Parent Handbook 2013-2014 Springdale School 1127 Hope Street Stamford, CT 06907 Phone: 203-977-4575 Fax: 203-977-4058 1 Table of Contents Message from the Principal Message from the PTO Stamford Public Schools Mission Statement Springdale School Vision Statement Stamford Public Schools Calendar 2013-2014 Springdale PTO Calendar 2013-2014 Springdale Staff Roster 2013-2014 PTO Board 2013-2014 School Day Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Car Riders Walkers Bus Riders Parking Buses Bus Behavior Bus Schedules Dismissal Procedures for Car Riders and Walkers Attendance Absences Late Arrivals Early/Special Dismissal Delayed Openings Emergency Closings Stamford Public Schools Closing and Delay Web Address Television Parent Link Remaining After School Cafeteria/Food Services Lunch and Breakfast Classroom Procedures and Grading Homework Standardized Testing Grouping Promotion and Retention Parent Conferences Springdale Parental Involvement & Family Engagement Policy Family School Compact Title I Parent- School Compact Internet Use Recess School Behavior 2 4 5 6 6 7 8 9-11 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19-20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24-25 26 26-27 27 28-29 Field Trips Specialist Programs Art Music Physical Education Library/Media Center Office Support Office Hours Telephone Messages Fax Visitors Access/Security Support Services Health Services Child Services and Special Needs Springdale Jaguars After School Programs ROSCCO Lost and Found 29 29-30 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32-33 33 33 33 3 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL August, 2013 Dear Springdale Families: Welcome to the 2013-2014 school year! The start of a new school year is always an exciting time with renewed energy for students and staff alike. This year is no exception. We are looking forward to meeting our new Kindergarten families at Orientation and to welcoming back our returning Springdale students and families on August 26th. I hope the summer break has provided many opportunities for new experiences and growth! We are also happy to welcome new staff members who join us with the expertise and drive to provide your children with an excellent educational experience here at Springdale. This year we have added three new homerooms, increased our Music staff to two full-time teachers and have added an additional day of Instrumental Music. You will see new faces in the Media Center, in Art and in our Special Education staff. The physical plant has also seen some changes over the summer. We are thrilled to have new carpeting in the Media Center, a beautiful new gym floor and air-conditioning in the auditorium. New carpeting in the auditorium will follow after the AC work is complete. All these improvements add a fresh energy to the building and a renewed sense of purpose to provide that nurturing environment included in our mission statement. Instructionally, we are poised to build on our commitment to academic excellence and increased family engagement in order to give your children the foundational skills necessary to be successful in this ever-changing world. As we begin Year 2 in the transition to the Common Core State Standards, the staff will continue to receive both district and school-based professional development in these standards and to apply this learning in their teaching. Knowing that the 2014-15 assessments will be online, we plan to support the need to develop keyboarding skills with time in school for this purpose. We will keep you informed of new developments around curriculum and assessment throughout the year. I hope this summer has been a restful and relaxing time for you and your children. We are ready for an exciting new school year at Springdale. Until then, enjoy these last days of summer! Sincerely, Anne Downey 4 Principal MESSAGE FROM THE PTO August 2013 Dear Springdale Families: We would like to take this opportunity to welcome each of you and your families to Springdale Elementary School. Come September you will automatically become a member of the Springdale School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). In fact, all parents or guardians of children attending Springdale School, as well as each member of the professional staff, are members of the PTO and are encouraged to participate in its activities. The active members of the committee consist of both parents and teachers who volunteer their time to enhance the educational experience of every child in our school. We are an independent organization and we do not belong to any state or national affiliation, or support any political platforms. Because we are a PTO we keep all of the funds that we raise for our school rather than sending money for state and/or national dues or fees. The PTO's mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents and staff of Springdale Elementary School. Our dedication is to enhance and maximize the education of every child while aiding them in achieving their highest potential. To meet this extremely important goal the organization actively fundraises through various ongoing and event specific programs and activities. These funds enable us to offer many varied programs and projects, all for the betterment of the students' education. But as you can imagine, to meet all of the goals that we have, we need ACTIVE participation. Did you know there have been hundreds of independent research studies about parent involvement in schools? The results are startling. When parents are involved in their children’s education, grades go up, test scores go up, and children have fewer discipline problems and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol. Volunteering doesn’t mean a huge time commitment. Any assistance you can give is valued! With your continued support, we will be able to provide programs and services that enrich our children’s educational experience at Springdale. Springdale PTO is a wonderful way to become involved in your child’s education, to get to know the administrators and the teachers, and to make some good friends. Our meetings will be held every month this year and will include childcare for children over 3. The 1st meeting of the year is scheduled for September 13, 2013 at 6:30 pm in our Media Center followed by a Back to School Ice Cream Social. Also of important note...we will be holding our second annual Springdale Sprint this year. Our last one raised nearly $8,000 for our school - 100% of the proceeds go directly to our school! Please reference the PTO Calendar for 2013-2014 for more important dates. Please check out our website ( and sign up for our email blast to find out what is happening in our Springdale School community. Like us on Facebook! We look forward to seeing you at our first meeting and Back to School Ice Cream Social (September 13th) and would love to have you as a volunteer - there is something for everyone! Sincerely, Ashlee Nestor & Christine Weber PTO Presidents 5 Ashlee Nestor Christine Weber STAMFORD PUBLIC SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENT The Stamford Public Schools prepares each and every child for higher education and success in the 21 st century. SPRINGDALE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT 6 Springdale School’s mission is to prepare each child for the future in a diverse and challenging world. Students are encouraged to think critically, communicate effectively, and develop skills needed to become independent and inquisitive life-long learners. The administration, staff, parents, and Springdale community will work collaboratively to ensure a nurturing environment. 