Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC “Out of Darkness Comes Light” CLIENT IDENTIFICATION Name: _________________________________________ Sex: _____________DOB:___________________ Age: ____________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: __________________ Zip: ________SS#_____________________________ Driver’s License #__________________________________________________________ Primary Phone: ________________________________ Secondary Phone: ___________________________________________ Leave Message? Yes No Leave Message? Yes No Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: ____________________Relationship:____________________Phone:_______________________________ Currently Employed? Yes No If employed, company name: ___________________________________________________ How Long? ______ Occupation: _________________________________ Best time to call: ______________________________ Check if the same as client (Skip this section) RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION Guardian Name: ______________________________________________ Sex: ___________ DOB: ______/_______/________ Relation to Patient: ______________________________ SS#_________________________ Employer: ____________________ Address: ________________________________________City: _______________________ State: _______________________ Primary Phone: ___________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY INSURANCE INFORMATION (please provide insurance card) Policyholder’s Name: ______________________________________ Policyholder’s SS# _________________________________ Date of Birth: _______/_______/______ Primary Insurance Co. Name: ________________________________________ Insurance Co Customer Service Phone #: ________________________________________ Insurance ID# __________________ Co-Pay $ ___________ Deductible? Yes or No If yes, what is the amount $ _________________________________ Authorization Required? Yes No Authorization # ___________________________________________________________ Number of Sessions Authorized ________________ Maximum Number of Sessions Allowed Per Year ________________ Is the patient covered under a secondary insurance policy? Yes No I, _______________________________________ (client or legal guardian) authorize CaRen Ogle, LPC/ Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC or any holder of medical information about me to release to my insurance company or its representative, any information needed concerning the examination or treatment rendered to me that is necessary to process -1- the insurance claim. I permit a copy of this authorization to be used in place of the original, and request payment of medical insurance benefits to be paid directly to CaRen Ogle, LPC/Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC in such amount as my benefits allow. This authorization is effective until terminated in writing by the client or their guardian. _________________________________________________ __________________________ Client or Legal Guardian Signature Date YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE READ THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO ITS TERMS. YOUR SIGNATURE ALSO SERVES AS AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THE HIPPA NOTICE FORM DESCRIBED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES. PATIENT (OR PARENTS/GUARDIANS, IF PATIENT IS A MINOR) __________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Client or Client (s) Parent (s)/Guardian (s) Date __________________________________________________ ___________________________ Print Name of Client or Parents (s)/Guardian (s) Relationship (s) to Client OTHER ADULT PARTY/PARTIES INVOLVED IN TREATMENT NOT APPLICABLE _________________________________________________ ____________________________ Signature of Secondary Party/Parties Date _________________________________________________ ____________________________ Print Name of Secondary Party/Parties Relationship (s) to Client _________________________________________________ ____________________________ Signature of Therapist Date _________________________________________________ Print Name of Therapist -2- CaRen Ogle, LPC Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC (770) 309-2766 INTAKE CLINICAL ASSESSMENT FORM Last Name :____________________________First Name:_______________ DOB:_______________ Age: ________________ Current Address: ________________________________________________________________________ How Long?________ Phone number: _______________________________ Alternative Number: __________________________________________ Form completed by (if someone other than client): ______________________________________________________________ Relationship Status: ____Single _____Married ______Separated ________Divorced _______Common Law _______Widowed Please describe additional information (if needed) _______________________________________________________________ Sexual orientation: ____ Heterosexual ___ Lesbian/Gay ___ Bisexual ____ Other: _____________________________________ Number of Children: ______ Please note age/gender of each______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Indicate level of Education: ____ High School/GED ____ Vocational _____ College ______ Graduate School Graduated? _____ Currently Employed? ____ Yes ___ No With whom: _________________________________________ How Long? __________ Military Experience: ____ Yes ____ No Please explain (if needed) _________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: Name: ____________________________________ Phone number: ________________________________ Reason for Seeking Counseling: ______________________________________________________________________________ Please check behavior and symptoms experienced with your reason for seeking counseling: ___ Aggression ___ Chest Pain ___ Fatigue ___ Judgment errors __ Stress ___ Alcohol ___ Depression ___Hallucinations ___ Loneliness __ Sleep ___ Anger ___ Distractibility ___Hopelessness ___ Mood swings __ Work ___ Antisocial behavior ___ Drugs ___ Impulsivity ___ Panic attacks __ Worry ___ Anxiety ___ Eating Disorder ___ Irritability ___ Phobias __ Other: Please describe: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe the impact checked items above are having on your life: _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________. DEVELOPMENT Are there any special, unusual, or traumatic events that affected your development? _____ Yes ____ No If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Has there been a history of abuse? ___ Yes ___ No -3- If yes, please select which type: ____ Verbal ____ Mental ____Emotional _____ Psychological _____ Physical ____ Sexual FAMILY INFORMATION Maternal Relationship Name Age Paternal Living Living with you Yes No Yes No Mother __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Father __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Spouse __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Brother (s) __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __________________________ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Sister (s) Grandmother Grandfather PARENTAL INFORMATION ___ Parents legally married How Long? ________ _____ Mother remarried: # of times; __________ ___ Parents have ever been separated _____ Father remarried: # of times: ___________ ___ Parents ever divorced Special circumstances (e.g. father had separate family, raised by someone else, information about another sibling/spouse):_ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________. CULTURAL/ETHNIC To which cultural or ethnic group, if any, do you belong? ________________________________________________________ Are you experiencing any problems due to cultural or ethnic issues? ____ Yes ____ No If yes, please describe: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Other cultural or ethnic information? ________________________________________________________________________ SPIRTITUAL/RELIGIOUS How important to you are spiritual matters? ____ Not _____ Little ____ Moderate ____ Much Are you affiliated with a spiritual or religious group? ____ Yes ____ No If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________ -4- Were you raised within a spiritual or religious group? _____ Yes ____ No If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Would you like your spiritual/religious beliefs incorporated into your counseling? _____ Yes ______ No If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________ CURRENT LEGAL STATUS Are you currently involved in any active cases (traffic, civil, criminal)? _____ Yes ______ No If yes, please describe and indicate the court and hearing/trial dates and charges: ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you presently on probation or parole? ______ Yes _____ No If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________ LEISURE/RECREATIONAL Describe special areas of interest or hobbies (e.g., art, books, crafts, physical fitness, sports, outdoor, hunting, fishing, etc.,):___________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICAL/PHYSICAL HEALTH ______ AIDS ____ Dizziness _____ Nose bleeds ______ Alcoholism ____ Drug abuse _____ Pneumonia ______ Abdominal pain ____ Epilepsy _____ Rheumatic fever ______ Abortion ____ Ear infections _____ Sexually transmitted disease ______ Allergies ____ Eating problems _____Sleeping disorders ______ Anemia ____ Fainting _____ Sore throat ______ Appendicitis ____ Fatigue _____ Scarlet fever ______ Arthritis ____ Frequent urination _____ Sinusitis ______ Asthma ____ Headaches _____ Small pox ______ Bronchitis ____ Hearing problems _____ Stroke ______ Bed wetting ____ Hepatitis _____ Sexual problems ______ Cancer ____ High blood pressure _____ Tonsillitis ______ Chest pain ____ Kidney problems _____ Tuberculosis ______ Chronic pain ____ Measles _____ Toothache ______ Colds/cough ____ Mononucleosis _____ Thyroid problem ______ Constipation ____ Mumps _____ Vision problems ______ Chicken pox ____ Menstrual pain _____ Vomiting -5- ______ Dental problems ____ Miscarriages _____ Whooping cough ______ Diabetes ____ Neurological disorders _____ Other: _____________________ ______ Diarrhea ____ Nausea List any current medications: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family history of medical problems: __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please check if there have been any recent changes resulting from medical problems: ____ Sleep patterns _____ Eating patterns ____ General disposition _____ Weight ____ Behavior ___ Energy Level ___ Physical activity ____ Nervousness/tension ___ Other (s): ______________________________ CHEMICAL USE HISTORY Is there any current/history of substance or alcohol use/abuse? ___ Yes ____ No If yes, please describe: Substance of preference: 1. _______________________ Method: ___________ Frequency: ____ Age of first use: ______ Last Use:_______ 2. _______________________ Method: ___________ Frequency:______ Age first used: _____ Last use: _______ Who first introduced you to the substance (s) listed above: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reason (s) for use: _____ Addicted _____ Build confidence _____ Escape _____ Self-medication ____ Socialization _____ Taste _____ Other (specify): _________________________________________________________________ How do you feel your substance use affects your life? ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who or what has stopped or limited your use? _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does/has someone in your family present/past have/had a problem with drugs or alcohol? ____ Yes _____ No If yes, please describe: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ -6- COUNSELING/PRIOR TREATMENT HISTORY Your reaction Yes No When Where to overall experience_____ ____ ____ _____________ ______________________ ______________________ Attempts ____ ____ _____________ ______________________ ______________________ Drug/Alcohol treatment ____ ____ _____________ ______________________ ______________________ Hospitalizations ____ ____ _____________ ______________________ ______________________ _____ ____ _____________ ______________________ ______________________ Counseling/Psychiatric Treatment Suicide thoughts/ Involvement with self help groups (AA, NA) Does/has someone in your family present/past have/has received mental health treatment? ____ Yes _____ No If yes, please describe: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I understand that after therapy begins I have the right to withdraw my consent to therapy at any time, for any reason. However, I will make every effort to discuss my concerns about my progress with you before ending therapy with you. I understand that no specific promises have been made to me by this therapist about the results of treatment, the effectiveness of treatment, or the number of sessions necessary for therapy to be effective. I have read, or have had read to me, the issues and points in this form. I have discussed the points I did not understand, and have had any questions fully answered. I agree to act according to the points covered in this form. I hereby agree to enter into therapy with this therapist, and to cooperate fully and to the best of my ability, as shown by my signature. Client Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Print Signature: ________________________________________________ Therapist Signature: ____________________________________________ Print Signature: ________________________________________________ -7- Date: ________________________________ FOR STAFF USE ONLY Critical Assessments: Suicide Risk none, active, passive, plan/means Homicide/Violence Risk no, yes, intent, plan/means A&D Use: none, low, medium, high If yes, to any of the above Critical Assessments, describe in detail and intervention plan taken. If not, circle N/A: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mental Status: appearance, affect, orientation, mood, thought content, thought process, intellect, insight, judgment, impulse control, memory, concentration, attention, behavior, speech. ___Normal ___Any present Thought Disorders: delusions, paranoia, ideas of reference, obsessions, confusion, flight of ideas. ___Normal ___ Any present Axis I (clinical)____________________ Axis II __________ Axis III__________Axis IV __________________________________ GAF ____ _____81-90 Absent ____71-80 Transient/Expected _____ 61-70 Mild ____ 51-60 Moderate ____ serious: no friends, unable to keep job, impairment in reality, delusions, danger to self or others. Therapist Signature & Credentials: __________________________________________ Date: _____/______/______ Therapist Printed Name & Credentials: ______________________________________ Date: _____/______/______ -8- Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC 1109 West Peachtree St NW, Ste 700 Atlanta, GA 30309, (770)309-2766 Office Release of Information Consent Client’s Name:___________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________City:_________State:_____________Zip:_________ Phone:______________________________________ DOB:______________________________ I, ____________________________________, authorize ______________________________to: _____________(send) ___________(receive) the following _________ (to) ___________(from) Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________City___________State:___________Zip:__________ A separate authorization, as defined by HIPPA, is required for psychotherapy notes. _____ Academic testing results _____ Behavior programs _____ Progress reports _____ Intelligence testing results _____ Medical reports _____ Personality profile _____ Psychological reports _____ Psychological testing results _____ Service plans _____ Summary reports _____ Vocational testing results _____ Entire record, except progress notes _____ Psychotherapy notes _____ others, specify____________________________ The above information will be used for the following purposes: _____ Planning appropriate treatment or program _____ Continuing appropriate treatment or program _____ Determining eligibility for benefits or program _____ Case review ______Updating files _____ Other (specify) ____________________________________________________________ I understand that this information may be protected by Title 42 (Code of Federal Rules of Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, Parts 160 and 164) and Title 45 (Federal Rules of Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, Chapter 1 and 2), plus applicable state laws. I further understand that the information disclosed to the recipient may not be protected under these guidelines if they are not a health care provider covered by state or federal rules. I understand that this authorization is voluntary, and I may revoke this consent at any time by providing written notice, and after (some states very, usually 1 year) this consent automatically expires. I have been informed what information will be given, its purpose, and who will receive the information. I understand that I have a right to receive a copy of this authorization. I understand