A tool for Decentralized, Participatory & Integrated District Planning TFC Funding Planning currently done in silos (scheme-based) BRGF NREGS Gram Panchayat Own Funds May not match with the local needs (not demand driven) Convergence of funds not happening. Ineffective Utilization of funds Lack of collaboration among planning units – Resulting in duplication and ineffective planning Plans NREGS TFC BRGF Plan Plan Plan Facilitates the Decentralized Planning process in Local Language by Supporting Need Based Planning rather than Scheme-based planning Facilitating convergence of funds from different central and state sponsored schemes to address the needs of the people Facilitating integration of plans prepared by various planning units into a single district plan document Helping in monitoring the execution of the plan Generating various graphs for analysis and decision support Helping in the preparation of Perspective Plans and deriving the annual draft and action plans from perspective plans Rural Local Bodies Urban Local Bodies District / State Level Line Departments DPCs / Planning board Citizens State Government Departments Central Government Departments National Informatics Centre Requirement Section Capturing Information on Wish List, Works(location, proposed cost, proposed duration, asset/beneficiary, output) and Projects Resource Envelope Section Information about Resource Envelope Available with Planning Unit (Perspective Allocation/ Expected Allocation / Actual Allocation) Planning Section Creating Perspective, Annual Draft Plan and Annual Action Plan, Allocating available resources to Prioritized works Technical Appraisal Section Scrutinize Plans submitted by Planning Units and offer comments on cost, duration and methodology Administrative Approval Section Scrutinize Plans for administrative approval DPC Approval Scrutinize Plans cleared by TAC and accord/endorse approval and integrate it with District Annual Plan – DPC Plan Execution Monitoring Record Execution Details of Works Approved in the Action Plan – Planning Unit Report Section Generate various reports that reflect Plan-Unit wise Plans, Scheme Plans, Physical & Financial Progress etc. PlanPlus captures the needs identified through SWOT analysis/Gram Sabha/Ward Sabha or even by individual citizen. These suggestions are forwarded to the planning units The planning units can decide if there is a need to take up the suggested need as a work in any of the Plans National Informatics Centre PlanPlus allows each State to define categories of works Egs. Include Construction of CC Road, Laying of water pipeline etc. Each work category is associated with a specific work focus area such as roads, drinking water etc. Each work category is mapped to specific outputs National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre Planning Process begins with the structuring of unstructured wish-list into structured works by each Planning Unit Work Details include among other parameters the following: Work For - Whether the work is for specific section of the population such as SC, ST, Women etc. Work Focus Area – What is the focus area of the work? The list includes the 29 and 18 functions allocated to Panchayats and urban local bodies under the Constitution. This will help in generating the sectoral plan Estimated Cost Estimated Duration Proposed Output – Asset, Training, Staff Augmentation etc. National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre A project is a logical collection of related works, possibly belonging to different sectors A project may have two or more works It is not mandatory for every work to be included in a project Helps in bringing about sectoral integration and ensures maximum impact of the interventions in different sectors National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre Stakeholder Central Government Departments (CSSs, ACAs etc.) State Government Departments (state government schemes) The software captures details about various Sources of Funding in the form of Centrally Sponsored Schemes/State Government Schemes Details include inter-alia, Scheme Active Period Geographical Coverage Target Group Component Focus Component Funding Pattern (State-wise and year-wise) Permissible/Non Permissible Activities National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre Plan-unit wise resource envelope can be defined for each Source of Funding Resource envelope corresponds to ▪ Allocation under various Central and State Government Schemes (Perspective, Expected and Actual budgetary Allocation) ▪ Plan unit’s own funds through taxation and various services Own Funds BRGF NREGS Central Govt. • NREGS • BRGF • TFC Grants State Govt. Own Funds • SFC • Grants-in-aid • Assigned Revenues • Tax Revenues • Non-tax revenues • Service Delivery TFC Funding Sources State Line Department Parastatal Bodies PSUs Tied Funds • Available through schemes/programmes • Can be used only for purposes for which intended Untied Funds • Own Funds • Untied grants from Central & State Governments such as Central & State Finance Commission Grants, State Budgetary Allocation and schemes of Central & State Governments (eg., BRGF) • Can be used for any purpose • Can be used for gap filling along with tied funds and used alone where no funding is available through any schemes Facilitates preparation of Perspective Plan, Draft Annual Plan and Annual Action Plan • Five Year Plan • Long Term Perspective Perspective Plan Draft Annual Plan • Annual • Based on expected allocation Execution • Annual • Based on budgetary allocation Action Plan Execution status and learnings Physical & Financial Progress Details TFC NRWSP BRGF Street lighting in Gram Panchayat Own Funds TFC NRWSP BRGF Construction of Water Pipeline A plan would consist of one or more works. PlanPlus automatically includes all works which have been created for the Plan Year. In addition, it also includes spill-over, on-going and resumed works from previous years’ plans in the current Plan. Based on the sector of the work and that of the component, the software automatically shows the amount of expected allocation under different components of different schemes. The Planning unit can allocate funds from different schemes/components to different works One work may be funded by more than one Source of Funding, thereby converging the funds from different funding sources If any permissible activity is defined under a component, then the planner will have to indicate the activity of the component under which the work is being undertaken. Works may be included or excluded from the plan as per availability of funds. However, works which are on-going or spill-over cannot be excluded. Works funding can be shared by multiple Planning Units Priority can be set for each work; fund availability is automatically recalculated A Planning unit has to answer defined Process Checklist based on scheme components from funds are proposed to be taken up The software also informs the planner about fund availability under different schemes under different sectors thereby ensuring maximum utilization of funds Gram Panchayat •What are other planning units planning for my GP? District Panchayat •Am I duplicating their efforts? Block Panchayat Others Gram Panchayat Parastatal Bodies Line Departments Urban Local Bodies Can I Collaborate? Can I add value to what others are planning in my GP? Is the other planning unit short of funds? Can I contribute? Am I short of funds? Is any other planning unit willing to contribute? Zilla Parishad Parastatal Bodies Gram Panchayat Block Panchayat Urban Local Bodies Line Department Provision to share the cost of Work among different Planning Units Planning Unit can demand the amount from multiple planning units Planning Unit giving the amount can accept/reject the demand Mandatory to freeze the amount if the request for demand is accepted. National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre Provision to define Plan Unit wise Standing Committees Planning Unit can assign works to the Standing Committee’s Mandatory to assign works to Standing Committee (for both Draft Action Plan and Annual Action Plan) if Standing Committee exist for the Plan Unit. Kerala Kerala Planning Workflow Citizens/ NGOs/ CBOs/ GramSabhas/ Area Sabhas/ Planning Units Suggest Needs/Expectations Planning Unit (ULBs & RLBs) Formulate Projects (Sectoral Integration) Assign Works to Projects Prepare Annual Plan (Estimates,time, location etc) (Prioritization & source of funding) Forward to TAC Technical Approval Committee (BTAC/DTAC/STAC) Evaluate for Technical Scrutiny/ Sanction All works approved? Review Yes DPC Evaluate for Administrative Approval All works approved? Approved Plan National Informatics Centre Yes Review SORs Unstructured wish-list Karnataka Local Body Planning Work Flow GramSabhas/ Ward Sabhas RLB/ULB (Standing Committee) Suggest Needs/Expectations Prioritize Prepare Shelf of works Allocate Funds Line Deptt. Yes Identify More Works Technical Scrutiny (AE/EE/CE) Forward (for technical scrutiny & preparation of cost estimates) Review All works OK? Evaluate work s & prepare cost estimates ZP (General Body) DPC Evaluate for Administrative & Financial Approval Accord Final Approval Approved Draft Plan Review All works approved? Rural Local Body WorkFlow – Madhya Pradesh GramSabhas/ Ward Sabhas RLB (Standing Committee / General Administrative Committee) Suggest Needs/Expectations Prioritize Prepare Shelf of works Allocate Funds Forward (for technical scrutiny & preparation of cost estimates) Technical Scrutiny Review All works OK? Evaluate work s & prepare cost estimates Forward Own Plan along with lower tier Plan, if any Higher Tier (JP/ZP) Examine Lower Tier Plan Prepare Own Plan Forward all RLB Plans DPC Accord Final Approval Approved Draft Plan Urban Local Body WorkFlow – Madhya Pradesh GramSabhas/ Ward Sabhas ULB (Standing Committee) Suggest Needs/Expectations Prepare Shelf of works Prioritize Allocate Funds Forward (for technical scrutiny & preparation of cost estimates) Technical Scrutiny DPC Review All works OK? Evaluate work s & prepare cost estimates Accord Final Approval Approved Draft Plan Gram Panchayat WorkFlow – Orissa Palli Sabhas Gram Panchayat Suggest Needs/ Expectations Prepare Shelf of works Prioritize Allocate Funds Forward (for technical scrutiny & preparation of cost estimates) JE(Block)/ AE(Block) (Technical