7 SPRINGDALE PTO CALENDAR (subject to change) August 6 8 26 28 30 Kindergarten Play date 5 pm Kindergarten Play date (rain date) 5 pm First Day of School/Kindergarten Orientation 9AM Fall Fundraiser Kick Off Back-to-School School Store September 2 5-6 11 13 20 23 9/26-10/4 No School Labor Day No School Rosh Hashanah Room Parent Tea 9 am PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Ice Cream Social Fall Fundraiser Orders Due Springdale Sprint Kick Off Book Fair October 9/26-10/4 3 8 11 14 15 17 19 31 November 5 6 7 11 20 25 27 28-29 December 5 6 7 11 January 1/1 10 15 20 23 24 27 No School-Holiday Recess PTO Meeting 6:30 Family Zumba Night Book Swap No School-MLK Jr. Day Talent Show Day Talent Show Evening Spring Fundraiser Kick Off February 6 14 17-24 PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Spring Fundraiser Orders Due No School-Winter Recess March 3-14 6 14 19 Book Fair PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Open School Night Springdale Sprint Money Due Springdale Sprint No School-Columbus Day Springdale Sprint Rain Date Picture Day Grounds Clean Up Storybook Character Costume Parade 2PM 20 21 22 Election Day- Delayed Opening 11AM Scrip Gift Card Sale Starts PTO Meeting 6:30 pm No School-Veterans Day Scrip Gift Card Sale Ends Fall Fundraiser & Scrip Gift Card Delivery Early Release/Movie Day No School-Thanksgiving holiday PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Holiday School Store Barnes and Noble Shopping Event California Pizza Kitchen Early Release/Report Card Conferences Movie Day 8 CMTs PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Bingo 6:30 pm Early Release/Report Card Conferences Movie Day Early Release/Report Card Conferences Early Release/Report Card Conferences Grounds Clean Up April 3 14-21 4/25-5/2 PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Stepping Up Night No School-Spring Recess Book Fair May 4/25-5/2 1 2 5-9 26 Book Fair PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Art Show/Book Fair Mother's Day School Store Teacher Appreciation Week No School-Memorial Day June 5 11 18 19 20 PTO Meeting 6:30 pm Volunteer Tea Early Release/Moving Up Day Early Release Early Release/Tentative Last Day 12 13 12/23-1/1 Early Release/Report Card Conferences Early Release/Report Card Conferences No School-Holiday Recess SPRINGDALE STAFF ROSTER Anne Downey, Principal Laura Lynam, Assistant Principal Linda Joseph Virginia Yost Cruz Elena Jacobson Darlene Coppola Janet Racanello Laura Cruz Patricia Healy Sarah Whiteley Vacancy Angela Davis Carol Brusky Margarita Martinez, Bil-K Mary Ann MacIsaac Pat Taylor Stefanie Tamborino Robin Buckley Erin Gray Alice Hallowell Anne Dunne Bertha Yanez, Bil-1 Cami Murace Jill Matturro Maureen Durand Carol Hoegemann Caroline Sarlo Jen Murphy Katie Ignatiadis Linda Karpowich Renee Maheu Brianne Gale Administration Office Team Kindergarten Instructional Para-educators First Grade Second Grade Third Grade 9 Ellynne Plotnick Helena Kordowska Melissa Leventhal Susan Williams Fourth Grade David Lyons Jim Sapia Kim Cassette Michele Davis Tracey Winn Fifth Grade Adrian Arango Linda Latosh Sandra DeFilippis Susan DeBrisco Literacy/Math Support Linda Ball, ESL Robin Baker, ESL Susan Garvey, ESL Laura Baker, Instructional Support Teacher (3-5) Marci Marcus, Instructional Support Teacher (K-2) Mary Robertino, Reading Teacher Susan Manashel, Title One Reading Support Staff Ashley McLeod, Resource Lee-Ann Girardi, Resource Sarah Porco, Resource Susan Shisslak, Resource Rita Meglio, Speech Pathologist Amy Albero, Social Worker Catherine Napoletano, School Psychologist Carole Champagne, OT Therapist Kellie Jones, PT Therapist Special Education Para-educators Alison Curcio Helen Fuda Kattina Spell Lori Williams Marina Saenz Scilissa Kinder Susan Schechtman Susan Sweeny Telron Spell Specialists Jaime Janda, PE Jeff Gruetzner, PE Jeanette Alicea, Art Susan Ramsey, Art Sandy Errico, Music Brendan Michalko, Music Ralph Salamone, Instrumental Music 10 Media - Vacancy Fran Santora, Media Para-educator Loraine Richards, Nurse Dawn Smith, Manager Assunta Gabriele Timothy Smith, Head Custodian Thomas Troy, Lead-Nights Ron Cherry, Days Manuel Gil, Nights Todd Beck, Nights Cafeteria Custodial Staff 11 2013-2014 PTO Board Springdale Elementary School Co-Presidents Ashlee Nestor Christine Weber Vice Presidents Agnes Chrzanowski Melanie Patchett Co-Treasurers Stacey Karipides Michelle Khessibi Recording Secretary Tennille Smith Corresponding Secretary Lisa Vetti PT Council Representative Tina Rella 12 SCHOOL DAY School Hours Kindergarten - Grade Five 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Doors will open at 8:45 each morning and academic classes begin at 9:00 AM sharp. Walkers and drivers, please plan to arrive between 8:45 AM and 9:00 AM. Early Release Days 9:00 AM - 1:20 PM Please refer to the Stamford Public Schools’ Calendar for scheduled Early Release dates. ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL PROCEDURES In order to provide a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal for our students the following procedures have been developed: Car Riders The drop-off area in the morning is at the rear of the building only past the Gym at the area leading to the triple doors. The number of students who are car riders has significantly taxed our parking capacity. To alleviate this problem we offer Curb-side Drop-off Service. Please do not get out of your car in this area. Staff members are on hand to assist your child with getting out of the car and getting into the building safely. To expedite the drop off process, please have your child seated at the side of the car closest to the building. In the afternoon, students will be seated in the Gym and upon your arrival will be escorted to the gymnasium door and directly to your car. All car riders will be dismissed through the Gym using this curbside service. 