that I have a right to refuse to sign this authorization. -9- Your relationship to client: ____Self ___Parent/Legal guardian ____ Legal representation ____ Other (describe)_________________________________ If you are the legal guardian or representative appointed by the court for the client, please attach a copy of this authorization to receive this protected health information. Client’s Signature:____________________________ Date: ___/___/___ Parent/guardians/personal representative (if applicable) Signature:___________________________________ Date: ___/___/___ Witness (if client is unable to sign) Signature:___________________________________ Date: ___/___/___ - 10 - Notice of Privacy Practices Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC THIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW MEDICAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED BY Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC AND HOW YOU CAN GAIN ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW CAREFULLY. This notice is effective April 1, 2003. It is provided to you pursuant to provisions of the Health Insurance Portablility and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPPA”) and related federal regulations. If you have questions about this Notice please contact the Privacy Officer CaRen Ogle, LPC at 770-309-2766. Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC is a Limited Liability Company in the state of Georgia responsible for providing a variety of professional services which deal with mental health and other confidential information. Both federal and state laws establish strict requirements for most programs regarding the disclosure of confidential information, and Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC must comply with those laws. For situations where more stringent disclosure requirements do not apply, this Notice of Privacy Practices describes how Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC may use and disclose any Protected Health Information (PHI) for treatment, payment, health care operations and for certain other purposes. This notice relates only to health information. It describes your rights to access and control any PHI, and provides information about your right to make a complaint if you believe Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC has improperly used or disclosed any “PHI”. Protected health information is information that may personally identify you or the child(ren) and relates to any past, present or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services. Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC is required to abide by the terms of this Notice of Privacy Practices, and may change the terms of this notice, at any time. A new notice will be effective for all PHI that Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC maintains at the time of issuance. Upon receipt, Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC will provide you with a revised Notice of Privacy Practices by posting copies at its’ facilities, publication on Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC’s website, in response to a telephone or facsimile request to the Privacy Officer, or in person at any facility where you receive services from Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC. 1. USES AND DISCLOSURES OF PROTECTED HELATH INFORMATION Any PHI may be used and disclosed by Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC its’ employees, contractors, agents and attorneys for the purpose of providing mental health services to you. Protected health information is routinely needed in order to ensure proper mental health treatment. Treatment: Any PHI may be used to provide, coordinate, or manage your or your child’s mental health services, including coordination with a third party that has your permission to have access to any PHI, such as other health care professional who may be treating you or your child(ren), a health care specialist or laboratory. Payment: Your PHI or that of the child(ren) may be used to obtain payment for you or your child(ren)’s health care services. Health Care Operations: Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC may use or disclose any PHI to support the business activities of Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC including, but not limited to, quality assessment activities, employee review activities, training, licensing, and other business activities. Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC may use a sign-in sheet at the registration desk at any facility or office where services are provided, You may be asked to provide your name and other necessary information, and you may be called by name in the waiting room when a staff member is ready to see you, and any PHI may be used to contact you about appointments and/or for other operational reasons. Any PHI may be shared with third party “business associates” who perform various activities that assist us in the provision of you or your child(ren)’s mental health services. Other uses and disclosures of any PHI will be made only with your authorization, which you may revoke in writing at any time, exception as permitted or required by law as described above. Other Permitted or Required Uses and Disclosures With Your Authorization or Opportunity to Object The Department may use and/or disclose any PHI to a court of law, to a family member, relative or any other persons you identify on the Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC Authorization Form. You have the opportunity to agree or object to the use and/or disclosure of all or part of any PHI. Permitted or Required Uses and Disclosures Without your Authorization or Opportunity