Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Lesson Plan: Working Toward Fluency When Multiplying by 2 (This lesson should be adapted, including instructional time, to meet the needs of your students.) Background Information Content/Grade Level Unit/Cluster: Essential Questions/Enduring Understandings Addressed in the Lesson Mathematics Grade 3 Domain: 3.OA Operations and Algebraic Thinking Cluster: 3.OA.C Multiply and Divide within 100 Multiply and Divide within 100 Essential Questions: Why do I need mathematical operations? How do mathematical operations relate to each other? What do I know from the information shared in the problem? What do I need to find? How do I know which computational method (mental math, estimation, paper and pencil, and calculator) to use? How do you solve problems using multiplication or division in real world situations? How can you decide that your calculation is reasonable? How do you begin to solve a problem when the product or quotient is unknown? How can one fact help you solve another? What do you know about addition and subtraction that can help you with multiplication and division? Enduring Understanding: Operations create relationships among numbers. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operate under the same properties in algebra as they do in arithmetic. The relationships among the operations and their properties promote computational fluency. Mathematical reasoning and number models can be used to manipulate practical applications and to solve problems. Through the properties of numbers we understand the relationships of various mathematical functions. Knowing the reasonableness of an answer comes from using good number sense and estimation strategies. July 10, 2013 Page 1 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Standards Addressed in This Lesson 3.OA.C.7 Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 x 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. NOTE: Finding single-digit products and related quotients is a required fluency for grade 3. Reaching fluency will take much of the year for many students. These skills and the understandings that support them are crucial; students will rely on them for years to come as they learn to multiply and divide with multi-digit numbers and to add, subtract, multiply, and divide with fractions. After multiplication and division situations have been established, reasoning about patterns in products (e.g., products involving factors of 5 and 9) can help students remember particular products and quotients. Practice – and if necessary, extra support – should continue all year for those who need it to attain fluency. It is critical that the Standards for Mathematical Practice are incorporated in ALL lesson activities throughout the unit as appropriate. It is not the expectation that all eight Mathematical Practices will be evident in every lesson. The Standards for Mathematical Practice make an excellent framework on which to plan your instruction. Look for the infusion of the Mathematical Practices throughout this unit. Lesson Topic Use and apply strategies and properties to fluently multiply and divide within 100. Relevance/Connections This work begins in Grade 2 when students use rectangular arrays and addition to build the foundation for this learning. Making connections to that study will help students use what they know to inform their learning in this unit. Student Outcomes The student will: Know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers (2s). Use various strategies to determine products involving the factor 2. Relate repeated addition to multiplication. Use skip counting to develop an understanding of multiplication. Prior Knowledge Needed to Support This Learning Students must have: An understanding of equal groups An understanding repeated addition and subtraction An understanding of skip counting patterns Constructed knowledge and made meaning of multiplication and division and are ready to apply July 10, 2013 Page 2 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Method for determining student readiness for the lesson them to strategies. Knowledge of rectangular arrays. Previous exposure to the properties of multiplication Students have shown an understanding of at least one strategy they can use to solve multiplication and division problems within 100. Refer to clarification section of this unit for other ways to determine whether or not students are ready for fluency. Learning Experience Component Warm Up Details Materials Needed: Resource Sheet 1: One-Minute Facts Assessment (one copy per student) Motivation Distribute Resource Sheet 1: One Minute Facts Assessment to each student. Give them 1 minute to complete the fact test. Counting Around the Classroom: Have all students stand up behind their desks. Explain that they will be counting by 2s until all students have counted. Have students predict what the final number will be and record two or three predictions on the board. Begin on one side of the room and have students count by 2s all the way around while you record the multiplication facts on the board. July 10, 2013 Which Standards for Mathematical Practice(s) does this address? How is the Practice used to help students develop proficiency? SMP 6: Attend to Precision Students must accurately answer each problem while moving quickly. SMP 7: Look for and make use of structure Students should recognize the pattern of skip counting by 2s. SMP 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively Students must be able to keep track and follow the pattern and say their answer appropriately. SMP 3: Construct Viable Arguments and critique the reasoning of others Teacher should encourage discourse among students if disagreements occur while counting. Page 3 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Learning Experience Activity 1 UDL Components Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means for Action and Expression Multiple Means for Engagement Key Questions Formative Assessment Summary Students will use this list to self-check their assessments. Representation: Teacher may provide appropriate manipulatives to students if necessary. Highlighting the patterns of 2s and using visual cues. Using prior knowledge of addition doubles. Expression: Teacher is breaking the long-term goal of fluency within 100 into reachable short-term objectives by focusing on only 2s. Engagement: Students are self-regulating by checking their own understanding of the multiples of 2s. SMP 6: Attend to Precision Students must accurately answer their problem. SMP 7: Look for and make use of structure Students should recognize the pattern of skip counting by 2s. SMP 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively Students will notice which facts they know and which ones they don’t know. SMP 6: Attend to Precision Students are sorting facts based on the accuracy of their fact test. SMP 7: Look for and make use of structure Students should recognize the pattern of skip counting by 2s. Materials Needed: Resource Sheet 2: Facts Cards for Two (one set per student) I Know or I Don’t Know: Distribute a copy of Resource Sheet 2: Facts Cards to each student. Have them cut out all