13 Walkers Walkers should enter and leave the building from either the front entrance on Hope Street or the Primary Wing door. Please refer to the map included in the Handbook. Parents should advise the classroom teacher as to which door will be used for dismissal. Bus Riders All buses drop off and pick up students in the front of the building at the Hope Street entrance. No other vehicles are permitted in this area. Car riders should not be dropped off or picked up in this area. Parking During the school day, parking facilities are limited but available for visitors in the rear visitors, parking areas. Cars should be parked in legitimate parking spaces away from the building, curb areas and driveways to allow for smooth, safe and orderly arrivals and dismissals and to provide access for Fire and Police services. At no time is parking allowed in the Fire Zones, Bus Pickup/Drop off area in the front of the building or in the circle outside the Primary Wing. These areas need to be clear at all times for emergency service access. Buses Bus transportation is provided for any student living more than one (1) mile from school. Students are assigned to buses by the Transportation Department (203) 977- 4248. Students must ride on their assigned buses. District policy states that permission may not be granted for unassigned students to ride buses or for students to ride any bus other than their assigned bus. Please call Ms. Lynam at (203) 977-4575 to discuss bus assignment change requests. Bus Behavior Kindly review good bus behavior and encourage your child to exercise proper manners. Riding the bus is a privilege extended to all qualified students. If a student’s behavior negatively affects the safety and welfare of other youngsters on the bus, he/she may be denied bus privileges. Springdale students are expected to Be Safe, Be Responsible & to Be Respectful on the bus at all times. 14 Bus Schedules The bus schedules are printed in the Stamford Advocate two-three weeks before school opens. Due to possible variations in the bus schedule that may occur during the first few weeks of school, it is advisable to supervise your children at the bus stop. Kindergarten students will not be left at bus stops in the afternoon without an adult present. Any questions concerning bus routes, etc. should be directed to the Transportation Office for the Stamford Public Schools at (203) 977-4248. 15 16 ATTENDANCE Absences A student should present a written excuse signed by a parent, guardian or doctor to his/her classroom teacher explaining the number of days and the reason for the absence. Absences can be called in to the Office (203)977-4575. Office staff will call the homes of all students who are absent without a written excuse or a call from the parent. An absence of three (3) or more consecutive days and five (5) or more tardies necessitates a call home from the teacher and a review by the school social worker. Under CT law, once a student reaches nine (9) absences (excused or unexcused), the 10th absence and any thereafter are considered excused for the following reasons only: Student illness- with documentation Student’s observation of a religious holiday Death in a student’s family or other emergency beyond the family’s control Mandated court appearances- with documentation Lack of transportation normally provided by the district other than the one student attends Extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by a district administrator Disciplinary absence Late Arrival Except in the case of a late bus, any student arriving at school after 9:00 AM is tardy. The student needs to report to the office where his/her attendance will be recorded before going to the classroom. Excessive tardiness will necessitate a review by the school social worker. Early/Special Dismissal A written request from a parent or guardian addressed to the classroom teacher is necessary for a child to be dismissed before the regular dismissal time. These requests should be made only under unusual circumstances. Under no circumstances can a child be dismissed based on a phone call. A child will not be permitted to leave school with an adult other than his/her parent or guardian unless it is indicated in the written note that such an arrangement has been made by the parent or guardian and the individual has identification. Any student who is picked up during the day must be dismissed from the office. The parent or guardian should report to the office upon entering the building. The child will be notified by the office and sent by his/her teacher to the office for dismissal. No child may be dismissed directly from the classroom. If a parent plans to pick up a student who regularly rides a bus, a written note should be sent to the office that morning. Under no circumstances will students be allowed to wait in the office after 3:30 PM. If no one arrives before this time, the student will be placed on his/her regular bus. 17 Delayed Openings When it is necessary to close or delay the opening of schools due to inclement weather, a ParentLink call (see below) will be made to all students’ homes. The announcement will also be made over radio and television stations usually starting at 6:00 AM and information will be posted on the Stamford Public schools website. The decision to close or delay the opening of school can be made only by the Superintendent of Schools. It is based upon concern for the health and safety of the children and is coordinated with information received from the Police Department, the City of Stamford Facilities Department, the Bus Company, the Transportation Office and weather forecasts. There are times when reports indicate that weather will be clear and traffic conditions will improve in a short period of time. Based on these reports the Superintendent of Schools will delay the opening of schools for 2 hours. Students who ride the bus will be picked up 2 hourss later than usual. Parents are urged to monitor news stations during delays because worsening weather conditions could result in changing a delay to a closing. Once a closing is announced, the decision is final and it will not be changed if the weather suddenly improves. The delayed opening time for Springdale School is 11:00 AM. Since staff members are expected to arrive fifteen minutes before official opening, no students should arrive at the school before 10:45 AM. Emergency Closing On rare occasions, students will be dismissed early due to deteriorating weather conditions. A ParentLink call will go out and announcements will be made over area news stations and on the SPS website. Please have a plan in place for this occurrence so that children are safe and supervised once they arrive at the bus stop and home. School personnel are not able to call each family during an emergency closing. We ask you to monitor worsening weather conditions, listen to the news reports and make appropriate child care arrangements. Stamford Public Schools Closing and Delay Web Address: Television: Cablevision Channel 12 Parent Link: This is a call-out emergency communications system that notifies families of school cancellations, delays, evacuations, and other emergencies. This “call-out” system is able to contact all families in the district in less than 30 minutes. For school cancellations and delays, the system will start calling all families at 5:45 a.m. and should complete all calls by 6:15 a.m. For emergencies that occur during the school day and that require school to dismiss early, you will be called immediately. If you do not 18 receive a call, please contact the Main Office so that we can confirm contact