History, Oct 1

Clinical Nursing
Major Historical Influences on Nursing Research
Development of professional journals
Educational preparations of nurses
Theory & taxonomy development (began in 1970s)
Funding for conducting research
o Organizational support; ANF, ANA, NLN, Sigma Theta Tau
o Governmental support; NCNR (1985), NINR (1993)
Nineteenth Century
1855-Florence Nightengale (guru of modern nursing & research)
 Collected data from Crimean War; used statistics, graphs to present data
 Based on practice on research findings – healthy environment was associated with physical
& mental well-being.
1872 – First nursing school in US.
Linda Richards (graduated there), devoted to care of women… Brooklyn (look up name of
hospital)… text says
Brigham & Women’s hospital in Philidalphia (stayed in business until 1964)
1893 – Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service established (forerunner to public health nursing)
Twentieth Century 1900 to 1949
1900 AJN (American Journal of Nursing) published. Still in publication today. No longer the
official journal for the ANA. It is not a research journal. Geared towards the practicing
1909 – Two university – based nursing programs
o Columbia Teacher’s College. This was an education degree so nurses could teach
o Univeristy of Minnesota. The college there was in the college of arts & sciences
o The nursing college at Yale was the first “stand alone” college of nursing.
1911 – ANA established (ANA is the voice of nursing)
1912 – NLNE established (national league of nursing education) imp b/c it is the forerunner of the
current national league for nursing (accrediting body)
1923 – Goldmark Report: committee formed by the Rockafeller foundation. Committee studied nursing
(education, faculty, DON, what nurses did) and give a report about it. Came back that there was no
commonality between nurses educated in different places. They recommended that nursing schools go
to university based schools of nursing.
1924 – first doctoral program for nurses (EdD) at Columbia Teachers College. Basically for people to
teach nursing.
1934 – first doctoral program IN nursing at NYU (PhD).
1936 – Sigma Theta Tau funded research. Funded it for $600. During the great depression. Beginning
of funding for nursing research
1948 – Brown Report: Nursing for the future (huge nursing shortage) Ester Lucille Brown studied
nurses… she said there is no standard for nurses. Education systems are very different.
Recommendation is that nursing be moved to college & universities. This time they listened. A nurse
during this time was doing her doctoral research & came up w/ a plan that would turn nurses out in 2
years… they would work under a bachelorette nurse, not in management positions.
1950 – 1969
1952 – First nursing research journal published. Named it “Nursing Research”.
1952 – National league FOR nursing (NLN) was established. You don’t have to be a nurse to join.
1955 – American Nurses Foundation (ANF) established. Research funding part of the ANA
1956 – First pre-doctoral fellowships for nursing research awarded (money for nurses to do the research
for their doctoral degrees)
1956 – USPHS (United States Public Health Service) began awarding grants for research
Who, what, why, ideal characteristics (studied nurses) Nursing programs being moved from
hospitals and to universities.
More scholarly journals published in the 1960s
1967- ANA sponsored research conference
More nursing research journals published
1971 – Standards for nursing practice (first time Nursing Diagnosis term was used)
1973 – NLN required nursing programs to use a theory or conceptual framework… (accredited nursing
programs except doctoral programs) provided organization for the nursing programs.
1973 – Nursing Diagnosis developed
1976 - NLN set criterion for an undergraduate nursing research course in BSN programs.
1980 – 1989
1980 – nursing defined in ANA Social Policy Statement
1986 – National Center for Nursing Research established at NIH – conference in 1988 set first nursing
research priorities
1987 – NIC developed
1990 – Present
1991 – Qualitative Health Research published. This was the first journal geared at qualitative research.
1992 & 1996 – national nursing research priorities updated (NCNR)
1992 – Healthy People 2000 published. First from government… big for nurses as so much of what we
aim for is health promotion.
1993 – National Center for nursing research becomes National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR).
Current and future focus:
EBP – keeping abreast of latest evidence
Discovery of new knowledge – focus on outcomes of patient care. (need to do nursing research)
Things to Keep in Mind
Current state of health care: there is still an acute shortage or nursing. Because people don’t
continue as nurses….
Registered nurses are the largest group of health care workers… we need to join together as a
voice. We tend to splinter… we don’t play on teams as well… thinks we should belong to ANA, even if
we don’t go to a meeting.
Nursing Research: Phases
Service Phase: 1900 to 1946
Hospital based education programs
Uniformed services
Research focus: Time & motion studies by engineers; role and function studies by sociologists
Academic Phase: 1947 to 1959
University based education programs
Research focus: curriculum, teaching methods, role & function of dean & faculty (we were trying
to figure out what to do b/c nursing programs were now at colleges instead of in the hospital
Clinical Phase: 1960 to present
Advanced practice nursing with graduate education in nursing
Standards for clinical practice developed
Nursing diagnosis, interventions, outcomes
Qualitative research
Research focus – clinical studies; clinical based practice; theory
NINR (does not involve studying nurses… )
Health promotion & disease prevention
Quality of life (improving)
Health disparities (decreasing and or eliminating)
Enhancing end of life experience (patient and family)
Test multiple choice 25 questions
Lit review up through today.