Community Planning and Climate Change


Community Planning and

Climate Change

Al Herson, JD, FAICP

Principal, SWCA Environmental


UCLA Land Use Law and Policy

Conference, January 25, 2008

The Planning and

Climate Change Connection

California generates 2% of world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

Transportation and electricity account for over

60% of the state’s GHG emissions

Community planning can play major role in reducing these emissions

Climate change has energized and is sweeping the planning profession

Provides substantial new momentum for smart growth policies


Presentation Outline

Today’s policy framework

Land use and transportation strategies

Planning policy initiatives



Policy Framework


Executive Order S-03-05

Goal: reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050

Creates Climate Action Team to develop

GHG reduction strategies, issue biennial reports to Governor


AB 32

Goal: reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

ARB implementation

October 2007: early actions to be implemented by


January 2008: emissions reporting regulations

January 2009: scoping plan

January 2011: comprehensive regulations adopted

January 2012: comprehensive regulations implemented


AB 32 and Planning

Planning strategies only briefly mentioned in 2006 CAT report

Planning strategies not included in early actions

Planning strategies currently being considered in scoping report process

CEC issued influential land use report in 2007

Environmental groups submitted to ARB strategies including land use, smart growth, transportation, and low impact development

Strategies to be developed by “LUSCAT” (Land Use Subgroup of

Climate Action team)


CEQA and Climate Change

SB 97: by January 2010, Resources Agency must adopt guidelines on analyzing and mitigating climate change impacts.


Legislature intends CEQA documents to address climate change

Legislature did not intend AB 32 to preempt CEQA from addressing climate change


CEQA and Climate Change (cont’d)

In the interim:

CEQA approaches uncertain

CAPCOA and AEP white papers offer optional approaches

Attorney General as CEQA enforcer continues to comment on land use and transportation plan


Center for Biological Diversity commenting and filing CEQA lawsuits, e.g., cities of Banning and



Local Initiatives

Climate change best addressed upfront in regional and local plans, rather than projectspecific mitigation

Many California communities have or are adopting GHG reduction initiatives

Marin County General Plan a model

AG/San Bernardino CEQA lawsuit settlement requires general plan to include GHG emissions reduction strategy


Land Use and

Transportation Strategies


Smart Growth

Generally includes:

Compact urban form

More mixed use development

Higher density housing

Transit/pedestrian oriented development

Open space preservation


Smart Growth


ULI “Growing Cooler” report

Reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) essential part of transportation sector GHG emissions reduction

Smart growth can reduce VMT 20%-40% compared to conventional development

How? Fewer and shorter automobile trips

Smart growth can reduce transportation GHG emissions 7-10% compared to current trends


Green Building

Green building regulations: emphasize energy conservation, water conservation, and alternative energy sources

Aka “low impact development”

LEED standards for buildings used widely

LEED ND (Neighborhood Development) certification program in pilot stage

LEED ND integrates smart growth and green building

Cities such as Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and San Francisco have adopted green building regulations


Other Ingredients in

Local Climate Action Plans

Measures to increase transit use

Reduced GHG emissions from municipal facilities, buildings and fleets

Green purchasing policies

Waste reduction and recycling

Measures to adapt to climate change


Planning Policy Initiatives


Local Government Initiatives

U.S. Mayors Climate Protection


Goal: meet Kyoto Protocol target of reducing GHG emissions to 7% below

1990 levels by 2012

Signed by 710 mayors, over 90 in



Local Government Initiatives (cont’d)

Cool Counties

Commits counties to reduce GHG emissions 80% by 2050

Seven California counties have joined

California Climate Action Network

Local government forum for information sharing and collaboration



Local government membership: over 1000, including 60 in California

Cities for Climate Protection Program: performance based framework for reducing

GHG emissions

Climate Resilient Communities Program: tools to protect communities fro impacts and costs of climate change


Energy Commission Land Use Report

Regional transportation and air quality agencies prepare long-term regional growth plans that reduce GHG emissions to state targets

State adopts growth management strategy built from required regional plans

State planning, infrastructure, and regulation aligned

Add GHG emissions reduction and energy conservation to AB 857 goals


Energy Commission Land Use Report



Other recommendations address technical and financial assistance, changes in tax policies

California Chapter APA Climate

Change Response Policies

Planning: similar to CEC report, but more voluntary and incentive based

CEQA: state should define acceptable methodologies and provide streamlining for small projects and LEED-certified projects


California Chapter APA Climate

Change Response Policies (cont’d)


State should provide projections of climate change impacts

Regional and local plans should include adaptation policies

Climate change impacts include: sea level rise, coastal storms and erosion, flooding, levee stress, wildfire risks, reduced water supplies


SB 375 of 2007 (Steinberg)

Basic elements:

ARB sets regional GHG emissions targets

Regional transportation agencies develop preferred growth scenarios to meet targets

Author’s intent: extensions of regional “blueprint” plans

Caltrans is already funding

Future state-funded transportation projects to be consistent with regional plan

CEQA streamlining incentives if local general plans consistent with preferred growth scenario


SB 375



Complicates established transportation planning/funding

Erodes local land use control

Reduces affordable housing

Creates unfunded state mandates

Regional planning agencies differ in planning capacity and local government relationships




Why Changes in Community Planning

30 are Needed

Changed planning strategies implemented today can make a big difference in GHG emissions

Land use policies can also play key role in adapting to climate change, e.g., coastal and floodplain development

California can serve as role model for other growing states and nations

Why Changes in Community Planning

31 are Needed (cont’d)

Smart growth strategies provide benefits in addition to GHG reduction

E.g., open space preservation, reduced infrastructure costs, reduced fossil fuel dependence, improved public health

The Three Core Strategies

Revamped “blueprint” regional growth and transportation plans to reduce GHG emissions

State infrastructure funding consistent with new regional plans

Financial and regulatory streamlining incentives for local plans and projects consistent with new regional plans


The Three Core Strategies


What’s needed to implement strategies?

State capacity-building, funding, and technical assistance

Public and private sector engagement

Local government support