numbers and check out any problems. It is essential that you inform the Main Office if your contact information changes so that we can reach you in an emergency. Remaining After School According to the Stamford Board of Education regulation 5114R, no student may be retained after school without the knowledge of his/her parent or guardian. Whenever possible, parents or guardians must be given twenty-four-hour notice and arrangements must be made for the student’s safe return home. If arrangements have been made for a student to stay after school, a signed note stating this and the arrangements for dismissal will be sent home and to the classroom teacher. CAFETERIA/FOOD SERVICES Lunch and Breakfast The breakfast and lunch items are provided by Chartwells Food Service under a contract with the Stamford Board of Education. Monthly menus are available online on the Stamford Public Schools website. All students may purchase breakfast in the school cafeteria/gym every morning between the hour of 8:45 AM and 9:00 AM. The cost for breakfast is $1.50. Reduced price for breakfast is $.30. Students eat lunch in the school cafeteria/ gymnasium during one of three scheduled lunch shifts. Schedules are issued to classroom teachers at the beginning of the school year. All students are assigned to specific tables by class. Students may purchase lunch during their regularly scheduled shift for $2.85. Reduced lunch is $.40. Milk is available for $.50. Students are issued a pin number for their own personal account. You may choose to send in a check or deposit money in your child’s account by credit card. The amount will be stored in the computer in your child’s account and deducted as meals are purchased. We ask that you do not send in cash for this purpose. Supervision for both the breakfast and lunch programs is provided by administrators, teachers and educational assistants. Cafeteria rules and expectations are discussed with the students at the beginning of the school year. Schedules and seating charts are available in the Main Office. 19 Our cafeteria manager is Mrs. Dawn Smith at (203) 977-4807. All food preparation and service follows the regulations of the Stamford Board of Health. Any questions concerning the operation of this program, food selection, preparation, etc. should be directed to the Director of Food Services, at (203) 977- 4230. 20 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND GRADING GRADING POLICY The purpose of grades is to assess student progress and achievement within the grade level expectations and to motivate and encourage students to persevere. Grades are determined by the classroom teacher and are based on multiple criteria within the guidelines of the policies and procedures of the Board of Education. The specific grading criteria which will be used: GRADING CRITERIA FOR READING & WRITING AND MATH SECTIONS OF THE REPORT CARD GRADES K-5 4-Advanced: Substantially exceeds the standard. The student exceeds grade level expectations and independently applies key concepts, processes, and skills. The student’s work is comparable to rubrics and anchor papers that are labeled Advanced (4). 3-Proficient: Consistently meets the standard. The student consistently grasps and applies key concepts, processes, and skills for the grade level. The student’s work is comparable to rubrics and anchor papers that are labeled Proficient (3). 2 – Partially Proficient: Beginning to meet the standard. The student demonstrates partial mastery of the standards for the grade level. The student is making progress in grasping and applying key concepts, processes, and skills for the grade level. The student’s work is comparable to rubrics and anchor papers that are labeled Partially Proficient (2). 1-Does Not Meet Standard. The student is not meeting grade level standards. The student’s work is comparable to rubrics and anchor papers that are labeled Does Not Meet Standard (1). GRADING CRITERIA FOR OTHER SECTIONS OF THE REPORT CARD GRADES K-2 Explanation of grading key for all other sections of the report card including art, music, physical education, oral language, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, health, work habits, personal behavior, group behavior, and social/emotional development for Kindergarten. Y – Can use this skill successfully with much independence and consistency (Participation: Yes) MP- Is developing and making progress with this skill (Participation: Most of the time) N – Has not yet mastered this skill (Participation: Rarely) / - Does not apply at this time R – Previously mastered but does not consistently apply skill 21 GRADES 3-5 Explanation of grading key for all other sections of the Report Card (including art, music, physical education, science, social studies and extra-curricular activities: A – Indicates Excellent Progress The student independently applies and consistently demonstrates an understanding of key concepts and skills for the grade level. B – Indicates Very Good Progress The student, with basic support from the teacher, consistently demonstrates an understanding of key concepts and skills for the grade level. C – Indicates Satisfactory Progress The student, with guided support from the teacher, demonstrates consistent progress and understanding of key concepts and skills for the grade level. D – Indicates Need for Improvement The student demonstrates major dependence on and support from the teacher and shows minimal understanding of key concepts and skills for the grade level. F – Indicates Unsatisfactory Progress The student demonstrates major dependence on and support from the teacher and lacks minimal skill development and understanding of key concepts and skills for the grade level. Explanation of grading key for effort, work habits, personal behavior and group behavior: 4 – Excellent 3 – Satisfactory 2 – Needs Improvement 1 – Unsatisfactory Homework Homework is an integral part of student learning and as such is part of the teacher’s instructional responsibilities. It is given as an extension of school activities and as a supplement to the classroom program. Assignments are determined by the teacher with respect to grade, ability, developmental level and need. The Board of Education Policy 6154 endorses that homework assignments should be designed to: Reinforce skills taught in the classroom Increase student knowledge Develop reasoning Promote good study habits Enhance the desire to learn Be completed within a reasonable amount of time. 22 Standardized Testing Springdale School participates in the Stamford Public School Testing Program. This program consists of a collection of assessment measures that are administered over several grade levels to provide information about our students. The information is used to measure students’ strengths and weaknesses, to plan instruction, to promote better instruction and to establish performance standards for all students. The Testing Program for elementary schools consists of: Kindergarten Readiness Test: This test is given to all Kindergarten students three times a year and provides a useful link to assessment, instruction and planning for teachers in implementing the Kindergarten program. Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2): This test is mandated by the Connecticut State Department of Education and is given to all students in grades one through three. The DRA is given three times a year (and in the spring for Kindergarten) and provides a useful link to assessment, instruction and planning. It measures how well students can read the words of a story as well as understand its meaning. The information gained from this assessment provides teachers with information for implementing the Language Arts program. Connecticut Mastery Tests (CMT): These tests are given to all third, fourth, and fifth grade students in March. The tests provide a measure of student progress and achievement in the areas of reading, vocabulary, mathematics, writing and science (5th grade only) as well as meaningful information to support the planning and implementation of the elementary curriculum. Otis-Lennon School Ability (OLSAT) & Naglieri Tests: These tests are given to all fifth grade students in the spring. They evaluate academic aptitude in relation to national norms. Language Assessment Scales (LAS Links): This test is given to all students in the Bilingual and ESL programs. The test provides information on English proficiency and is used to assess the Bilingual and ESL programs. This test is given in February by the ESL staff. All test results are shared with parents. Class Placements All classes, Kindergarten through grade five, are created to be heterogeneous and balanced according to number, gender, race, previous experiences and social-emotional factors as per the policies of the Board of Education. Teachers are expected to use a variety of organizational patterns for instruction that include whole group, flexible group, small group, cooperative arrangements, partners, individual work, and guided reading groups based on need and accomplishment. Small instructional groups are formed to decrease student-teacher ratio, to create a more personal atmosphere or to meet with students sharing a common interest, strength or need. 23 Promotion and Retention The instructional program’s goal is to develop and extend learning as students move from one grade of school to the next. The expectation at each grade level is that students will make progress in their learning given appropriate instruction and support by teachers, administrators and parents. Students not achieving to the level of established academic benchmarks at the end of grades one, two, three, four and five, will not be permitted to move to the next grade without accepting and completing a plan of remediation to the satisfaction of the principal. Such a plan may include, but will not be limited to, (a) before or after school programs, (b) tutorial programs, or (c) attendance in a summer school program. Plans involving a community agency instructional program may be substituted with prior written approval of the building principal. Retention should be an exceptional measure, and must result from the professional judgment of the school principal, teachers, and support personnel, with input from the parent(s) or guardian. The Board of Education expects that there will be few, if any, retentions. In the event that retention is considered, careful monitoring and assessment of each individual case is required. Parents must be notified by April 1st by a principal that retention will benefit the student. Regulation 5135-R adopted: 2/24/98 Amended: 9/8/98 Readopted: 6/27/00 Parent Conferences Conferences may be scheduled with teachers at any time during the school year. Please contact your child’s teacher to schedule an in-school or phone conference. Report card conferences are scheduled and conducted after the issuance of the first two report cards. Early dismissal days have been scheduled for this purpose in December and March. Please refer to the district calendar for specific dates. Please make the necessary arrangements so that students will not remain unsupervised in the building during report card conferences. 24 SPRINGDALE PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT & FAMILY ENGAGEMENT POLICY Here at Springdale we believe that family engagement is essential to provide the best education possible for your children. Therefore, we would like to invite you to become part of the Springdale community. We look forward to your active participation and a successful year. The purpose of the Parental Engagement Policy is to clearly define ways the school can provide information and services to families as well as specific avenues by which families can become involved in the school. Goal 1 Provide parents opportunities to have input in the Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Policy and the Student-Family-School Compact. Strategies: Provide parents with a copy of the Parental Involvement and Family Engagement Policy in the handbook and at Open House. Provide an opportunity for school staff and family members to review and revise the current Student-Family-School Compact. Discuss at open PTO meeting Goal 2 Provide timely information families about students’ progress and school events. Strategies: Provide flyers in English and Spanish about upcoming events and provide a translator at meetings. A monthly calendar will be sent home sharing grade level and school wide information. Teachers will post a monthly grade level newsletter sharing content specific information about curriculum and assessments. PTO will distribute information weekly to all interested parents via eblasts and facebook postings. The school will keep the website updated and post relevant information at Goal 3 Provide opportunities for parent engagement at the school level. Strategies: Provide orientations for all parents interested in volunteering. Host activities at a variety of times and settings. Provide childcare Provide translators 25 FAMILY-SCHOOL COMPACT A Family-School Compact for Student Success is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all students get the individual support they need to reach grade level standards. District Goals The Board of Education of the Stamford Public Schools has established the following four goals: To improve the achievement of all SPS students by improving curriculum, instruction and interventions To increase central office support to schools and accountability of schools for student achievement To inform and engage the Stamford community To improve the efficient management of central offices and schools We ask that you read and review the compact with your child. You and your child and your child’s teacher will be asked to sign a copy that is distributed at school as a pledge that each of us will do all we can to actively enhance the education of our children at Springdale School. As a STUDENT, I will do my personal best to…….. Do my best work at all times Ask for help when I do not understand something Respect other people and myself Help make the school safe