cards and sort them into two different piles, “Do know” or “Don’t Know” based on their responses from the fact assessment. Please refer students to fact list on board for correct answers. July 10, 2013 Page 4 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Learning Experience Activity 2 UDL Components Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means for Action and Expression Multiple Means for Engagement Key Questions Formative Assessment Summary Representation: Students are highlighting patterns of 2s on the 100s. Students are also using an organizer, 100s chart, or prior knowledge of skip counting. Expression: Teacher is breaking the long-term goal of fluency within 100 into reachable short-term objectives by focusing on only 2s. Teacher could use various materials for students to work with (highlighters, pencil/pen, computer, overlays). Engagement: Students are self-regulating by checking their own understanding of the multiples of 2s. Teacher could have grouping structures set up to support all learners. Materials Needed: Resource Sheet 3: Hundred Chart Highlighters, pencils, or crayons SMP 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively Students must be able to keep track and follow the pattern and say their answer appropriately. SMP 5: Use tools strategically and appropriately Students will use a 100s chart to show skip-counting pattern of 2. SMP 6: Attend to Precision Students must accurately color the skip counting patterns. SMP 7: Look for and make use of structure Students will recognize the pattern made when skip counting by 2. Pattern on 100s chart: Distribute Resource Sheet 3: Hundred Chart to each student. Have students highlight or color multiples of 2 by starting at 2 and skip counting forward until they reach 100. Discuss what patterns students see on their charts. Activity 3 UDL Components Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means for Action and Representation: Teacher can supply a variety of dominoes to help students notice the dot patterns. Color paper and physical dominoes are two options. Students are drawing and writing numeric expressions for the numbers of dots. SMP 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively Students must be able to keep track and follow the pattern and say their answer appropriately. Expression: Students can use a variety of dominoes and recording methods. Activity can be composed in multiple media sources including text, drawing, and interactive SMP 3: Construct Viable Arguments and critique the reasoning of others Students work together to help and July 10, 2013 Page 5 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Learning Experience Expression Multiple Means for Engagement Key Questions Formative Assessment Summary whiteboard lessons. Engagement: Students will be working with partners which will allow for peer support and tutoring. Working with a partner will emphasize effort and improvement. Materials Needed: Resource Sheets 4A-E: Dominoes (one set cut and bagged for each pair of students) Resource Sheet 5: Domino Recording Sheet Seeing Doubles: Distribute a set of Domino Cards to pairs of students. Have students pull all of the doubles out and flip them upside down. One student at a time will flip over 1 card and say the product. The other student will check the card to make sure response is correct. Both students will record a picture of the domino, an addition equation, and a multiplication equation on Resource Sheet 4: Domino Recording Sheet. Repeat until all cards have been chosen. Closure Have pairs of students quiz each other on their “Don’t Know” stacks and or all of their cards, for fluency. support each other. Student pairs will have discussions about the facts during this activity. SMP 5: Use tools strategically and appropriately Students will use the dominoes to help build understanding of 2s facts. SMP 6: Attend to Precision Students must accurately answer and record their problems. SMP 7: Look for and make use of structure Students will recognize the patterns of repeated addition or skip counting 2s. SMP 3: Construct Viable Arguments and critique the reasoning of others Students work together to help and support each other. Student pairs will have discussions about the facts during this activity. SMP 6: Attend to Precision Students must accurately answer their July 10, 2013 Page 6 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Learning Experience fact cards. Supporting Information Interventions/Enrichments Special Education/Struggling Learners ELL Gifted and Talented Interventions: Revisit and Reteach Standards 3.OA.A.1 & 3.OA.A.3 & 3.OA.B.5 to provide more time to develop multiplication/division strategies. Teacher can pull those students to work with individually or in small pairs who need more guidance during activities. Enrichment: Move to the Lesson Seeds to provide fluency work with the multiples of 3-9. Materials Resource Sheet 1: One Minute Facts Assessment Resource Sheet 2: Facts Cards for Two Resource Sheet 3: Hundred Chart Resource Sheets 4A-E: Dominoes Dominoes (optional and in place of Resource Sheet 4) Resource Sheet 5: Domino Recording Sheet Chart Paper Highlighters, markers, pencils, or crayons Baggies Technology July 10, 2013 Page 7 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Resources (must be available to all stakeholders) See Unit Plan for complete resource list. July 10, 2013 Page 8 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Resource Sheet 1 One Minute Facts Assessment Name:________________________________ Score: ( _____/ 20) Time: 1 minute 2x1= 4x2= 2x0= 9x2= 7x2= 3x2= 2x7= 2x4= 2x8= 2x5= 1x2= 6x2= 2x2= 8x2= 5x2= 2x9= 0x2= 2x3= 2x6= 2x2= July 10, 2013 Page 9 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Facts Cards for Two Resource Sheet 2 2x0 0x2 2x5 5x2 2x1 1x2 2x6 6x2 2x2 2x7 7x2 2x3 3x2 2x8 8x2 2x4 4x2 2x9 9x2 July 10, 2013 Page 10 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Hundred Chart Resource Sheet 3 1 2 3 4 5 Name _____________________________ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 July 10, 2013 Page 11 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Resource Sheet 4A Dominoes July 10, 2013 Page 12 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Resource Sheet 4B Dominoes July 10, 2013 Page 13 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Resource Sheet 4C Dominoes July 10, 2013 Page 14 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Resource Sheet 4D Dominoes July 10, 2013 Page 15 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Resource Sheet 4E Dominoes July 10, 2013 Page 16 of 17 Grade 3: Unit 3.OA.C.7, Operations and Algebraic Thinking--Multiply and divide within 100. Resource Sheet 5 Domino Recording Sheet Name:___________________________________ Directions: Record the double addition fact and the multiplication fact for each domino. _____ + _____ = _____ _____ + _____ = _____ _____ + _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ _____ + _____ = _____ _____ + _____ = _____ _____ + _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ _____ + _____ = _____ _____ + _____ = _____ _____ + _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ _____ x _____ = _____ July 10, 2013 Page 17 of 17