next future, the actual lack of job
opportunities both for Italians and immigrants is the main obstacle to a successful job search.
Furthermore, differently from UK and Sweden cases, Italian immigrants still experiment a
widespread insufficient knowledge of spoken and written Italian language. This is at the moment the
main problem they face in their social and working inclusion process.
Due to these issues, a parallel set of instruments to be used by migrants to clarify key-words, keyservices, key-sites is highly recommended to provide both instruments for a more effective
behaviour and useful information.
Simulations help getting acquainted with emotionally charged situations (e.g. interviews, first time in
new places, sense of inadequacy). As a result we expect that players will be more self-confident and
maintain a better focus on their goal when in real world circumstances.
The strategy, orchestration and content of this work has been discussed with most key stakeholders.
The strategy proposed at the beginning of the project (a stand-alone game) has been replaced by the
current approach, that is of a simulation/role playing game as a support tool for presence (face-toface) learning and guidance.
Contributions from field practitioners and members of immigrants' communities definitely steered
the work towards an 'operator driven' play.
This outcome is in tune with PAUSE objective to ensure that needs, requirements and solutions
come from real world and are built with the contribution of target people.
Likewise the requirements for adaptability of story flow and dialogues comes from potential users.
Scenario One Learning Objectives
The following outlines the suggested scenario learning objectives as detailed by the scenario as
described by Provincia di Parma:
knowledge of Italian language, both spoken and written
misunderstanding of roles and competences: who makes what tendency to replicate rules
and conditions of birthplaces regarding working conditions and job search
tendency to replicate traditions of birthplaces regarding gender and labour segmentation
acceptance/search for shortcut solutions, even barely illegal
Scenario Two – Job Centre Plus
Scenario Two Keywords
Attitudinal change (job centre staff); preparing/rehearsing (refugees for first visit to job centre);
realism; awareness raising ( on both sides); reducing anxiety and stress levels (refugees)
Scenario Two Outline
Refer to previous document.
Scenario Two Learning Objectives
Job centre staff: to become aware of refugee issues; develop cultural awareness; to understand the
consequences of their behaviour/attitude towards refugees and the effect their words/non-verbal
communication can have; to become aware of current documentation (visas, leave to remain
documents etc); to hold a mirror to themselves (reflective practise); to recognise best practise; cpd
in customer service.
Refugees – understand the processes and procedures in job centre and what to expect on their first
visit; to learn about their benefit entitlements; to gain an appreciation of the restrictions that are in
place on job centre staff (timing, script etc); appreciate that the job centre staff are often under
great stress and may have encountered aggressive behaviour which may make them appear
defensive; be aware of the impact that their attitude/behaviour can have on others; understand the
role of the security staff;
Scenario Three – The Job Interview
Scenario Three Keywords
Attitudinal change; equality of opportunity; reflective practice;
Scenario Three Outline
Please refer to previous document.
Scenario Three Learning Objectives
Refugees : to learn how to present yourself and your qualifications/experience in the best maner, in
order to gain employment; to learn that it my be possible to change negative attitudes of employers
by emphasising the positive;
Employers: to confront and change bigoted attitudes; to address negative stereotyping; to become
aware of current necessary documentation; to learn about the differences between refugees,
migrants etc and the legality of employing them; to increase knowledge and implementation of
Equal Opportunities Act; reflective practice – hold up a mirror to negative/bigoted attitudes; try to
prevent pre-judging when shortlisting/interviewing;
Scenario Four – Support or Hindrance
Scenario Four Keywords
[Insert keywords that reflect the scenario objectives here.]
Scenario Four Outline
[Please define a simple outline of the scenario here.]
Scenario Three Learning Objectives
[Please detail the scenario learning objectives here]
Game Progression
Described here are the mechanisms that a user performs in order to progress through each scenario.
As this documentation evolves Information will expand to include definition of the frameworks
needed to facilitate each of the described gameplay mechanics as described in this document.
At this stage of initial development it is envisaged that progression shall be determined primarily via
conversational interaction with NPC and via the use of branch conversational interaction.
In addition activation and interaction with scenery and/or elements within the environment will also
be used to trigger progression e.g. Collection of a ticket detailing a place in a queue and the
announcement via display and/or tannoy of ticket etc.
At key stages within conversational interaction the simulation will determine the path of progression
via the evaluation of user input in the form of conversational selection and or attitudinal effect of
the selection.
Defined here any of user/player character requirements. Information should include aesthetics,
restrictions, and role-play definition of all potential player characters.
Note: full character descriptions are to be defined following the full submission of the 4 outline
Scenario descriptions as requested during the Nottingham transnational.
First Contact
Table 7: Characters for Scenario One - At the Job Centre
Table 3: Characters for Scenario Two – Job Centre Plus
Smartly dressed (shirt
and tie); name badge;
Smartly dressed (blouse,
trousers); name badge;
Security uniform
Smartly dressed in a
jacket, trousers shirt.
Smart casual clothes
poor English
Traditional brightly
coloured African dress
and scarf
Traditional dress – long
brightly coloured
embroidered dress, head
covered with scarf.
Various other job seekers
in background. Various
styles of dress.
Table 4: Characters for Scenario Three – The Job Interview
British Asian
Shirt and tie but scruffy
Hippyish clothes – long
flowing skirt, long hair,
lots of jewellery
Very smart suit
Smart but ill fitting suit
Expensive designer suit
Smart office wear
Traditional Asian dress –
no head scarf
Table 5: Characters for Scenario Four – Support or Hindrance
Current indication from the project partnership has identified that the game/simulation is to be
primarily run in the First Person Perspective enabling the immersion of the player into the role of the
“Player Avatar”. […]
This artefact of suggested play resolves the issue of definition of the primary character. The impact
of this is that all machinima and/or cut scene development must also reflect this decision; however
the benefits can be seen to far outweigh this as a potential limitation or design constraint.
Concerns and or Highlighted Issues
Miscellaneous Notes
The following list details the documentation collated in the formulation of this document:
Employers ScenesJL
Gameplay pointsJL
JCP ScenesJL
The following lists details additional suggestions made by user involved sessions for the construct of
the game/simulation:
The following points have come from the user groups and will need to be considered as the games
are developed.
1. A tutorial will need to be easily accessible and available to all the people that access the
2. It should not be called a game as it is dealing with very sensitive issues that people are
3. The games should be aimed at people who have been in the country 6 months as it is at this
point they are ready to look at what their options may be if they are allowed to stay.
4. Is it possible for any product produced to be in more than one language?
5. The games should have optional sound on it and possibly subtitles.
6. You should be able to enter the game at any relevant point rather than have to go through
elements that you may have already faced.
7. The game should be able to be stopped at any point and saved so that people can go back to
8. Game should have a log in facility so that people can return to a previous saved point.
9. No more than 10 minute per chapter
Potential Gameplay
Could be in the 1st person and controlled by a mouse.
Have decision points within the game.
Have multiple choice responses where appropriate
Show thought as well as speech for the various characters
Could show split screen – e.g. good advisor/bad advisor