by following the rules Take pride in my school and my work Take responsibility for my learning and behavior As a STUDENT, I need…. Teachers and school staff that care about me People who believe I can learn Respect from others A safe school A family and community that support me Time with caring adults 26 As a PARENT/Guardian, I will do my personal best to………….. Send my child to school, rested, in good health well fed and ready to learn Check my child’s homework and make sure it is complete Monitor my child’s TV viewing Set aside time to take my child to outside learning activities Provide an appropriate place for my child to do homework Support school efforts to develop and maintain discipline Demonstrate my own commitment to high standards of learning, behavior and family values Meet with teachers for conferences Talk to my child each day about what happened in school Volunteer at school, whenever possible As a PARENT/Guardian, I need……… Clear and frequent communication with the school Teachers and staff who respect my role as a parent/caring adult Respect for myself, my culture, and my children as individuals Support from caring adults As an EDUCATOR, I will do my personal best to…….. Provide a safe, caring and supportive learning environment Take into account individual strengths in each child Help your child follow the classroom and school rules Provide a high quality learning experience for every child Communicate regularly with your family to support student learning and share your child’s progress Be flexible in meeting with you about your child Set high standards for students’ learning Continue to evaluate my teaching methods and provide for individual students’ needs As an EDUCATOR, I need…. Family members who respect my role as an educator Families who have a commitment to work with the school Clear and open communication with the home Students coming to school ready to learn 27 Title I Parent-School Compact Parents, students and staff involved in Title I programs within the Stamford Public School District agree to share responsibility for improving student academic achievement. In furtherance of this agreement, these parties agree to the following: The Stamford Public Schools shall be responsible for: providing high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students in the Springdale Title I program to meet state academic achievement standards; communicating with parents regarding their child's progress and providing timely information about Title I programs and assessment tools; encouraging ongoing communication between teachers and parents; educating staff about the importance of parental involvement; providing, at minimum, annual parent-teacher conferences during which the school-parent compact will be discussed as it related to the individual child's achievement; providing frequent reports to parents on their child's progress; providing reasonable access to school staff; providing opportunities for parents to volunteer, participate in and observe their child's classroom activities. Teachers participating in Title I programs shall be responsible for: communicating with parents on an ongoing basis; participating in parent-teacher conferences, at least annually, during which the school-parent compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child's achievement; providing frequent reports to parents on their child's progress; providing opportunities for parents to volunteer, participate and observe their child's classroom activities. Parents shall be responsible for supporting their child's learning in the following ways: monitoring their child's attendance; monitoring their child's homework completion and television watching; volunteering in their child's classroom; encouraging positive use of their child's extracurricular time; promoting familiarity and compliance with Board of Education policies regarding school conduct; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to their child's education. 28 Internet Use Internet access is available in the Media Center and classrooms. The Board of Education believes that the Internet and other electronic communications should be used in school only to educate and inform. Parents will be expected to sign and return an acknowledgement of the Acceptable Internet Use Agreement which will remain on file in the media center for the time that the student is enrolled at Springdale. Board Policy (5132/5132R) recognizes the following guidelines for internet use by students: Only for appropriate education-related purposes In supervised settings with written permission of parent or guardian Extension of district policy on student behavior Violations can result in loss of computer privileges, suspension &/or expulsion District “owns” system = Can monitor and review Parent/guardian permission on file in Media Center Offenses include: Sending harassing, threatening, or intimidating messages Seeking/gaining unauthorized access to computer systems Damaging computers, files, systems or networks Using another person’s password Trespassing/tampering with folders/files of others Sending messages that break confidentiality requirements Sending copyrighted material over the system Revised March 23, 2000, Adopted June 27, 2000, Amended June 25, 2002 Recess The following are the district guidelines regarding recess: All elementary school students shall have at least 20 minutes a day of supervised recess, preferably outdoors (weather permitting), during which moderate to vigorous physical activity is encouraged. The school will provide space, equipment and an environment that is conducive to safe and enjoyable activity. School shall ensure that students with special physical and cognitive needs have equal physical activity opportunities, with appropriate assistance and services. Withholding recess or the use of exercise as punishment shall be prohibited and the development of alternate practices for promoting appropriate behavior will be utilized. Recess shall not be withheld as a consequence of incomplete school assignments. 