Approval) Evaluate work s & prepare cost estimates Sarpanch/Gram Panchayat (Administrative Approval) OK Review Accord Adm. Approval) All works OK? Forward Panchayat Samiti Zilla Parishad DPC Forward GP Plan Forward GP Plan Accord Final Approval Approved Draft Plan Panchayat Samiti WorkFlow – Orissa Citizen Body Panchayat Samiti JE(Block)/ AE(Block) / EE(DRDA)/ SE(PR Dept.) (Technical Approval) BDO/ PS, Chairman/ Collector Suggest Needs/ Expectations Prepare Shelf of works Prioritize Allocate Funds Forward (for technical scrutiny & preparation of cost estimates) Evaluate work s & prepare cost estimates Accord Adm. Approval) OK Review All works OK? Forward Zilla Parishad DPC Forward PS Plan Accord Final Approval Approved Draft Plan Zilla Parishad WorkFlow – Orissa Citizen Body Zilla Parishad Suggest Needs/ Expectations Prepare Shelf of works Prioritize Allocate Funds Forward (for technical scrutiny & preparation of cost estimates) JE/ AE/ EE/ SE(PR Dept.) (Technical Approval) Secretary, ZP/ Exec. Officer, ZP/ CEO, ZP Evaluate work s & prepare cost estimates Accord Adm. Approval) OK Review All works OK? (Administrative Approval) DPC Accord Final Approval Approved Draft Plan Captures the plan unit wise, state-specific work flows as defined by the State Planning Department. The Plan is routed to various stakeholders as per the defined workflow. Different Workflows can be defined for Draft Annual Plan and Annual Action Plan Versions of the workflow are maintained to ensure consistency in legacy plans. Scrutinize Plans submitted by Planning Units and offer comments on cost, duration and methodology Once an optimal Plan has been prepared by a planning unit, it may get forwarded for technical clearance At the time of technical clearance, the Plan may be forwarded to more than one approving entity based on the sector and cost of the work. The Plan is returned back to the Planning Unit if any work requires modification to meet technical (for eg., revision of cost estimates) The Planning Unit must modify as per the clearance requirement and forward it back for clearance If all works are cleared, the Plan is forwarded to the next level as defined in the process flow of the planning unit. At different stages of planning process, administrative approval may be required at different levels. The privilege for administrative approval can be given to a user for one or more planning units Based on the workflow, the plan of the planning unit will be automatically forwarded to the approving authority National Informatics Centre Review and Consolidate the plans of local bodies in view of district priorities Accord clearance for the plans of each planning unit in the district after examining the plans in a holistic manner Generate the District plan - DPC The DPC can generate sectoral views of the Plan (to be reviewed by sectoral committees) and take decisions (scrutinise, review and approve) on each work included in the Plan The DPC can either approve a Plan (if all works are approved) or return the Plan to the planning unit for review/modification The DPC can look at the plan unit wise plan report which provides a detailed analysis of the Plan of the selected planning unit Records Execution of Works Approved in the Plan National Informatics Centre Planning Unit can Record Execution of Works Approved in the Action Plan Frequency of Recording is event-based Expenditure on the Work can be recorded Component Wise Work-wise outputs to be Achieved can recorded Annual Plan of respective Plan Units Integrated District Plan History of the Plan as it goes through the cycle of revisions Status of approval of different works Expected Fund utilization Sectoral Plan Scheme Plan Sectorwise Scheme plan and vice versa Sectorwise BRGF allocation Gap filling by BRGF National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre National Informatics Centre Anatapur, Andhra Pradesh Dhenkanal, Orissa PlanPlus is a highly generic software making it easy to customize it to specific requirements Provides complete local language support in UNICODE Captures the state-specific workflows as defined by the State Planning Department Can be easily extended to facilitate the preparation of state and central government plans. Is web-based but can be installed locally also Based on Open source tools and technologies National Informatics Centre National Workshops No. of trainings – 4 No. of people trained - 172 State Level No. of trainings – 88 No. of people trained - 2534 District Level Trainings No. of trainings – 292 No. of people trained – 7820 Total Trainings No. of trainings – 386 No. of people trained – 10526 88 Workshops No. of Workshops Total No. of People Trained National Level 4 172 State Level 88 2534 District Level 292 7820 Total 386 10526 Training Details available at http://panchayat.gov.in/priprofiler Demo Site for hands-on available at http://panchayat.gov.in/planplus Computer Based Tutorial (CBT) available both online as well as for download from both demo as well as actual site Plan Year No. of District Plans Total No. of Approved Plans No. of BRGF Planning Units adopted Planplus. 2007-2008 37 21344 34612 2008 - 2009 66 35512 53952 2009 - 2010 63 38583 57249 90