to Object Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC may use or disclose any PHI without your authorization when required to do so by law; for public health purposes, to a person who may be at risk of contracting a communicable disease, to a health oversight agency, to an authority authorized to receive reports of abuse or neglect, in certain legal proceedings, and for certain law enforcement purposes. Protected health information may also be disclosed without your authorization to a coroner, - 11 - medical examiner or funeral director, for certain approved research purposes, to prevent or lessen a threat to health or safety, and to law enforcement authorities for identification or apprehension of an individual. Required Uses and Disclosures: Under the law, Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC must make disclosures to you, when required by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services and to investigate or determine the Department’s compliance with the requirements of the Privacy Rule at 45 CFR Sections 164.500 et.seq. 2. YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE FEDERAL PRIVACY RULE The following is a statement of your rights with respect to any PHI and a brief description of how you may exercise these rights: a. You have the right to inspect and copy your protected health information. Upon written request, you may inspect and obtain a copy of any PHI for as long as the Department maintains the PHI. A reasonable, cost-based fee for copying, postage and labor expense may apply. Under federal law you may not inspect or copy information compiled in anticipation of, or for use in a civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding, or PHI that is subject to a federal or state law prohibiting access to such information. b. You have the right to request restriction of your protected health information. You may ask in writing that Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC not use or disclose any part of any PHI for the purposes of treatment, payment or healthcare operations, and not to disclose PHI to family members or friends who may be involved in your care. Such a request must state the specific restriction requested and to whom you want the restriction to apply. Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC is not required to agree to a restriction you request, and if Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC believes it is in your best interest to permit use and disclosure of any PHI, the PHI will not be restricted, except as required by law. If Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC does agree to the requested restriction, Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC may not use or disclose any PHI in violation of that restriction unless it is needed to provide emergency treatment. c. You have the right to request to receive confidential communication from us by alternative means or at an alternative location. Upon written request, Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC will accommodate reasonable requests for alternative means for the communication of confidential information, but may condition this accommodation upon your provision of an alternative address or other method of contact. Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC will not request an explanation from you as to the basis for the request. d. You may have the right to request amendment of any protected health information. If Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC created any PHI, you may request in writing an amendment of that information for as long as it is maintained by Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC. Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC may deny your request for an amendment, and if it does so will provide information as to any further rights you may have with respect to such denial. e. You have the right to receive an accounting of certain disclosures Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC has made of any protected health information. This right applies only to disclosures for purposes other than treatment, payment or healthcare operations, excluding any disclosures Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC made to you, to family members or friends involved in your care, or for national security, intelligence or notification purposes. Upon written request, you have the right to receive legally specified information regarding disclosures occurring after April 1, 2011, subject to certain exceptions, restrictions, and limitations. f. You have the right to obtain a paper copy of this notice from Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC. 3. COMPLAINTS RELATED TO USE OR DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION OR RIGHTS You may complain to Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC and to the Secretary of Health and Human Services if you believe your health information privacy rights have been violated. You may file a complaint, in writing, with Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC which maintains any PHI. You must state the basis for your complaint. Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint. You may contact the Privacy Officer at 770-309-2766, or by mail to Attn: Privacy Officer, Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC PO Box 663, Lithonia GA 30058 for further information about the complaint process, this notice, or your rights set forth above. Please sign a copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices for Revealing Moments Counseling & Consultants, LLC’s records. Client Signature: _______________________________________________ - 12 - Date: _______________________