29 SCHOOL BEHAVIOR The Stamford Board of Education requires the acceptance of responsibilities on the part of the students to respect, accept and obey rules and standards of behavior in our schools. It is our responsibility as educators and parents to teach respect for authority and good behavior. In our continuing efforts to enhance the positive, safe and orderly environment for all our students, in 201112 Springdale introduced the school-wide “Spring into Character” program which is a systematic plan of classroom and school behavior expectations, consequences and rewards that identifies the behaviors we will need in order to have an orderly school. The approach is an instructional one that integrates the explicit teaching of expected behaviors in every area of school life. Spring into Character focuses on four school rules: Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Work Hard These rules are taught and reinforced throughout the year in classrooms, in the cafeteria, and through presentations by support staff. Students who engage in conduct that endangers persons or property, seriously disrupt the educational process or violate the Student Behavior Policy #5131-R of the Board of Education are subject to disciplinary action. In such instances, teachers are asked to complete a district Behavior Incident form and the student is sent to an administrator for further action. Parents will receive a copy of the form for their acknowledgement and signature. Prohibited Items: Please help us to monitor the types of games and trinkets that children bring to school. Items that do not directly relate to the child’s educational needs (e.g. Game Boys, ipods, MP3 players, etc.) should be left at home. Cell Phones: It is understood and accepted that parents may want their children to carry cell phones for safety reasons. However, cell phones must be turned off and stored in a backpack while the student is on school grounds. Any violation of this rule may result in the phone being confiscated. If so, the phone must be picked up in person from the principal. Bullying: 30 “Bullying behavior by any student in the Stamford Public Schools is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. Bullying means any overt acts by a student or a group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate the other student while on school grounds or a school-sponsored activity, which acts are repeated against the same student over time. Students and parents may file verbal or written complaints concerning suspected bullying behavior, and students shall be permitted to anonymously report acts of bullying to teachers and school administrators. Any report of suspected bullying behavior will be promptly reviewed. If acts of bullying are verified, prompt disciplinary action may be taken against the perpetrator, consistent with his/her rights of due process. Board policy and regulation #5005-R set forth this prohibition and the related procedures in detail, and are available to students and their parents/guardians upon request.” FIELD TRIPS Field trips complement the instructional program by using the resources of the community and the region. They are an integral part of the educational offering and are taken at the discretion of the classroom teacher with approval of the principal. As stated in the district policies, field trips must contain educational value and must be consistent with the curriculum, the goals of the school and the age level of the students. The teacher initiating the trip must secure a signed parent consent form at least one day in advance. Any student in attendance on the day of the trip who does not have a signed permission slip will not be able to accompany the class. SPECIALIST PROGRAMS Art Art is a creative and stimulating program designed to help students become aware of the elements of art and principles of design and to develop their aesthetic knowledge of art. The Visual Arts Curriculum consists of six areas: Media, Elements and Principles of Design, Content, Analysis, Interpretation and Evaluator and Connections. Art education provides each student with opportunities and media for creative expression, creative thinking and appreciation. Students are exposed to a variety of materials and techniques so that they might know the language of the Visual Arts and be able to effectively express themselves. Music The Music program at Springdale School encourages creativity and selfexpression. Students are exposed from Kindergarten through grade five to a variety of musical experiences: vocal performance, instrumental performance, reading and notation, listening skills, creating, movement, history and cultures and integrated studies. The lessons involve such activities as singing, dance, clapping and using rhythm instruments in the 31 primary grades to studies of the lives and works of the great composers, specific notation and symbol reading skills in grade five. Students in grades three, four and five participate in grade-level Chorus classes each week. The Chorus classes present their learning at school-wide concerts. The Instrumental Music Program is offered to all fourth and fifth grade students. The instruments that are available are the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone and snare and bass drums. Some instruments are available free of charge for beginners from the school. Parents of second year players are asked to rent or purchase an instrument. Lessons are scheduled once a week for thirty minutes. When a student reaches a degree of proficiency, he/she is placed in the band and may participate in concerts and parades. All instruction is provided by a music teacher. Physical Education The Physical Education program focuses on the development of gross motor skills, fitness, and perceptual motor skills in Kindergarten through grade two. The program structure is based on movement education. In grades three and four there is a continued development of gross motor skills, while specific sport skills and physical fitness are emphasized. In grade five this emphasis continues with the focus on team sports, game strategies, team play and sportsmanship. The evaluation or assessment in grades three through five focuses on the learning domains: cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (activity), and affective (behavior). Students are assessed on their completion of work, demonstration of skills taught, preparedness for class, participation, effort, and behavior. Athletic sneakers or suitable footwear are required to fully participate in Physical Education. Sneakers that are acceptable are those that have laces and/or Velcro fasteners, completely enclosed toe and heal, a sole no greater than an inch thick (high). During inclement weather we suggest the student wears appropriate footwear suited for that weather and brings suitable sneakers in a bag in order to change for PE. For safety reasons, no jewelry should be worn during class time. Students should wear clothing they are able to be active in. If a child needs to wear a dress/skirt we suggest they also wear shorts underneath. Excused non-participation in Physical Education classes must be confirmed in writing from a parent/guardian or medical personnel. Grade Level Field Day celebrations take place at the end of each school year. These events emphasize the skills that have been learned during the school year. These celebrations are a culmination activity for class participation, effort, achievement and good citizenship. Participation in Field Day events is contingent on students’ successful participation in physical education class and students’ successfully following physical education class and school rules. Students and parents will be notified by the Physical Education teachers if there is a possibility that a student may not be able to participate in Field Day. 32 Library/Media Center The Springdale School Media Center offers a range of print and electronic materials available to students and staff. Every class visits the Media Center weekly for a minimum of 40 minutes. During that time students may select and check out an item of interest for a period of one week. Younger students may be assisted in this by the Media Specialist or the para-educator and books will remain in the classroom for the first few months of Kindergarten. Students who do not return their materials on time will not be able to check out additional books until returns are made. If lost, the family will be notified and will be responsible for the item’s replacement cost. OFFICE SUPPORT Office Hours The Springdale School office is open between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Our phone number is (203) 977-4575. Telephone Messages Neither staff members nor students can be called to the telephone during school hours. Exceptions will only be made if there is an emergency. Telephone calls to the school to leave messages for students should be avoided. Fax The fax number for the school is (203) 977-4058. Visitors In order to provide a safe and secure environment for our students, all visitors to Springdale School are required to check in at the Office when they arrive in the building and obtain a visitor’s pass. Parents are encouraged to visit our classrooms but are asked to contact their child’s teacher in advance to schedule the visit. The Springdale School faculty encourages and welcomes frequent communication between the home and the school. 33 Access/Security The Front Entrance, Primary Wing door and Triple doors near the Media Center are open in the mornings at 8:45 AM for students to enter school. During the day, all doors are locked for safety purposes. Should you need to enter the building, please go to the Office Entrance on the side of the building (see Map) and use the touch pad to be buzzed in. This is the only entrance in which to get into the building during the day. SUPPORT SERVICES Health Services The services of a full-time registered nurse are available at most times during the school day. All nurse services are provided by the Stamford Health Department as part of the Public School Health Program (203)-977-5706 under the direction of the Director of Health and Medical Advisor for the City of Stamford. Connecticut State Law requires a physician’s or dentist’s written order and parent or guardian authorization in order for the nurse or in her absence, school personnel, to administer medications. Medications must be in pharmacy prepared containers and labeled with the name of the child, the name of the drug, strength, dosage, frequency, physicians or dentist’s name and date of the original prescription. No student can be given medication without valid authorization. This includes overthe-counter medications. Authorization forms are available from the school nurse. The nurse is also responsible for hearing, vision, scoliosis screening (Grade 5) as well as physical exams, immunizations and student health records. You can contact our school nurse at (203)977-4580. Physical examinations are required by State Law for all students entering Kindergarten, new to the school system and entering the sixth grade level. Each student is expected to have a physician complete a State of Connecticut, Department of Education, Health Assessment Record and return it to the nurse before registering for school. Proof of immunizations as required by State Law is necessary before admission to school is permitted. A dental hygienist is available two days a week. The hygienist examines students’ teeth yearly and sends home a notice of her findings. You can contact our dental hygienist at (203)977-5354. Accident Insurance is an available option to all students. This program is paid for by parents on a yearly basis and covers the student going to and from school or on a twenty-four hour basis. Information about this policy is sent home with the student in September. Child Services and Special Needs The Child Study Team at Springdale is comprised of the SRBI Coach, the School Social Worker and School Psychologist, the Speech Pathologist, the Occupational and Physical Therapists and several Special Education Teachers. Classroom Teachers serve on the team when students are in their classes. The appropriate person to contact for ALL concerns is the child’s teacher. 34 The classroom teachers will, in many cases, be able to answer your questions and address your concerns. If the classroom teacher is unable to assist, he/she will share your concerns with the Child Study Team, particularly the SRBI Coach, whose responsibility is to determine what other professional expertise may be required. In the event that you have family or personal concerns that you would like kept confidential, feel free to contact the School Social Worker or School Psychologist directly. If you are new to the school and your child already has an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) from another school district, please alert the administration. The Planning and Placement Team will be notified and your child’s services will be implemented. Springdale Jaguars After-School Program Springdale School provides a variety of before and/or after programs based on the availability of funding and qualified staff. Students are identified for these programs based on the nature of the offerings. Enrichment program enrollment is based on space and student interest. Tutorial programs enrollment is based on student performance on district tests and the Connecticut Mastery tests. These programs are designed to improve academic performance in the areas of Reading and Mathematics and are taught by Springdale School teachers. Movie Days On selected early release days, the PTO offers an after-school movie to the students for a nominal fee. Reservations must be made in advance and flyers are sent out to announce the film to be shown. Supervision is provided by parent and adult volunteers. Please refer to the PTO calendar for specific dates. ROSCCO ROSCCO is a fee-based before and after-school activity program designed to meet the needs of working parents by providing a safe and stimulating environment for your children. The hours for the morning program are 7:30-9:00 AM. The afternoon program runs from 3:30-5:30 PM. Drop-off and pick-up for the program is in the Gym. Please call the ROSCCO Office for further information at (203) 977-2734. NEON/CTE This after-school program is located at the Lathan Wider Community Center on Woodland Avenue in the South End and encourages Springdale students to attend as part of their 21 st Century grant. The program includes academic classes and support and well as a variety of physical and enrichment activities. Bus transportation is provided directly from school to the LWCC. Please contact Ms. Lisa James at (203) 352-4880 for more information. 35 Lost and Found All students’ articles should be labeled. Lost articles are stored in the seating area outside the nurse’s office. Articles found on the school buses are generally kept on the buses for a few days then returned to the bus company. Call the First Student Bus Company at (203) 977-4840 to claim lost articles. 36